3/14/18 Nationwide School Walkout Has Begun

Parents? So you had both?
Lucky you.
I doubt it was anything to do with luck, but then we all know how you lefties despise normal heterosexual two parent families!
Obama's 'Life of Julia' is the wrong vision for America - CNN
At age 31 she "decides to have a child," with no mention of a father or husband. Her son Zachary heads off to a Race to the Top funded public school, while Julia goes on to start her own Web business. She retires at age 67 with Social Security and Medicare supporting her financially and spends her later years volunteering in a community garden.
Julia's happily-ever-after tale is remarkably void of reality. Nowhere in her fictional life is it mentioned that Head Start has done little, if anything, to improve elementary education, that she will likely graduate with $25,000 in student loan debt, that she has a 50% chance of being unemployed or underemployed after college, that Medicare and Social Security are headed toward insolvency, and that her share of the national debt is $50,000 and growing.
Even CNN saw what liberalism was going to the children.. When a child is lucky enough to not be aborted, then they have to deal with liberal victimhood for the rest of their lives...
Students walking out of schools and speaking out because the cowardly President and Congress won’t do anything about the school violence in this country.

As they keep reminding us: “ We’re voting AGAINST the politicians that perpetuate this problem. “

The children are our future.

NATIONAL SCHOOL WALKOUT LIVE: Students rally in solidarity to end gun violence

What do you mean they won't do anything about school violence....they are the ones who actually want to put armed guards and staff in the schools and to fix the background check system so state and federal agencies will actually submit the paperwork on criminals and crazies...

It is people like you who oppose those protections for our kids.....


and there comes Mr. NRA shill all cranky because the kids are making him and his NRA loons losers.

You mean I am telling the truth.....the democrats are the ones with the policies driving gun deaths, not the NRA.....

democrats also fight gun safety education for children in schools...again, because they need dead children to push their gun control laws.
The ones who profit from gun violence are the NRA and gun manufacturers.
Bottom line here, we Americans who understand our rights and why they are important are not giving you an inch because of what some lone wolf crazy teenage shooter does. K? Go after the people who have broken the law and abused their rights and are murderers.
Your post reminded me of liberal hypocrisy at its worst...
There are guns and there are weapons. Besides, are you defending the rights of insane crazies to own assault weapons? Why?

LMAO what's the difference between a gun and weapon? This should be hilariously stupid
It makes a point.
When I was in the service, we use to say:
This is my weapon
This is my gun
This one's for killing
This one's for fun.

Handguns are for fun.
Assault weapons are for killing. That's all they are good for.

Jesus.... 1st off, that is from Full Metal Jacket and the weapon is their rifle, the gun is their cock. You are one full-of-shit MF. And stop lying about being in the service.

I heard the same in basic, which predated the movie by eleven years.
Students walking out of schools and speaking out because the cowardly President and Congress won’t do anything about the school violence in this country.

As they keep reminding us: “ We’re voting AGAINST the politicians that perpetuate this problem. “

The children are our future.

NATIONAL SCHOOL WALKOUT LIVE: Students rally in solidarity to end gun violence

What do you mean they won't do anything about school violence....they are the ones who actually want to put armed guards and staff in the schools and to fix the background check system so state and federal agencies will actually submit the paperwork on criminals and crazies...

It is people like you who oppose those protections for our kids.....


and there comes Mr. NRA shill all cranky because the kids are making him and his NRA loons losers.

You mean I am telling the truth.....the democrats are the ones with the policies driving gun deaths, not the NRA.....

democrats also fight gun safety education for children in schools...again, because they need dead children to push their gun control laws.
The Dems want real gun control. Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.
The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.
You can post as many bullshit posts you want.
but you’re not stopping today and March 24.
Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

The Dems want real gun control.


Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.

Indeed. He's an American.

The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.

To no effect.

You can post as many bullshit posts you want.

Land of the free, home of the brave, yes.

but you’re not stopping today and March 24.

Stopping what?

Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

Students walking out of schools and speaking out because the cowardly President and Congress won’t do anything about the school violence in this country.

As they keep reminding us: “ We’re voting AGAINST the politicians that perpetuate this problem. “

The children are our future.

