3 facts to counter Obama’s Alaska global warming hype?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Here follow three facts to counter the nonsense you will hear this week. And by “facts” I meandata collected by incorruptible sources, not predictions based on dodgy computer climate modelsor readings from land-based stations that skew recorded temperatures upward, keeping alive the ever-failing hypothesis of man-caused global warming.

Fact #1: Global temperatures have been flat for nearly 19 years.

Measured by satellite — the most-accurate way to measure global temperatures — there has been no global warming since kids who are entering college this year were born. The Class of 2015 has been told all their lives in school that human activity has been dangerously warming the planet. The facts — thedata collected by the satellites NASA sent up into orbit — tell a different story:


The stories about “the warmest year on record” you read in the media mostly concern a fraction of a degree — and even those fractions mean little because the old, unreliable, land-based temperature stations were adjusted in a way that makes today’s temperatures seem warmer than the past. Take the Medieval Warm Period— called the “climate optimum” before warming was deemed bad — which was a lot warmer than today. Greenland, for example, was for centuries able to support modest crops and livestock. (They abandoned the colonies for good reason: It once was warm but got too cold!)

Three Facts to Counter Obama’s Alaska Global Warming Hype - Climate Change Dispatch

Now you will need to click on the link to read the other factors. Cause I can only copy and paste 1/3 of an article....or else.

Fuck with a liberal. Tell the truth and back it up with facts.
Obama sellin' refrigerators to eskimos...

Obama Pushes Solar Power--In Arctic Town That Sees Little Sun in Winter
September 4, 2015 – President Obama promoted solar energy to residents of Kotzebue, an Alaskan town located 26 miles north of the Arctic Circle that gets less than six hours of sunlight for 34 days in early December through early January.
“I know you guys have started putting up solar panels and wind turbines around Kotzebue. And because energy costs are pretty severe up here, for remote Alaskan communities, one of the biggest problems is high energy costs,” the president said in a speech he delivered during a three-day tour of the state in which he stressed the dangers of climate change. “One of the reasons I came up here is to really focus on what is probably the biggest challenge our planet faces. If there’s one thing that threatens opportunity and prosperity for everybody, wherever we live, it’s the threat of a changing climate,” said Obama, the first president to venture north of the Arctic Circle.

“We are the number-one producer of oil and gas. But we’re transitioning away from energy that creates the carbon that’s warming the planet and threatening our health and our environment, and we’re going all in on clean, renewable energy sources like wind and solar. And Alaska has the natural resources to be a global leader in this effort,” the president said. “So we’re going to deploy more new clean-energy projects on Native lands, and that’s going to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, promote new jobs and new growth in your communities,” he added.


Aerial photo of Kotzebue, Alaska, which is located 26 miles north of the Arctic Circle.

Kotzebue – a town of about 3,000 residents that bills itself as the “Gateway to the Arctic” – is one of 15 major communities in Alaska’s Far North Region that are located north of the Arctic Circle, according to TravelAlaska.com, the state’s official tourism agency. The Arctic Circle is the boundary for the “midnight sun”, a phenomenon caused by the tilt in the Earth’s axis in which the sun does not set in the summer or conversely rise in the winter.

On December 22, the winter solstice, the sun rises in Kotzebue at 10:12 am and sets at 3:42 pm – for a total of just five and a half hours of sunlight. During the 34 days between December 3rd and January 6th, Kotzebue’s days are less than six hours long. In Barrow, the northernmost town in Alaska which is located 330 miles north of the Arctic Circle, there are 67 winter days in which the sun does not shine at all, according to Alaska.org.

