3,800 anti-Asian racist incidents this year OMG!

Ignorant, aggressive Trumpsters are screaming at Asian people because Trump blames his loss on the "China Flu". Anyone who is honest knows that.

Yes, it's that fucking stupid. These people really are that fucking simplistic and mindless.

Is it happening everywhere at every moment? No. Was that the reason for the Alabama mass murder? We don't know. Could the Left be using this murder to overblow the situation? Could be. That's how our politics are right now, sadly.

This typical, Trumpian arrogant ugly American stuff is bad enough on its own. The whole fucking country should be embarrassed about it.

No one mentioned Trump but for some reason you bought him up and I don't know why.

And if you look at all the violence against Asians it is 99%of the time some thug ghetto black person that isn't a Trumper because it's obvious they don't even vote.

White people have no problem with Asians. Neither do democrats or Republicans. Most people are cool with Asians, except blacks. Of course Mexicans don't like blacks, whites don't blacks, Asians don't like blacks, seems like a lot of different people don't like blacks, maybe I don't know.......they do things to make others not like them.
I am so not feeling the love for Asians and their plight right now. I got a lot of Asians I call friends, but these ppl are different. Most Asians hate on black people, don't give a damn about us and are more likely to embrace white culture, white politics and white values of money and hate. Its wrong to hate on anybody, but Asians never champion other ppl causes unless it benefits the bottom line, ie money and their business's. The only use Asians have for this country, is making a buck and making sure their kids get top a grade education. The only love they have for blacks is opening up business's in our communities and that's it. I wish them well, I hope the hatred stops, but last summer where I live, you could count on one hand if that, how many Asians showed up to protest with BLM. In short, get in line with the rest of us who gotta deal with white folk and their bullshit!!

Asians embrace getting an education, working hard and making a difference in society. They embrace family and they feel shame if someone in their family commits a crime. This type of lifestyle does usually lead to making more money as they are sought after by businesses for obvious reasons. If you call this "embracing white culture" then I agree. Also, they probably didn't show up to protest with BLM because they see through the bullshit.

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