30 Democrats In Puerto Rico With 109 Lobbyists For Weekend Despite Shutdown

What do you think?

  • 1. It's Good

    Votes: 3 11.5%
  • 2. It's Bad

    Votes: 16 61.5%
  • 3. It's neither Good nor Bad

    Votes: 7 26.9%

  • Total voters
I would guess that they really wanted to go hang out in Cuba and light a candle at Fidel's grave site. But they're not letting many Gulfstream Air Charter planes land there yet, so.....

Maybe next year.
What's good or bad? The fact that Democrats are whooping it up in PR or the fact that the GOP is criticizing them?

If I'm going to play the game, I need to know the rules.
Do you think what the title said is good or bad. It's not a trick question, Mr. Galt. I'm sorry if it was a little confusing, so I added to the title. Hope I didn't make it worse. Thanks for asking for clarification. It's my bad for not making it plain enough.
Trump is in the White House
Democrats are sunning on the beach.
Stupid LIAR
You've shown ONE democrat on the beach you Dishonest IDIOT.
Virtually Everyone in BOTH partries left DC.
We await your tally for which party has more on the beach you 12 IQ DOPE.

They all (BOTH Parties) left because Trump will not negotiate.
GOP McConnell adjourned the GOP Senate Friday at 1 PM.

I heard from someone that this thing could last for months, even years. My opinion that life should go on is mainly based on how Jimmy Carter held himself hostage in Washington during the Iranian hostage crisis. Well that was the case up until it was time to campaign for re-election that is. I thought it was stupid in the first place.

As for the wall, I don't care one way or the other. As for the shutdown, I think it is a sin to make these folks work while withholding their pay. The Democrats in the House have a bill that provides for the workers' pay. I'm satisfied with that.
Trump is in the White House
Democrats are sunning on the beach.
Stupid LIAR
You've shown ONE democrat on the beach you Dishonest IDIOT.
Virtually Everyone in BOTH partries left DC.
We await your tally for which party has more on the beach you 12 IQ DOPE.

They all (BOTH Parties) left because Trump will not negotiate.
GOP McConnell adjourned the GOP Senate Friday at 1 PM.


Trump will not negotiate on what? He's made several offers which were refused. The Democrats will not agree to wall funding no matter what Trump offers in return. He even offered a continued resolution for one month. Piglosi stated he still won't get his wall.

You have it backwards. Trump is wiling to negotiate, it's the Democrats that won't. Democrats don't want to stop this flow of immigrants from the south and they know the wall would put a huge dent in illegal immigration. They don't care how many diseased people get in, how many terrorists, how many murderers or rapists, just as long as they get in. And Americans who suffer because of it are just casualties of the movement.
Trump will not negotiate on what? He's made several offers which were refused. The Democrats will not agree to wall funding no matter what Trump offers in return. He even offered a continued resolution for one month. Piglosi stated he still won't get his wall.

You have it backwards. Trump is wiling to negotiate, it's the Democrats that won't. Democrats don't want to stop this flow of immigrants from the south and they know the wall would put a huge dent in illegal immigration. They don't care how many diseased people get in, how many terrorists, how many murderers or rapists, just as long as they get in. And Americans who suffer because of it are just casualties of the movement.
**** You, you lying male twat.

GOP Senator Pushes Temporary Deal to Open Government
Lindsey Graham says Trump first wants an agreement on border-wall funding
By Stephanie Armour, Peter Nicholas and Kristina Peterson
Wall St Journal - Jan. 13, 2019 - 2:58 p.m. ET
GOP Senator Pushes Temporary Deal to Open Government
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.), a close Trump ally, said he spoke with the president Sunday and recommended the government be allowed to open for about three weeks to pursue broader immigration legislation. Democrats have been proposing a variety of funding options to reopen the government, including a stopgap funding bill for the Homeland Security Department. Mr. Trump at a White House meeting last week Rejected reopening the government without a commitment for funding a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Mr. Graham has been one of many Senate Republicans working on ending the impasse, and moving to end it would give at least temporary relief to the hundreds of thousands of federal workers who late last week missed their first paycheck since the shutdown began. So far, none of the Senate GOP efforts has been successful.

