3,300+ Cold Records this week in USA

The "scientists" (who depend on federal funding) say we are freezing our asses off in May because it is getting warmer in the Arctic. They don't have time to offer evidence
The evidence is published, nitwit, you're just too brainwashed and retarded to look at it. I just cited some of it in my last post.

This idiotic thread, started by an idiot, was completely debunked in post #13. The clueless comments of all the rightwingnuts in the world won't change that.

Debunked because you said so?
No, moron, because it got debunked by the facts. A quick and somewhat shortened reprise of those facts....

March 2013 Falls Well Short of Last Year's Records
By Anthony Sagliani, Meteorologist
April 03, 2013

.....remember it was only a year ago when record warmth had already snapped the landscape to life. Record temperatures began around the middle of March 2012 and continued for much of the month. According to the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), by the time all was said and done, more than 7,500 record highs were broken across the U.S. March 2012 went down not only as the warmest March on record for many cities and towns throughout the eastern and central part of the country, but also as the warmest March for the entire United States. Over the last 30 days, a persistent chill over many of the same locations for March 2013 has led to more than 2,600 record cold temperatures. To put some of these numbers into better perspective, consider Chicago, Ill. For March 2012, the highest temperature the city had was an astounding 87 degrees. This March, the highest temperature was a meager 59 degrees. The March 2012 temperature average for Chicago was 53.5 degrees, or 15.6 degrees above normal. This year, the average temperature was only 32.6 degrees, or 5.3 degrees below normal. The driving mechanism for this March flip-flop was the jet stream, a thin river of air miles high that directs the path of not only weather systems, but temperatures as well.


Scientists link frozen spring to dramatic Arctic sea ice loss
Melting sea ice, exposing huge parts of the ocean to the atmosphere, explains extreme weather both hot and cold

The Guardian
John Vidal, environment editor
Monday 25 March 2013

"The sea ice is going rapidly. It's 80% less than it was just 30 years ago. There has been a dramatic loss. This is a symptom of global warming and it contributes to enhanced warming of the Arctic," said Jennifer Francis, research professor with the Rutgers Institute of Coastal and Marine Science. According to Francis and a growing body of other researchers, the Arctic ice loss adds heat to the ocean and atmosphere which shifts the position of the jet stream – the high-altitude river of air that steers storm systems and governs most weather in northern hemisphere. "This is what is affecting the jet stream and leading to the extreme weather we are seeing in mid-latitudes," she said. "It allows the cold air from the Arctic to plunge much further south. The pattern can be slow to change because the [southern] wave of the jet stream is getting bigger. It's now at a near record position, so whatever weather you have now is going to stick around," she said.

If you want to buy into the greatest financial scam in recorded history (AGW) that has less than honest scientific backing, that's your choice. It certainly doesn't mean others have to be as gullible as you are.
LOLOLOL. If you want to buy into the stupidest crackpot conspiracy theory in recorded history, that has been spooned into your brain by the fossil fuel industry propagandists without any scientific backing whatsoever, that's your retarded choice. Don't expect all of the intelligent people to be as ignorant and gullible as you quite obviously are.
Makey-uppey science is gay.

The jet stream is not cooperating with the established narrative of the climate k00ks!!!!

That is what makes this climate change science so foolproof. Its fucking brilliant. There is no answer these nutters cant come up with due to the nature of weather.

How dependable/reliable is it?

As dependable/reliable as somebody making a science out of how you poop each day!!! There can always be some kind of plausible explanation.


For the last few years, the climate mental cases included in their bomb throwing efforts, the emergence of climate change tornado disasters in increasingly alarming frequencies.........

Ummmm......but the k00ks have completely stopped talking about tornado's this year!!! Notice that?:2up:

Tornado spike in 2011 attributed to climate change. So what to make of this year?s tornado drought? | SciGuy | a Chron.com blog
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This idiotic thread, started by an idiot, was completely debunked in post #13. The clueless comments of all the rightwingnuts in the world won't change that.

