$3.5T Not As Big As You Might Think


$2.5T spread over 10 years is not nearly that scary.

Remember how "scary" the $1T ACA was supposed to be?

Turned out...not so much

Turns out that "scary" one TRILLION dollar ACA "cost" ended up LOWERING the deficit.

NEVER believe Republicans abut financial matters.

All they ever care about is tax cuts for the rich. That's it. That's their entire agenda. Everything else is bullshit with THAT as the goal
Paid for by raising taxes, really? Is that before or after the pork liability is shifted to the states? For Gods sake this is not a one and done infrastructure bill its major pork served on Dimbo wish List platter. Read the bill look who really ends up paying for this political payback bill.
Is there anything in the bill that you agree with? Have you read it? Do you know every thing that is in it?

There should be several things in the bill that both sides could agree on?

In fact it includes Medicare and other items that save $1T.

Including savings on drug costs. Something long overdue
It also includes regulations that punish businesses if they don't get all of their employees vaccinated...bankrupting them eventually.
It also includes free junior college for illegals.
Making tax increases retroactive which is unconstitutional.
Will raise the debt...increasing inflation and raising the costs of everything we buy....essentially a tax the poor and the middle-class instead of tax the rich.
Tax increases on corporations which will encourage more companies to move overseas cost jobs and shifting the costs to the consumer....the poor and the middle-class.
Give people $300 per month per child creating a new form of welfare.
Lowering the age requirement on Medicare at a time when we should be strengthening the coverage of Medicare because Baby-Boomers are all reaching retirement.

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Turns out that "scary" one TRILLION dollar ACA "cost" ended up LOWERING the deficit.

NEVER believe Republicans abut financial matters.

All they ever care about is tax cuts for the rich. That's it. That's their entire agenda. Everything else is bullshit with THAT as the goal
And had the Republicans NOT removed the tax for not having healthcare insurance, the deficit would have been lowered more...and rates would have been lower.

Never believe these people.
Either do tax cuts, but republicans have been lying about 'Tax cuts pay for themselves' since Reagan first did it.
Tax cuts do result in more economic activity. We've seen that. We also know from watching human behavior that when you tax something, like economic activity, you get less of it, for the simple reason that you are increasing its cost. Remember the yacht tax? We were really gonna get dose rich dudes, yeah, by slapping a 10% tax on those expensive yachts they buy. Homework exercise, how much new revenue did the tax generate and did the wealthy buy fewer yachts?

The point is, humans alter their behavior to avoid paying higher taxes and tax increases never generate as much new revenue as they're projected to because those who write them assume people won't change anything and will keep doing what they've been doing, only paying more. Want to jack up the capital gains tax? You'll get less investment. Jack up the inheritance tax? You'll see people dying with their net worth just under whatever level you set, but their heirs somehow will still have the wealth. Jack up a corporation's taxes? Prices will go up. It's what people do.
They always say they're not adding to the deficit or debt yet here we are...........at 28 trillion. I don't believe anything the govt says. Its just one lie after the other.
And what made up that debt?

2T for Trump's tax cuts
Military spending
loss of revenue due to the 2008 crash
loss of revenue to to GOP austerity measures

How does that fit into your bullshit?
The Bill pays for itself by raising taxes?

Here is an idea....use that same logic....but spend that money on the debt.
Here's an idea...use that same logic....only instead of giving more tax cuts to corporations and billionaires...use that money on lowering the debt. :rolleyes:

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