33 Uncomfortable Questions for Progressives (aka Leftists)

The best scam that the Rich ever pulled was to get millions of their working/middle class conservative fans to blame all of America's problems on the poor.

The modern liberal is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for covetousness.

Tell me -- why do you think you're entitled to what you didn't earn?
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The best scam that the Rich ever pulled was to get millions of their working/middle class conservative fans to blame all of America's problems on the poor.

The modern liberal is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for covetousness.

Tell me -- why do you think you're entitled to what you didn't earn?
OOH! OOH! Mr. Kotter!


/Tongue back-in-cheek
Ooohhh..goody a quiz.

One that she doesn't want answered either..


1. First off, the IRS is under a "Don't Ask/Don't Tell" rule about the ACA. Second, this is a non-sequitur as one thing has nothing to do with the other. Third? It's the height of stupidity to foster an underground economy in this country where you have over a million people living under the radar, not paying taxes, using services and not reporting crimes.

2. Because you can't use the same ID for both. That's why. In any case, you have to register for the vote and THEN show a special type of ID. And it's not free. As in a poll tax. Which is un-constitutional.

3. Depends on what you mean by "producing nothing". And most of the people who "made" their fortunes, did so by luck (Being born into right families) and questionable and possibly illegal means. They also did so by utilizing government services we all pay for and the backs of others.

4. Depends again what your benchmarks for "hard work" and "doing nothing" are.. When I moved furniture I did harder physical labor than I do now that I work in Information Technology. I make far more now. I've seen cleaning people do harder physical labor than a CEO in a fortune 500 company yet they'll make far less. And CEO's sometimes wind up costing the company in very real money when they screw up..with no consequences. Take Jamie Dimon. Lost 9 Billion dollars at JP Morgan. He made 23 million dollars in 2012.

5. Think of it as "rent".

6. Because Muslim Countries, China and Russia are not a part of the United States. And there is protest in this country of those behaviors..otherwise you wouldn't know about it.

7. Who says that's going to make people happy? The right wing? Having some debt is actually healthy. It allows a country to build infrastructure, employ people and get things done. It's also good for banks and financial institutions.

8. As both the Reagan administration and the Bush administration proved, cutting taxes on wealthy people doesn't create jobs. They didn't get wealthy through altruism. If anything it reduces jobs, because they use their wealth to buy off politicians that allow them to merge companies and off shore employment.

9. It helps the economy vastly to create jobs like fireman, police and other needful positions. Building infrastructure is also a great way to stimulate the economy and keep it going.

10. The "War on Poverty" has been a huge success in the country. FDR's new deal created a Middle Class where there was none before. The biggest set backs were when Conservatives put their policies into practice like during the Reagan administration and the Bush administration. Real income has been flatlining for the middle class while growing wildly for the 1%.

11. To answer this question we have to start with the Truth. Most of the debt Obama is paying, was accumulated during the Bush administration with 2 wars. He put the that debt on a separate track called Emergency Supplemental Spending. Obama put that spending back in the general budget and began to pay it down. Additionally Bush started the Department of Homeland Security and the Medicare drug benefit.

12. Of course. And it's been showing it's racism and some profound and rather embarrassing ways. The first black President was made to show his birth Certificate. Both things are a first. And that's just the tip of the ice berg.

13. When did the Free Market end?

14. Homeland security was set up by the Bush administration. This might have been an appropriate question for the right wingers.

15. The bombers were Chechen and the warnings came from Russia who have a huge problem with these people. They warn about all Chechens, who have never shown any hostility toward America and in fact apologized for the bombings they had nothing to do with.

16. The shooter at Fort Hood has been sentenced to death. Is the concern here about semantics or how these events are prosecuted?

17. It's a little of both.

18. If this were a question then it could be answered. It's not.

19. Both. Depends on what nation you are talking about.

20. Perhaps you should go into the real negative impact the debt has had. Thus far all the consequences this nation has suffered has been from the private sector.

21. People have the right to determine their own outcomes. Washington should be there to provide the means to get the best outcomes.

22. Actors and singers rarely if ever bring the lives of millions of people, economic ruin.

23. You answered your own question. Republicans concentrate the wealth, Democrats spread it.

24. See 23.

25. See 23.

26. In a nutshell? Obama had to save those people to save the economy.

27. Most of the people that serve in Congress are millionaires. Is that so hard to understand?

28. History shows both.

29. Since it's not really doing that..this question makes no sense. America fought against a Monarchy.

30. The Economy began to take a "nose dive" under Nixon. Carter undid Nixon's crap and Reagan went ahead and really fucked things up. It's been a dog fight ever since.

