3,100 students (mostly blacks) embroiled in North Carolina cheating scandal

Aren't you embarrassed to post this racist shit, day after day? What kind of loser sits and post this kind of crap....day after day, after day? Don't you have a life? Do you need a hug? A therapist?

Hate causes cancer, just so you know. You'd better rush yourself to the hospital.

You're the hater since you hate white people and favor giving blacks special treatment at our colleges. Blacks need to be told - If you can't make the grade, you don't make the team.
The truth is Whites like to go to their football colosseums and watch big negroes in tight pants kill themselves trying to get a fucking piece of pigskins to the end of the field.
This story has been blacked out by the TV media. No surprise since.

1. It makes blacks look bad.

2. TV makes a fortune off college sports.
Why don't we stop keeping score racially and treat everyone as individuals? Harkening back to pre-Civil Rights days does no one but the race hustlers any good. I don't care if most basketball players are black or if most swimmers are white. Why should you?
This is about colleges receiving grants and other subsidies for making race quotas. The very subjective GPA standard has supplanted the more consistent and fair application of SAT scores as a way to accommodate race numbers.
A black kid with an 1100 SAT score and a feel-good 4.0 from Remedial High School will be accepted above a white kid with a 2200 SAT and a very real 3.0 GPA from a competitive high school.
I guarantee this problem is nationwide. Most blacks are incapable of literacy and have no place in college or even HS.

3 100 students embroiled in North Carolina cheating scandal

jan 3 2015
]Raleigh - Embroiled in a staggering academic fraud-related scandal that lasted nearly 20 years and fueled by indifference and lack of oversight, the University of North Carolina (UNC) is reeling from the fallout.

The latest report showed that university leaders, faculty and staff either missed or ignored red flags that could have put a stop to the problem years earlier, WJLA reports. At least 3,100 students — half of them athletes — benefited from fake classes and grades that were artificially inflated in the former African and Afro-American Studies department (AFAM) in Chapel Hill.

The problems outlined in the report were shocking, and it outlined the clear involvement of athletic counselors who pushed athletes into the bogus classes. The classes, which ran from 1993–2011, didn't require any attendance and only required a research paper that received A's and B's with absolutely no regard for quality, and a cursory review frequently performed by a secretary who also signed the chairman's name to grade rolls.
Guess every white should be kicked out of West Point and every other service academy...since whites aren't smart enough to pass their classes without cheating:

The tip of the iceberg was uncovered by a professor (instructor, the armycalls them) in the Department of Electrical Engineering. A series oftake-home problems had been assigned to the more than eight hundred cadetsenrolled in the class. Only one problem was clearly marked with theadmonition that all work on the problem must be done individually. Onecadet marked on his paper that he received help. The instructor thenexamined other papers to see whether the cadet who had helped theconfessing cadet had marked on his paper similarly. He found instead thatthere was a striking similarity between a substantial number of thepapers. After further examination, the Department of ElectricalEngineering forwarded the names of 117 cadets to the honor committee, oneof whose functions is to investigate allegations of honor violations andthen vote on whether the accused violated the honor code.

At least 78 Air Force Academy cadets are accused of cheating on an online calculus test by getting help during the exam from a website, academy officials in Colorado say.
Academy officials said the cadets, mostly freshmen and a few sophomores, used an website math program meant to be used for homework, not the final exam.
"They had such a large number who had such poor scores, they said, 'How can this be?'" The Associated Press quoted Lt. Col. John Bryan, the academy's director of public affairs, as saying.

At least 78 Air Force Academy cadets are accused of cheating on an online calculus test by getting help during the exam from a website, academy officials in Colorado say.
Academy officials said the cadets, mostly freshmen and a few sophomores, used an website math program meant to be used for homework, not the final exam.
"They had such a large number who had such poor scores, they said, 'How can this be?'" The Associated Press quoted Lt. Col. John Bryan, the academy's director of public affairs, as saying.

We should kick all whites out of the U.S. Air Force Academy...right stupidshitter???

At least 78 Air Force Academy cadets are accused of cheating on an online calculus test by getting help during the exam from a website, academy officials in Colorado say.
Academy officials said the cadets, mostly freshmen and a few sophomores, used an website math program meant to be used for homework, not the final exam.
"They had such a large number who had such poor scores, they said, 'How can this be?'" The Associated Press quoted Lt. Col. John Bryan, the academy's director of public affairs, as saying.

