3 killed in shooting at Rite Aid distribution center in Maryland. Well, they have Band-Aid's!

I have no criminal record, no history of violence....so yes...I am a good guy with a gun
But you're a white male and we all know white males are serial killers who cannot handle gun ownership.

Oh, wait
I have no criminal record, no history of violence....so yes...I am a good guy with a gun
But you're a white male and we all know white males are serial killers who cannot handle gun ownership

Excuse me....I self identify as a female, transgender, undefined LGBTQXYZ XI.......and I will expect you to honor that....
Another good citizen with a gun.....until the moment she wasn't.
Almost every criminal that chose to use firearms was either already a criminal or was mentally defective. We have 320 to 340 MILLION people in this Country with 300 to 500 Million firearms in private hands and yet there are only about 10000 murders with firearms a year. Care to do the math?

Using your logic we should have NO rights because some of us will misuse them.
Well her name was "Snochia". If I had a name that sounded like an incurable venereal disease, I guess I'd be all angry and shooty too.
Another good citizen with a gun.....until the moment she wasn't.
Almost every criminal that chose to use firearms was either already a criminal or was mentally defective. We have 320 to 340 MILLION people in this Country with 300 to 500 Million firearms in private hands and yet there are only about 10000 murders with firearms a year. Care to do the math?

Using your logic we should have NO rights because some of us will misuse them.

Using your logic we should have NO rights because some of us will misuse them

That is exactly what they believe....and they are working toward that end every day
Another good citizen with a gun.....until the moment she wasn't.

Good citizens with guns don't go murdering people, ya dumbass.
You are right...she stopped being a good citizen the minute she started murdering people. Do keep up.

I have 50 or so guns and none of them have ever murdered anyone since they've been in my possession. I can't vouch for what any of the previous owners did with them, but I can assure you that it's never happened while I've owned them.

Are you trying to say that the mere possession of a firearm makes someone a "potentional" murderer? So by the same token, am I to assume that because you own an automobile, you should be suspect that someday you might commit a mass pedestrian attack with your car?

Maybe we should pass a law that confiscates your automobile, just in case, eh?
So you are a good guy with a gun....until the day you are not.

I have no criminal record, no history of violence....so yes...I am a good guy with a gun.
so far
Another good citizen with a gun.....until the moment she wasn't.
Yeah right in the middle of a gun free zone created by scum YOU support.
Oh, that's right...the new excuse is it's all the fault of gun-free zones.
That's not a new one and its certainly not an excuse. We Conservatives tend to point out the faults of the person and the situation that lets these people kill, not the inanimate object. If you believe a gun-free zone is a deterrent you are a fucking moron.
Another good citizen with a gun.....until the moment she wasn't.
Almost every criminal that chose to use firearms was either already a criminal or was mentally defective. We have 320 to 340 MILLION people in this Country with 300 to 500 Million firearms in private hands and yet there are only about 10000 murders with firearms a year. Care to do the math?

Using your logic we should have NO rights because some of us will misuse them.

Using your logic we should have NO rights because some of us will misuse them

That is exactly what they believe....and they are working toward that end every day

So would it be wrong of me to want the left to forfeit their right to vote, because they might possibly try to vote twice?
Another good citizen with a gun.....until the moment she wasn't.
Almost every criminal that chose to use firearms was either already a criminal or was mentally defective. We have 320 to 340 MILLION people in this Country with 300 to 500 Million firearms in private hands and yet there are only about 10000 murders with firearms a year. Care to do the math?

Using your logic we should have NO rights because some of us will misuse them.

Using your logic we should have NO rights because some of us will misuse them

That is exactly what they believe....and they are working toward that end every day

So would it be wrong of me to want the left to forfeit their right to vote, because they might possibly try to vote twice?

Only twice? Here in Chicago the dead democrats vote more than twice....imagine how often living democrats vote...
Another good citizen with a gun.....until the moment she wasn't.
Almost every criminal that chose to use firearms was either already a criminal or was mentally defective. We have 320 to 340 MILLION people in this Country with 300 to 500 Million firearms in private hands and yet there are only about 10000 murders with firearms a year. Care to do the math?

Using your logic we should have NO rights because some of us will misuse them.

