30 injured, 4 Dead in a mass shooting in Brooklyn neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland

The previously great state of Maryland just signed Draconian Style gun control in May.

Didn't work.

Maybe its time for libs to look for a different strategery, like "constitutional carry"? You don't see this kind of slaughter in places like Idaho and Montana.
There are no people in those states but regardless Wyoming is the 6th highest gun death state in the country by rate.

The key thing people should get out of this entire report is that in 2023, if you decide to attend a big hubbub in the middle of the night in the Ghetto, make sure you map your exit strategy out in advance, just in case things get out of hand like they did at the Gretna Ave. party last night.
If you go to any type of get together in an arena, club, anything public or private, know the exits or places to shield for any reason. It only takes a minute at most.
Hunter Biden illegally obtained a gun by lying about not taking drugs when he registered his gun, which is a felony.

Was Hunter anywhere near the area?

And why is Hunter Biden an NRA loving white supremacist?
Mass shootings in Black neighborhoods don’t get the media attention that mass shootings do elsewhere.
There are many speak easy's in those neighborhoods. Huge crowds in basements of houses as an example.
There has been a mass shooting in the 800 block of Gretna Avenue, Baltimore, early Sunday morning

Shooting happened at what police described as "Community gathering" shortly before 1am.

Baltimore Police are currently at the scene after a mass shooting incident reportedly occurred at a large community gathering.

As these numbers continue pouring in daily and weekly from leftist cities, the left try telling us that crime is higher in red areas.
If you go to any type of get together in an arena, club, anything public or private, know the exits or places to shield for any reason. It only takes a minute at most.
Did that help here ?

People are taking their lives for granite when they box themselves in like this.

To many disaster's to prove it.

But hey, we all gotta live free, and take the risk or what is life worth living without some risk being involved right ?

In some cases mentally unstable people can bring with them the chaos and mayhem, and that has gotten way worse over the years. Why ? Because we are a different society that has injected higher risk into the situations in hopes to appease and accommodate those who are known to have mental instability and severe problems in their lives.

Anyone saying that any citizen living today doesn't understand the risk of a society getting out of step with reality, is lying their aces off. Would you agree ?
More proof that guns make you safer.
Guns have been making US safe since 1791. What is not making US safe since 1965 is a radical shift in moving away from personal accountability to a mindset where it is everyone else’s fault; a victimhood mentality.

60 years ago and prior, no deranged white man would shoot up a public square and I guarantee you no group of blacks would shoot up a block party just hoping to hit your intended target. Hell, even going to a Black funeral these days is a dangerous venture due to the threat of drive-bys.
More proof that guns make you safer.

And the lack of guns in Europe ended with 15-20 million innocent men, women and children murdered in just 6 years....more people murdered in 6 years than gun murder in the U.S. in our entire 246 year history.....

You cant address that fact.....
More proof that guns make you safer.

We have a media blackout here about the riots in France...where the young, blm, antifa brown shirts in Europe are burning and looting all across France.......

Our Blm and antifa brown shirts.....from the democrat party, burned, looted, and murdered for an entire year....

Besides their ski masks, violence and killing....what was the common denominator?

They were able to do what they did because the citizens they are targeting for the burning and looting are helpless......they are unarmed and victims....

In the U.S....the democrat party sent the trust fund kids in blm and antifa into black neighborhoods in the democrat party cities....because they have extreme gun control in those cities........they did not send them out to the suburbs...because the people in the suburbs have lots of guns......

The blm, antifa brown shirts didn't burn, loot or manage to murder the stores or the Americans who protected themselves and their businesses with guns........just ask Kyle Rittenhouse...

So......you are not safer without guns...you are victims....

More proof that guns make you safer.

Yes.........you can pretend you are safer when you don't have violent monsters rampaging in your city....

With 45,000 police unable to stop the monsters...what will you use to save your family when they come to burn your home, rape your wives and daughters and murder you?

Please...explain to us how you will protect your family when this happens......

Are you brave enough to respond?

This happens in my neighborhood, we can gather a group and protect our families with our guns.....you can't....you have to sit and hope that you get passed by by the raging mob........

Luck...that is your tool for surviving this madness.....

Rioters in France clashed with police and set homes and businesses on fire as the country endured a fifth night of terror.

They burned homes and businesses............ what would you do if that was your home Tommy? Your home Caveman?

You would sit there and huddle with your family, and hope....that the violent monsters would leave you alone......

In the U.S. we don't have to hope....when the democrat party mayors and governors tell the police to do nothing...to stand down and let blm and antifa brown shirts burn, loot and murder......we can stand in front of our homes and businesses and stop them.....

You can't....
Rioters in France clashed with police and set homes and businesses on fire as the country endured a fifth night of terror.

