3 Conservative Lies About Obama's Record Debunked in One Post

keep up with the LIES OP...

WE now relinquish control of YOUR OP back to you and your PUPPETS.:badgrin:

Above all? Have FUN.
Obama hires in the state and local governments so he is responsible for those drops?? No.. sorry.. he and the fed are responsible for the FEDERAL public sector jobs.. and those indeed have increased

UPDATE: Jobs Under The First Bush Term Vs. Jobs Under The First Obama Term - Business Insider

Original Story:
Austerity At Work | The Big Picture



Obama Jobs Record Lie #1: "Obama's unemployment numbers would look a lot worse if he didn't create a bunch of government jobs!"

DEBUNKED: The lines on the right, Obama's first term, show local AND state jobs plummeting downward. While, mysteriously, on the left, in Bush's first term, both shoot way up. Hmm. Weird.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #2: "Obama has killed the private sector!!!!"

DEBUNKED: Quite to the contrary, you can see from his red line compared to Bush's he actually added enough jobs in his first term to put his tally up above Bush's. So, yeah. There's some bullshit.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #3: "We'd have a lot better outlook if Obama wasn't spending us into a oblivion!!!"

DEBUNKED: As the last chart shows, Obama's spending has tipped drastically downward over his first term. Bush's climbed up and up and up his entire two terms.
#1 is not even accurate. Obama hasn't destroyed the private-sector, merely put huge constraints on it with oppressive regulations. Punishing success while picking and choosing winners.

#2 is false because Obama has cut more jobs in the public-sector than he's created. The only job growth that exists in the economy is in the private-sector which he has nothing to do with.

#3 Obama didn't cut spending. Congress stopped him from blowing trillions more than he would have had he still had a Democrat majority. Bush spent more his last two years because Democrats won both houses and increased the deficit from $169 bil in 2006 to $490 in 2007 to $1.3 trillion in 2008.

Sounds like you need this,..


Looks like you need to give that to Conservaderps. He has lost it.
Obama claiming responsibility for decreases in the size of State and Local government is almost as funny as his claiming responsibility for increased oil and gas production.
Ha ha ha. So the Conservative Think Tank comes in, cherry-picks their own data, gets shown their ass over and over again by clean, unbiased data, and then declare they win? Brilliant move Conservadopes.

Again, who wants to answer my question:

Did Public Sector jobs go up or down, as a whole, under Obama?
Obama claiming responsibility for decreases in the size of State and Local government is almost as funny as his claiming responsibility for increased oil and gas production.

No kidding. It was BUSH that set those policies in motion as Obama put a moritorium on drilling that remains in place using the Gulf spill as a crutch...as those rigs went to Brazil with US Money and WE would be thier "Best Customers"...

Obama is perpetuating lies on everything he touches. The OP is trying willingly to help him along...and has FAILED.
Ha ha ha. So the Conservative Think Tank comes in, cherry-picks their own data, gets shown their ass over and over again by clean, unbiased data, and then declare they win? Brilliant move Conservadopes.

Again, who wants to answer my question:

Did Public Sector jobs go up or down, as a whole, under Obama?

Son? You Failed. Move on. Invent another scheme WE can show YOU to be the lying DERP that you are?
Ha ha ha. So the Conservative Think Tank comes in, cherry-picks their own data, gets shown their ass over and over again by clean, unbiased data, and then declare they win? Brilliant move Conservadopes.

Again, who wants to answer my question:

Did Public Sector jobs go up or down, as a whole, under Obama?

Is Obama or the fed responsible for the hiring and firings in local and/or state government??

Are their policies responsible for the hiring and firing of public jobs at the state and/or local level??
Ha ha ha. So the Conservative Think Tank comes in, cherry-picks their own data, gets shown their ass over and over again by clean, unbiased data, and then declare they win? Brilliant move Conservadopes.

Again, who wants to answer my question:

Did Public Sector jobs go up or down, as a whole, under Obama?

It's already been explained to you, re-read the thread if you like.

But I like the new strategy though, maybe us Paul supporters can reprogram you Obamabots to have a fond view of slashing the size of the gov't workforce, since you applaud Obama for supposedly doing so.

Right after I get my unicorn out of the stable for a gallop.
Ha ha ha. So the Conservative Think Tank comes in, cherry-picks their own data, gets shown their ass over and over again by clean, unbiased data, and then declare they win? Brilliant move Conservadopes.

Again, who wants to answer my question:

Did Public Sector jobs go up or down, as a whole, under Obama?

It's already been explained to you, re-read the thread if you like.

But I like the new strategy though, maybe us Paul supporters can reprogram you Obamabots to have a fond view of slashing the size of the gov't workforce, since you applaud Obama for supposedly doing so.

