$3.5T Not As Big As You Might Think


Progressive leaders on Tuesday declared that a majority of their 100-member caucus still plans to tank President Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill this week without a firm commitment that party leaders can finish their broader social spending package.
And now they have a key ally across the Capitol: Sen. Bernie Sanders.

"I hope that if there is no agreement here in the Senate, we've got to maintain the dual track and it should be defeated,” Sanders (I-Vt.) said Tuesday, following up his remarks with tweets urging House progressives to vote against the infrastructure bill sans a broader agreement.

Liberal Democrats in the House are vowing to oppose the vote Thursday without key details about what the Senate’s most vocal centrists will support — information that was still not immediately anticipated after Biden’s high-stakes meetings with both Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona on Tuesday.
Progressives have a voice...as all members in both parties do...but they are NOT in leadership positions.

And whether they are or not is no excuse for filibustering the debt ceiling bill by the GOP Senate
Absolute lies.
Democrats think being a patriot is bringing millions of people here that hate America (and paying them more than people on Social Security get).
Republicans look through the spending list that Democrats have produced and say that they cannot accept this.
Saying no to ridiculous spending isn't being unpatriotic, nor is not wearing a mask or not getting vaccinated.
Democrats used to say that Climate Change is causing unrest in the Middle-East....and now they're saying that COVID is causing millions of people to flock to our Southern Border. No.....Biden promising them $3600/mo, free health care, and free junior college is causing people to flock to our Southern Border. His refusal to send them back or force them to wait in Mexico is bringing them here by the millions.
Wearing a mask and getting vaccinated to end this pandemic IS patriotic. It helps the nation

Investing in infrastructure (to include healthcare and education and Global Warming mitigation) help the nation.

So of course Republicans (who only care about tax cuts anyway) oppose it
Oh....Trump spent it....not Congress?
Civics classes taught me a Republican president cannot spend one dime without the approval of Congress. This is why he had so much trouble building the wall.
Not all of it $151 million just on golf trips.
$1.7 million on his kids.

The six months of extra Secret Service protection approved by outgoing President Donald Trump for his four adult children and other staffers before leaving office cost taxpayers $1.7 million, according to spending documents.

So now your REPUBLICAN civics class taught you when a republican can lay the blame on congress they do so with impunity, when it's expedient.

'This is why he had so much trouble building the wall',
Trump said Mexico had that covered.
So, Trump can pass a $2.3 trillion tax cut for the rich and republicans have no issue with that but Biden signing a bill for $1.2 trillion more for infrastructure and Americans and republicans blow a gasket.
Trump should never have cut taxes and Biden should never of signed the 1.9 trillion in Cares Act II. Now, we still need to spend more? When do we start to pay for all of this?
Is there anything in the bill that you agree with? Have you read it? Do you know every thing that is in it?

There should be several things in the bill that both sides could agree on?

You have to pas it first before you can find out what's in it. It's like reading turds. No different. Democrats have always done it.
It's like Obama-Care... Another fiasco foisted upon the tax payers in America.
And now you're back to posting total bullshit lies and crazy talk.

I knew it wouldn't last.
No reason to lie, when you can easily verify that he did want to implement all those things and was shot down by career corrupt politicians like Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff, Waters, Schumer.
Progressives have a voice...as all members in both parties do...but they are NOT in leadership positions.

And whether they are or not is no excuse for filibustering the debt ceiling bill by the GOP Senate
Well the progressives are" leading" the vote to tank the vote on the bipartisan deal. And so far they haven't articulated what exactly they need in the larger bill. Chris Murphy said in one of the links that the dems need to focus on four or so "things" that will help people.
Why would we need to pass spending for shit 10 years down the line?

We don’t.
We aren't. This isn't going to be spent in a day or even a year. It will be spent over the next ten years just like it will be paid for over the next ten years.
Well the progressives are" leading" the vote to tank the vote on the bipartisan deal. And so far they haven't articulated what exactly they need in the larger bill. Chris Murphy said in one of the links that the dems need to focus on four or so "things" that will help people.
They'll work it out
Trump should never have cut taxes and Biden should never of signed the 1.9 trillion in Cares Act II. Now, we still need to spend more? When do we start to pay for all of this?
Do you not know how this all works?

All we EVER pay for is the interest.

We still carry the full debt from WWII. Of course the interest on that now is negligible

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