Debunked because you said so?
No, moron, because it got debunked by the facts. A quick and somewhat shortened reprise of those facts....

March 2013 Falls Well Short of Last Year's Records
By Anthony Sagliani, Meteorologist
April 03, 2013

.....remember it was only a year ago when record warmth had already snapped the landscape to life. Record temperatures began around the middle of March 2012 and continued for much of the month. According to the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), by the time all was said and done, more than 7,500 record highs were broken across the U.S. March 2012 went down not only as the warmest March on record for many cities and towns throughout the eastern and central part of the country, but also as the warmest March for the entire United States. Over the last 30 days, a persistent chill over many of the same locations for March 2013 has led to more than 2,600 record cold temperatures. To put some of these numbers into better perspective, consider Chicago, Ill. For March 2012, the highest temperature the city had was an astounding 87 degrees. This March, the highest temperature was a meager 59 degrees. The March 2012 temperature average for Chicago was 53.5 degrees, or 15.6 degrees above normal. This year, the average temperature was only 32.6 degrees, or 5.3 degrees below normal. The driving mechanism for this March flip-flop was the jet stream, a thin river of air miles high that directs the path of not only weather systems, but temperatures as well.


Scientists link frozen spring to dramatic Arctic sea ice loss
Melting sea ice, exposing huge parts of the ocean to the atmosphere, explains extreme weather both hot and cold

The Guardian
John Vidal, environment editor
Monday 25 March 2013

"The sea ice is going rapidly. It's 80% less than it was just 30 years ago. There has been a dramatic loss. This is a symptom of global warming and it contributes to enhanced warming of the Arctic," said Jennifer Francis, research professor with the Rutgers Institute of Coastal and Marine Science. According to Francis and a growing body of other researchers, the Arctic ice loss adds heat to the ocean and atmosphere which shifts the position of the jet stream – the high-altitude river of air that steers storm systems and governs most weather in northern hemisphere. "This is what is affecting the jet stream and leading to the extreme weather we are seeing in mid-latitudes," she said. "It allows the cold air from the Arctic to plunge much further south. The pattern can be slow to change because the [southern] wave of the jet stream is getting bigger. It's now at a near record position, so whatever weather you have now is going to stick around," she said.

If you want to buy into the greatest financial scam in recorded history (AGW) that has less than honest scientific backing, that's your choice. It certainly doesn't mean others have to be as gullible as you are.
LOLOLOL. If you want to buy into the stupidest crackpot conspiracy theory in recorded history, that has been spooned into your brain by the fossil fuel industry propagandists without any scientific backing whatsoever, that's your retarded choice. Don't expect all of the intelligent people to be as ignorant and gullible as you quite obviously are.

Clearly......the fossil fuel industry is having a marked effect on the dramatic reduction in tornado frequency!!!! Who cant see that??:eusa_doh:

Tornado spike in 2011 attributed to climate change. So what to make of this year?s tornado drought? | SciGuy | a Chron.com blog
Debunked because you said so?
No, moron, because it got debunked by the facts. A quick and somewhat shortened reprise of those facts....

March 2013 Falls Well Short of Last Year's Records
By Anthony Sagliani, Meteorologist
April 03, 2013

.....remember it was only a year ago when record warmth had already snapped the landscape to life. Record temperatures began around the middle of March 2012 and continued for much of the month. According to the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), by the time all was said and done, more than 7,500 record highs were broken across the U.S. March 2012 went down not only as the warmest March on record for many cities and towns throughout the eastern and central part of the country, but also as the warmest March for the entire United States. Over the last 30 days, a persistent chill over many of the same locations for March 2013 has led to more than 2,600 record cold temperatures. To put some of these numbers into better perspective, consider Chicago, Ill. For March 2012, the highest temperature the city had was an astounding 87 degrees. This March, the highest temperature was a meager 59 degrees. The March 2012 temperature average for Chicago was 53.5 degrees, or 15.6 degrees above normal. This year, the average temperature was only 32.6 degrees, or 5.3 degrees below normal. The driving mechanism for this March flip-flop was the jet stream, a thin river of air miles high that directs the path of not only weather systems, but temperatures as well.