We should kick all whites out of the U.S. Air Force Academy...right stupidshitter???

If they cheat of course.

An investigation into one of the largest cheating scandals ever at the United States Naval Academy will implicate about 125 midshipmen, or about 15 percent of this year's graduating class, Navy officials said today.
Some students simply received a computer message urging them to study a particular question on a previous year's test. They may be cleared or receive only reprimands. But in the most serious cases, involving the theft of a full copy of the test, midshipmen could face expulsion and even criminal charges.

Let's kick all the whites out of Annapolis, that can't pass without cheating.
Why do colleges have programs like Afro-American Studies department anyway ? It's just worthless liberal BS for people too dumb to learn anything useful. Schools should teach STEM only. Of course that would mean only whites and asians would go to college but so be it. Dummies shouldn't be in college.

Those classes were created I think to help move atheletes along. I think sadly its the greed of colleges to have winning sports programs at the expense of the students education. I know I have seen innterviews with Black proffesional atheletes who have said the very same thing. I think those kids are capable of learning, but its made easy for them so they dont get cut from the team.

Your comment of "Most blacks are incapable of literacy and have no place in college or even HS" is pure bullshit. Incapable? Absolute nonsense.

You saying the black/white achievement gap doesn't exist??? It's there and it's enormous and you are the only one that denies it.

No, that is not what I am saying. It is not what you said either.

What you said was that most blacks are incapable of literacy. Now, if you would like to post any link that shows that more blacks are incapable of learning to read than are capable of reading, I will bow out. And showing dropout rates or anything else only shows what they CHOSE to do. I know plenty of droputs who are very literate.

You have made the claim that most blacks are incapable of literacy. And I am calling you on your bullshit. Show proof or admit it is bullshit.

An investigation into one of the largest cheating scandals ever at the United States Naval Academy will implicate about 125 midshipmen, or about 15 percent of this year's graduating class, Navy officials said today.
Some students simply received a computer message urging them to study a particular question on a previous year's test. They may be cleared or receive only reprimands. But in the most serious cases, involving the theft of a full copy of the test, midshipmen could face expulsion and even criminal charges.

Let's kick all the whites out of Annapolis, that can't pass without cheating.

Your feeble attempt to change the subject is noted. Last i checked 125 is a lot smaller than 3100. And besides, these annapolis doods are still super smart. You have to be super-qualified to get in there while UNC accepts illiterate blacks.

An investigation into one of the largest cheating scandals ever at the United States Naval Academy will implicate about 125 midshipmen, or about 15 percent of this year's graduating class, Navy officials said today.
Some students simply received a computer message urging them to study a particular question on a previous year's test. They may be cleared or receive only reprimands. But in the most serious cases, involving the theft of a full copy of the test, midshipmen could face expulsion and even criminal charges.

Let's kick all the whites out of Annapolis, that can't pass without cheating.

Your feeble attempt to change the subject is noted. Last i checked 125 is a lot smaller than 3100. And besides, these annapolis doods are still super smart. You have to be super-qualified to get in there while UNC accepts illiterate blacks.

Really your feeble attempt to deflect from white cheaters and deflect from the issue YOU started is quite funny.

I listed the three top military academies of the U.S. all with white cheaters...it's obvious you can't refute the fact I presented so the deflection ruse comes out...sorry that fails just like your thread.

If those white "doods" are so smart...why do they have to resort to cheating???...LOL.

Check mate, go sit down bitch!!!
There`s little doubt that shitspeed and his ilk would just LOVE being black so they too can enjoy that "black privilege".
This I do know. There's not a negro on the planet that wouldn't rather be White.
The fucking White-quilt LIB professors all know negroes have generally 15-20 point lower IQs than Whites.
Yet they 'pretend' that negroes are just as smart as Whites. Really?
Surely you jest! There are likely blacks on the planet that are unaware that whites exist. Couple this with the fact that I know some blacks that are quite proud of being black and your ridiculous statement is shot down.

You're the hater since you hate white people and favor giving blacks special treatment at our colleges. Blacks need to be told - If you can't make the grade, you don't make the team.
That would pretty much be it for college basketball and football.

Sad but true. If we ended black privilege at our colleges, the teams would be all white.
Grambling comes to mind.

Your racism is quite obvious. Just think what you could accomplish if you exerted your efforts toward understanding other races rather than considering yourself superior.

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