3 yrs ago Obama's "mission accomplished"


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Three years ago today US Navy Seals took out a dying old man who was once the leader of the anti-American jihad and buried him at sea in a strange ceremony and the president gave a news conference. It was a political spectacle and Americans actually celebrated in the streets but what good did it do? First of all Bill Clinton could have had Bin-Ladin's head on a plate but he refused even after the first attack on the WTC. Clinton went on to bomb a defensless country in Europe while the 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school. Obama got a big spike in the ratings and Americans thought the jihad war was over. Along came Benghazi and the administration was in a bind. Should they send Troops to rescue the brave defenders in the embassy or should they play politics and blame an obscure you tube video? Military analyst retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters said it best "we have had good presidents and we have had bad presidents but this is the first time we have had a coward for a president.
3 years ago Obama said they (terrorists) were on the run. The state department says attacks were up as much as 20%.

Obama is incapable of telling the truth.
Islam's Jihad will never be over. It's a conquest. They're like the Borg.
Three years ago today US Navy Seals took out a dying old man who was once the leader of the anti-American jihad and buried him at sea in a strange ceremony and the president gave a news conference. It was a political spectacle and Americans actually celebrated in the streets but what good did it do? First of all Bill Clinton could have had Bin-Ladin's head on a plate but he refused even after the first attack on the WTC. Clinton went on to bomb a defensless country in Europe while the 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school. Obama got a big spike in the ratings and Americans thought the jihad war was over. Along came Benghazi and the administration was in a bind. Should they send Troops to rescue the brave defenders in the embassy or should they play politics and blame an obscure you tube video? Military analyst retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters said it best "we have had good presidents and we have had bad presidents but this is the first time we have had a coward for a president.

No link posted. No proof offered.

Must be a Blaze/beckie fan.

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