NATIONAL SCHOOL WALKOUT LIVE: Students rally in solidarity to end gun violence

What do you mean they won't do anything about school violence....they are the ones who actually want to put armed guards and staff in the schools and to fix the background check system so state and federal agencies will actually submit the paperwork on criminals and crazies...

It is people like you who oppose those protections for our kids.....


and there comes Mr. NRA shill all cranky because the kids are making him and his NRA loons losers.

You mean I am telling the truth.....the democrats are the ones with the policies driving gun deaths, not the NRA.....

democrats also fight gun safety education for children in schools...again, because they need dead children to push their gun control laws.
The Dems want real gun control. Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.
The kids notice this thus massive walkout.
You can post as many bullshit posts you want.
but you’re not stopping and March 24.
Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

And what gun control is that, oh genius? Which gun control law do they support that would have stopped the shooting in Florida?

I will wait here without holding my breath, I don't want to die from lack of oxygen....
YOU and your attitude is the problem. America supports STRICTER gun control and getting military style assault weapons off the streets.
Just look at all the empty schools today and the March on Washington on the 24th.
Students walking out of schools and speaking out because the cowardly President and Congress won’t do anything about the school violence in this country.

As they keep reminding us: “ We’re voting AGAINST the politicians that perpetuate this problem. “

The children are our future.

NATIONAL SCHOOL WALKOUT LIVE: Students rally in solidarity to end gun violence

What do you mean they won't do anything about school violence....they are the ones who actually want to put armed guards and staff in the schools and to fix the background check system so state and federal agencies will actually submit the paperwork on criminals and crazies...

It is people like you who oppose those protections for our kids.....


and there comes Mr. NRA shill all cranky because the kids are making him and his NRA loons losers.

You mean I am telling the truth.....the democrats are the ones with the policies driving gun deaths, not the NRA.....

democrats also fight gun safety education for children in schools...again, because they need dead children to push their gun control laws.
The ones who profit from gun violence are the NRA and gun manufacturers.

which is why their "solution" is always to tell people to be scared and buy more guns to protect them from the "bad guys".

when the bad guys are buying the guns.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...
What do you mean they won't do anything about school violence....they are the ones who actually want to put armed guards and staff in the schools and to fix the background check system so state and federal agencies will actually submit the paperwork on criminals and crazies...

It is people like you who oppose those protections for our kids.....


and there comes Mr. NRA shill all cranky because the kids are making him and his NRA loons losers.

You mean I am telling the truth.....the democrats are the ones with the policies driving gun deaths, not the NRA.....

democrats also fight gun safety education for children in schools...again, because they need dead children to push their gun control laws.
The Dems want real gun control. Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.
The kids notice this thus massive walkout.
You can post as many bullshit posts you want.
but you’re not stopping and March 24.
Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

And what gun control is that, oh genius? Which gun control law do they support that would have stopped the shooting in Florida?

I will wait here without holding my breath, I don't want to die from lack of oxygen....
YOU and your attitude is the problem. America supports STRICTER gun control and getting military style assault weapons off the streets.
Just look at all the empty schools today and the March on Washington on the 24th.

Which military assault rifles....?

The AR-15 civilian rifle is not a military weapon, never has been, ever. Semi Auto rifles are not military weapons....not even close....so what are you talking about?
Students walking out of schools and speaking out because the cowardly President and Congress won’t do anything about the school violence in this country.

As they keep reminding us: “ We’re voting AGAINST the politicians that perpetuate this problem. “

The children are our future.

NATIONAL SCHOOL WALKOUT LIVE: Students rally in solidarity to end gun violence

What do you mean they won't do anything about school violence....they are the ones who actually want to put armed guards and staff in the schools and to fix the background check system so state and federal agencies will actually submit the paperwork on criminals and crazies...

It is people like you who oppose those protections for our kids.....


and there comes Mr. NRA shill all cranky because the kids are making him and his NRA loons losers.

You mean I am telling the truth.....the democrats are the ones with the policies driving gun deaths, not the NRA.....

democrats also fight gun safety education for children in schools...again, because they need dead children to push their gun control laws.
The Dems want real gun control. Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.
The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.
You can post as many bullshit posts you want.
but you’re not stopping today and March 24.
Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

The Dems want real gun control.


Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.

Indeed. He's an American.

The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.

To no effect.

You can post as many bullshit posts you want.

Land of the free, home of the brave, yes.

but you’re not stopping today and March 24.

Stopping what?

Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

The NRA has lost many sponsors. Thank The # ENOUGH movement for that.
I see you’re on the wrong side of history again.
Some of these kids will be voting this year.... many more in 2020. You’re fucked and you know it.
Students walking out of schools and speaking out because the cowardly President and Congress won’t do anything about the school violence in this country.

As they keep reminding us: “ We’re voting AGAINST the politicians that perpetuate this problem. “

The children are our future.

NATIONAL SCHOOL WALKOUT LIVE: Students rally in solidarity to end gun violence

What do you mean they won't do anything about school violence....they are the ones who actually want to put armed guards and staff in the schools and to fix the background check system so state and federal agencies will actually submit the paperwork on criminals and crazies...

It is people like you who oppose those protections for our kids.....


and there comes Mr. NRA shill all cranky because the kids are making him and his NRA loons losers.

You mean I am telling the truth.....the democrats are the ones with the policies driving gun deaths, not the NRA.....

democrats also fight gun safety education for children in schools...again, because they need dead children to push their gun control laws.
The ones who profit from gun violence are the NRA and gun manufacturers.

which is why their "solution" is always to tell people to be scared and buy more guns to protect them from the "bad guys".

when the bad guys are buying the guns.

Can you explain this then?

...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...
What do you mean they won't do anything about school violence....they are the ones who actually want to put armed guards and staff in the schools and to fix the background check system so state and federal agencies will actually submit the paperwork on criminals and crazies...

It is people like you who oppose those protections for our kids.....


and there comes Mr. NRA shill all cranky because the kids are making him and his NRA loons losers.

You mean I am telling the truth.....the democrats are the ones with the policies driving gun deaths, not the NRA.....

democrats also fight gun safety education for children in schools...again, because they need dead children to push their gun control laws.
The Dems want real gun control. Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.
The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.
You can post as many bullshit posts you want.
but you’re not stopping today and March 24.
Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

The Dems want real gun control.


Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.

Indeed. He's an American.

The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.

To no effect.

You can post as many bullshit posts you want.

Land of the free, home of the brave, yes.

but you’re not stopping today and March 24.

Stopping what?

Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

The NRA has lost many sponsors. Thank The # ENOUGH movement for that.
I see you’re on the wrong side of history again.
Some of these kids will be voting this year.... many more in 2020. You’re fucked and you know it.

You won't answer the question......which assault rifle are you talking about...the AR-15 civilian rifle is not an assault weapon, it is not a military weapon, never has been, ever.......


You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...

and there comes Mr. NRA shill all cranky because the kids are making him and his NRA loons losers.

You mean I am telling the truth.....the democrats are the ones with the policies driving gun deaths, not the NRA.....

democrats also fight gun safety education for children in schools...again, because they need dead children to push their gun control laws.
The Dems want real gun control. Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.
The kids notice this thus massive walkout.
You can post as many bullshit posts you want.
but you’re not stopping and March 24.
Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

And what gun control is that, oh genius? Which gun control law do they support that would have stopped the shooting in Florida?

I will wait here without holding my breath, I don't want to die from lack of oxygen....
YOU and your attitude is the problem. America supports STRICTER gun control and getting military style assault weapons off the streets.
Just look at all the empty schools today and the March on Washington on the 24th.

Which military assault rifles....?

The AR-15 civilian rifle is not a military weapon, never has been, ever. Semi Auto rifles are not military weapons....not even close....so what are you talking about?
Now this asshole wants to debate types of guns and forget which TYPES of guns are responsible for the school shootings.
View attachment 182541
Why won't they pass a Fix NICs bill?

Because a better more efficient NICs system means a dip in gun sales. Every time some one can't buy a gun through a legal retailer, gun companies lose money.

The democrats are stopping fix nics because they need dead kids.....

Tim Scott: ‘Painful To Watch’ Democrats Block Fix NICS Act | Weasel Zippers

Via Daily Caller:

Sen. Tim Scott told the “Fox & Friends” crew on Monday that it’s “painful” to watch Senate Democrats delay passing legislation, like the “Fix NICS” Act, that will not only make schools safer but could have prevented mass shootings like the one in Charleston, South Carolina.

