33 Uncomfortable Questions for Progressives (aka Leftists)


Diamond Member
Nov 15, 2008
Phoenix, AZ
Things that make you go :eusa_eh:.

1. Why is it fine that Americans need to prove to the IRS that they have health insurance, but it’s wrong to ask immigrants if they are in the country legally?

2. Why is it okay if a welfare state office asks people for ID before giving them a check, but it’s “racist” to ask people to show IDs before voting for politicians who send out those checks?

3. Why is it right for people who produce nothing to dictate the fortunes of those who work for a living?

4. Is it wrong for someone who puts no effort into life to make a living off of those who have to work hard?

5. Why do people have to pay the state for their very right to live? (In other words, why are there “income” taxes, when there used to be taxes only on profits?)

6. If all cultures are equal, should all Americans value the abuse of women in many Muslim cultures, the abuse of workers in China, or the ill-treatment of gays in Russia?

7. If the only thing that a nation needed for the people to be happy was for the government to spend money and to buy its own debt, how come other countries around the globe didn’t figure that out earlier?

8. Is the way to alleviate poverty to get more people doing productive jobs, or to take more money from people who are already working who can create jobs?

9. Does it help or harm an economy to create unproductive jobs?

10. If the “war on poverty” continues for decades with no improvement, is throwing more money at the problem still the solution?

11. If the almost $3.3 trillion in debt accumulated under Bush was “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic,” is Obama responsible and patriotic for adding $6 trillion?

12. Can a nation be fundamentally racist when there the president is black and the American people watch sports, movies and TV shows featuring blacks?

13. Maybe the reason for poverty in inner cities is not because of capitalism but because of the lack of free market enterprise?

14. Why does the U.S. have a Department of Homeland Security that spies on American websites, but lets millions of illegal immigrants overstay their visas and cross the borders?

15. Why does the NSA illegally spy on millions of Americans, but can’t alert authorities of imminent terrorist attacks like the Boston bombing, even when the government is warned about the suspects?

16. Why are we creating a massive surveillance state to protect us from “terrorism,” when the Obama administration won’t even call the mass murder of U.S. soldiers at Ft. Hood by a confessed jihadist “terrorism”?

17. Maybe the nations worldwide that were poor before the U.S. existed and are still poor suffer because they don’t have economic freedom, and not because America is exploiting them?

18. Perhaps the reason the U.S. has been relatively wealthy is because it has been the most innovative, productive and adventurous nation in history, and not because it stole big screen TVs, computers, Internet wi-fi and smartphones from people?

19. Has the U.S. military liberated millions from tyranny and oppression or is it imposing tyranny and oppression on foreign peoples?

20. How much government debt is too much? Can the government accrue tens of trillions in future debt without negative consequences for people?

21. Do people generally have the right to determine the outcomes of their own lives? Or do Washington politicians and bureaucrats (i.e. other people) have the right to determine them?

22. Why are millionaire corporate CEOs railed against, but millionaire Hollywood actors and pop singers are praised and idolized?

23. Why is the GOP the “party of the rich” when there are just as many rich Democrat politicians as Republicans, and the wealthiest counties in the nation tend to vote Democratic?

24. Why is it that some of the biggest corporations in the nation (Microsoft, GE, Google) donate the majority of their political campaign contributions to the Democrat Party?

25. Why do the largest corporate media outlets in the nation support a political party that has continuously railed against corporations?

26. Why is it that a president who has praised wealth redistribution has seen through an economy where, as he admitted, 95% of the gains have gone to the top 1%?

27. Why Is Washington D.C. all of a sudden one of the richest areas in the nation? What valuable goods and services does that region produce?

28. Can power that accrues in a centralized government be used for evil as well as good? What does history say about this topic?

29. Is it really “progressive” to return to a state of affairs that America was founded to protect people against?

30. How come all of the “compassionate” programs of Democrat-dominated cities across the nation seem to lead only to worsening poverty, drug use and crime?

