30 Years of Class War


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
"Redistribution of income has been taking place since 1980, when the top 1% already had a large piece of the pie (7%).

"Then they took a second piece (7% more).

"Then they took a third piece (7% more).

"That's over a trillion dollars a year of after-tax income that would be going to the other 99% if it weren't for 30 years of tax cuts and deregulation.

"If the median household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000, not $50,000..."

How to Fix 30 Years of Redistribution: Tax the Rich | Common Dreams

Vote Republican OR Democrat in 2012 and give the 1% another 7% (or) more.

Vote Republican OR Democrat in 2012 and give the 1% another 7% (or) more.
There has been a class war in this country going all the way back to FDR.
The class war was going on in the summer of 1787 when fifty-five rich white males created the basic law for a government that afforded special protection for property rights at the expense of political equality for the majority of taxpayers.

OMG.........another CW thread from the champion of OCD CW threadmakers.

Perpetual misery based upon jealousy = gay

ps......for the curious taking a gandor into this thread.........."Common Dreams" is a hyper-far left website:boobies::boobies::D and is always referenced by this k00k.
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OMG.........another CW thread from the champion of OCD CW threadmakers.

Perpetual misery based upon jealousy = gay

ps......for the curious taking a gandor into this thread.........."Common Dreams" is a hyper-far left website:boobies::boobies::D and is always referenced by this k00k.
Are you calling Teddy gay?

"Over a hundred years ago, Teddy Roosevelt, facing a plague of inequality not unlike today, stressed that 'Great corporations exist only because they are created and safeguarded by [democratic] institutions; and it is therefore our right and our duty to see that they work in harmony with these institutions.'"

How's the Big Red Wave working out?

How to Fix 30 Years of Redistribution: Tax the Rich | Common Dreams
The good news is that people have finally woken up and realized what's been going on. Republicans have a tendency to warn against provoking class warfare, especially when the possibility of increasing taxes on the rich is on the line. The GOP establishment isn't trying to prevent a class war; it's trying to convince one side that the war isn't even going on. They don't even like to use the terms "wealthy" or "rich" anymore, they'll instead say "job creators" because that stirs less anger towards the very people sucking up the bulk of America's wealth and hijacking our representatives in Washington.

And yes, I know Democrats are just as vulnerable to being bought by corporate lobbyists, but they're not the ones denying the growing wealth gap in this country.
"Redistribution of income has been taking place since 1980, when the top 1% already had a large piece of the pie (7%).

"Then they took a second piece (7% more).

"Then they took a third piece (7% more).

"That's over a trillion dollars a year of after-tax income that would be going to the other 99% if it weren't for 30 years of tax cuts and deregulation.

"If the median household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000, not $50,000..."

How to Fix 30 Years of Redistribution: Tax the Rich | Common Dreams

Vote Republican OR Democrat in 2012 and give the 1% another 7% (or) more.

They deserve it.
I am conscious that an equal division of property is impracticable. But the consequences of this enormous inequality producing so much misery to the bulk of mankind, legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree is a politic measure, and a practicable one. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise. Whenever there is in any country, uncultivated lands and unemployed poor, it is clear that the laws of property have been so far extended as to violate natural right. The earth is given as a common stock for man to labour and live on. If, for the encouragement of industry we allow it to be appropriated, we must take care that other employment be furnished to those excluded from the appropriation. If we do not the fundamental right to labour the earth returns to the unemployed. It is too soon yet in our country to say that every man who cannot find employment but who can find uncultivated land, shall be at liberty to cultivate it, paying a moderate rent. But it is not too soon to provide by every possible means that as few as possible shall be without a little portion of land. The small landholders are the most precious part of a state.
-Thomas Jefferson to James Madison
October 28, 1785
"Redistribution of income has been taking place since 1980, when the top 1% already had a large piece of the pie (7%).

"Then they took a second piece (7% more).

"Then they took a third piece (7% more).

"That's over a trillion dollars a year of after-tax income that would be going to the other 99% if it weren't for 30 years of tax cuts and deregulation.

"If the median household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000, not $50,000..."

How to Fix 30 Years of Redistribution: Tax the Rich | Common Dreams

Vote Republican OR Democrat in 2012 and give the 1% another 7% (or) more.



One billion dollars--$100.00 bills stacked on pallets. Barack Obama is spending 4.3 of these each and every day of the week.