“I tried to see if we could open up the government for a limited period of time to negotiate a deal, and the president says, let’s make a deal, then open up the government,” Mr. Graham said on “Fox News Sunday.”
He added: “He’s not going to give in,” Mr. Graham said.".."

That's why Congress Adjourned.
Nobody to negotiate with.
You can't debate me you Goofy little Clown.
Last edited:
I heard from someone that this thing could last for months, even years. My opinion that life should go on is mainly based on how Jimmy Carter held himself hostage in Washington during the Iranian hostage crisis. Well that was the case up until it was time to campaign for re-election that is. I thought it was stupid in the first place.

As for the wall, I don't care one way or the other. As for the shutdown, I think it is a sin to make these folks work while withholding their pay. The Democrats in the House have a bill that provides for the workers' pay. I'm satisfied with that.
Democraps always have a plan when it comes to their spending my money.
Trump will not negotiate on what? He's made several offers which were refused. The Democrats will not agree to wall funding no matter what Trump offers in return. He even offered a continued resolution for one month. Piglosi stated he still won't get his wall.

You have it backwards. Trump is wiling to negotiate, it's the Democrats that won't. Democrats don't want to stop this flow of immigrants from the south and they know the wall would put a huge dent in illegal immigration. They don't care how many diseased people get in, how many terrorists, how many murderers or rapists, just as long as they get in. And Americans who suffer because of it are just casualties of the movement.
**** You, you lying male twat.

GOP Senator Pushes Temporary Deal to Open Government
Lindsey Graham says Trump first wants an agreement on border-wall funding
By Stephanie Armour, Peter Nicholas and Kristina Peterson
Wall St Journal - Jan. 13, 2019 - 2:58 p.m. ET
GOP Senator Pushes Temporary Deal to Open Government
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.), a close Trump ally, said he spoke with the president Sunday and recommended the government be allowed to open for about three weeks to pursue broader immigration legislation. Democrats have been proposing a variety of funding options to reopen the government, including a stopgap funding bill for the Homeland Security Department. Mr. Trump at a White House meeting last week Rejected reopening the government without a commitment for funding a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Mr. Graham has been one of many Senate Republicans working on ending the impasse, and moving to end it would give at least temporary relief to the hundreds of thousands of federal workers who late last week missed their first paycheck since the shutdown began. So far, none of the Senate GOP efforts has been successful.

“I tried to see if we could open up the government for a limited period of time to negotiate a deal, and the president says, let’s make a deal, then open up the government,” Mr. Graham said on “Fox News Sunday.”
He added: “He’s not going to give in,” Mr. Graham said.".."

That's why Congress Adjourned.
Nobody to negotiate with.
You can't debate me you Goofy little Clown.

So what is your point behind all this nonsense? Why can't a deal be worked out with the government shutdown?

A government shutdown does not stop the House or Senate to negotiate with Trump. It's pure BS. Piglosi only wants the government open to kick the can further down the road. And even if Trump gave her that, there will still be no funding for the wall.

Trump seems to have learned from Reagan's mistakes: never trust a Democrat. Trump is available to the Democrats anytime they wish to leave the beaches and discuss the problem. However with their stance of no wall funding no matter what, even they realize it's a waste of time.
Trump will not negotiate on what? He's made several offers which were refused. The Democrats will not agree to wall funding no matter what Trump offers in return. He even offered a continued resolution for one month. Piglosi stated he still won't get his wall.

You have it backwards. Trump is wiling to negotiate, it's the Democrats that won't. Democrats don't want to stop this flow of immigrants from the south and they know the wall would put a huge dent in illegal immigration. They don't care how many diseased people get in, how many terrorists, how many murderers or rapists, just as long as they get in. And Americans who suffer because of it are just casualties of the movement.
**** You, you lying male twat.

