3 killed in shooting at Rite Aid distribution center in Maryland. Well, they have Band-Aid's!

Maryland gun law...

Permits required to purchase
Universal background checks ANY sale, ffl or private
STATE and federal background checks
Registration of all handguns and Ar-15 style rifles
Mandatory firearms training required for permits
SEVEN day waiting period
High capacity magazine ban

Didn't matter one iota. Three Maryland bought and registered mass shootings.

Gun control isn't going to stop mass shootings...the proof is here.

I sure hope that they don't figure this out in Australia, and the industrialized countries of Europe and the Pacific Rim!

Gun ban. Gotcha. I mean, you're too cowardly to come out and say it, but we get it.

Mass government confiscation.

100,000,000 gun owners penalized over the actions of the .0000000001%.

Right. Hillary, and her band of paranoids are going to take your gun from you in the middle of the night while you are asleep.

That's what was done in Australia...were you full of shit before or full of shit now?

Instead of tap dancing just tell me exactly what you propose.

Maryland has universal background checks...even on private sales.

They have mandatory registration.

They have mandatory permits for purchase.

They have a mandatory waiting period.

They have a high capacity magazine ban.

They have both state and federal background checks.

Yet this mass shooter legally puchased and registered her gun in Maryland. The guy who committed the mass shooting a couple days ago at the Gazette in Annapolis legal bought his gun in Maryland, and the mass shooter who shot up the competition in Florida last month legally bought two handguns in Maryland...so it's pretty obvious that shit ain't workin' to stop mass shootings.

SO...tap dancer...what will work? Everything gun-haters propose to curb mass shootings is the fucking law in Maryland...and it doesn't stop shit.

I confess that I don't know how to dance.

Let me answer with this piece of information. Cigarettes cost over $10 per pack in New York, due to "sin taxes" placed on them in that city. This created a major boom in bootleg cigarettes by people buying them in Virginia, and selling them in New York for exurbanite profits. So, now, New Yorkers can buy cigarettes for, say, $5.50 a pack, bootleggers get rich, and New York loses their expected tax revenue. Who could have POSSIBLY anticipated that?

But these people didn't go to Virginia. They LEGALLY bought their guns in Maryland. So this is a dodge.

ALL the gun control in Maryland DIDN'T HELP. Nor will any other gun control like this. It's doing something for the sake of doing something.

I think of this like I think about alcohol. We know that there are millions of people that use alcohol responsibly. We also know that there are always going to be people that don't...and invariable innocent people are going to die because of that minority. We don't punish the 100,000,000 who drank responsibly last night for the drunk driver who killed a family of four at 2am this morning. If the drunk driver lives, we punish him or her.

And THAT is the answer. Commit a felony with a firearm...10 years automatically. Convicted felon with a gun...life sentence automatically.
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This answers the question about who it was that did the shooting....wonder who called it a guy or girl to set it off?

Authorities in Harford County were still trying to determine late Thursday why Snochia Moseley opened fire at the Rite Aid warehouse where she had taken a temporary job, killing three employees and fatally wounding herself.


Authorities have not identified the victims.


Authorities and court records identified Moseley as female, as did a Facebook profile in her name. But in Facebook messages Coley shared with The Baltimore Sun, Moseley described herself as transgender, although it was not clear whether Moseley preferred to be addressed using masculine or feminine pronouns.

In messages that the friend said were sent in December 2016, Moseley discussed beginning hormone treatment soon.

"I just started talking about [being transgender]," Moseley wrote in another message. "My sister is totally supportive, my brothers already had an idea, my mom I haven’t gotten around to admitting it to yet. but she’s heard about it somehow."

(Excerpt) Read more at baltimoresun.com ...

What are we comparing or looking at here with this individual incident? Just get right to your point. Don't by shy, its too early in the morning lol
Yes, we all see how easily it is to ENFLAME a transgender into violence...don"t you think?

OK. So your idea is that transgender people are more prone to violence than society in general?

Do you want big government to make more liberal laws regulating what folks do with their bodies?

Or do you want to create a big government agency called The Department of Transgender Re-Education?

What's your plan?
So...no story then...not a Trump supporter and didn't use an AR-15.....anti gunners, weeping, go somewhere else, hoping for a shooting they can support....
3 mass shootings in 2 days

1.1 million times a year Americans stop violent criminal attacks..... and they also use those guns to stop mass shootings....

1,100,000 to 2........good guys with guns save more lives...
Our homicide rate is 4-5x that of countries with strong gun control. Clearly lives aren’t being saved.

Wrong again...more lives are saved by good guys with guns....than are taken by criminals released by you and the democrats...

