3 Conservative Lies About Obama's Record Debunked in One Post

You didn't debunk anything. Why? Because even though your chart "shows" everything, you're still choosing to cherry-pick ONLY the Federal jobs when looking at the public sector job trend. You still lose, no matter how you slice it.

Answer this question, anyone who wants to keep debating me, otherwise, I'll wait until someone does:

Did public sector jobs go up or down under Obama?

Again, I'm not engaging until you answer that question, directly. One word response required. Up or down.

They went up. it's right in the charts that actually account for federal jobs. The plot you handily omitted.

You're 100% wrong on this. I challenge your data. Why? Because my data my not have broken out the Federal jobs, but it was in there.

Here, you lying sack of shit: read this link, from a Pulitzer Prize wining media outlet, and shut the fuck up.

PolitiFact Ohio | Rob Portman says there has been a substantial increase in federal government jobs under Obama

The federal government had nearly 2.8 million employees when the stimulus passed. (The exact number, important here, is 2.795 million.) Then, according to figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

The number grew to 3.4 million by May 2010. PolitiFact has examined that growth spurt several times and found it was because of temporary 2010 Census hiring, long-planned and independent of any White House action.
By October 2010, the number of federal workers had dropped to 2.86 million and by May 2012, the most recent most available, it was projected to be 2.819 million.
The number has dropped slowly every single month since March 2011.

You can assess this a couple of ways. The trend for more than a year has been downward, while the net number since the stimulus passed in early 2009 is up -- by 24,000.

Yet Portman’s point was clear: that the proper way to grow the economy is through private sector jobs, not public sector jobs. He didn’t say federal jobs have inched upward. He said they have grown "pretty substantially."

How big is substantial?

Federal employment on net has grown by less than 1 percent since the stimulus passed, BLS data and our calculator show.

His characterization of state and local government employment is correct. State employment fell from 5.188 million workers when the stimulus passed to 5.073 million in May, or by 115,000 jobs.

At the local government level, cities, towns, townships and counties dropped overall employment from 14.594 million when the stimulus passed to 14.077 million in May, a loss of 517,000 jobs.

The losses came as local and state governments cut their payrolls in response to lower tax collections -- itself a result of the weak economy.

As for federal employment, the subject of Portman’s claim, it shows a net growth in the three-plus years since the stimulus passed, but that growth is modest at best, and it is now trending downward month after month. Characterizing a net increase of less than 1 percent as substantial is inaccurate.

On the Truth-O-Meter, Portman’s claim rates False.

So why don't YOU stop cherry picking the data and answer the question again.

Did public sector jobs go up or down, on the WHOLE, under Obama?
More ultra right wing lies, but here's the chart again. I guess facts are things the far right has a hard time understanding,...


The T and i already went through and had to correct your falsifications on three charts. The spending one takes pretzel logic to believe you on. Obama's spending has shot WAY up over Bush, yet you claim the trend is down.

I'm not going to go through yet another chart, one that attempts to balck adn white the public vs. private issue especially. Those charts are designed to deliberately falsify a claim and hope that stupid shmucks wont think about what goes into the data plots to come out with the trends.

It's over, derp. You're wrong on all three counts.

The chart is owning you and the other right wing trolls that are claiming Obama has been losing countless private sector jobs, but is expanding government by creating public sector jobs.

The fact is Obama has been creating private sector jobs for over two years straight, while slashing public sector jobs at the same time.

Just for more lol's, here's another graph confirming this.



Title: All Employees: Government
Source: U.S. Department of Labor: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Release: Employment Situation
Seasonal Adjustment: Seasonally Adjusted
Frequency: Monthly
Units: Thousands of Persons
Date Range: 1939-01-01 to 2012-06-01
Last Updated: 2012-07-06 8:19 AM CDT
Notes: Handbook of Methods Establishment Survey -

Frequently Asked Questions - (Current Population Survey Frequently Asked Questions)

Effective with the June 6, 2003 release, all historical establishment
survey data were reconstructed to reflect the switch from the Standard
Industrial Classification (SIC) system to the North American Industry
Classification System (NAICS).

2009-01-01 22576
2012-06-01 21943

Suck it, Conservative dopes. Suck it so hard it goes "uhhhhhhhhhhhh."
More ultra right wing lies, but here's the chart again. I guess facts are things the far right has a hard time understanding,...


The T and i already went through and had to correct your falsifications on three charts. The spending one takes pretzel logic to believe you on. Obama's spending has shot WAY up over Bush, yet you claim the trend is down.