31. If democracy means “rule of the people,” why does the “Democratic Party” keep giving power to 536 individuals to decide the health, education, energy, transportation, retirement, employment, and income choices for hundreds of millions of people?

32. If Obamacare is so great, how come Congressmen who passed the bill want no part of it? (Even though they make at least $174,000 a year, most are taking federal subsidies to pay for their insurance plans.)

33. Maybe the reason the U.S. is in a bad spot is because many people don’t think through the logical consequences of their political positions?

- Thanks to Independent Journal
6. If all cultures are equal, should all Americans value the abuse of women in many Muslim cultures, the abuse of workers in China, or the ill-treatment of gays in Russia?

Why does the U.S. care so damn much about Muslim women. Aren't the men getting enough?
Things that make you go :eusa_eh:.

1. Why is it fine that Americans need to prove to the IRS that they have health insurance, but it’s wrong to ask immigrants if they are in the country legally?

2. Why is it okay if a welfare state office asks people for ID before giving them a check, but it’s “racist” to ask people to show IDs before voting for politicians who send out those checks?

3. Why is it right for people who produce nothing to dictate the fortunes of those who work for a living?

4. Is it wrong for someone who puts no effort into life to make a living off of those who have to work hard?

5. Why do people have to pay the state for their very right to live? (In other words, why are there “income” taxes, when there used to be taxes only on profits?)

6. If all cultures are equal, should all Americans value the abuse of women in many Muslim cultures, the abuse of workers in China, or the ill-treatment of gays in Russia?

7. If the only thing that a nation needed for the people to be happy was for the government to spend money and to buy its own debt, how come other countries around the globe didn’t figure that out earlier?

8. Is the way to alleviate poverty to get more people doing productive jobs, or to take more money from people who are already working who can create jobs?

9. Does it help or harm an economy to create unproductive jobs?

10. If the “war on poverty” continues for decades with no improvement, is throwing more money at the problem still the solution?

11. If the almost $3.3 trillion in debt accumulated under Bush was “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic,” is Obama responsible and patriotic for adding $6 trillion?

12. Can a nation be fundamentally racist when there the president is black and the American people watch sports, movies and TV shows featuring blacks?

13. Maybe the reason for poverty in inner cities is not because of capitalism but because of the lack of free market enterprise?

14. Why does the U.S. have a Department of Homeland Security that spies on American websites, but lets millions of illegal immigrants overstay their visas and cross the borders?

15. Why does the NSA illegally spy on millions of Americans, but can’t alert authorities of imminent terrorist attacks like the Boston bombing, even when the government is warned about the suspects?

16. Why are we creating a massive surveillance state to protect us from “terrorism,” when the Obama administration won’t even call the mass murder of U.S. soldiers at Ft. Hood by a confessed jihadist “terrorism”?

17. Maybe the nations worldwide that were poor before the U.S. existed and are still poor suffer because they don’t have economic freedom, and not because America is exploiting them?

18. Perhaps the reason the U.S. has been relatively wealthy is because it has been the most innovative, productive and adventurous nation in history, and not because it stole big screen TVs, computers, Internet wi-fi and smartphones from people?

19. Has the U.S. military liberated millions from tyranny and oppression or is it imposing tyranny and oppression on foreign peoples?

20. How much government debt is too much? Can the government accrue tens of trillions in future debt without negative consequences for people?

21. Do people generally have the right to determine the outcomes of their own lives? Or do Washington politicians and bureaucrats (i.e. other people) have the right to determine them?

22. Why are millionaire corporate CEOs railed against, but millionaire Hollywood actors and pop singers are praised and idolized?

23. Why is the GOP the “party of the rich” when there are just as many rich Democrat politicians as Republicans, and the wealthiest counties in the nation tend to vote Democratic?

24. Why is it that some of the biggest corporations in the nation (Microsoft, GE, Google) donate the majority of their political campaign contributions to the Democrat Party?