Case Closed: Kleck Is Still Correct

If this 1/3 vs. 2/3 ratio of deaths to injuries in actual shootings pertains in these DGUs, that makes for at least 176,000 lives saved—less some attackers who lost their lives to defenders. This enormous benefit dwarfs, both in human and economic terms, the losses trumpeted by hoplophobes who only choose to see the risk side of the equation.
Our homicide rate is 4-5X that of countries with strong gun control. You lose again.

No.....our gun murder rate has gone down 49% as more Americans own and carry guns....Britain banned and confiscated guns and their gun crime rate went up 42% in London, 23% across England and Wales just last year and their ove3r all violent crime rate is through the roof as their criminals run wild and rape and attack British citizens at will......

Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives, to stop rapes, robberies and murders...lives saved. Our problem is democrats keep letting violent criminals out of jail over and over again.
We probably won't hear much more about this since the shooter wasn't wh*te.

This story will be scrubbed from Google faster than the Kavanaugh accuser scrubbed her social media pages....
A gunman killed three people and wounded two others Thursday at a drugstore distribution center in Harford County, Maryland, officials said Thursday.

The shooting occurred at a Rite Aid support facility, and "what I understand is the location is secure," said Rite Aid spokeswoman Susan Henderson. Roughly 1,000 employees work there, she said. ( Seems 3 killed 5 wounded)
3 killed in shooting at Rite Aid distribution center in Maryland - CNN

:dunno:Hmm? Why would this happen?

The democrats push gun free zones for law abiding citizens...so they are defenseless when violent criminals attack........
Yeah, blame it on the gun free zones instead of the guy with the gun. That is Trumpist logic. A Trumpist wet dream is living like a Somali in Mogadishu.
Nope blaming the person i.e. the shooter and the situation that allowed the shooting i.e. gun-free zone. An armed citizen could have stopped this after the first shot.

...and if pigs could fly, we would all be covered with pig shit....
Because gun-free zone work so well.
Another good citizen with a gun.....until the moment she wasn't.
Yeah right in the middle of a gun free zone created by scum YOU support.
Oh, that's right...the new excuse is it's all the fault of gun-free zones.

No, the gun free zones just increase the body count which you scumbags are desperate for. You can't take away peoples Rights unless you can make sure a lot of people are murdered.
Rite Aid Shooter Self-Identified As Transgender Male

A friend of the woman who killed three people in a mass shooting in Maryland Thursday revealed that she identified as a transgender male.

Authorities identified the shooter who killed three people and wounded two others at a Rite Aid distribution center in Aberdeen as a 26-year-old woman named Snochia

Oh the irony of facts and mental illness will sine through via the very dumbasses who chant and want all the wrong to be right. When, in reality causing such an unbalance within nature is going to backfire in ways most of these zombie fks can't even imagine.
Rite Aid Shooter Self-Identified As Transgender Male

A friend of the woman who killed three people in a mass shooting in Maryland Thursday revealed that she identified as a transgender male.

Authorities identified the shooter who killed three people and wounded two others at a Rite Aid distribution center in Aberdeen as a 26-year-old woman named Snochia

Oh the irony of facts and mental illness will sine through via the very dumbasses who chant and want all the wrong to be right. When, in reality causing such an unbalance within nature is going to backfire in ways most of these zombie fks can't even imagine.

Classic case of panties in a wad?
Our homicide rate is 4-5x that of countries with strong gun control. Clearly lives aren’t being saved.

And that is unchanged from BEFORE they instituted strict gun control. So what's your point?

And now they have more gun violence, not less....and more violent crime against their unarmed citizens....

Somehow they think that as the criminals become more violent and the police are kept from enforcing the law, that gun crime is going to go down? That is how crazy they are.
Anybody know why is story isn't on the news 24/7?

Hmmmm....Black shooter....female/male transgender shooter.....didn't use an AR-15 rifle........No, no, I really don't know why they aren't covering this 24/7.
Anybody know why is story isn't on the news 24/7?

Shhhhh too many people might realize how much it's going on. bhaahahaa

We had a married Lesbian couple in our town that one killed the other when she found out that the victim was leaving her to return to a life with the Father of her Children.

It was big news FOR ONE DAY. It went on the ignore pile to the extent that the Police Department released a press release at the end of the year that NO MURDERS HAPPENED THAT YEAR!
Anybody know why is story isn't on the news 24/7?

Hmmmm....Black shooter....female/male transgender shooter.....didn't use an AR-15 rifle........No, no, I really don't know why they aren't covering this 24/7.

It doesn't fit their narrative.

If only a NRA membership card had been found on this loon's dead rotting corpse it would have had value for the gun grabbers
I wonder if she was loaded up on testosterone and antidepressants?

I have no doubts about it, these meds so, so , so often cause people to lose it. Every major shooting we've heard about every single one of them were on a cocktail of drugs which often have the side effects to " Kill" or cause suicidal thoughts.

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