One Trillion dollars--$100.00 bills stacked on pallets. We are currently at 14.7 trillion in red ink--with another 64 trillion in unfunded liabilities--which equates to $534,000.00 per household debt. We are currently borrowing .43 cents on every dollar the Federal Government spends.

Now I don't know how many trilliionair's you morons believe are out there--but the Federal Government could confiscate all the wealth in this country--including your measly weekly pay check and it wouldn't pay this tab.

When are you MORONS ever going to realize that it's not the tax revenue that's the problem--it's the Federal Government SPENDING--STUPID!
The good news is that people have finally woken up and realized what's been going on. Republicans have a tendency to warn against provoking class warfare, especially when the possibility of increasing taxes on the rich is on the line. The GOP establishment isn't trying to prevent a class war; it's trying to convince one side that the war isn't even going on. They don't even like to use the terms "wealthy" or "rich" anymore, they'll instead say "job creators" because that stirs less anger towards the very people sucking up the bulk of America's wealth and hijacking our representatives in Washington.

And yes, I know Democrats are just as vulnerable to being bought by corporate lobbyists, but they're not the ones denying the growing wealth gap in this country.
If OWS and the labor movement can make Democratic politicians choose between shareholders' rights and workers' rights between now and next November, it would be impossible for any candidate to claim class war isn't the defining issue of the election.

Maybe millions of voters (Republicans AND Democrats) will finally stop voting against their economic self-interest?
"Redistribution of income has been taking place since 1980, when the top 1% already had a large piece of the pie (7%).

"Then they took a second piece (7% more).

"Then they took a third piece (7% more).

"That's over a trillion dollars a year of after-tax income that would be going to the other 99% if it weren't for 30 years of tax cuts and deregulation.

"If the median household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000, not $50,000..."

How to Fix 30 Years of Redistribution: Tax the Rich | Common Dreams

Vote Republican OR Democrat in 2012 and give the 1% another 7% (or) more.

They deserve it.
Nobody gets rich alone.

"Wealthy people also claim that they've earned whatever they have. But they've made their fortunes with considerable help from society. Government-funded research, infrastructure growth, national security, and property laws have largely benefited rich individuals and corporations. DARPA (the Internet), NIH (medicine), and NSF and NASA (science) have laid a half-century foundation for profit-seeking corporations."

How to Fix 30 Years of Redistribution: Tax the Rich | Common Dreams
Seventy nine years, to be exact. Franklin Roosevelt pioneered the art of political campaigning based on "Coveting Thy Neighbors Goods". Over time the practice has waxed and waned depending on the Democratic Practitioner using it. Under Barack Hussein Obama, the tactic has enjoyed a rebirth to unparalled heights and utilization. Whether it will lead this time to a replay of the scene of the Bolsheviks battering down the locked doors of the Duma, remains to be seen?
The good news is that people have finally woken up and realized what's been going on. Republicans have a tendency to warn against provoking class warfare, especially when the possibility of increasing taxes on the rich is on the line. The GOP establishment isn't trying to prevent a class war; it's trying to convince one side that the war isn't even going on. They don't even like to use the terms "wealthy" or "rich" anymore, they'll instead say "job creators" because that stirs less anger towards the very people sucking up the bulk of America's wealth and hijacking our representatives in Washington.

And yes, I know Democrats are just as vulnerable to being bought by corporate lobbyists, but they're not the ones denying the growing wealth gap in this country.
If OWS and the labor movement can make Democratic politicians choose between shareholders' rights and workers' rights between now and next November, it would be impossible for any candidate to claim class war isn't the defining issue of the election.

Maybe millions of voters (Republicans AND Democrats) will finally stop voting against their economic self-interest?

I am a huge advocate of electoral reform so that people can stop voting by the "lesser of two evils" philosophy. As much as I bashed on Republicans in my previous post, Ron Paul would very much be the candidate that serves the self-interests of middle and poor America. Outside of him, yes the OWS crowd would likely have to make their mark with the Dems and let it expand from there. I would also like to see the movement increase pressure to overturn Citizens United v FEC (although it's probably too late for the 2012 elections).
"At the height of the Great Depression, in 1933, Keynes published The Means to Prosperity, which contained specific policy recommendations for tackling unemployment in a global recession, chiefly counter cyclical public spending.

"The Means to Prosperity contains one of the first mentions of the multiplier effect. While it was addressed chiefly to the British Government, it also contained advice for other nations affected by the global recession. A copy was sent to the newly elected President Roosevelt and other world leaders..."