Obama Pushes Solar Power--In Arctic Town That Sees Little Sun in Winter

See also:

Report: Danger of Government-Created Solar Bubble Bursting When Subsidies Expire in 2016
August 13, 2015 – Federal subsidies have created a massive “green bubble” in the solar industry that is in danger of bursting when they expire next year, leaving taxpayers on the hook for billions of dollars, according to a report by the Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA).
Homeowners and businesses that install a solar energy system are currently entitled to a 30 percent Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which was initially passed by Congress in 2006 and extended for another eight years in 2008. However, the ITC will drop to 10 percent for commercial and zero for residential properties on Dec. 31, 2016. And even members of the heavily-subsidized solar industry, which provides less than one percent of the nation’s electricity, are worried that it cannot stand on its own without government handouts. “The reality is that we will lose 100,000 jobs if we lose the ITC — and these are conservative numbers. Ninety percent of solar companies will go out of business,” Rhone Resch, executive director of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), told participants at PV American 2015 in March.


SEIA spokesman Ken Johnson said that lobbying Congress to extend the ITC beyond 2016 is the group’s “top priority.” According to the TPA report, entitled From Washington to Wall Street: How Government Policies are Skewing Solar Investments, solar companies are currently “bundling and securitizing” third-party solar leases, similar to the activity that triggered the housing market collapse. “Since most homeowners do not have enough tax liability to utilize the Investment Tax Credit and some state incentives, the leasing company can take advantage of subsidies the average homeowner cannot,” the report explained. “Solar leasing companies then take hundreds or thousands of leases and PPAs [in which the homeowner pays the company for the solar power produced] and bundle them together to offer them to investors (banks, insurance corporations and corporate investors) as asset backed securities, using the homeowner’s lease or PPA payment to service the debt.”

But the report pointed out that after 23 years, production of wind power “dropped off significantly” when a similar $12 billion annual federal wind production tax credit was set to expire, warning that “solar could well suffer a similar fate.” “Much like the government-created housing bubble and subsequent financial crisis, handouts at the federal and state level are creating a solar bubble that taxpayers are propping up, and it will the taxpayers and investors who take the hit when the industry comes crashing down,” the TPA report predicted.



Despite $39B in Annual Gov't. Subsidies, Solar Produced 0.5% of Electricity in US
Obama sellin' refrigerators to eskimos...

Obama Pushes Solar Power--In Arctic Town That Sees Little Sun in Winter
September 4, 2015 – President Obama promoted solar energy to residents of Kotzebue, an Alaskan town located 26 miles north of the Arctic Circle that gets less than six hours of sunlight for 34 days in early December through early January.
“I know you guys have started putting up solar panels and wind turbines around Kotzebue. And because energy costs are pretty severe up here, for remote Alaskan communities, one of the biggest problems is high energy costs,” the president said in a speech he delivered during a three-day tour of the state in which he stressed the dangers of climate change. “One of the reasons I came up here is to really focus on what is probably the biggest challenge our planet faces. If there’s one thing that threatens opportunity and prosperity for everybody, wherever we live, it’s the threat of a changing climate,” said Obama, the first president to venture north of the Arctic Circle.

“We are the number-one producer of oil and gas. But we’re transitioning away from energy that creates the carbon that’s warming the planet and threatening our health and our environment, and we’re going all in on clean, renewable energy sources like wind and solar. And Alaska has the natural resources to be a global leader in this effort,” the president said. “So we’re going to deploy more new clean-energy projects on Native lands, and that’s going to reduce dependence on fossil fuels, promote new jobs and new growth in your communities,” he added.


Aerial photo of Kotzebue, Alaska, which is located 26 miles north of the Arctic Circle.

Kotzebue – a town of about 3,000 residents that bills itself as the “Gateway to the Arctic” – is one of 15 major communities in Alaska’s Far North Region that are located north of the Arctic Circle, according to TravelAlaska.com, the state’s official tourism agency. The Arctic Circle is the boundary for the “midnight sun”, a phenomenon caused by the tilt in the Earth’s axis in which the sun does not set in the summer or conversely rise in the winter.

On December 22, the winter solstice, the sun rises in Kotzebue at 10:12 am and sets at 3:42 pm – for a total of just five and a half hours of sunlight. During the 34 days between December 3rd and January 6th, Kotzebue’s days are less than six hours long. In Barrow, the northernmost town in Alaska which is located 330 miles north of the Arctic Circle, there are 67 winter days in which the sun does not shine at all, according to Alaska.org.