25. Why do the largest corporate media outlets in the nation support a political party that has continuously railed against corporations?

26. Why is it that a president who has praised wealth redistribution has seen through an economy where, as he admitted, 95% of the gains have gone to the top 1%?

27. Why Is Washington D.C. all of a sudden one of the richest areas in the nation? What valuable goods and services does that region produce?

28. Can power that accrues in a centralized government be used for evil as well as good? What does history say about this topic?

29. Is it really “progressive” to return to a state of affairs that America was founded to protect people against?

30. How come all of the “compassionate” programs of Democrat-dominated cities across the nation seem to lead only to worsening poverty, drug use and crime?

31. If democracy means “rule of the people,” why does the “Democratic Party” keep giving power to 536 individuals to decide the health, education, energy, transportation, retirement, employment, and income choices for hundreds of millions of people?

32. If Obamacare is so great, how come Congressmen who passed the bill want no part of it? (Even though they make at least $174,000 a year, most are taking federal subsidies to pay for their insurance plans.)

33. Maybe the reason the U.S. is in a bad spot is because many people don’t think through the logical consequences of their political positions?

- Thanks to Independent Journal

$17T (And Counting) Under Obama, and he is screaming for MORE...$90+T in unfunded mandates...Future generations have to pay for and they aren't even born yet...and the left screams "FOR THE CHIDREN..."?

How prophetic...
6. If all cultures are equal, should all Americans value the abuse of women in many Muslim cultures, the abuse of workers in China, or the ill-treatment of gays in Russia?

Why does the U.S. care so damn much about Muslim women. Aren't the men getting enough?
THE LEFT...especially The US Women's movement (Remember BURN YOUR BRAS)? Should be all over the suppression of WOMEN in Muslim culture. KILLED if they are RAPED...


3. Why is it right for people who produce nothing to dictate the fortunes of those who work for a living?

The entire American system is based on the the transfer of wealth to those who have produced nothing. It's called inheritance. Do people have a right to give their children money? Yes, absolutely. But the distinction "productive" versus "non-productive" falls apart if so many people from the productive column had a head start or benefit from a subsidy system far in excess of then nickel & dime food stamp welfare queen blah blah.

You're better off saying life is unfair, and it's not government place to change that. I'm inclined to agree with you there.

And please stop recycling the same old Republican Talking Points. We've heard this shit a million times. It was interesting in the 80s when the Reagan Revolution first started hyping it, but now it's just a tired cut & paste blah blah . . .

Spice it up a little. Give us some nuance about who really benefits from free government services. Why don't you address the distributive consequences of say the Patent System, specifically the way the "productive" get the interventionist nanny state to build a monopoly fence around their products. Why not price military defense into oil profits, or FDIC Insurance into the profits of the Big Financials. Let us know you've taken an intro level course in high school and you're not just spamming from rightwing websites.

Or what about the gazillions of subsidies and bailouts given by government to the "productive". Go sector by sector. Take commercial aviation first. Boeing grew out of the Pentagon Budget. Government completely subsidized its costs and R&D. Or what about every god damn penny of profit made in the Southwest, which would not have its current "carrying capacity" without the Hoover Damn? Or what about government's support of the "productive" oil companies in the form of trillions in protecting their oil fields in the middle east? Or what about the 1980s consumer electronics boom, the technologies of which grew out of the Cold War Pentagon and NASA budgets. Do you know the technology that came out of the Space Program? -or how it was transferred to the private sector? And the massive profits it enabled? Do you know where the satellite technology that undergirds our telecom infrastructure came from? Do you know who funded it before it was completely privatized?

Before you make these grand categories of "Productive" and "Unproductive", you should do a better job researching the massive corporate welfare upon which our glorious profits are built.

Turn off talk radio.

Turn off FOX News.

Put down your deeply partisan newspapers and blogs . . .

and go to a fucking library or take a university course.

