3 American hostages coming home from North Korea

I didn’t see a thread on this, but it’s all over the news. Liberals be like thanks obama
You guys are rotten. If you want to join me in saying good job on bringing them home to Trump and his team, please do. Leave it at that though. Why do you always have to be so negative and sick about the left like we are not humans. What a waste of an op...
Will the MSM report it, without shitting on Trump or failing to mention him at all?
MSN has a 3 sentence article about it.
If it was obama, well... we both know it would have been way different.
ABC has two.
They just don't have any particulars, yet. Unlike SOME news sites, the MSM likes to corroborate their facts before reporting them. Give them an hour or two.
If that was obama, it would been an actual article.
They would have given update son the guys, when they got caught etc.
But its trump so nothing.
And you know it.
Actually, that information came out days ago when Trump's newest Motor Mouth said they were being released by the end of the day.
Will the MSM report it, without shitting on Trump or failing to mention him at all?
MSN has a 3 sentence article about it.
If it was obama, well... we both know it would have been way different.
ABC has two.
They just don't have any particulars, yet. Unlike SOME news sites, the MSM likes to corroborate their facts before reporting them. Give them an hour or two.
If that was obama, it would been an actual article.
They would have given update son the guys, when they got caught etc.
But its trump so nothing.
And you know it.
Actually, that information came out days ago when Trump's newest Motor Mouth said they were being released by the end of the day.
Lol just stop
Will the MSM report it, without shitting on Trump or failing to mention him at all?
MSN has a 3 sentence article about it.
If it was obama, well... we both know it would have been way different.
ABC has two.
They just don't have any particulars, yet. Unlike SOME news sites, the MSM likes to corroborate their facts before reporting them. Give them an hour or two.
If that was obama, it would been an actual article.
They would have given update son the guys, when they got caught etc.
But its trump so nothing.
And you know it.
Actually, that information came out days ago when Trump's newest Motor Mouth said they were being released by the end of the day.
Lol just stop

Any bit of good news regarding Trump and the loons still are not satisfied.....Trump Derangement Syndrome
Will the MSM report it, without shitting on Trump or failing to mention him at all?
MSN has a 3 sentence article about it.
If it was obama, well... we both know it would have been way different.
ABC has two.
They just don't have any particulars, yet. Unlike SOME news sites, the MSM likes to corroborate their facts before reporting them. Give them an hour or two.
If that was obama, it would been an actual article.
They would have given update son the guys, when they got caught etc.
But its trump so nothing.
And you know it.
Actually, that information came out days ago when Trump's newest Motor Mouth said they were being released by the end of the day.
Lol just stop
3 Americans held by North Korea are on their way back to US, Trump says
Also, NYT just jumped in.
I guess you're right, TN. Not much yet.
But I agree it's a good thing.
Smart move by NK. They give up something that has zero value to them and paint Trump into a corner.

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Obviously your handicap goes beyond golf

What value did these 3 people hold for NK?

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The question should be what value do they have to the US and Trump. The answer is the same as their value to NK.

I don't suffer ignorant hacks gladly.
Smart move by NK. They give up something that has zero value to them and paint Trump into a corner.

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Obviously your handicap goes beyond golf

What value did these 3 people hold for NK?

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The question should be what value do they have to the US and Trump. The answer is the same as their value to NK.

I don't suffer ignorant hacks gladly.

For Trump they are a political win and something to use in election ads, nothing more.

They do not have that valse for NK.

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Smart move by NK. They give up something that has zero value to them and paint Trump into a corner.

Interesting. What corner have they painted him into?

A corner of peace. SK and NK are already talking and moving forward, then NK offers an olive branch to the US by releasing these 3. Now the Trump Un meeting producing anything but an agreement from the US, the US is once again the pariah on the international stage

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You're an idiot!
Even the radical LIB MSM this morning are grudgingly praising President Trump.
You need to keep up with your own Trump haters .
Smart move by NK. They give up something that has zero value to them and paint Trump into a corner.

Interesting. What corner have they painted him into?

A corner of peace. SK and NK are already talking and moving forward, then NK offers an olive branch to the US by releasing these 3. Now the Trump Un meeting producing anything but an agreement from the US, the US is once again the pariah on the international stage

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You're an idiot!
Even the radical LIB MSM this morning are grudgingly praising President Trump.
You need to keep up with your own Trump haters .

Unlike you I do not turn to the media to tell me what to think.

Turn FoxNews back on and stick your head back up Trump’s ass and wait for your next talking points email.

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Smart move by NK. They give up something that has zero value to them and paint Trump into a corner.

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Obviously your handicap goes beyond golf

What value did these 3 people hold for NK?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The question should be what value do they have to the US and Trump. The answer is the same as their value to NK.

I don't suffer ignorant hacks gladly.

For Trump they are a political win and something to use in election ads, nothing more.

They do not have that valse for NK.

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So President Trump gets "a political win". That's what it's all about sweetheart.
ANY win that will put a couple of REP SC justices on the bench and another couple of hundred REP lower court judges on the bench is a 'win' for the country!
THATS the real reason the LIB have blood coming out their eyes.
And there isn't a fucking thing they can do about it.
If Pence should ever become President he'll have the school kids saying the Lord's Prayer twice a day and putting RADICAL REPs on the court benches.
You got to LOVE those lifetime appointments.
Smart move by NK. They give up something that has zero value to them and paint Trump into a corner.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
Obviously your handicap goes beyond golf

What value did these 3 people hold for NK?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
The question should be what value do they have to the US and Trump. The answer is the same as their value to NK.

I don't suffer ignorant hacks gladly.

For Trump they are a political win and something to use in election ads, nothing more.

They do not have that valse for NK.

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It would be painful to watch you squirm it you weren't such a hack. A bit like watching CNN report the story and MSNBC's Mornin' Joe breaking an interview with Stormy's lawyer to report the release. OUCH!!!
Will the MSM report it, without shitting on Trump or failing to mention him at all?

No, the lowlife scum NY Times bashed Pompeo, spun it negative said he was AWOL when in fact he was busy securing the release of 3 Americans and scheduling the historic meeting between Trump and NK. THIS IS WHO THE LEFT ARE, SCUMBAGS I love that Trump is forcing these liberal cockroaches into the light.
President Trump continues to expose democrats as the incompetent fools they are.

MAGA!!! :2up:

Trump is racking up win after win and not giving the left time to catch their breath. Trump just nominated the first female ever to head the CIA. Naturally the left are attacking her like rabid dogs.
President Trump continues to expose democrats as the incompetent fools they are.

MAGA!!! :2up:

Trump is racking up win after win and not giving the left time to catch their breath. Trump just nominated the first female ever to head the CIA. Naturally the left are attacking her like rabid dogs.
Well she was mean to terrorists. Democrats have Khalid sheikh Mohammed as their spokesman.

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