Using your logic we should have NO rights because some of us will misuse them

That is exactly what they believe....and they are working toward that end every day
That's pretty funny since I get the "good person with a gun" meme from you and all your copious gun threads.
A gunman killed three people and wounded two others Thursday at a drugstore distribution center in Harford County, Maryland, officials said Thursday.

The shooting occurred at a Rite Aid support facility, and "what I understand is the location is secure," said Rite Aid spokeswoman Susan Henderson. Roughly 1,000 employees work there, she said. ( Seems 3 killed 5 wounded)
3 killed in shooting at Rite Aid distribution center in Maryland - CNN

:dunno:Hmm? Why would this happen?

The democrats push gun free zones for law abiding citizens...so they are defenseless when violent criminals attack........
Yeah, blame it on the gun free zones instead of the guy with the gun. That is Trumpist logic. A Trumpist wet dream is living like a Somali in Mogadishu.
Nope blaming the person i.e. the shooter and the situation that allowed the shooting i.e. gun-free zone. An armed citizen could have stopped this after the first shot.
A gunman killed three people and wounded two others Thursday at a drugstore distribution center in Harford County, Maryland, officials said Thursday.

The shooting occurred at a Rite Aid support facility, and "what I understand is the location is secure," said Rite Aid spokeswoman Susan Henderson. Roughly 1,000 employees work there, she said. ( Seems 3 killed 5 wounded)
3 killed in shooting at Rite Aid distribution center in Maryland - CNN

:dunno:Hmm? Why would this happen?

The democrats push gun free zones for law abiding citizens...so they are defenseless when violent criminals attack........
Yeah, blame it on the gun free zones instead of the guy with the gun. That is Trumpist logic. A Trumpist wet dream is living like a Somali in Mogadishu.
Nope blaming the person i.e. the shooter and the situation that allowed the shooting i.e. gun-free zone. An armed citizen could have stopped this after the first shot.

...and if pigs could fly, we would all be covered with pig shit....
People kill people not firearms
People use people killing firearms to kill people. The reason they are made is to kill living thangs.
Guns are made to kill living thangs. Knives are used way
more to cut (98%) items, than for killing (2%) thangs btw. On the other hand
guns are used mostly (98%) to kill thangs.

I’m going to need a little more help here. It appears as though I have some defective firearms. I don’t think I’ll mention how many. However, none of them have ever killed anyone. I can only assume, by your assertion that they exist mainly to kill people, that they are defective.

I have killed a dozen or so Copperhead rattlesnakes with them. Are Copperhead Rattlesnakes considered people now? If so, we may be good, and my firearms are not defective after all.

Copperhead Rattlesnakes are very common in this area. Death is not certain if you are bitten, but it is quite possible. In fact, Copperhead bites have increased by more than 137% in recent years, bites of other venomous snakes has more than doubled.

So shooting a Copperhead in the yard is pretty much what not only I do, but my neighbors as well. As an aside, killing venomous snakes that pose a danger to humans is legal in Georgia. I don’t go into the woods looking for them, but I do object to them entering the yard proper. In the woods, I wear a set of snake bite protection and heavy boots around my legs, and unless the snake strikes at me, is not going to be killed.

Perhaps my firearm is defective after all. I mean, shouldn’t this bloodthirsty inanimate object want to kill anything and anyone it comes near? I mean, you make them sound like Christine from the Stephen King book.
FFS..GrandMaster DOPer. Guns were made (design) in the 10th century for war. To kill people in the beginning by kings/lords in their wars
who had money to build them. No peasant farmers had the money or skills to make them for home protection or hunting. At some point, kings/lords started hunting food meat with them. They did not need AR15 to hunt for food, ever. If your in a home protection battle with an AR15, your just a moron NRA dick sucking moron falling for their BS. List all the home burglaries/invasions in 2017. List all of the ones stopped by a gun by the homeowner. Not many are.

There are roughly some 2.5 million burglaries a year, 66% of those being home break-ins.
I see few were reported stop by people armed at home.
Why is that? You don't need a gun. Just a sign that lies.
And a few fake home security system camera's.


If they still are coming in. It's you they want.

You do realize your fake sign only works if somebody else does have guns. For example, that sign would not work in your beloved gun free nations.

