33 Uncomfortable Questions for Progressives (aka Leftists)

I believe his last private sector job was concluded in 2002 when he headed 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games Organizing Committee, and before that he was CEO of Bain Capital.

John Kerry was an officer in the US Navy and fought in the Vietnam war.

A war which Mitt Romney supported, protested for and then went to France to kill his passenger in the car he was driving.

She proved my point; Romney hadn't worked for 10 years and the only reason he was moderately successful is because he was born on 3rd base but was convinced he had hit a triple. So by definition, he produced nothing.


Ohmigod! He retired! THE BASTARD!

And exactly when did "You had parents who didn't suck!" become an ACCUSATION in this society? Once upon a time, parents who could barely afford a pot to piss in were a source of shame, not a badge of honor.

Just goes to prove what I've always said: Leftist = unrealistic waste of oxygen.

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