John Maynard Keynes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Milton Friedman was a tool of the 1%.
His policies lead to the crash of 2008.
His disciples(found on frontpage) are coming back for more.
I am conscious that an equal division of property is impracticable. But the consequences of this enormous inequality producing so much misery to the bulk of mankind, legislators cannot invent too many devices for subdividing property, only taking care to let their subdivisions go hand in hand with the natural affections of the human mind. The descent of property of every kind therefore to all the children, or to all the brothers and sisters, or other relations in equal degree is a politic measure, and a practicable one. Another means of silently lessening the inequality of property is to exempt all from taxation below a certain point, and to tax the higher portions of property in geometrical progression as they rise. Whenever there is in any country, uncultivated lands and unemployed poor, it is clear that the laws of property have been so far extended as to violate natural right. The earth is given as a common stock for man to labour and live on. If, for the encouragement of industry we allow it to be appropriated, we must take care that other employment be furnished to those excluded from the appropriation. If we do not the fundamental right to labour the earth returns to the unemployed. It is too soon yet in our country to say that every man who cannot find employment but who can find uncultivated land, shall be at liberty to cultivate it, paying a moderate rent. But it is not too soon to provide by every possible means that as few as possible shall be without a little portion of land. The small landholders are the most precious part of a state.
-Thomas Jefferson to James Madison
October 28, 1785
The US Constitution would have probably turned out much differently if Jefferson had been involved in its creation. The Founding Generation was well aware of corporate excess - it was East India Company tea that was dumped into Boston harbor - but after that initial revolutionary generation died off, corporate power came roaring back. Citizens United is just the latest example of activist corporate judges legislating from the bench.
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"Redistribution of income has been taking place since 1980, when the top 1% already had a large piece of the pie (7%).

"Then they took a second piece (7% more).

"Then they took a third piece (7% more).

"That's over a trillion dollars a year of after-tax income that would be going to the other 99% if it weren't for 30 years of tax cuts and deregulation.

"If the median household income had kept pace with the economy since 1970, it would now be nearly $92,000, not $50,000..."

How to Fix 30 Years of Redistribution: Tax the Rich | Common Dreams

Vote Republican OR Democrat in 2012 and give the 1% another 7% (or) more.



One billion dollars--$100.00 bills stacked on pallets. Barack Obama is spending 4.3 of these each and every day of the week.


One Trillion dollars--$100.00 bills stacked on pallets. We are currently at 14.7 trillion in red ink--with another 64 trillion in unfunded liabilities--which equates to $534,000.00 per household debt. We are currently borrowing .43 cents on every dollar the Federal Government spends.

Now I don't know how many trilliionair's you morons believe are out there--but the Federal Government could confiscate all the wealth in this country--including your measly weekly pay check and it wouldn't pay this tab.

When are you MORONS ever going to realize that it's not the tax revenue that's the problem--it's the Federal Government SPENDING--STUPID!
For a minute there I thought you had found the pallets of $100 bills that came up missing in Iraq. Much of the waste, fraud and corruption you rightly complain about occurs in the Pentagon. Remember Rummy's 9/10/2001 press conference admitting the Pentagon could not find trillions of missing taxpayer dollars?

Wall Street and the Pentagon are to blame for much of our current deficit.
Some of the biggest criminals on the planet populate both institutions.

Maybe our government should stop borrowing from the 1% and resume taxing them at levels they paid 40 years ago?
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Seventy nine years, to be exact. Franklin Roosevelt pioneered the art of political campaigning based on "Coveting Thy Neighbors Goods". Over time the practice has waxed and waned depending on the Democratic Practitioner using it. Under Barack Hussein Obama, the tactic has enjoyed a rebirth to unparalled heights and utilization. Whether it will lead this time to a replay of the scene of the Bolsheviks battering down the locked doors of the Duma, remains to be seen?
Maybe a replay of the tanks of the Taman Division shelling the Russian White House?

"The constitutional crisis of 1993 was a political stand-off between the Russian president and the Russian parliament that was resolved by using military force.

"The relations between the president and the parliament had been deteriorating for a while. The constitutional crisis reached a tipping point on 21 September 1993, when President Boris Yeltsin purported to dissolve the country's legislature (the Congress of People's Deputies and its Supreme Soviet), although the president did not have the power to dissolve the parliament according to the then-current constitution..."

1993 Russian constitutional crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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