Funny thing is, I actually agree with 90% of your post, that is, I see these as justifiably hard questions for Liberals to answer and I get your point. I just think you can do better than repeating the same shit every day.
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6. If all cultures are equal, should all Americans value the abuse of women in many Muslim cultures, the abuse of workers in China, or the ill-treatment of gays in Russia?

Why does the U.S. care so damn much about Muslim women. Aren't the men getting enough?

Do I actually need to provide the answer "Because they're human beings"?
6. If all cultures are equal, should all Americans value the abuse of women in many Muslim cultures, the abuse of workers in China, or the ill-treatment of gays in Russia?

Why does the U.S. care so damn much about Muslim women. Aren't the men getting enough?
THE LEFT...especially The US Women's movement (Remember BURN YOUR BRAS)? Should be all over the suppression of WOMEN in Muslim culture. KILLED if they are RAPED...



If you look at the question, you'll see it refers to culture not politics. The widespread human rights abuses of women in Middle Eastern governments, including gential mutilation is a separate question. Politics there, if even present, is nothing like ours.
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3. Why is it right for people who produce nothing to dictate the fortunes of those who work for a living?

The entire American system is based on the the transfer of wealth to those who have produced nothing. It's called inheritance. Do people have a right to give their children money? Yes, absolutely. But the distinction "productive versus non-productive falls apart if so many people from the productive column had a head start. You're better off saying life is unfair, and it's not government place to change that.

Pop quiz, Mensa Boy: what percentage of American millionaires became millionaires via inheritance?

Also, you need to create some questions with more depth.

Not particularly interested in achieving YOUR definition of "depth". By the way, Brain Trust, that little notation at the end of the post means I didn't "create" the question. I shared them because I thought they were interesting, and I wanted to see if anyone left had the cojones to answer them, rather than trying to divert from them.

As of halfway through YOUR post, that answer is a resounding "No".

For instance, why don't you address the distributive consequences of say the Patent System, specifically the way the "productive" get the interventionist nanny state to build a monopoly fence around their products.

Horrors. Defending property rights to intellectual property.

YOU might not be aware of this, but intelligent people know that the only things they TRULY own are the thoughts between their ears, so protecting the productivity thereof is the very heart of the ownership of property which is the bedrock of this country.

Or what about the gazillions of subsidies and bailouts given by government to the "productive". Go sector by sector. Take commercial aviation first. Boeing grew out of the Pentagon Budget. Government completely subsidized its costs and R&D. Or what about every god damn penny of profit made in the Southwest, which would not have its current "carrying capacity" without the Hoover Damn? Or what about government's support of the "productive" oil companies in the form of trillions in protecting their oil fields in the middle east? Or what about the 1980s consumer electronics boom, the technologies of which grew out of the Cold War Pentagon and NASA budgets. Do you the technology that came out of the Space Program? -or how it was transferred to the private sector? Do you know where the satellite technology that undergirds our telecom's infrastructure came from? Who funded it before it was completely privatized.

Sorry, Sparkles, but conservatives are NOT the ones promoting a giant, megalithic federal government controlling and invading all aspects of life.

However, if you're suggesting that the government shouldn't spend money on defense . . . that would be another of those things that make me go :eusa_eh:.

Before you make these grand categories of "Productive" and "Unproductive", you should do a better job researching the massive corporate welfare upon which our glorious profits are built.

"Our" glorious profits? What fucking corporation do YOU own, Chuckles? And what would you actually know about "corporate welfare" other than the ability to shout it as a buzzword?

Turn off talk radio.

Turn off FOX News.

Put down your deeply partisan newspapers and blogs . . .

and go to a fucking library or take a university course.

Coming from someone who just posted the most vague, generalized DNC-talking-point-laden, "Quick, let's divert from the questions I can't answer and try to put them on the defensive" pile of drivel I've read this week, this is fucking hilarious.