31. Because it's in the Constitution. We aren't a direct Democracy. But a Republican one.

32. Part of Obamacare allows you to keep the healthcare you already have.

33. Absolutely. Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush's political decisions have had adverse effects that are still with us today.

There..all answered.


2. Because you can't use the same ID for both. That's why. In any case, you have to register for the vote and THEN show a special type of ID.

what SPECIAL ID Sallow?....i used my Drivers License....what is so special about that?...

How did they manage to vote in the 18th, or 19th centuries?

who the fuck cares?.....was Sallow referring to then or now?...i believe he was talking about today....now that is an interesting question though....why dont you start a thread on it?.....it was probably stricter than today i bet....
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The entire American system is based on the the transfer of wealth to those who have produced nothing. It's called inheritance

So, it's OK for government to confiscate money at gunpoint and give it to someone else, but but it's not OK to give your own money you worked for to whom you chose. Got it.

Thank you for appearing today on our show, but actually, only a tiny portion of American millionaires inherited their wealth. That the American System is based on that is the wrong answer. I'm sorry, out in the first round. Thanks for playing. Here's a home version of our game. Don't go away mad, just go away.

According to the liberal system of ethics, when a depositor of a bank withdraws money from his account, it's no different than when an armed robber withdraws money from the bank. They're both withdrawals, see?

Liberals want you to believe that the fact that the government uses guns to achieve its aims is entirely irrelevant.
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The best scam that the Rich ever pulled was to get millions of their working/middle class conservative fans to blame all of America's problems on the poor.

Your envy of other peoples money is entertaining to say the least...

Figure it out you f'ing idiot, you have to earn it to know what it's like to have money, quit putting your hand out moron...

You're panhandling is pathetic...
The entire American system is based on the the transfer of wealth to those who have produced nothing. It's called inheritance

So, it's OK for government to confiscate money at gunpoint and give it to someone else, but but it's not OK to give your own money you worked for to whom you chose. Got it.

Thank you for appearing today on our show, but actually, only a tiny portion of American millionaires inherited their wealth. That the American System is based on that is the wrong answer. I'm sorry, out in the first round. Thanks for playing. Here's a home version of our game. Don't go away mad, just go away.

Inheritance should be taxed like income, because that's what it is.

Inheritance was already taxed when it was earned. If it was invested, it was already taxed twice. Now you want to tax the same money a third time.
1. Why is it fine that Americans need to prove to the IRS that they have health insurance, but it’s wrong to ask immigrants if they are in the country legally?

Who said that was wrong.? Most liberals I know support workplace verification and e-verify. A few liberals even think a national ID would be a great idea, but the LiberTardians get upset when you do that.

Notice that liberals support all the usual police state measures like national ID, but they adamantly oppose requiring ID to vote, and they opposed the AZ law allowing local police to enforce immigration law.

So dishonest question number one dispensed of. Do the other 32 get any better?

You have "disposed" of jack squat.

There's a reason why I have this pile of offal on ignore, y'know, Bri.
Why do conservatives insist that immigrants have papers,

but that they should not be made to show them when they buy an assault rifle?


There are several more like this in that assssinine list.

What does it mean when you have absolutely nothing to say UNTIL you have a dipshit leftist and his dipshit leftist non-answer to respond to?

*cough*coward*cough* :eusa_whistle:
3. Why is it right for people who produce nothing to dictate the fortunes of those who work for a living?

That's a darned good question. Why is it the Paris Hiltons and other rich assholes who control half the wealth and produce very little personally, dictate the fortunes of the rest of us? Why is it that a few rich assholes at AIG and the Blackstone Group could crash the economy, put all of us out of jobs, sink the equity in our houses, and then STILL demand that we taxpayers bail them out?

Oh, wait. I don't think that was what you were going for, was it?

When was the last time Mitt Romney had a job or produced anything? Yet he was the GOP nominee for President.


I believe his last private sector job was concluded in 2002 when he headed 2002 Salt Lake City Olympic Games Organizing Committee, and before that he was CEO of Bain Capital. I know your leftist controllers have programmed you to hate and vilify Bain Capital, but CEO thereof is still an actual job. And since he brought it from near-bankruptcy to industry pre-eminence, I think anyone but a kneejerk leftist follower would consider that "producing something".