Obama Pushes Solar Power--In Arctic Town That Sees Little Sun in Winter

See also:

Report: Danger of Government-Created Solar Bubble Bursting When Subsidies Expire in 2016
August 13, 2015 – Federal subsidies have created a massive “green bubble” in the solar industry that is in danger of bursting when they expire next year, leaving taxpayers on the hook for billions of dollars, according to a report by the Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA).
Homeowners and businesses that install a solar energy system are currently entitled to a 30 percent Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC), which was initially passed by Congress in 2006 and extended for another eight years in 2008. However, the ITC will drop to 10 percent for commercial and zero for residential properties on Dec. 31, 2016. And even members of the heavily-subsidized solar industry, which provides less than one percent of the nation’s electricity, are worried that it cannot stand on its own without government handouts. “The reality is that we will lose 100,000 jobs if we lose the ITC — and these are conservative numbers. Ninety percent of solar companies will go out of business,” Rhone Resch, executive director of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), told participants at PV American 2015 in March.


SEIA spokesman Ken Johnson said that lobbying Congress to extend the ITC beyond 2016 is the group’s “top priority.” According to the TPA report, entitled From Washington to Wall Street: How Government Policies are Skewing Solar Investments, solar companies are currently “bundling and securitizing” third-party solar leases, similar to the activity that triggered the housing market collapse. “Since most homeowners do not have enough tax liability to utilize the Investment Tax Credit and some state incentives, the leasing company can take advantage of subsidies the average homeowner cannot,” the report explained. “Solar leasing companies then take hundreds or thousands of leases and PPAs [in which the homeowner pays the company for the solar power produced] and bundle them together to offer them to investors (banks, insurance corporations and corporate investors) as asset backed securities, using the homeowner’s lease or PPA payment to service the debt.”

But the report pointed out that after 23 years, production of wind power “dropped off significantly” when a similar $12 billion annual federal wind production tax credit was set to expire, warning that “solar could well suffer a similar fate.” “Much like the government-created housing bubble and subsequent financial crisis, handouts at the federal and state level are creating a solar bubble that taxpayers are propping up, and it will the taxpayers and investors who take the hit when the industry comes crashing down,” the TPA report predicted.



Despite $39B in Annual Gov't. Subsidies, Solar Produced 0.5% of Electricity in US
He's paid to push global warming. The elites are making tons of money off this lie.
I just finished reading climate change: the facts, which would go over most liberal's heads.

It's about scientists who have proven climate change is a scam.

The IPCC is a bought and paid for propaganda machine using junk science to promote climate change.
You read "Climate Change: The Facts", the collections of denier essays edited by Mark Steyn (of National Review, being sued by Michael Mann fame). So, could we get a sampling of these facts that would go over liberal's heads?
Here we go again.

There is not one Scientific Society in the world that states that AGW is not happening. Not one Academy of Science of any nation. Not one major University.

Now you people are trying to say that there has been no warming in the last 19 years. Even though 19 of the 20 hottest years on record have occurred in the last 20 years.


Old Fuck and his dick crick posting crap again... I grow tired of you posting fantasy crap and calling it scientific.. The fact is the satellite data is far superior to the land based garbage which has been mangled and adjusted so that it doesn't have any scientific value...
Not to mention there are huge glaciers that are advancing, not receeding
Why yes, there are a few glaciers advancing. And thinning. And about 95% of the glaciers in the world are receding rapidly.


Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World
About this Volume
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1386, Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World, contains 11 chapters designated by the letters A through K. Chapter A provides a comprehensive, yet concise, review of the "State of the Earth's Cryosphere at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Glaciers, Global Snow Cover, Floating Ice, and Permafrost and Periglacial Environments," and a "Map/Poster of the Earth's Dynamic Cryosphere," and a set of eight "Supplemental Cryosphere Notes" about the Earth's Dynamic Cryosphere and the Earth System. The next 10 chapters, B through K, are arranged geographically and present glaciological information from Landsat and other sources of historic and modern data on each of the geographic areas. Chapter B covers Antarctica; Chapter C, Greenland; Chapter D, Iceland; Chapter E, Continental Europe (except for the European part of the former Soviet Union), including the Alps, the Pyrenees, Norway, Sweden, Svalbard (Norway), and Jan Mayen (Norway); Chapter F, Asia, including the European part of the former Soviet Union, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, and Bhutan; Chapter G, Turkey, Iran, and Africa; Chapter H, Irian Jaya (Indonesia) and New Zealand; Chapter I, South America; Chapter J, North America (excluding Alaska); and Chapter K, Alaska. Chapters A–D each include map plates.