GOP Senator Pushes Temporary Deal to Open Government
Lindsey Graham says Trump first wants an agreement on border-wall funding
By Stephanie Armour, Peter Nicholas and Kristina Peterson
Wall St Journal - Jan. 13, 2019 - 2:58 p.m. ET
GOP Senator Pushes Temporary Deal to Open Government
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.), a close Trump ally, said he spoke with the president Sunday and recommended the government be allowed to open for about three weeks to pursue broader immigration legislation. Democrats have been proposing a variety of funding options to reopen the government, including a stopgap funding bill for the Homeland Security Department. Mr. Trump at a White House meeting last week Rejected reopening the government without a commitment for funding a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Mr. Graham has been one of many Senate Republicans working on ending the impasse, and moving to end it would give at least temporary relief to the hundreds of thousands of federal workers who late last week missed their first paycheck since the shutdown began. So far, none of the Senate GOP efforts has been successful.

“I tried to see if we could open up the government for a limited period of time to negotiate a deal, and the president says, let’s make a deal, then open up the government,” Mr. Graham said on “Fox News Sunday.”
He added: “He’s not going to give in,” Mr. Graham said.".."

That's why Congress Adjourned.
Nobody to negotiate with.
You can't debate me you Goofy little Clown.

So what is your point behind all this nonsense? Why can't a deal be worked out with the government shutdown?

A government shutdown does not stop the House or Senate to negotiate with Trump. It's pure BS. Piglosi only wants the government open to kick the can further down the road. And even if Trump gave her that, there will still be no funding for the wall.

Trump seems to have learned from Reagan's mistakes: never trust a Democrat. Trump is available to the Democrats anytime they wish to leave the beaches and discuss the problem. However with their stance of no wall funding no matter what, even they realize it's a waste of time.
Nothing trump does will get him funding for his wall. Most Americans are against it and the Democrat representatives are giving America what they want. Trump needs get over his infantile tantrum and do business without the wall. Just as he’s done for the last 2 years now.
The President is absolutely correct! :clap::clap::clap:

Donald J. Trump


We have a massive Humanitarian Crisis at our Southern Border. We will be out for a long time unless the Democrats come back from their “vacations” and get back to work. I am in the White House ready to sign!


3:14 AM - Jan 13, 2019

What the hell would a wall do to solve a massive humanitarian crisis at our southern border??

And since when is Trump admin concerned about humanitarian crisis? Last we heard they were working overtime to separate families and refuse legal hearings to assylum seekers.
in Puerto Rico when they should be negotiating. Let’s tax the dems at 99%.

Trump: I'm in the White House, Democrats are on vacation

President Trump took congressional Democrats to task for being "on vacation" Saturday, decrying their jaunt to Puerto Rico as the partial government shutdown entered record territory.

He told Jeanine Pirro on her Fox News show, "Justice with Judge Jeanine," that while he could call a national emergency at the southern border, as he has threatened to be able to take existing funding for the border wall, he does not want to do so.

"I'd rather see the Democrats come back from their vacation and act. They're not acting, and they're the ones that are holding it up," he said. "It would take me 15 minutes to get a deal done, and everybody could go back to work. But I'd like to see them act responsibly, and they're not acting responsibly, and that's it. I'm in the White House, and most of them are in different locations. They're watching a certain musical in a very nice location."
oh look, the 99th thread on this topic....

Heads UP... READ THE LISTINGS -- before starting new threads..

"Merged about 30 threads in this one forum JUST from today.. Topics on the shutdown showdown, what is a wall, emergency powers, all those stories. Just because you have a comment -- doesn't mean there should be a brand new thread... Just because a different media source weighs in -- don't need a new thread.

We're cutting lots of slack on the "on topic" rule here. Don't want this place to look like Twitter. Bad enough y'all are talking past each other when you're TOGETHER in one thread on a topic. Don't need to make that worse by having 4 or 6 simultaneous shouting matches on every daily outrage...

Gonna start closing/warning threads on folks who are abusing the thread creation button and NOT checking the listings before they post. Use judgement and courtesy please.. "
why stay in dc win trump walks out of talks are they suppose to indulge his bitch fest....poor trump he is not the center of attention and he is getting the blame for the shut down

Well, that’s demonRat Melendez all shirtless and everything, I wonder who satchel ass is?

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