Now then, when has John Kerry EVER had any job outside of politics other than as a poodle to rich women? And yet this gigolo was the Democrat nominee for President, and is now our Secretary of State.

Score THAT, Sparkles . . . you know, if you ever butch up enough to actually enter the debate, instead of sitting on the sidelines, sniping safely with your compatriots.
1. Why is it OK with conservatives that US businesses employ illegals for cheap labor?
2. I'm OK with voter ID. I carry ID all the time.
3. How is that even happening?
4. Yep. All able bodied adults should work for a living.
5. Government costs money.
6. Who says all cultures are equal?
7. If spending money = happiness, we must be the happiest mfers in the world.
8. More productive jobs.
9. Define unproductive jobs. People make money. People spend money. The money people spend supports businesses.
10. I dunno. Conservatives like to spend money on the wars on terror and drugs. Not much positive results there either.
11. Nope. Congress supposedly controls spending though.
12. Been a long struggle to get where we are today wrt racial equality.
13. Maybe.
14. Big intrusive waste of money perpetrated by both parties. Would be happy to eliminate it.
15. Why? Because they can. Whether you or I like it is unimportant. More police state crap perpetrated by both parties.
16. Because both parties want it. It is overwhelmingly wanted by the right.
17. Could be any number of reasons. Exploitation could also be a factor.
18. Yeah. It's the Chinas of the world that make money off of piracy of technology.
19. Much of the time it is just replacing one bastard with another. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. But back in WW2, we did a lot of good.
20. Dunno what the tipping point is, but it can't go on forever. Been crazy watching this country go from biggest creditor to biggest debtor.
21. Self determination, of course. When has it been otherwise?
22. Singers and actors actually do something positive that people can enjoy. Many CEO's are also idolized (or envied), and do lots of good. Then there are the corporate raider scumbags that do lots of harm leaving ruined lives and plundered fortunes in their wake. What actor or singer can actually cause harm?
23. Both parties are now pretty much bought and sold by wealthy interests, but the GOP is all about the rich. All you hear from them is how they want to do away with worker rights, unions, minimum wage, etc. You never hear them talk about more for the working class.
24. Dems are in power now. when Pubs are in power, they get the big donations.
25. See 24. Neither party will do anything that would seriously harm corporate power.
26. All the president can do is make speeches and sign bills. Congress is too divided to send him much, ergo no change. Not that he would change much even if he could.
27. Fertilizer.
28. Sure. Power corrupts.
29. What? We get taxation with representation.
30. As opposed to Republicans "compassionately" sweeping them under the carpet?
31. That's what the people elected them to do. That's what Republicans do too.
32. Congresscritters already have a pretty sweet benefit package they voted for themselves. Obamacare isn't great, but it beats having nothing. Would have been better to just allow folks to opt in to medicare.
33. Just so.

I'm sorry, but what makes you think you can go, "I'm ignoring your questions, and I DEMAND that you answer me"? You're not Torquemada, this isn't the Inquisition, and I asked first. So all this post really says is, "I have no answers! Divert!!!!"

You could have just said that in the first place, and saved space.


I answered every one of your fucking questions. I'm probably the only one foolish enough to attempt it. Should have known it was just a troll post to begin with.

No, fucknut, you answered NONE of my questions. What you ACTUALLY did was try to divert the topic of every single one of them to something you WANTED to talk about, thus proving my point about how uncomfortable these questions are for you. You ran away so fast, you left a Wile E. Coyote smoke outline of your body in the air behind you.

Unfortunately, I don't let that shit fly when I ask a question. So if you want to blather on about your invented talking-point list of questions, go start your own thread. If you want to talk in THIS thread, either respond to my questions, or accept that not doing so constitutes unconditional surrender and admission of defeat on your part.

So can you answer, or are you a chickenshit? Your answer will be one or the other, whether YOU think so or not.
So, it's OK for government to confiscate money at gunpoint and give it to someone else, but but it's not OK to give your own money you worked for to whom you chose. Got it.

Thank you for appearing today on our show, but actually, only a tiny portion of American millionaires inherited their wealth. That the American System is based on that is the wrong answer. I'm sorry, out in the first round. Thanks for playing. Here's a home version of our game. Don't go away mad, just go away.

