$3.5T Not As Big As You Might Think

The dems themselves killed medicare drug pricing.
They did not. That was written into the Medicare Plan D proposal under Bush by a pharma executive working IN the Bush Admin
Holy hell you said something that actually made sense!!

I think I need to lay down or something...
President Trump tried to implement all of that and your DemSnarky party came out against it. So did some corrupt Repubs who liked feeding at The Swamp.

Change your mind again?

Then you vote for The King of Graft, Lies, Bribery, Profiteering and Extortion, Faux Biden.
Here's an idea...use that same logic....only instead of giving more tax cuts to corporations and billionaires...use that money on lowering the debt. :rolleyes:
What is your plan to replace every legislator in Washington?

Here's the painful truth. the legislators view tax increases like hyenas view a gazelle with a broken leg. EVERY projected revenue increase is greeted with a tidal wave of spending that far outweighs any benefit, and none ever goes to debt reduction. Giving Washington more money in hopes that it will reduce the debt is like feeding a 600 lb person extra food every day hoping they will lose weight.
It's fucked millions of Americans. Healthcare costs have tripled for most workers due to fascist care.
So you think healthcare costs weren't out of control before the ACA?

I already showed you that the GOP elimination of the tax for not having ins and other revenue streams caused rates to be higher...
45% of the bill is actually for infrastructure. The rest is a hodge podge of green shit and more social programs that we don't need.
45% may be a stretch but agree your close. So if everyday Americans don’t have the money to buy a Cadillac, yet really want one, they don’t buy one.
Fuck you Moon Bat. You stupid uneducated greedy little Libtard shits never understand the damange you do to this country. You are clueless.
Nothing like 40 years of corporate tax cuts have done.
NOTHING but added debt and make the rich, even richer.

Dotard told the truth (for once) to his cult.

December 24, 2017
President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," referencing the sweeping tax overhaul he signed into law hours earlier.

The president has spent many weekends of his presidency so far at the "Winter White House," where initiation fees cost $200,000, annual dues cost $14,000, and some of the most affluent members of society have the opportunity to interact with the president in a setting while many Americans cannot.
Most if not all of it IS paid for by raising taxes on capital gains and higher income folks
LMAO ^^^ this one drinks the koolaid. Lets say that ridiculous argument is true for a moment, what about the negative consequences of government sucking $3.5 trillion out of the private sector. Do you honestly think there won't be consequences? Oh there's $3.5 trillion just laying around to seize?

Just rob people of their investment gains no big deal, take their money. Eliminate the incentive to save for retirement, why bother since the government will just seize the profits. You dumb assess on the left need to think about the reaction and negative consequences of your TAX and SPEND policies.
Only because new revenue generates new spending, not debt reduction.
False. Granted republicans cut taxes and always raise spending...and then claim the spending was the cause of the debt increase....but the tax cuts THEMSELVES never account for deficit reduction.

The "return" on a tax cut is only between 25% and 75%. Of course to "pay for itself" the return would need to be 100%
Actually, the claim isn't that it COSTs zero, the actual claim is that it simply adds zero, to the deficit/ national debt.
The only way it does that is if it net costs zero, and if it did that it wouldn't be called a $3.5 Trillion spending bill, it would be called a $0 spending bill and lauded as a miracle.
The only way it does that is if it net costs zero, and if it did that it wouldn't be called a $3.5 Trillion spending bill, it would be called a $0 spending bill and lauded as a miracle.
Net costs. That means cost minus revenue streams

You seem not to understand what you are saying
They did not. That was written into the Medicare Plan D proposal under Bush by a pharma executive working IN the Bush Admin
Oh, sorry. I was referring to the move to use medicare size to bargain down drug pricing. It's popular, but the gop is not the problem.

But the bill is not about "something" but instead a "bunch of things" that the progressives know will never have bipartisan support.
Oh, sorry. I was referring to the move to use medicare size to bargain down drug pricing. It's popular, but the gop is not the problem.
That makes no sense either. Using Medicare size to bargain down drug prices is a Democratic position which the GOP opposes
But the bill is not about "something" but instead a "bunch of things" that the progressives know will never have bipartisan support.
Very little gets bi-partisan support because Republicans are by nature obstructionists (these days). See their opposition to raising the debt ceiling...which they admit is a priority

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