Right after I get my unicorn out of the stable for a gallop.

just make sure the Rainbows are out in full splendor for maximum effect. ;)
Ha ha ha. So the Conservative Think Tank comes in, cherry-picks their own data, gets shown their ass over and over again by clean, unbiased data, and then declare they win? Brilliant move Conservadopes.

Again, who wants to answer my question:

Did Public Sector jobs go up or down, as a whole, under Obama?

You're a legend in your own mind, Jimmy....:lol:

At least Black Label is there to stroke your... um, ego....lol

You win the interwebs wilth your leftist StinkProgress cherry-picked charts....:thup:

What a fucking douche...:lol:
Right after I get my unicorn out of the stable for a gallop.

Hey, you wanna go for a ride? i just pulled mine out of the stable too and the flying monkeys smoothly existed my butt as well.
Ha ha ha. So the Conservative Think Tank comes in, cherry-picks their own data, gets shown their ass over and over again by clean, unbiased data, and then declare they win? Brilliant move Conservadopes.

Again, who wants to answer my question:

Did Public Sector jobs go up or down, as a whole, under Obama?

State and local went down due to a loss in revenue, because they can't tax and get money when employment is so high, the states can't work on a deficit.

Federal jobs increased because the federal government can run at deficit and they created jobs through stimulus money and we have yet to collect the taxes for them and the federal government is expedient and does mind letting the next few generations pay for their incompetence.

So in summary under Obama, the public jobs went down, and Bill Terry was killed, does Obama want credit for all of it?
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Right after I get my unicorn out of the stable for a gallop.

Hey, you wanna go for a ride? i just pulled mine out of the stable too and the flying monkeys smoothly existed my butt as well.

Yeah! I'm gonna ride her over to my candy house on gum drop lane.

It's government candy housing though, so it's actually nothing but Werther's originals :(.
Did Public Sector jobs go up or down, as a whole, under Obama?
How many times are you going to ask this?

They went up in the context of Obama. Federal jobs, which were omitted in your chart, went up steadily. State adn local cuts are not something Obama gets credit for anyway, but even if he could honestly claim credit, if you lump together the whole, it went up.
Right after I get my unicorn out of the stable for a gallop.

Hey, you wanna go for a ride? i just pulled mine out of the stable too and the flying monkeys smoothly existed my butt as well.

Yeah! I'm gonna ride her over to my candy house on gum drop lane.

It's government candy housing though, so it's actually nothing but Werther's originals :(.

Hell, yeah! Gubmint issue candy housing on gum drop lane is at this time, some of the best around. That's what happens when you steal the mint drops, hard candies and frosting from the private candy homes. :razz:
Did Public Sector jobs go up or down, as a whole, under Obama?
How many times are you going to ask this?

They went up in the context of Obama. Federal jobs, which were omitted in your chart, went up steadily. State adn local cuts are not something Obama gets credit for anyway, but even if he could honestly claim credit, if you lump together the whole, it went up.

Government got larger as the unemployment rate in Government is what 4.3 %?
Where is the federal employee plot on that chart? States are broke, so they are slashing spending. This makes sense. What about the federal employees vs. the private sector?

I wish i could find harder data.


Anyone can pick and choose data that says what they want it to say, whala a chart comes into existence that even matches the data. Neat little thing data is. :lol:

Well, yeah. the original OP chart is void of federal employees vs. private employees. I wonder why that is? Could it be because the federal government employs more people than the private sector, which would make the entire argument that Obama has not increased the size of government void and therefore a lie?

That's what i see here. The federal govt. has steadily grown while the states/locals are forced the slash spending due to budget shortfalls.

That graph was the only one I could find on it because it seems people want to talk about the pay between private/public more than the figures on how many people the federal govt. employs. Which by the way, is sad. [B]The federal workers make almost double that of the private workers that pay the public workers salaries[/B]. That's not sustainable. Especially if federal payroll head counts continue to increase.

Hahahaha.....um no I don't think it is.

Federal Eye - How many federal workers are there?

"federal workers earn less, an average of 26 percent less, then private-sector employees in similar positions"

The Facts
Ha ha ha. So the Conservative Think Tank comes in, cherry-picks their own data, gets shown their ass over and over again by clean, unbiased data, and then declare they win? Brilliant move Conservadopes.

Again, who wants to answer my question:

Did Public Sector jobs go up or down, as a whole, under Obama?

In the federal government, down. I'm in the federal government.

Your rightwing talking-points were most likely generated by the left so it's easy to debunk lies from your own side.
And the graphs.

There's posters breaking them down right now, the last thing I expect is Conservaderrps to come here and provide a constructive rebuttal. He's already proven in other threads he prefers the poo flinging.

You don't actually think there's a man who sat at his computer, created a screen name Conservaderrps, then started posting with the desire to have constructive dialogues about issues with people of different viewpoints did you?

I see him pushing back on a daily basis at the vast array of poo flingers on the right.

I bet you see flying unicorns pissing glitter too.

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