Forget talk radio.

Forget Fox News.

Forget your blind hatred that the left no longer controls the debate and the information flow.

Forget your memes and buzzwords.


Funny thing is, I actually agree with 90% of your post, that is, I see these as justifiably hard questions for Liberals to answer, and I get your point. I just want to see you liberated from the same tired talking points we've heard forever.

If "liberated" means parroting leftist "I'm so enlightened" bullshit the way you did, I'll pass. :eusa_hand:

And I'll thank you to refrain from "wanting" anything where I'm concerned except for me to stop stomping your ass in debates.

Strike one. Let's see if your next post can address the topic rather than what you wish you could change the topic to.
6. If all cultures are equal, should all Americans value the abuse of women in many Muslim cultures, the abuse of workers in China, or the ill-treatment of gays in Russia?

Why does the U.S. care so damn much about Muslim women. Aren't the men getting enough?
THE LEFT...especially The US Women's movement (Remember BURN YOUR BRAS)? Should be all over the suppression of WOMEN in Muslim culture. KILLED if they are RAPED...



If you look at the question, you'll see it refers to culture not politics. The widespread human rights abuses of women in Middle Eastern governments, including gential mutilation is a separate question. Politics there, if even present, is nothing like ours.

WRONG. The question addresses the VERY politically-divisive issue of leftist "multiculturalism" and political correctness. The right is certainly not making a practice of attacking the United States and American culture and prattling about the "equal value and validity" of other cultures, and claiming that anyone who thinks American culture MIGHT possibly be superior to some others is "provincial" and "reactionary".
Things that make you go :eusa_eh:.

1. Why is it fine that Americans need to prove to the IRS that they have health insurance, but it’s wrong to ask immigrants if they are in the country legally?

2. Why is it okay if a welfare state office asks people for ID before giving them a check, but it’s “racist” to ask people to show IDs before voting for politicians who send out those checks?

3. Why is it right for people who produce nothing to dictate the fortunes of those who work for a living?

4. Is it wrong for someone who puts no effort into life to make a living off of those who have to work hard?

5. Why do people have to pay the state for their very right to live? (In other words, why are there “income” taxes, when there used to be taxes only on profits?)

6. If all cultures are equal, should all Americans value the abuse of women in many Muslim cultures, the abuse of workers in China, or the ill-treatment of gays in Russia?

7. If the only thing that a nation needed for the people to be happy was for the government to spend money and to buy its own debt, how come other countries around the globe didn’t figure that out earlier?

8. Is the way to alleviate poverty to get more people doing productive jobs, or to take more money from people who are already working who can create jobs?

9. Does it help or harm an economy to create unproductive jobs?

10. If the “war on poverty” continues for decades with no improvement, is throwing more money at the problem still the solution?

11. If the almost $3.3 trillion in debt accumulated under Bush was “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic,” is Obama responsible and patriotic for adding $6 trillion?

12. Can a nation be fundamentally racist when there the president is black and the American people watch sports, movies and TV shows featuring blacks?

13. Maybe the reason for poverty in inner cities is not because of capitalism but because of the lack of free market enterprise?

14. Why does the U.S. have a Department of Homeland Security that spies on American websites, but lets millions of illegal immigrants overstay their visas and cross the borders?

15. Why does the NSA illegally spy on millions of Americans, but can’t alert authorities of imminent terrorist attacks like the Boston bombing, even when the government is warned about the suspects?

16. Why are we creating a massive surveillance state to protect us from “terrorism,” when the Obama administration won’t even call the mass murder of U.S. soldiers at Ft. Hood by a confessed jihadist “terrorism”?

17. Maybe the nations worldwide that were poor before the U.S. existed and are still poor suffer because they don’t have economic freedom, and not because America is exploiting them?

18. Perhaps the reason the U.S. has been relatively wealthy is because it has been the most innovative, productive and adventurous nation in history, and not because it stole big screen TVs, computers, Internet wi-fi and smartphones from people?