Now, guns are designed to do a job. Just like a hammer. The gun is designed to fire ammunition, in a direction, with varying degrees of accuracy. What I mean by that is that you can’t hit a target a mile away with a pistol.

Now, what guns are. Guns are tools, and we humans are Tool Users. It is what separates us from the animals. They have tooth and claw. We have fingers with pathetic nails, and teeth utterly unsuited for any killing bites. We do have the ability to use tools though. Man’s first weapon was a rock, then a sharpened stick, and then bows and arrows. None of them were designed and marketed to kill.

Gunpowder was first used for signaling. Later, it was used to propel defensive weapons, and then later still for defensive cannons. Defensive, because the items were too big, and difficult to move. But the powder was not designed to kill. The powder was adapted to kill, just as a rock, and stick were not designed by some Deity for killing, but adapted to allow primitive man to hunt bigger game, and feed more people. Further adaptations of the stick allowed farming.

Flint was chipped away, and used for hunting once sharp enough. It was quickly discovered, and this is a no brain needed assumption, that if it is good for killing a deer, it is also good for killing a person, an enemy who is trying to harm you.

Guns are the same way. It is hunting that led to more effective killing. Long range rifles were not designed to kill people farther away, but to hunt game that was wary enough to make a closer approach too difficult. The big rifles used to nearly eradicate the Buffalo were not adapted from sniper rifles, but were designed for that fact from the beginning. Those same principles were adapted to different rifles for battlefields.

The same is true of sailing vessels. The first ones were used for fishing, or traveling to a different place, and then adapted for violence. Why? Man is what he is. Man is still an animal, even if evolved. Human Being is just another animal. How many times have we heard that Dolphins, and Orca’s are smarter than we are?

You can put up a sign, and if it does deter someone, it is only because I do have a gun. Because it is considered possible if not probable that you are armed because it is probable not possible that I am. It is the presence of all those guns you decry that keeps people from entering your home looking for you.

We know a lot about humans, and we know a lot that isn’t true but we wish it was. One of those things is that without a sharpened stick, we will all learn to get along. That hasn’t been true ever. And it never will be. The reason is that anything can be a weapon. I was cut before, and in that bar fight, the man who cut me wasn’t wielding a knife, but a bottle. I’ve been bonked on the skull by a flashlight. An item that was not designed, but was adapted by the circumstances, to bop me on the Noggin.

Guns may scare you, but the gun has never scared me. The fellow holding the gun may have my undivided attention. But the gun doesn’t worry me.

Most Gun Nutter and Morons are cowards. And won't go up against a gun possible firing at them. Signs work. Same for fake camera in view.
Most Gun slinging robbers are cowards. And won't go up against a gun possible firing at them. Signs work. Same for fake camera in view.

If none of the good guys have guns, then the signs dont work. It can’t work.

I’ve been shot at. It is an interesting experience. One of the things that surprised me was when I watched Saving Private Ryan. Before that, the sounds of gunshots in movies was nothing like the real thing. But the zip of the bullet passing by is something that you never forget. The first time you hear it, it is surprising because you don’t know what it is. It is part of the first few minutes of combat that turns you from a Soldier, to a Veteran. Stalin was right in that respect. He said that it took five minutes to make a soldier. If the individual survived the first five minutes of combat, they were a soldier, and there wasn’t much more you could teach them.

So how I would react to a gunshot is pretty well established, if my history is any indicator of future performance, and granted it is not a guarantee, nothing is a guarantee in this life. But it is a pretty good indicator. What I’ll most probably do is seek cover, and if cover is not available concealment is next best. The difference for those who haven’t been there is simple. Cover stops bullets, concealment doesn’t. A rabbit hiding behind a tree is in cover, a rabbit in a bush is concealed. Then I will assess, and engage. Assess the threat, identify the hostiles, and engage with direct fire, if necessitate maneuver to an advantageous position, or withdraw depending on a lot of factors I won’t even begin to try and explain here.

A gun is no guarantee of safety. It is a tool, it gives you a chance against a hostile threat. People with guns are killed too. But a person with a gun has something that the person without does not have. A fighting chance. All you can do if you are unarmed is either run, or hide. With a weapon of your own, you have the third possible option in combat. You can fight. When threatened, you can run, fight, or hide. There are a thousand variable courses within those three, but you will end up doing one of the three.

