3/29/21 on MSNBC Rachel Maddow spread COVID misinformation

Direct quote from the MSNBC transcript……this is what it means TO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH:

“now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person”

We know this is a lie….The PM of Canada….FULLY VAXXED…..has announced that he has COVID…….FOR EXAMPLE.

Has she since been banned from all media? Why not?

The left wants everyone who spreads misinformation to be censored, so why isnt Maddow?

A tale of two truths..
When one says, "THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED", they are LYING.

Was the science settled when MADDOW claimed those who took the shot cannot contract or spread COVID?

No. It was a lie.

She should be removed from all media for spreading COVID misinformation.
Direct quote from the MSNBC transcript……this is what it means TO DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH:

“now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person”

We know this is a lie….The PM of Canada….FULLY VAXXED…..has announced that he has COVID…….FOR EXAMPLE.

Has she since been banned from all media? Why not?

The left wants everyone who spreads misinformation to be censored, so why isnt Maddow?

That is the information that she and most others had at the time. Much has happened as the virus has morphed into what we have today. Misinformation are lies, like those told by trump to deliberately mislead his followers.
That is the information that she and most others had at the time. Much has happened as the virus has morphed into what we have today. Misinformation are lies, like those told by trump to deliberately mislead his followers.

You are lying right now.
Prove that Maddow believed what she was saying. Was she lying ON PURPOSE like FAUCI admitted when he claimed MASKS DO NOT WORK?

Talk to your left wing cuck buddies about "MISINFORMATION".
Did she know at the time it wasn't true? Making a journalistic mistake is forgivable but intentionally misleading is not. She would be sacked for that.

She told a lie on the air. This is COVID misinformation. She spread COVID misinformation, so she should be deplatformed. That is how it works.
You are lying right now.
Prove that Maddow believed what she was saying. Was she lying ON PURPOSE like FAUCI admitted when he claimed MASKS DO NOT WORK?

Talk to your left wing cuck buddies about "MISINFORMATION".
I am lying right now?? How stupid are you right now? You dimwits love to throw the "lying" word around, yes?
Fauci said masks do not work, you guys recall that MISINFORMATION, right?


Fauci claims he lied on National TV.

Was he lying, or lying about lying?
That is the information that she and most others had at the time. Much has happened as the virus has morphed into what we have today. Misinformation are lies, like those told by trump to deliberately mislead his followers.

The vaccine NEVER prevented transmission, of any strain. That was a lie from the very beginning, one your president is still repeating, and it's killing thousands of people.
What a wildly dishonest post from the OP. The article goes into great detail about how vaccines greatly reduce odds of catching and sprading COVID, but don't stop it completely. The OP takes one sentence out of context, and then ignores the rest of the piece.

What do we take from this?

That all antivaxxers lie, constantly and proudly, about every single thing. They have to. They'd be kicked out of their fascist death-cult if they didn't, and to herd animals like antivaxxers, being banished from the herd is like a death sentence.

To put it another way, Satan is the Lord of Lies, and antivaxxers are his servants.

So, if you see an antivaxxer say anything on any topic, experience teaches us to assume what they're saying is a lie, unless independent evidence shows otherwise.

The mRNA injection does slightly help, but NOT as a vaccines.
Vaccines go into T-cell memory in the bone marrow, and usually are life long.
The mRNA injection just temporarily boosts antibody production for less than 6 months, so should not be taken ahead of time.
It should be delayed until you are infected, for maximum effect.
And for a vaccine the FDA should instead approve the Novavax that contains real dead viruses and immunity lasts a life time.
I read the transcript, so I know you're lying. It said over and over that vaccinatiion is not absolute.

What did you hope to accomplish with such a stupid lie? Getting a more luxurious suite in Hell? You have to know by now that you can't gaslight intelligent and well-informed people. Your gaslighting only works on your fellow cult imbeciles. They know it's a lie as well, but the cult orders them to go along with the lie.

REAL vaccination is essentially absolute.
The mRNA injections just are NOT at all real vaccines in any way.
They are as fake as fake can get, even though they do accidentally help reduce symptoms for a little while.
The vaccine NEVER prevented transmission, of any strain. That was a lie from the very beginning, one your president is still repeating, and it's killing thousands of people.

THIS 100%.

The idiot sheep still lie about this.

THE BIG LIE is that the experimental gene therapy shot will stop COVID.