19. Has the U.S. military liberated millions from tyranny and oppression or is it imposing tyranny and oppression on foreign peoples?

20. How much government debt is too much? Can the government accrue tens of trillions in future debt without negative consequences for people?

21. Do people generally have the right to determine the outcomes of their own lives? Or do Washington politicians and bureaucrats (i.e. other people) have the right to determine them?

22. Why are millionaire corporate CEOs railed against, but millionaire Hollywood actors and pop singers are praised and idolized?

23. Why is the GOP the “party of the rich” when there are just as many rich Democrat politicians as Republicans, and the wealthiest counties in the nation tend to vote Democratic?

24. Why is it that some of the biggest corporations in the nation (Microsoft, GE, Google) donate the majority of their political campaign contributions to the Democrat Party?

25. Why do the largest corporate media outlets in the nation support a political party that has continuously railed against corporations?

26. Why is it that a president who has praised wealth redistribution has seen through an economy where, as he admitted, 95% of the gains have gone to the top 1%?

27. Why Is Washington D.C. all of a sudden one of the richest areas in the nation? What valuable goods and services does that region produce?

28. Can power that accrues in a centralized government be used for evil as well as good? What does history say about this topic?

29. Is it really “progressive” to return to a state of affairs that America was founded to protect people against?

30. How come all of the “compassionate” programs of Democrat-dominated cities across the nation seem to lead only to worsening poverty, drug use and crime?

31. If democracy means “rule of the people,” why does the “Democratic Party” keep giving power to 536 individuals to decide the health, education, energy, transportation, retirement, employment, and income choices for hundreds of millions of people?

32. If Obamacare is so great, how come Congressmen who passed the bill want no part of it? (Even though they make at least $174,000 a year, most are taking federal subsidies to pay for their insurance plans.)

33. Maybe the reason the U.S. is in a bad spot is because many people don’t think through the logical consequences of their political positions?

- Thanks to Independent Journal

1. Why is it OK with conservatives that US businesses employ illegals for cheap labor?
2. I'm OK with voter ID. I carry ID all the time.
3. How is that even happening?
4. Yep. All able bodied adults should work for a living.
5. Government costs money.
6. Who says all cultures are equal?
7. If spending money = happiness, we must be the happiest mfers in the world.
8. More productive jobs.
9. Define unproductive jobs. People make money. People spend money. The money people spend supports businesses.
10. I dunno. Conservatives like to spend money on the wars on terror and drugs. Not much positive results there either.
11. Nope. Congress supposedly controls spending though.
12. Been a long struggle to get where we are today wrt racial equality.
13. Maybe.
14. Big intrusive waste of money perpetrated by both parties. Would be happy to eliminate it.
15. Why? Because they can. Whether you or I like it is unimportant. More police state crap perpetrated by both parties.
16. Because both parties want it. It is overwhelmingly wanted by the right.
17. Could be any number of reasons. Exploitation could also be a factor.
18. Yeah. It's the Chinas of the world that make money off of piracy of technology.
19. Much of the time it is just replacing one bastard with another. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. But back in WW2, we did a lot of good.
20. Dunno what the tipping point is, but it can't go on forever. Been crazy watching this country go from biggest creditor to biggest debtor.
21. Self determination, of course. When has it been otherwise?
22. Singers and actors actually do something positive that people can enjoy. Many CEO's are also idolized (or envied), and do lots of good. Then there are the corporate raider scumbags that do lots of harm leaving ruined lives and plundered fortunes in their wake. What actor or singer can actually cause harm?
23. Both parties are now pretty much bought and sold by wealthy interests, but the GOP is all about the rich. All you hear from them is how they want to do away with worker rights, unions, minimum wage, etc. You never hear them talk about more for the working class.
24. Dems are in power now. when Pubs are in power, they get the big donations.
25. See 24. Neither party will do anything that would seriously harm corporate power.
26. All the president can do is make speeches and sign bills. Congress is too divided to send him much, ergo no change. Not that he would change much even if he could.
27. Fertilizer.
28. Sure. Power corrupts.
29. What? We get taxation with representation.
30. As opposed to Republicans "compassionately" sweeping them under the carpet?
31. That's what the people elected them to do. That's what Republicans do too.
32. Congresscritters already have a pretty sweet benefit package they voted for themselves. Obamacare isn't great, but it beats having nothing. Would have been better to just allow folks to opt in to medicare.
33. Just so.
Allow me to provide the official progressives answers:

1. You RACIST!!

2. You RACIST!!

3. You RACIST!!

4. You RACIST!!

5. You RACIST!!


progressives are from both the left and the right

the following Republican Senators voted to fund Obamacare on 9-27-13

Alexander (R-TN)
Ayotte (R-NH)
Barrasso (R-WY)
Blunt (R-MO)
Boozman (R-AR)
Burr (R-NC)
Chiesa (R-NJ)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coats (R-IN)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Collins (R-ME)
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Graham (R-SC)
Hoeven (R-ND)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johnson (R-WI)
Johanns (R-NE)
Kirk (R-IL)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Thune (R-SD)
Wicker (R-MS)
1. Why is it OK with conservatives that US businesses employ illegals for cheap labor?
2. I'm OK with voter ID. I carry ID all the time.
3. How is that even happening?
4. Yep. All able bodied adults should work for a living.
5. Government costs money.
6. Who says all cultures are equal?
7. If spending money = happiness, we must be the happiest mfers in the world.
8. More productive jobs.
9. Define unproductive jobs. People make money. People spend money. The money people spend supports businesses.
10. I dunno. Conservatives like to spend money on the wars on terror and drugs. Not much positive results there either.
11. Nope. Congress supposedly controls spending though.
12. Been a long struggle to get where we are today wrt racial equality.
13. Maybe.
14. Big intrusive waste of money perpetrated by both parties. Would be happy to eliminate it.
15. Why? Because they can. Whether you or I like it is unimportant. More police state crap perpetrated by both parties.
16. Because both parties want it. It is overwhelmingly wanted by the right.
17. Could be any number of reasons. Exploitation could also be a factor.
18. Yeah. It's the Chinas of the world that make money off of piracy of technology.
19. Much of the time it is just replacing one bastard with another. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. But back in WW2, we did a lot of good.
20. Dunno what the tipping point is, but it can't go on forever. Been crazy watching this country go from biggest creditor to biggest debtor.
21. Self determination, of course. When has it been otherwise?
22. Singers and actors actually do something positive that people can enjoy. Many CEO's are also idolized (or envied), and do lots of good. Then there are the corporate raider scumbags that do lots of harm leaving ruined lives and plundered fortunes in their wake. What actor or singer can actually cause harm?
23. Both parties are now pretty much bought and sold by wealthy interests, but the GOP is all about the rich. All you hear from them is how they want to do away with worker rights, unions, minimum wage, etc. You never hear them talk about more for the working class.
24. Dems are in power now. when Pubs are in power, they get the big donations.
25. See 24. Neither party will do anything that would seriously harm corporate power.
26. All the president can do is make speeches and sign bills. Congress is too divided to send him much, ergo no change. Not that he would change much even if he could.
27. Fertilizer.
28. Sure. Power corrupts.
29. What? We get taxation with representation.
30. As opposed to Republicans "compassionately" sweeping them under the carpet?
31. That's what the people elected them to do. That's what Republicans do too.
32. Congresscritters already have a pretty sweet benefit package they voted for themselves. Obamacare isn't great, but it beats having nothing. Would have been better to just allow folks to opt in to medicare.
33. Just so.

22- What actor or singer can actually cause harm?

justin beiber.....visually and audio wise....makes your eyes and ears bleed....
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