I'm not going to go through yet another chart, one that attempts to balck adn white the public vs. private issue especially. Those charts are designed to deliberately falsify a claim and hope that stupid shmucks wont think about what goes into the data plots to come out with the trends.

It's over, derp. You're wrong on all three counts.

The chart is owning you and the other right wing trolls that are claiming Obama has been losing countless private sector jobs, but is expanding government by creating public sector jobs.

The fact is Obama has been creating private sector jobs for over two years straight, while slashing public sector jobs at the same time.

Just for more lol's, here's another graph confirming this.


So we start at zero and then come back to zero and this is somehow a net gain? :lmao:

We've already gone over this with your other sock. I'm not going over it again.
The T and i already went through and had to correct your falsifications on three charts. The spending one takes pretzel logic to believe you on. Obama's spending has shot WAY up over Bush, yet you claim the trend is down.

I'm not going to go through yet another chart, one that attempts to balck adn white the public vs. private issue especially. Those charts are designed to deliberately falsify a claim and hope that stupid shmucks wont think about what goes into the data plots to come out with the trends.

It's over, derp. You're wrong on all three counts.

The chart is owning you and the other right wing trolls that are claiming Obama has been losing countless private sector jobs, but is expanding government by creating public sector jobs.

The fact is Obama has been creating private sector jobs for over two years straight, while slashing public sector jobs at the same time.

Just for more lol's, here's another graph confirming this.


So we start at zero adn then come back to zero and this is somehow a net gain? :lmao:

We've already gone over this with your other sock. I'm not going over it again.

You were wrong, you arrogant fuck. I just linked you to actual, hard data that clearly shows a decline in government jobs. Why don't you read MY rebuttal to your weak and lie-filled assertions or shut the fuck up.

Goddamn it's easy to best you guys when you have real facts to back you up.
What facts? the ones you omitted in your OP?

Yeah, facts, but only the ones that make your claim look real.
Government spending Bush vs. Obama.

The Truth About Who's Responsible For The Explosion In Government Spending - Business Insider

from 2000 to 2008, under President Bush, Federal spending rose by $1.3 trillion, from $1.9 trillion a year to $3.2 trillion a year.

From 2009 to 2011, meanwhile, under President Obama, federal spending has risen by $600 billion, from $3.2 trillion a year to $3.8 trillion a year. It has also now begun to decline.

In other words, federal government spending under President Bush increased 2X as much as it has under President Obama.

More Conservative nonsense tossed on its ass.

Is that including the huge increases in spending in 2014 for healthcare? You know the one The CBO has doubled its projections for, and now not including the $500 billion from Medicaid?

Not looking short term and the writers are only seeing short term, wonder why?

Blodget the writer of the article is the CEO of Business Insider, and is permanently banned from securities trading as he agreed to otherwise face steeper punishment. the reason was numbers and manipulating them.

Not sure I'd trust what he has to say.

A Forbes writer, had this to say about his numbers manipulation:
The T and i already went through and had to correct your falsifications on three charts. The spending one takes pretzel logic to believe you on. Obama's spending has shot WAY up over Bush, yet you claim the trend is down.

I'm not going to go through yet another chart, one that attempts to balck adn white the public vs. private issue especially. Those charts are designed to deliberately falsify a claim and hope that stupid shmucks wont think about what goes into the data plots to come out with the trends.

It's over, derp. You're wrong on all three counts.

The chart is owning you and the other right wing trolls that are claiming Obama has been losing countless private sector jobs, but is expanding government by creating public sector jobs.

The fact is Obama has been creating private sector jobs for over two years straight, while slashing public sector jobs at the same time.

Just for more lol's, here's another graph confirming this.


So we start at zero and then come back to zero and this is somehow a net gain? :lmao:

We've already gone over this with your other sock. I'm not going over it again.

Yes, you right wing trash are complete morons that get your asses kicked over, and over, and over,..and keep coming back for more.

We were losing 3/4 of a million jobs a month because of Bush when Obama came into office. Once he and the dems saved the nation, the private sector jobs bounced right back as shown in my first chart showing Obama has been in positive private sector job creation for over two years straight.
While at the same time, he has been slashing public sector jobs.
The chart is owning you and the other right wing trolls that are claiming Obama has been losing countless private sector jobs, but is expanding government by creating public sector jobs.

The fact is Obama has been creating private sector jobs for over two years straight, while slashing public sector jobs at the same time.

