3 facts to counter Obama’s Alaska global warming hype?

Not to mention there are huge glaciers that are advancing, not receeding
Why yes, there are a few glaciers advancing. And thinning. And about 95% of the glaciers in the world are receding rapidly.

USGS Professional Paper 1386

Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World
About this Volume
U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1386, Satellite Image Atlas of Glaciers of the World, contains 11 chapters designated by the letters A through K. Chapter A provides a comprehensive, yet concise, review of the "State of the Earth's Cryosphere at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Glaciers, Global Snow Cover, Floating Ice, and Permafrost and Periglacial Environments," and a "Map/Poster of the Earth's Dynamic Cryosphere," and a set of eight "Supplemental Cryosphere Notes" about the Earth's Dynamic Cryosphere and the Earth System. The next 10 chapters, B through K, are arranged geographically and present glaciological information from Landsat and other sources of historic and modern data on each of the geographic areas. Chapter B covers Antarctica; Chapter C, Greenland; Chapter D, Iceland; Chapter E, Continental Europe (except for the European part of the former Soviet Union), including the Alps, the Pyrenees, Norway, Sweden, Svalbard (Norway), and Jan Mayen (Norway); Chapter F, Asia, including the European part of the former Soviet Union, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, and Bhutan; Chapter G, Turkey, Iran, and Africa; Chapter H, Irian Jaya (Indonesia) and New Zealand; Chapter I, South America; Chapter J, North America (excluding Alaska); and Chapter K, Alaska. Chapters A–D each include map plates.

Yes, I know, the USGS, and every other agency like it in any nation are in on the vast Illumati conspiracy to take over the world by lying about glaciers. LOL

This kind of stuff is more hype........part of the original bomb throwing strategy of the AGW global warming community for 3 decades now. The glaciers. The intention here is to imply that human-kind can do something about this which is the stoopidest nonsense.........obviously.:2up: There is zero proof the receeding of the glaciers has anything to do with human activity.......its a rigged "theory".

One thing to know.....there is a vast amount of deceit going on with these people.......like this business about "why would scientists lie about glaciers"??? Scientists arent doing dick...........they are presenting images of glaciers shrinking. Its the nuts that are connecting false dots to meet ideological agendas: ushering in the end of capitalism. And the deceit is right in your face too................."vast Illumati conspiracy to take over the world by lying about glaciers. LOL"............bald faced fuckery.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::disbelief:
I thought I read about tree stumps being uncovered at some retreating Alaskan Glacier terminus. Real or internet hoax?

Edit- tree stumps dated to the MWP
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My, why should David believe scientists with decades of experiance and study behind them? Much wiser to believe an anonymous poster who uses WUWT as sources to counter those in peer reviewed journals. LOL
I thought I read about tree stumps being uncovered at some retreating Alaskan Glacier terminus. Real or internet hoax?

Edit- tree stumps dated to the MWP

LOL.....MWP blew up the whole mantra of the global warming k00ks and Im still laughing about it.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

You watch this video and if you thought man-made global warming was legit, then after you feel like a dumbass with a thumb up your ass:coffee:
I don't understand why you folks think tree stumps under the teminus of a glacier is such a hoot. It shows the glacier - that particular glacier - did not extend that far, during the medieval warm period.

So what? Has that been the case at any significant number of the thousands of rapidly retreating glaciers worldwide? No.

You are grasping at straws. That you do so with such glee is truly sad.
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Here's what's actually happening.

I love it, in the title of the graph "corrected" funny stuff. In order to push the lie, they must first correct the data, because the earth lies.
I don't understand why you folks think tree stumps under the teminus of a glacier is such a hoot. It shows the glacier - that particular glacier - did not extend that far, during the medieval warm period.

So what? Has that been the case at any significant number of the thousands of rapidly retreating glaciers worldwide? No.

You are grasping at straws. That you do so with such glee is truly sad.

Grasping at straws????

We are have been told that the warming is unprecedented, that the MWP was a figment of imagination, and yet here we see evidence that the warming is NOT unprecedented, that the MWP is not imaginary. The amusing part is that Obama chose one of these glaciers to hike up and present a speech on unprecedented global warming, seemingly unaware of the joke.
Ian, why are you trying to pass off a big lie that someone thinks the MWP was imaginary? The normal people just point out it was a local effect, being how all the data says that's the case. And that, even at its warmest, the MWP was significantly cooler than it is today.