“It is time for us to act, without any question,” he stated. “We have bipartisan legislation that would ultimately fix the background system.”
The Daily Caller. Ha ha
When it gets too uncomfortable for you head directly to your far far right media.

You’re not stopping these students no matter how much you try to.

There’s an insurrection happening in this country and the bullseyes are the NRA, Trump and the GOP congress.

Oh so funny. You apparently don't understand what an insurrection is, or realize it requires guns.

What do you mean they won't do anything about school violence....they are the ones who actually want to put armed guards and staff in the schools and to fix the background check system so state and federal agencies will actually submit the paperwork on criminals and crazies...

It is people like you who oppose those protections for our kids.....


and there comes Mr. NRA shill all cranky because the kids are making him and his NRA loons losers.

You mean I am telling the truth.....the democrats are the ones with the policies driving gun deaths, not the NRA.....

democrats also fight gun safety education for children in schools...again, because they need dead children to push their gun control laws.
The Dems want real gun control. Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.
The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.
You can post as many bullshit posts you want.
but you’re not stopping today and March 24.
Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

The Dems want real gun control.


Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.

Indeed. He's an American.

The kids notice this thus the massive walkout.

To no effect.

You can post as many bullshit posts you want.

Land of the free, home of the brave, yes.

but you’re not stopping today and March 24.

Stopping what?

Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

The NRA has lost many sponsors. Thank The # ENOUGH movement for that.
I see you’re on the wrong side of history again.
Some of these kids will be voting this year.... many more in 2020. You’re fucked and you know it.

The NRA hasn't lost sponsors...they lost member benefits...while they have gained millions of new members.....same thing for the 2nd Amendment Foundation.....

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...
Glad to say the school my grandson goes to did not participate in the walk out.

Few schools in my area did.

(Snow Day)

Our children's school is using the "walk up" thing instead of walk out. Very well received by parents


As posted by a Facebook friend and parent;

Oh, and stop with the walkUP nonsense. Let’s not put the blame on the kids here, ok? Let’s not make our kids feel as though if they could only be nicer and more inclusive, these things wouldn’t happen.

It’s basically saying “instead of protesting school shootings, lack of gun control, etc by walking out, try being more nice and inclusive to kids”, which can very, very easily be interpreted as “maybe if people were nicer and more inclusive of others these things might not happen”

That is putting the blame on others, that is putting the burden and blame on these kids.

But you still underestimate what most kids know. This is a good cause, it’s a great lesson on their rights, they are making a statement, and we should encourage and be proud of that.

How about, instead of taking the focus off of an event meant to make a statement by coming up with some BS “alternative”, we encourage our kids to be nice EVERY day?

Come on. Let them have this day to make their voices heard, for fucks sake, instead of trying to silence them.

This walkUP thing is an attempt to silence our children’s voices and putting the blame elsewhere.
You mean I am telling the truth.....the democrats are the ones with the policies driving gun deaths, not the NRA.....

democrats also fight gun safety education for children in schools...again, because they need dead children to push their gun control laws.
The Dems want real gun control. Your jackass flip flopping president doesn’t.
The kids notice this thus massive walkout.
You can post as many bullshit posts you want.
but you’re not stopping and March 24.
Big trouble ahead for the enablers of the gun lobby.

And what gun control is that, oh genius? Which gun control law do they support that would have stopped the shooting in Florida?

I will wait here without holding my breath, I don't want to die from lack of oxygen....
YOU and your attitude is the problem. America supports STRICTER gun control and getting military style assault weapons off the streets.
Just look at all the empty schools today and the March on Washington on the 24th.

Which military assault rifles....?

The AR-15 civilian rifle is not a military weapon, never has been, ever. Semi Auto rifles are not military weapons....not even close....so what are you talking about?
Now this asshole wants to debate types of guns and forget which TYPES of guns are responsible for the school shootings.

No.....you don't want to discuss the truth...handguns are used more often than rifles...and any attack with a rifle could also be done with pistols, shotguns or even a rental truck.....

You don't want to talk truth, you want to talk emotion, and hate.

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