This is about money for BIG PHARMA.
The vaccine NEVER prevented transmission, of any strain. That was a lie from the very beginning, one your president is still repeating, and it's killing thousands of people.

The mRNA injections actually increased transmission because by reducing symptoms, more infected people were unaware they were contagious and they went out more.
The mainstream continually lies and spreads propaganda. Its not worth wasting one second watching it.

The mainstream media—all mainstream media outlets—are organs of the State same as were Nazi run news and film companies of the 1930's and 40's. If one does not agree with our Nazi news outlets, if one does not tow their "official" narrative on COVID, the vaccines or whatever else, then he or she is psychologically unfit to participate in "sane" society. The sooner we realize this truth, the sooner we could get on with reestablishing Free America. Too bad so many everyday Americans' souls and minds have been taken by the State run media. Easier to tow the line than swim upstream, right?
Fauci said masks do not work, you guys recall that MISINFORMATION, right?


Fauci claims he lied on National TV.

Was he lying, or lying about lying?
No, lamb chop. You are lying about lying. Keep reaching, hot shot. Tump is a serial liar, and constantly trying to compare someone else to that grifter is a waste of time.
I read the transcript, so I know you're lying. It said over and over that vaccinatiion is not absolute.

What did you hope to accomplish with such a stupid lie? Getting a more luxurious suite in Hell? You have to know by now that you can't gaslight intelligent and well-informed people. Your gaslighting only works on your fellow cult imbeciles. They know it's a lie as well, but the cult orders them to go along with the lie.
Get an education mamooth

Get an education mamooth
Just stop. You lied, you got busted. The transcript proves that. Over and over, Maddow and guest talked about how the vaccines aren't perfect.

You ignored context and selectively quoted to create a lie.

(Okay, you didn't do that personally. You're too stupid to do it yourself. Your masters fed you a lie, and like a good authoritarian follower, you just repeat whatever you're told.)
Just stop. You lied, you got busted. The transcript proves that. Over and over, Maddow and guest talked about how the vaccines aren't perfect.

You ignored context and selectively quoted to create a lie.

(Okay, you didn't do that personally)
I posted a video of the Madcow dude saying exactly what I claimed, over and over.

You lose again, Moron.
I posted a video of the Madcow dude saying exactly what I claimed, over and over.
A very selectvely edited video. That's called _lying_.

Let's post part of the transcript, which your are so very, very proud of not ever looking at.

We all know already if you get vaccinated, that vaccine will basically prevent you from getting sick with COVID, it will prevent you from going to the hospital with COVID symptoms, prevent you from dying with COVID. Great, good for you.

But there`s a scientific gray area about whether once you`re vaccinated you can still get infected. It may not be an infection that will give you symptoms, it may not be an infection to send you to the hospital, that will kill you, but can you get infected with mild symptoms or no-symptoms even if you have been vaccinated? That`s an important thing to know, right? Because even if vaccinated people themselves aren`t going to get sick from COVID, the prospect that -- by getting vaccinated you might protect yourself, but you could still potentially get infected, not have symptoms, and unknowingly pass it on to other people, and be protecting yourself, you would still be a risk to others, that prospect has been looming. And that uncertainty has made it woollier and harder to think about how really your life is going to change all that much if you`re vaccinated but you`re still potentially a risk to any non-vaccinated person.

Getting ahold of that information about whether you can get infected once you`re vaccinated and potentially pass it to somebody else, that`s really important.

Well, today, the CDC reported new data that shows that under real world conditions, not just in a lab, not just extrapolating from tiny numbers of test subjects but looking at thousands of front line health workers and essential workers who have gotten vaccinated and who have since been doing their jobs and living in a real world, not only are the vaccines for those folks, thousands of them, keeping those people from getting sick from COVID themselves, those vaccines are also highly effective at preventing those people from getting infected, even with non-symptomatic infection. And if you are not infected, you can`t give it to anybody else.

Maddow keeps saying the opposite of what you claimed.

You peddled a big lie. That's not debatable. You clearly did it from ignorance. Your masters fed you crap, and you regurgitated it back at everyone. It's what you do now that shows what you're made of.

Your could renounce your the people who fed you the lie.

Or you can run back to them, drop to your knows, lick their jackboots with gusto, proclaim to the world how wonderful the shoe leather tastes, and then beg them for more lies.

Given your past behavior, everyone knows you'll choose the latter option.

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