Inheritance should be taxed like income, because that's what it is.

Inheritance was already taxed when it was earned. If it was invested, it was already taxed twice. Now you want to tax the same money a third time.

Every time money changes hands it is subject to a tax
Reject all biased media; FOX, MSNBC...

Listen to everyone and make your own decisions.

Having it spoonfed to you is lazy and a lazy electorate is a poor public servant's best friend.

This happens in every election but look at 2004. Bush partied in Alabama during Vietnam, Kerry was in-country. How Bush was successfully able to paint Kerry as weak on defense was incredible to say the least. Kerry was a shittier candidate than Mitt Romney and deserved to lose but that aspect of the contest was a poor accounting of the electorate's ability to recognize facts.

Which "unbiased media" would you suggest we follow? CNN? MSNBC? The New York Times? We know you and your ilk are infuriated about your inability to dominate the information stream and suppress the things you don't like, but that really is a personal problem you should work out with your therapist instead of bothering us with it.

By the way, I'm certain that all of our men and women in uniform deeply appreciate your cavalier, "I've never served but I designate the REAL service for others" dismissal of the National Guard as "partying". By all means, DO continue running your gums as much as possible. I've always said the best argument against leftists is listening to them.

Maybe you should consider that the electorate disagrees with you not because they can't recognize facts (ie. everyone else is stupid), but because YOU are a dumb bitch who's an embarrassment to intelligent, politically-active women.
Progressives (aka Leftists)

I got as far as this statement before I realised the OP has absolutely no idea what she is on about.

In other words, "I saw that the thread wasn't going to tell me how brilliant and compassionate I was, and I never listen to anything that might make me start thinking." Thanks for taking the time to share, but you didn't need to bother. Everyone already knew that about you already.

Toddle along, dear. You're dismissed.
Things that make you go :eusa_eh:.

1. Why is it fine that Americans need to prove to the IRS that they have health insurance, but it’s wrong to ask immigrants if they are in the country legally?

2. Why is it okay if a welfare state office asks people for ID before giving them a check, but it’s “racist” to ask people to show IDs before voting for politicians who send out those checks?

3. Why is it right for people who produce nothing to dictate the fortunes of those who work for a living?

4. Is it wrong for someone who puts no effort into life to make a living off of those who have to work hard?

5. Why do people have to pay the state for their very right to live? (In other words, why are there “income” taxes, when there used to be taxes only on profits?)

6. If all cultures are equal, should all Americans value the abuse of women in many Muslim cultures, the abuse of workers in China, or the ill-treatment of gays in Russia?

7. If the only thing that a nation needed for the people to be happy was for the government to spend money and to buy its own debt, how come other countries around the globe didn’t figure that out earlier?

8. Is the way to alleviate poverty to get more people doing productive jobs, or to take more money from people who are already working who can create jobs?

9. Does it help or harm an economy to create unproductive jobs?

10. If the “war on poverty” continues for decades with no improvement, is throwing more money at the problem still the solution?

11. If the almost $3.3 trillion in debt accumulated under Bush was “irresponsible” and “unpatriotic,” is Obama responsible and patriotic for adding $6 trillion?

12. Can a nation be fundamentally racist when there the president is black and the American people watch sports, movies and TV shows featuring blacks?

13. Maybe the reason for poverty in inner cities is not because of capitalism but because of the lack of free market enterprise?

14. Why does the U.S. have a Department of Homeland Security that spies on American websites, but lets millions of illegal immigrants overstay their visas and cross the borders?

15. Why does the NSA illegally spy on millions of Americans, but can’t alert authorities of imminent terrorist attacks like the Boston bombing, even when the government is warned about the suspects?

16. Why are we creating a massive surveillance state to protect us from “terrorism,” when the Obama administration won’t even call the mass murder of U.S. soldiers at Ft. Hood by a confessed jihadist “terrorism”?

17. Maybe the nations worldwide that were poor before the U.S. existed and are still poor suffer because they don’t have economic freedom, and not because America is exploiting them?

18. Perhaps the reason the U.S. has been relatively wealthy is because it has been the most innovative, productive and adventurous nation in history, and not because it stole big screen TVs, computers, Internet wi-fi and smartphones from people?

19. Has the U.S. military liberated millions from tyranny and oppression or is it imposing tyranny and oppression on foreign peoples?

20. How much government debt is too much? Can the government accrue tens of trillions in future debt without negative consequences for people?