Yes, I know, the USGS, and every other agency like it in any nation are in on the vast Illumati conspiracy to take over the world by lying about glaciers. LOL
Old Fuck and his dick crick posting crap again... I grow tired of you posting fantasy crap and calling it scientific.. The fact is the satellite data is far superior to the land based garbage which has been mangled and adjusted so that it doesn't have any scientific value...
Now Mr. Billy Bob, I just posted a whole bunch of satellite data. Have a look at it, if you dare.
The AGWCult started adding the imaginary oceanic warming in order to make their numbers
Lots of solar photovoltaics and wind machines being used in Kotz, Nome and several other villages posing as cities. They really DO help cut down the use of expensive fuel oil (generators run on that stuff). It doesn't save a dime because the equipment cost is just beginning. In the case of wind, exceedingly high maintenance. Yes, no photovoltaic when the sun don't shine (as for the bigger part of winter); no wind generated power when the wind doesn't blow or blows too hard or the search party still hasn't found the blades that flew off. But, when those systems work, they DO save oil. But they don't displace the generators because they're still needed when the hippie stuff isn't producing. Less oil gets burned! But the oil that IS burned costs more per gallon because less of it is purchased (bulk pricing). This does not say "don't fuck around with solar and wind". It just says it's prudent to open the sack and check the pig inside to be sure it's not just one of those little potbelly pigs and a bunch of rocks to make it seem heavier.

What I find puzzling is why, when visiting The Arctic, O'Bumbles didn't just proclaim executive orders that the sun shine minimum 18 hours/day and that wind speeds remain within a federally specified range.

Or can't He do all you think He can?

I'm still waiting and still very curious as to what these facts are that would go right over liberals heads.

You read "Climate Change: The Facts", the collections of denier essays edited by Mark Steyn (of National Review, being sued by Michael Mann fame). So, could we get a sampling of these facts that would go over liberal's heads?
The AGWCult started adding the imaginary oceanic warming in order to make their numbers

And what makes you say it's imaginary? Do you have some data that shows it not warming?

Well you said yourself "Excess heat" is a fictional concept of 2 random words strung together, yet that's the basis of AR5 thesis that the oceans are "Absorbing" the excess heat. "Excess heat" that apparently bypassed the atmosphere and land and went straight down to 700m
The AGWCult started adding the imaginary oceanic warming in order to make their numbers

And what makes you say it's imaginary? Do you have some data that shows it not warming?

Why yes. The fact that it's not. The error bars are five times larger than the supposed "warming" so with an error that large I can just as plausibly claim that the global temp DROPPED by .38 degrees and it is equally valid.

But, that's science and you clowns don't "do" science. You only do propaganda.
These people............Soetero and Kerry. These people are certifiable.......absolutely insane. Did anybody hear this nonsense..........."carbon pollution". What the fuck kind of makey-uppey shit is that? And how many times did you hear the world "global" used? That the science is "no longer in dispute".:disbelief:. We must pursue a "sustainable" world.

What we have here people are radical lunatic Marxists who are astute students of Saul Alinsky. THAT is what this is about.........destroying capitalism. This asshole president Soetero..........make no mistake...........is focused on one thing and one thing only: redistributing the wealth. If you don't understand that, I cant help you..............you live in a matrix bubble and are duped. And if you are college educated and are advocating for the crap Soetero is pushing, you have been effectively indoctrinated long ago at school ( fucking suckers:spinner:). God.....I had figured this shit out within a year of graduating college decades ago.

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