$3.5T Not As Big As You Might Think

Sounds suspiciously like the "DEATH PANELS!!!" claim from the battle over the ACA.
No? it was a right wing lie?


OMG! That's horrible!

Newsflash, my wife retired at 62. Medicare doesn't kick in till 65. Most of her Social Security goes to paying for healthcare.
I'll be 65 next month. I haven't started collecting Social Security even though I'm retired. I have to apply for Medicare B or lose my Tricare coverage.
My insurance while I was working didn't cover most of the treatments I got the last several years...yet I got hammered in my taxes with the Golden Parachute tax.
Death Panels are real. If you live in a blue state and are getting government health care they can refuse coverage for some conditions under the Affordable Care Act. Many cancer patients discovered that their medications went from an affordable cost/mo to over $10K/mo. I have precancerous skin conditions and the small tube of lotion I used cost me over $500.
Many doctors refused to treat Medicare patients thanks to the ACA.
When Biden said he was going to cut in half COVID treatments for infected patients in red states he essentially created his own Death Panel. Democrats plan on sentencing the unvaccinated to death. They also started talking about giving blacks vaccines before anyone.

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It is odd that the left want the full deductions restored to pre Trump levels.

If SALT deductions are not that big of a deal, why are Dems pushing to restore them?
IDK, not all democrats are, it's mixed.
It's going away in three years anyway, unless they renew it.
Either do tax cuts, but republicans have been lying about 'Tax cuts pay for themselves' since Reagan first did it.
What about that pesky truth that gets in the way of your uninformed LefTarded bullshit?
Didn't the treasury take in record revenue under Trump's tax cuts?

In fact it includes Medicare and other items that save $1T.

Including savings on drug costs. Something long overdue
It's funny that you think people still fall for this.....we've seen this movie over and over.....it never works out......

And do you know why??????????????????????????????????????????

Because we don't live in a vaccum................so stop trying to put out these huge plans and sell us when we know that life and the environment changes over time.........it's why you tards alway step on the rake of unintended consequences.
The tax cut was projected at that cost. Anyway it's not the governments money.
Of course not, republicans claim to love the country and are the true 'patriots' but they don't want to support it, just like Trump.
That's what the working and middle class are for.

September 26, 2016
“The only years that anybody’s ever seen were a couple of years when he had to turn them over to state authorities when he was trying to get a casino license, and they showed he didn’t pay any federal income tax,” Clinton said.

Trump quickly retorted: “That makes me smart.”
Every increase in the debt under Obama caused a massive increase of spending. To what...we didn't know.....but we noticed Obama sending billions out of the country to foreign banks for some strange reason.
Who's we? You and Q?

Post links to that and the spending you had problems with
That makes no sense either. Using Medicare size to bargain down drug prices is a Democratic position which the GOP opposes

Very little gets bi-partisan support because Republicans are by nature obstructionists (these days). See their opposition to raising the debt ceiling...which they admit is a priority
They are opposed to raising the debt ceiling because the leading democrats are self-identified socialists who plan to tank the bipartisan infratruture deal for a 3.5 T stimulus bill that nobody knows whats in it.
What about that pesky truth that gets in the way of your uninformed LefTarded bullshit?
Didn't the treasury take in record revenue under Trump's tax cuts?

The pesky truth gets in the way of some RW bullshit editorial.

"U.S. government reports record tax haul after Trump tax cuts spur economic growth."

This number comes from the most recent monthly Treasury report through July 2018. The report organizes its data based on the fiscal year, so the 2018 numbers include 10 months -- from October 2017 to July 2018.

According to the report, individual income tax receipts were up by 7.8 percent compared to the equivalent 10-month period in 2017. So that provides some support for the claim.

But the same Treasury report shows that corporate taxes were down during the first 10 months of the fiscal year. In fact, they were down by 28.5 percent -- a whopping plunge, but not a surprising one, given the sweeping corporate tax cuts included in the new law.

Total receipts, which include individual and corporate income taxes as well as estate taxes, excise taxes, and tariff duties, were up between the first 10 months of 2017 and the first 10 months of 2018. The rise was modest -- less than 1 percent -- but it was an increase.
Every increase in the debt under Obama caused a massive increase of spending. To what...we didn't know.....but we noticed Obama sending billions out of the country to foreign banks for some strange reason.

Almost all increases in spending during the Obama years occurred in the first two years.

The pesky truth gets in the way of some RW bullshit editorial.

"U.S. government reports record tax haul after Trump tax cuts spur economic growth."

This number comes from the most recent monthly Treasury report through July 2018. The report organizes its data based on the fiscal year, so the 2018 numbers include 10 months -- from October 2017 to July 2018.

According to the report, individual income tax receipts were up by 7.8 percent compared to the equivalent 10-month period in 2017. So that provides some support for the claim.

But the same Treasury report shows that corporate taxes were down during the first 10 months of the fiscal year. In fact, they were down by 28.5 percent -- a whopping plunge, but not a surprising one, given the sweeping corporate tax cuts included in the new law.

Total receipts, which include individual and corporate income taxes as well as estate taxes, excise taxes, and tariff duties, were up between the first 10 months of 2017 and the first 10 months of 2018. The rise was modest -- less than 1 percent -- but it was an increase.
the Lie, and BL is a loser and liar, is that there's a proven cause effect between the tax cuts and rising revenues. The revenues had been rising before Trump was elected and McConnell passed the tax cuts.
And had the Republicans NOT removed the tax for not having healthcare insurance, the deficit would have been lowered more...and rates would have been lower.

Never believe these people.
Oh shut up, Obama promised families would save $2500 a year on insurance. It went up evey year. You're such a liar.

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