21. Do people generally have the right to determine the outcomes of their own lives? Or do Washington politicians and bureaucrats (i.e. other people) have the right to determine them?

22. Why are millionaire corporate CEOs railed against, but millionaire Hollywood actors and pop singers are praised and idolized?

23. Why is the GOP the “party of the rich” when there are just as many rich Democrat politicians as Republicans, and the wealthiest counties in the nation tend to vote Democratic?

24. Why is it that some of the biggest corporations in the nation (Microsoft, GE, Google) donate the majority of their political campaign contributions to the Democrat Party?

25. Why do the largest corporate media outlets in the nation support a political party that has continuously railed against corporations?

26. Why is it that a president who has praised wealth redistribution has seen through an economy where, as he admitted, 95% of the gains have gone to the top 1%?

27. Why Is Washington D.C. all of a sudden one of the richest areas in the nation? What valuable goods and services does that region produce?

28. Can power that accrues in a centralized government be used for evil as well as good? What does history say about this topic?

29. Is it really “progressive” to return to a state of affairs that America was founded to protect people against?

30. How come all of the “compassionate” programs of Democrat-dominated cities across the nation seem to lead only to worsening poverty, drug use and crime?

31. If democracy means “rule of the people,” why does the “Democratic Party” keep giving power to 536 individuals to decide the health, education, energy, transportation, retirement, employment, and income choices for hundreds of millions of people?

32. If Obamacare is so great, how come Congressmen who passed the bill want no part of it? (Even though they make at least $174,000 a year, most are taking federal subsidies to pay for their insurance plans.)

33. Maybe the reason the U.S. is in a bad spot is because many people don’t think through the logical consequences of their political positions?

- Thanks to Independent Journal

$17T (And Counting) Under Obama, and he is screaming for MORE...$90+T in unfunded mandates...Future generations have to pay for and they aren't even born yet...and the left screams "FOR THE CHIDREN..."?

How prophetic...

blame the republicans
No, fucknut, you answered NONE of my questions.

Have you stopped beating puppies yet?

Answer the question, you gutless cringing wonder, you spineless oozing thing that tries to pass itself off as human, you pants-shitting cowardly evader of questions you.

Now, you could try asking honest questions -- one at at time -- and you'd get honest answers. But instead, you'll keep raging that nobody is willing to play your dishonest game, and keep dumping your avalanche of bullshit on everyone. And in response, we'll keep laughing at you. After all, you've made it clear you're far too chickenshit to debate honestly.

So, you've now earned yourself a spot in the "comic relief" roster. To change that, try being honest. Or throw another tantrum, for our amusement.
No, fucknut, you answered NONE of my questions.

Have you stopped beating puppies yet?

Answer the question, you gutless cringing wonder, you spineless oozing thing that tries to pass itself off as human, you pants-shitting cowardly evader of questions you.

Now, you could try asking honest questions -- one at at time -- and you'd get honest answers. But instead, you'll keep raging that nobody is willing to play your dishonest game, and keep dumping your avalanche of bullshit on everyone. And in response, we'll keep laughing at you. After all, you've made it clear you're far too chickenshit to debate honestly.

So, you've now earned yourself a spot in the "comic relief" roster. To change that, try being honest. Or throw another tantrum, for our amusement.

Heres a question for you, Mamooth:

When will you ever grow up? You've found yourself on the business end of a beating in a debate. And you can't refrain from name calling. You don't get honesty because you aren't honest yourself.
Inheritance should be taxed like income, because that's what it is.

Inheritance was already taxed when it was earned. If it was invested, it was already taxed twice. Now you want to tax the same money a third time.

Every time money changes hands it is subject to a tax

That maybe the reality, but is it the will of the people or the dive of a manipulative government? Why should people pay tax on anything that was already taxed? Why should citizens of New Jersey pay to leave the State when they sell their home, but if they remain within the state, there is no tax. What citizens voted for such law, or is it simply a greedy liberal governmental policy of control?
Inheritance should be taxed like income, because that's what it is.

Inheritance was already taxed when it was earned. If it was invested, it was already taxed twice. Now you want to tax the same money a third time.

Every time money changes hands it is subject to a tax

Actually in free countries, only economic transactions are taxed. That people can't give money they earned to someone else is a plank of the Communist manifesto and practiced only in socialist countries where all wealth is actually owned by the government.

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