Thousands walked out of Kamala Harris hate rally after free concert ended

I didn't say you said that. I asked you an honest question.

Of course not. The last thing I want to see is a President Harris, but your cult has only yourselves to blame for that. We warned you people over and over and over not to renominate that scumbag and you did it anyway. Now you're going to lose, again, and you'll come up with every excuse and conspiracy theory you can to explain it away aside from the fact that Trump is a just an unpalatable piece of shit. In fact, I'll guarantee one of his sons will run in '28 and a good amount of you will coalesce around them too.
Well at least no one has taken a shot at her, and her own party didn't want to hang her.

In other words, unlike the Left, no one on the right shoots at people they don't agree with.

Thanks for admitting all the real hate and violence stems from the Left and begins in the leftist-run universities.
Of course not. The last thing I want to see is a President Harris, but your cult has only yourselves to blame for that. We warned you people over and over and over not to renominate that scumbag and you did it anyway. Now you're going to lose, again, and you'll come up with every excuse and conspiracy theory you can to explain it away aside from the fact that Trump is a just an unpalatable piece of shit. In fact, I'll guarantee one of his sons will run in '28 and a good amount of you will coalesce around them too.
Well Trump still leads Harris in every poll except I think Michigan that is within the margin of error. RCP shows a running average of swing state polling averages on their home page every day. (Trump was a bit underwater in Michigan before Biden dropped out too but the gap has been narrowing.)

The media is now trying to bury every negative about Kamala and present her as a quasi-Republican while Google is removing all the negatives it can from its search engine. But Trump's support is holding steady just the same. You see we Patriots vote for policy and track record instead of personality. In my opinion, you should too but each to their own.
Except the Republican with the rifle who shot at Trump.
He was no republican. He either just registered that way because his family was republican (or was registered by them), or only did that to throw stupid gullible people like you off because ALL HIS PERSONAL SOCIAL CONTACTS AND SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS SCREAMED EXTREMIST FAR LEFT NUT LIKE YOU. In fact, Crooks had never even voted. He was also an active member and donator to Act Blue, a far left organization aimed at influencing elections to the left for social change.

You have a very serious reading problem.
No, you have a very serious stupid problem.
But hey! I don't even have to read your unhinged crap anymore. Off to IGNORE-LOONEYLAND for you, crackpot! Bye. :hhello::fingerscrossed:
He was no republican. He either just registered that way because his family was republican (or was registered by them), or only did that to throw stupid gullible people like you off because ALL HIS PERSONAL SOCIAL CONTACTS AND SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS SCREAMED EXTREMIST FAR LEFT NUT LIKE YOU. In fact, Crooks had never even voted. He was also an active member and donator to Act Blue, a far left organization aimed at influencing elections to the left for social change.

No, you have a very serious stupid problem.
But hey! I don't even have to read your unhinged crap anymore. Off to IGNORE-LOONEYLAND for you, crackpot! Bye. :hhello::fingerscrossed:

The left's lies have failed utterly, as we all watched another deranged leftist try to kill a Republican president.

Leftists have shot HALF of our Republican presidents in the past 40 years. The violence from the left is out of control.
He was no republican. He either just registered that way because his family was republican (or was registered by them), or only did that to throw stupid gullible people like you off because ALL HIS PERSONAL SOCIAL CONTACTS AND SOCIAL MEDIA POSTS SCREAMED EXTREMIST FAR LEFT NUT LIKE YOU. In fact, Crooks had never even voted. He was also an active member and donator to Act Blue, a far left organization aimed at influencing elections to the left for social change.

No, you have a very serious stupid problem.
But hey! I don't even have to read your unhinged crap anymore. Off to IGNORE-LOONEYLAND for you, crackpot! Bye. :hhello::fingerscrossed:
We're going to have to disagree on that.
Well Trump still leads Harris in every poll except I think Michigan that is within the margin of error. RCP shows a running average of swing state polling averages on their home page every day. (Trump was a bit underwater in Michigan before Biden dropped out too but the gap has been narrowing.)

The media is now trying to bury every negative about Kamala and present her as a quasi-Republican while Google is removing all the negatives it can from its search engine. But Trump's support is holding steady just the same. You see we Patriots vote for policy and track record instead of personality. In my opinion, you should too but each to their own.

The momentum has clearly shifted in Harris's favor and the Trump campaign has no response to it. Nothing. Trump has an overall negative approval rating and his idiot VP pick has an even worse approval rating, even in his own state.

Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley would be putting up a fight right now and hitting her on the issues, but you guys wanted the clown car instead because apparently you guys think Trump babbling on for 90 minutes at a podium and calling his opponents Kindergartener themed names is what makes a president.
The momentum has clearly shifted in Harris's favor and the Trump campaign has no response to it. Nothing. Trump has an overall negative approval rating and his idiot VP pick has an even worse approval rating, even in his own state.

Ron DeSantis or Nikki Haley would be putting up a fight right now and hitting her on the issues, but you guys wanted the clown car instead because apparently you guys think Trump babbling on for 90 minutes at a podium and calling his opponents Kindergartener themed names is what makes a president.
Okay. There apparently is no way to have a reasoned conversation with something so totally infested with TDS he/she is incapable of seeing anything else other than his/her hatred for Trump. I tried. A pity. But I will be blaming people like you when we lose the American that we have known and loved as the country it was intended to be.
I ignore the poll results because they are misleading. That huge red wave that was predicted by almost all the polls never did materialize.
Okay. There apparently is no way to have a reasoned conversation with something so totally infested with TDS he/she is incapable of seeing anything else other than his/her hatred for Trump.

Nope. You have no counterpoint to anything I said. The moment you've turned to your childish "TDS" talking point, you've lost the argument. I accept your concession. You have a nice day.
Nope. You have no counterpoint to anything I said. The moment you've turned to your childish "TDS" talking point, you've lost the argument. I accept your concession. You have a nice day.
Oh come on. You have as bad a case of TDS as anybody on the board. Your thread after thread after thread trashing or demonizing Trump with never EVER any discussion of his actual track record or policy positions is all the counterpoint I need.

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