A gun has rarely killed anyone. I am speaking of malfunctioning weapons that explode, misfire, or fire without the person touching the trigger. It has happened, just as vehicles, and any other mechanism has failed and injured or killed someone. The gun does not kill. A gun is not a killer. A gun is not a murderer. A gun has no free will, no conscience, and no ability to think. It is an inanimate object incapable of choosing either good or evil.

Just as the Computer is not responsible when someone downloads kiddie porn, the gun is not responsible when someone murders another. Just as the car is not responsible when someone drinks and drives, the gun is not responsible for the armed robbery. The tool can be used for any number of purposes, but in the end, it is still a tool, and we are still tool users. Blaming the hammer for smashing my thumb is the action of a juvenile, not an adult.
A gunman killed three people and wounded two others Thursday at a drugstore distribution center in Harford County, Maryland, officials said Thursday.

The shooting occurred at a Rite Aid support facility, and "what I understand is the location is secure," said Rite Aid spokeswoman Susan Henderson. Roughly 1,000 employees work there, she said. ( Seems 3 killed 5 wounded)
3 killed in shooting at Rite Aid distribution center in Maryland - CNN

:dunno:Hmm? Why would this happen?
And I sure hope the corrupted ATF and FBI are not investigating this
NRA approved use of guns. That would be wrong and so unfair per the Great Douche spews.
It's hard to purchase a gun in Maryland.
Interesting. What about coming into the state with a legal gun?
I don't know, you started this thread, Maryland has strict gun laws. But this happened, and I'm sure it was a gun free zone.


This shooter, the one in Florida last month AND the one in Maryland last week ALL BOUGHT AND REGISTERED THEIR FIREARMS IN MARYLAND.

READ THE FUCKING THREAD...It may partially mitigate your stupidity...

...but I doubt it.

Ok. I got it. It is Ok to shoot people in Maryland if you buy the gun legally, even if you are as batshit crazy homicidal maniac.

Maryland gun law...

Permits required to purchase
Universal background checks ANY sale, ffl or private
STATE and federal background checks
Registration of all handguns and Ar-15 style rifles
Mandatory firearms training required for permits
SEVEN day waiting period
High capacity magazine ban

Didn't matter one iota. Three Maryland bought and registered mass shootings.

Gun control isn't going to stop mass shootings...the proof is here.

I sure hope that they don't figure this out in Australia, and the industrialized countries of Europe and the Pacific Rim!

Gun ban. Gotcha. I mean, you're too cowardly to come out and say it, but we get it.

Mass government confiscation.

100,000,000 gun owners penalized over the actions of the .0000000001%.

Right. Hillary, and her band of paranoids are going to take your gun from you in the middle of the night while you are asleep.

That's what was done in Australia...were you full of shit before or full of shit now?

Instead of tap dancing just tell me exactly what you propose.

Maryland has universal background checks...even on private sales.

They have mandatory registration.

They have mandatory permits for purchase.

They have a mandatory waiting period.

They have a high capacity magazine ban.

They have both state and federal background checks.

Yet this mass shooter legally puchased and registered her gun in Maryland. The guy who committed the mass shooting a couple days ago at the Gazette in Annapolis legal bought his gun in Maryland, and the mass shooter who shot up the competition in Florida last month legally bought two handguns in Maryland...so it's pretty obvious that shit ain't workin' to stop mass shootings.

SO...tap dancer...what will work? Everything gun-haters propose to curb mass shootings is the fucking law in Maryland...and it doesn't stop shit.
Another good citizen with a gun.....until the moment she wasn't.
Almost every criminal that chose to use firearms was either already a criminal or was mentally defective. We have 320 to 340 MILLION people in this Country with 300 to 500 Million firearms in private hands and yet there are only about 10000 murders with firearms a year. Care to do the math?

Using your logic we should have NO rights because some of us will misuse them.

Using your logic we should have NO rights because some of us will misuse them

That is exactly what they believe....and they are working toward that end every day

So would it be wrong of me to want the left to forfeit their right to vote, because they might possibly try to vote twice?
No you can't legally restrict someone from doing something because they might violate the law by purposely doing something illegal, unless of course you are a law abiding citizen living in some parts of the country and try to buy a gun.

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