Just for more lol's, here's another graph confirming this.


So we start at zero adn then come back to zero and this is somehow a net gain? :lmao:

We've already gone over this with your other sock. I'm not going over it again.

You were wrong, you arrogant fuck. I just linked you to actual, hard data that clearly shows a decline in government jobs. Why don't you read MY rebuttal to your weak and lie-filled assertions or shut the fuck up.

Goddamn it's easy to best you guys when you have real facts to back you up.

but YOU lack the BIG PICTURE. Those that PAY the government is DECLINING. Government produces ZERO but TAKES.

Takers are outweighng PRODUCERS. What part of this don't YOU understand?

MY graph and referenced shows the FED has Grown under Obama. WHY do you choose to remain blind son?
What facts? the ones you omitted in your OP?

Yeah, facts, but only the ones that make your claim look real.

The OP has been caught trying to perpetuate a LIE thaty Obama would be proud of.

He refuses to admit it.
Here is one for you. If Obama wins reelection he will make history again! He will be the first President to get reelected with a higher Faux unemployment rate then when he stepped into the white house. Chew on that small fry!
Here is one for you. If Obama wins reelection he will make history again! He will be the first President to get reelected with a higher Faux unemployment rate then when he stepped into the white house. Chew on that small fry!

he won't...and they're in a panic...and WHY you're seeing lies as the OP.
Yeah, you show the omissions and trickery in one chart and then this turd starts touting another. We will be here until we are out of charts if we don't let the fallsifier has his "win".

In closing on this:

1. Spending, based on the chart shown by the OP, has risen substantially since Obama took office. It's right in the chart.

2. State and local public jobs have been showing losses, while federal government jobs has steadily grown. The president does not run state budgets. He takes no credit for public sector jobs lost in the crisis. They were pretty small in number compared to the private sector.

3. The government does not create private sector jobs. They merely foster their growth by making a business friendly legal/regualtory environment. Or they do the opposite.

And there you have it. We went from falsifications, to the truth and now the derp wants us to hash out some more charts. No thanks.
Yeah, you show the omissions and trickery in one chart and then this turd starts touting another. We will be here until we are out of charts if we don't let the fallsifier has his "win".

In closing on this:

1. Spending, based on the chart shown by the OP, has risen substantially since Obama took office. It's right in the chart.

2. State and local public jobs have been showing losses, while federal government jobs has steadily grown. The president does not run state budgets. He takes no credit for public sector jobs lost in the crisis. They were pretty small in number compared to the private sector.

3. The government does not create private sector jobs. They merely foster their growth by making a business friendly legal/regualtory environment. Or they do the opposite.

And there you have it. We went from falsifications, to the truth and now the derp wants us to hash out some more charts. No thanks.

Concur. Government and the OP are wanting us to belive the indefensible which as you pointed out the indefensible has been refuted summarily.

Sure they can go on...but for what purpose?

The truth hasn't an agenda...and no matter how long the lie is perpetuated? Truth knows zero time limits either.

UPDATE: Jobs Under The First Bush Term Vs. Jobs Under The First Obama Term - Business Insider

The latest version of this chart showing Obama's first term (on the right) with Bush's first term (on the left).
In each one, the red line is private sector jobs. The green line is local government jobs. The blue line is state jobs

Original Story:
Austerity At Work | The Big Picture



Obama Jobs Record Lie #1: "Obama's unemployment numbers would look a lot worse if he didn't create a bunch of government jobs!"

DEBUNKED: The lines on the right, Obama's first term, show local AND state jobs plummeting downward. While, mysteriously, on the left, in Bush's first term, both shoot way up. Hmm. Weird.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #2: "Obama has killed the private sector!!!!"

DEBUNKED: Quite to the contrary, you can see from his red line compared to Bush's he actually added enough jobs in his first term to put his tally up above Bush's. So, yeah. There's some bullshit.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #3: "We'd have a lot better outlook if Obama wasn't spending us into a oblivion!!!"

DEBUNKED: As the last chart shows, Obama's spending has tipped drastically downward over his first term. Bush's climbed up and up and up his entire two terms.
#1 is not even accurate. Obama hasn't destroyed the private-sector, merely put huge constraints on it with oppressive regulations. Punishing success while picking and choosing winners.

#2 is false because Obama has cut more jobs in the public-sector than he's created. The only job growth that exists in the economy is in the private-sector which he has nothing to do with.