Sooooo....Tommy...........so, Caveman......the mob is coming to your home....you wife and children are in that home.........the police can't help you...you are on your own...

What do you do...... ?

You are not safer.....you can't stop them...you don't have a gun...
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Full 2nd Amendment in action in a third world country.

Surprised it wasn't in a school.

As you sit there across the water and France burns for the 5th night.....you are not safer for being unarmed.....all it takes is a riot like the one in France, and you and your family are at the mercy of the monsters........you have nothing to save yourself or your family....

You sit there smug, while you have more murder in Europe than in 246 years of gun murder in the U.S......and when violent leftists run wild, you have nothing to stop them.......as the people in France are learning as the blm and antifa brown shirts burn their businsesses and homes to the ground....

Do you think the blm and antifa brown shirts are making sure the people in those buildings are out of them before they started the fires?

In the U.S.....our blm and antifa brown shirts who are financed and trained by democrat party operatives can only attack in black neighborhoods in the cities the democrat party controls........if they attempt to attack the suburbs...they can be shot......because in the democrat party cities...they have extreme gun control...so the blm and antifa brown shirts are safe...........
And the lack of guns in Europe ended with 15-20 million innocent men, women and children murdered in just 6 years....more people murdered in 6 years than gun murder in the U.S. in our entire 246 year history.....

You cant address that fact.....

We have a media blackout here about the riots in France...where the young, blm, antifa brown shirts in Europe are burning and looting all across France.......

Our Blm and antifa brown shirts.....from the democrat party, burned, looted, and murdered for an entire year....

Besides their ski masks, violence and killing....what was the common denominator?

They were able to do what they did because the citizens they are targeting for the burning and looting are helpless......they are unarmed and victims....

In the U.S....the democrat party sent the trust fund kids in blm and antifa into black neighborhoods in the democrat party cities....because they have extreme gun control in those cities........they did not send them out to the suburbs...because the people in the suburbs have lots of guns......

The blm, antifa brown shirts didn't burn, loot or manage to murder the stores or the Americans who protected themselves and their businesses with guns........just ask Kyle Rittenhouse...

So......you are not safer without guns...you are victims....

Despite your racist nonsense we see guns tearing ameican communities apart every day.
As a racist you point to france with horror but your guns have not prevented riots in the US. Never have, never will.
And France is an oasis of calm compared to the US. More people got shot in Baltimore last night than in the whole of France.
You are full of shit you nazi cu.nt.
Guns have been making US safe since 1791. What is not making US safe since 1965 is a radical shift in moving away from personal accountability to a mindset where it is everyone else’s fault; a victimhood mentality.

60 years ago and prior, no deranged white man would shoot up a public square and I guarantee you no group of blacks would shoot up a block party just hoping to hit your intended target. Hell, even going to a Black funeral these days is a dangerous venture due to the threat of drive-bys.
Racist shit.
Despite your racist nonsense we see guns tearing ameican communities apart every day.
As a racist you point to france with horror but your guns have not prevented riots in the US. Never have, never will.
And France is an oasis of calm compared to the US. More people got shot in Baltimore last night than in the whole of France.
You are full of shit you nazi cu.nt.

And of course....you first lame attack is "Racist."

The riots in the U.S. were confined to black neighborhoods in the democrat party controlled cities....because they have extreme gun control in those cities, so when the democrat party mayors told the police to do nothing....no one could stop them.

They did not go out to the suburbs where people own the guns.......

And again......

You will not address this........


In the 1920s, they began the process of registering guns....to make their people safer. That was the lie. by the mid 1930s, the socialists in Germany began the process of banning and confiscating guns, and the same for the countries they defeated......

By 1939, the German socialists began to murder 15 million - 20 million people....in 6 years.....men, women and over 1 million children.

6 years, 15 million- 20 million murdered citizens..not war dead, innocent people rounded up and murdered in camps and forests....

15 million in 6 years.

In the United States, gun murder for our entire 246 year history?

Around 2,460,000

Europe.... 15 million in 6 years.

U.S..... 2,460,000 in 246 years.

Now the math part...get out your pencil....

How many hundreds of years will it take the U.S. to catch up with the number of Europeans murdered by their governments.....

Show your work.
Despite your racist nonsense we see guns tearing ameican communities apart every day.
As a racist you point to france with horror but your guns have not prevented riots in the US. Never have, never will.
And France is an oasis of calm compared to the US. More people got shot in Baltimore last night than in the whole of France.
You are full of shit you nazi cu.nt.

I believe in limited government...I believe in individual Rights....I believe that all men and women are created equal....I believe in the separation of powers, and checks and balances...

That means, you stupid, fascist asswipe....that I am the exact opposite of a nazi....

You, and your left wing, big government beliefs are the fascist....and the nazi....not me...

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