Scientists link frozen spring to dramatic Arctic sea ice loss
Melting sea ice, exposing huge parts of the ocean to the atmosphere, explains extreme weather both hot and cold

The Guardian
John Vidal, environment editor
Monday 25 March 2013

"The sea ice is going rapidly. It's 80% less than it was just 30 years ago. There has been a dramatic loss. This is a symptom of global warming and it contributes to enhanced warming of the Arctic," said Jennifer Francis, research professor with the Rutgers Institute of Coastal and Marine Science. According to Francis and a growing body of other researchers, the Arctic ice loss adds heat to the ocean and atmosphere which shifts the position of the jet stream – the high-altitude river of air that steers storm systems and governs most weather in northern hemisphere. "This is what is affecting the jet stream and leading to the extreme weather we are seeing in mid-latitudes," she said. "It allows the cold air from the Arctic to plunge much further south. The pattern can be slow to change because the [southern] wave of the jet stream is getting bigger. It's now at a near record position, so whatever weather you have now is going to stick around," she said.

If you want to buy into the greatest financial scam in recorded history (AGW) that has less than honest scientific backing, that's your choice. It certainly doesn't mean others have to be as gullible as you are.
LOLOLOL. If you want to buy into the stupidest crackpot conspiracy theory in recorded history, that has been spooned into your brain by the fossil fuel industry propagandists without any scientific backing whatsoever, that's your retarded choice. Don't expect all of the intelligent people to be as ignorant and gullible as you quite obviously are.
Clearly......the fossil fuel industry is having a marked effect on the dramatic reduction in tornado frequency!!!! Who cant see that??

Tornado spike in 2011 attributed to climate change. So what to make of this year?s tornado drought? | SciGuy | a Chron.com blog

Clearly......the fossil fuel industry is having a marked effect on the dramatic reduction in the size of your brain, kookles, rapidly reducing it to its present peanut size.

BTW, we all see you trying desperately to change the subject after you just got your butt kicked to the curb on your "record low temperatures disprove AGW" scam.

As far as what the actual climate scientists have to say about the effect of global warming on tornadoes, here is the statement from NOAA's Storm Prediction Center:

Does "global warming" cause tornadoes? No. Thunderstorms do. The harder question may be, "Will climate change influence tornado occurrence?" The best answer is: We don't know. According to the National Science and Technology Council's Scientific Assessment on Climate Change, "Trends in other extreme weather events that occur at small spatial scales--such as tornadoes, hail, lightning, and dust storms--can not be determined at the present time due to insufficient evidence." This is because tornadoes are short-fused weather, on the time scale of seconds and minutes, and a space scale of fractions of a mile across. In contrast, climate trends take many years, decades, or millennia, spanning vast areas of the globe. The numerous unknowns dwell in the vast gap between those time and space scales. Climate models cannot resolve tornadoes or individual thunderstorms. They can indicate broad-scale shifts in three of the four favorable ingredients for severe thunderstorms (moisture, instability and wind shear), but as any severe weather forecaster can attest, having some favorable factors in place doesn't guarantee tornadoes. Our physical understanding indicates mixed signals--some ingredients may increase (instability), while others may decrease (shear), in a warmer world. The other key ingredient (storm-scale lift), and to varying extents moisture, instability and shear, depend mostly on day-to-day patterns, and often, even minute-to-minute local weather. Finally, tornado recordkeeping itself also has been prone to many errors and uncertainties, doesn't exist for most of the world, and even in the U. S., only covers several decades in detailed form.
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Bigger font doesn't turn your copy-n-paste crapola and nitwittery into fact, nitwit.
LOLOLOLOL......the scientific information that I cite and quote doesn't need anything to "turn it into fact", moron, it already is fact.

Smaller font doesn't turn your ignorant retarded drivel into anything sensible, little cretin, nothing can do that.

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