3 US black soldiers charged with supplying firearms used in recent Chicago shootings, homicides


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
this kinda negates biden's attempt to indict white supremacists in the military....imagine the coverage this would have gotten if these 3 soldiers had been white instead of black.

You will notice the glaring fact that in this CBS account the race of the soldiers is not mentioned. Par for the course.

this kinda negates biden's attempt to indict white supremacists in the military....imagine the coverage this would have gotten if these 3 soldiers had been white instead of black.

You will notice the glaring fact that in this CBS account the race of the soldiers is not mentioned. Par for the course.

But White Supremacy is the biggest threat in the military.

Premier Xiden said so.
this kinda negates biden's attempt to indict white supremacists in the military....imagine the coverage this would have gotten if these 3 soldiers had been white instead of black.

You will notice the glaring fact that in this CBS account the race of the soldiers is not mentioned. Par for the course.

But White Supremacy is the biggest threat in the military.

Premier Xiden said so.

This is just wrong, for US soldiers to sell military equipment for criminals to use in crimes.

A lot of people bring things home, I've heard of veterans bringing home machine guns for SELF DEFENSE after a war and that's one thing, but this is different. I also read several years ago about US veteran in West Virginia caught bringing homs Agent Orange to kill weeds in his lawn. That kind of thing should be excused too.

But this is too much.
This is just wrong, for US soldiers to sell military equipment for criminals to use in crimes.

A lot of people bring things home, I've heard of veterans bringing home machine guns for SELF DEFENSE after a war and that's one thing, but this is different. I also read several years ago about US veteran in West Virginia caught bringing homs Agent Orange to kill weeds in his lawn. That kind of thing should be excused too.

But this is too much.
Since they are black a double-standard comes into play....first the story will be ignored by the msm....i had great difficulty finding the article mentioning they were black......however as we all know if they had been white the msm would have been screaming about these 3 white supremacists from coast to coast.

It will eventually be swept under the rug.....the 3 might get some time....but very possible they will get probation and a dishonorable discharge.

There will be concerted effort to keep this story as quiet as possible.

Just another example of black privelege.
this kinda negates biden's attempt to indict white supremacists in the military....imagine the coverage this would have gotten if these 3 soldiers had been white instead of black.

You will notice the glaring fact that in this CBS account the race of the soldiers is not mentioned. Par for the course.

Its a conspiracy of silence across the entire lib news media
Of course CRT will surmise that it's not their fault. The blacks supplied the firearms to Chicago gangs because of white people.

Don't ask why. White people are the excuse for everything racist. Doesn't matter what it is. That's what CRT is teaching.
Chicago is about as Marxist and woke as you can get . I quit visiting there every year about 5 yrs ago and will never go back
This is just wrong, for US soldiers to sell military equipment for criminals to use in crimes.

A lot of people bring things home, I've heard of veterans bringing home machine guns for SELF DEFENSE after a war and that's one thing, but this is different. I also read several years ago about US veteran in West Virginia caught bringing homs Agent Orange to kill weeds in his lawn. That kind of thing should be excused too.

But this is too much.
With the huge numbers of small arms in the military, I'd imagine skimming a few from time to time wouldn't be that difficult for a creative thief. That isn't what happened here, though. Sounds like these idiots acted as proxies for some gang bangers and supplied guns to people who couldn't purchase them legally. All three of them should do some time.
What a load of horse shit. I spent 20 years in and working for the military, I never met any White Supremacists. There may have been a few dummies, but those came in all colors.
this kinda negates biden's attempt to indict white supremacists in the military....imagine the coverage this would have gotten if these 3 soldiers had been white instead of black.

You will notice the glaring fact that in this CBS account the race of the soldiers is not mentioned. Par for the course.

But White Supremacy is the biggest threat in the military.

Premier Xiden said so.

Funny how mug shots aren’t anywhere even though it should be public record.
What a load of horse shit. I spent 20 years in and working for the military, I never met any White Supremacists. There may have been a few dummies, but those came in all colors.
I was born into it and spent the first 21 years of my life in and I agree with you 100%. It was instilled that we were all green.

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