#3 Obama didn't cut spending. Congress stopped him from blowing trillions more than he would have had he still had a Democrat majority. Bush spent more his last two years because Democrats won both houses and increased the deficit from $169 bil in 2006 to $490 in 2007 to $1.3 trillion in 2008.

UPDATE: Jobs Under The First Bush Term Vs. Jobs Under The First Obama Term - Business Insider

The latest version of this chart showing Obama's first term (on the right) with Bush's first term (on the left).
In each one, the red line is private sector jobs. The green line is local government jobs. The blue line is state jobs

Original Story:
Austerity At Work | The Big Picture



Obama Jobs Record Lie #1: "Obama's unemployment numbers would look a lot worse if he didn't create a bunch of government jobs!"

DEBUNKED: The lines on the right, Obama's first term, show local AND state jobs plummeting downward. While, mysteriously, on the left, in Bush's first term, both shoot way up. Hmm. Weird.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #2: "Obama has killed the private sector!!!!"

DEBUNKED: Quite to the contrary, you can see from his red line compared to Bush's he actually added enough jobs in his first term to put his tally up above Bush's. So, yeah. There's some bullshit.

Obama Jobs Record Lie #3: "We'd have a lot better outlook if Obama wasn't spending us into a oblivion!!!"

DEBUNKED: As the last chart shows, Obama's spending has tipped drastically downward over his first term. Bush's climbed up and up and up his entire two terms.
#1 is not even accurate. Obama hasn't destroyed the private-sector, merely put huge constraints on it with oppressive regulations. Punishing success while picking and choosing winners.

#2 is false because Obama has cut more jobs in the public-sector than he's created. The only job growth that exists in the economy is in the private-sector which he has nothing to do with.

#3 Obama didn't cut spending. Congress stopped him from blowing trillions more than he would have had he still had a Democrat majority. Bush spent more his last two years because Democrats won both houses and increased the deficit from $169 bil in 2006 to $490 in 2007 to $1.3 trillion in 2008.

Sounds like you need this,..

#1 is not even accurate. Obama hasn't destroyed the private-sector, merely put huge constraints on it with oppressive regulations. Punishing success while picking and choosing winners.

Name the regulations. Seriously. Link them. Otherwise, you're just creating more smoke for the mirrors.

#2 is false because Obama has cut more jobs in the public-sector than he's created. The only job growth that exists in the economy is in the private-sector which he has nothing to do with.

Completely and utterly factually incorrect.


#3 Obama didn't cut spending. Congress stopped him from blowing trillions more than he would have had he still had a Democrat majority. Bush spent more his last two years because Democrats won both houses and increased the deficit from $169 bil in 2006 to $490 in 2007 to $1.3 trillion in 2008.

Right. Blame the Democrats in Congress and then get upset when Obama points out he inherited a mess from Bush. Fuck off, hack.
ITT: Conservatives can't handle factual data and decide to call it "lies" while not being able to actually answer a simple question correctly:

Did public sector jobs increase or decrease as a whole under Obama?

Let me give you another hint: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/data/USGOVT.txt
2009-01-01 22576
2012-06-01 21943

Also, I used another chart because it backs up the original ones. Man, when you Conservatives lose, you turn into a bunch of lying, scumbag pieces of shit who cry a lot.
ITT: Conservatives can't handle factual data and decide to call it "lies" while not being able to actually answer a simple question correctly:

Did public sector jobs increase or decrease as a whole under Obama?

Let me give you another hint: http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/data/USGOVT.txt
2009-01-01 22576
2012-06-01 21943

Also, I used another chart because it backs up the original ones. Man, when you Conservatives lose, you turn into a bunch of lying, scumbag pieces of shit who cry a lot.

Turn into?
Yeah, you show the omissions and trickery in one chart and then this turd starts touting another. We will be here until we are out of charts if we don't let the fallsifier has his "win".

In closing on this:

1. Spending, based on the chart shown by the OP, has risen substantially since Obama took office. It's right in the chart.

2. State and local public jobs have been showing losses, while federal government jobs has steadily grown. The president does not run state budgets. He takes no credit for public sector jobs lost in the crisis. They were pretty small in number compared to the private sector.

3. The government does not create private sector jobs. They merely foster their growth by making a business friendly legal/regualtory environment. Or they do the opposite.

And there you have it. We went from falsifications, to the truth and now the derp wants us to hash out some more charts. No thanks.

Nice summation....

OP debunked soundly....


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