30 injured, 4 Dead in a mass shooting in Brooklyn neighborhood of Baltimore, Maryland

Look.......it looks like you are a new poster...haven't seen you before.....

But the level of stupidity in your posts is already too high........

The criminals doing over 95% of the shooting are not Right, they are not conservative......their baby mommas likely vote for the democrat party, and democrat party politicians, judges and prosecutors keep letting them out of jail and prison....
Wrong! Trump bitches about the FBI, then some right wing nut shoots up an FBI office. Several right wing Congress men and women demonize Nancy Pelosi, then a right wing zealot smashes her husband with a hammer. Trump lies about the election results, then a MAGA crowd invades the Capital.

Just on what fucking planet is there a Democrat equivalent to that?
There has been a mass shooting in the 800 block of Gretna Avenue, Baltimore, early Sunday morning

Shooting happened at what police described as "Community gathering" shortly before 1am.

Baltimore Police are currently at the scene after a mass shooting incident reportedly occurred at a large community gathering.

A Democrat Utopia of diversity and gun control.
Wrong! Trump bitches about the FBI, then some right wing nut shoots up an FBI office. Several right wing Congress men and women demonize Nancy Pelosi, then a right wing zealot smashes her husband with a hammer. Trump lies about the election results, then a MAGA crowd invades the Capital.

Just on what fucking planet is there a Democrat equivalent to that?

Blm and antifa brownshirts of the democrat party burned, looted and murdered in our major cities for an entire year...you asshat.....the guy who beat up pelosi was a left wing nut job, a bernie bro, and elizabeth warren supporter tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team....

You are an idiot.
Blm and antifa brownshirts of the democrat party burned, looted and murdered in our major cities for an entire year...you asshat.....the guy who beat up pelosi was a left wing nut job, a bernie bro, and elizabeth warren supporter tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team....

You are an idiot.
God, you are FOS! And you're a fuckin' liar as well. The overwhelming majority of BLM protests (against police violence on people with color), were peaceful and half of the ones that weren't, were started by cops.

Don't give me this shit about caring for cops after what you fuckers did to them on Jan 6th!
God, you are FOS! And you're a fuckin' liar as well. The overwhelming majority of BLM protests (against police violence on people with color), were peaceful and half of the ones that weren't, were started by cops.

Don't give me this shit about caring for cops after what you fuckers did to them on Jan 6th!

The violent ones were blm and antifa brown shirts paid for by the democrat party........

The people fighting the police on Jan. 6 were blm and antifa, as well as FBI agitators pretending to be Trump supporters...the majority of the people in the Capitol building peacefully walked through the capitol taking selfies, after the cops opened the doors for them......
God, you are FOS! And you're a fuckin' liar as well. The overwhelming majority of BLM protests (against police violence on people with color), were peaceful and half of the ones that weren't, were started by cops.

Don't give me this shit about caring for cops after what you fuckers did to them on Jan 6th!

30 murdered, 2 billion in damages.

Those are called FACTS, dildo.
The violent ones were blm and antifa brown shirts paid for by the democrat party........

The people fighting the police on Jan. 6 were blm and antifa, as well as FBI agitators pretending to be Trump supporters...the majority of the people in the Capitol building peacefully walked through the capitol taking selfies, after the cops opened the doors for them......
Nice try. We all saw what happened. No one believes your right wing horseshit! You MAGA mother-fuckers go fuck yourselves! You and your 2nd Amendment rights are destroying this country. You are ultra-violent people who are too pussy to accept responsibility like a mature adult.
Nice try. We all saw what happened. No one believes your right wing horseshit! You MAGA mother-fuckers go fuck yourselves! You and your 2nd Amendment rights are destroying this country. You are ultra-violent people who are too pussy to accept responsibility like a mature adult.

No...you saw the same footage over and over.....you weren't shown the people peacefully allowed into the capitol and who walked through peacefully taking selfies....

No...you saw the same footage over and over.....you weren't shown the people peacefully allowed into the capitol and who walked through peacefully taking selfies....

Oh, fuck you, asshole! Was it peaceful to beat that cop with a flagpole? Was it peaceful to smear shit on the walls of Congress? Was peaceful for Trump wanting you fuckers to show up armed? Are the Oathkeepers peaceful? How 'bout the Proud Boys...they peaceful?

Fuck you, asshole! You are the reason 30 people are injured and 4 are dead.
Your head is miles up your ass, I see.

Let us know when you can see anything else but shit.
You keep pushing that bullshit lie. BLM is against police violence; Antifa is against right wing fascism. It is you and your ilk who love guns and using your 2nd Amendment rights against opponents. That is your MO and that is what this fucker did to 34 people.

You are an enemy of the state and a danger to this country!
Oh, fuck you, asshole! Was it peaceful to beat that cop with a flagpole? Was it peaceful to smear shit on the walls of Congress? Was peaceful for Trump wanting you fuckers to show up armed? Are the Oathkeepers peaceful? How 'bout the Proud Boys...they peaceful?

Fuck you, asshole! You are the reason 30 people are injured and 4 are dead.

Ask the blm guy who did that......with the FBI agent cheering him on......

Please show us where Trump said to do any violence or to come armed....please...we will wait till the end of time ...........
You keep pushing that bullshit lie. BLM is against police violence; Antifa is against right wing fascism. It is you and your ilk who love guns and using your 2nd Amendment rights against opponents. That is your MO and that is what this fucker did to 34 people.

You are an enemy of the state and a danger to this country!

Blm is nothing more than trust fund kids working as the brown shirts of the democrat party and antifa is the fascist, brown shirt storm troopers of the democrat party....
Ask the blm guy who did that......with the FBI agent cheering him on......

Please show us where Trump said to do any violence or to come armed....please...we will wait till the end of time ...........
Trump argued with the secret service to take all the magnatrometers away, thus allowing his supports to come to the rally armed.

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