So, almost all deniers have chosen to retreat from the real world and take up residence in an alternate reality, one where all the facts don't contradict them. We wish them well there. The real world doesn't really miss them.
Ian, why are you trying to pass off a big lie that someone thinks the MWP was imaginary? The normal people just point out it was a local effect, being how all the data says that's the case. And that, even at its warmest, the MWP was significantly cooler than it is today.

So, almost all deniers have chosen to retreat from the real world and take up residence in an alternate reality, one where all the facts don't contradict them. We wish them well there. The real world doesn't really miss them.

Hahahahaha. How was the wheat crop in Greenland this year?
I don't understand why you folks think tree stumps under the teminus of a glacier is such a hoot. It shows the glacier - that particular glacier - did not extend that far, during the medieval warm period.

So what? Has that been the case at any significant number of the thousands of rapidly retreating glaciers worldwide? No.

You are grasping at straws. That you do so with such glee is truly sad.

So WHAT? :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: How about this nimrod...what are the odds that a single glacier, out of the whole quantity of glaciers in Alaska, a SINGLE one mind you, retreat while all the others remained normal? Were the Eskimos directing all of their farts at that one glacier? Was every single caribou in the whole of North America taking a crap on that ONE glacier? Or how about a polar vortex so that every single whale fart was directed at that ONE glacier? (BTW for the uninitiated these are ALL peer reviewed hypotheses on how warming occurred in the past, it couldn't possibly be that big orange ball in the sky, oh no, it's got to be CO2, but how do we generate CO2 when man ain't around to blame? Yep, you got it methane from whale farts)

Or maybe, just maybe, you guys are all full of poo yourselves and the MWP was indeed global (over 100 peer reviewed papers say it was global), and much warmer than the present day and that puts yet another nail in your bullshit theory. Yeah, that seems a lot more likely don't you think propagandist?
Lonnie Thompson's group got a big grant to take ice cores at the xxx-Churchill Glacier. When it turned out that the Glacier was younger than the RWP none of the data was released. Inconvenient.
Hahahahaha. How was the wheat crop in Greenland this year?

There's never been a wheat crop in Greenland. At best, the settlers managed a bit of barley.

That's a good example of the denier alternate-reality history. In this case, they believe the Viking settlers grew vast fields of wheat in Greenland.

If someone wanted to, they could grow barley in Greenland now, but it makes no economic sense. We do know trees are coming back to Greenland now, something that didn't happened in the MWP. And it's now possible to grow cold-tolerant vegetables in Greenland, which is also new.

Produce picked from the tundra: Welcome to climate change in Greenland - World News
Were the Eskimos directing all of their farts at that one glacier?

Sadly, that kind of discourse is now all Westwall and most deniers are capable of.

Their little minds simply can't comprehend that different glaciers behave differently. According to denier pseudoscience, all glaciers must advance or retreat in lockstep with the global temp average. Deniers, as a whole, can't handle fourth-grade level logic and science. That would be why mainstream science ignores them completely. And instead of taking that as a signal to step up their game, deniers use it as an excuse to invoke more conspiracy madness.
Hahahahaha. How was the wheat crop in Greenland this year?

There's never been a wheat crop in Greenland. At best, the settlers managed a bit of barley.

That's a good example of the denier alternate-reality history. In this case, they believe the Viking settlers grew vast fields of wheat in Greenland.

If someone wanted to, they could grow barley in Greenland now, but it makes no economic sense. We do know trees are coming back to Greenland now, something that didn't happened in the MWP. And it's now possible to grow cold-tolerant vegetables in Greenland, which is also new.

Produce picked from the tundra: Welcome to climate change in Greenland - World News

More made-to-order propaganda? Good for you.
Were the Eskimos directing all of their farts at that one glacier?

Sadly, that kind of discourse is now all Westwall and most deniers are capable of.

Their little minds simply can't comprehend that different glaciers behave differently. According to denier pseudoscience, all glaciers must advance or retreat in lockstep with the global temp average. Deniers, as a whole, can't handle fourth-grade level logic and science. That would be why mainstream science ignores them completely. And instead of taking that as a signal to step up their game, deniers use it as an excuse to invoke more conspiracy madness.

Then why is every retreating Glacier, every un-unprecedented weather event, etc proclaimed as a harbinger of impending doom? Double standard much?

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