33 Uncomfortable Questions for Progressives (aka Leftists)

1. Why is it OK with conservatives that US businesses employ illegals for cheap labor?
2. I'm OK with voter ID. I carry ID all the time.
3. How is that even happening?
4. Yep. All able bodied adults should work for a living.
5. Government costs money.
6. Who says all cultures are equal?
7. If spending money = happiness, we must be the happiest mfers in the world.
8. More productive jobs.
9. Define unproductive jobs. People make money. People spend money. The money people spend supports businesses.
10. I dunno. Conservatives like to spend money on the wars on terror and drugs. Not much positive results there either.
11. Nope. Congress supposedly controls spending though.
12. Been a long struggle to get where we are today wrt racial equality.
13. Maybe.
14. Big intrusive waste of money perpetrated by both parties. Would be happy to eliminate it.
15. Why? Because they can. Whether you or I like it is unimportant. More police state crap perpetrated by both parties.
16. Because both parties want it. It is overwhelmingly wanted by the right.
17. Could be any number of reasons. Exploitation could also be a factor.
18. Yeah. It's the Chinas of the world that make money off of piracy of technology.
19. Much of the time it is just replacing one bastard with another. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. But back in WW2, we did a lot of good.
20. Dunno what the tipping point is, but it can't go on forever. Been crazy watching this country go from biggest creditor to biggest debtor.
21. Self determination, of course. When has it been otherwise?
22. Singers and actors actually do something positive that people can enjoy. Many CEO's are also idolized (or envied), and do lots of good. Then there are the corporate raider scumbags that do lots of harm leaving ruined lives and plundered fortunes in their wake. What actor or singer can actually cause harm?
23. Both parties are now pretty much bought and sold by wealthy interests, but the GOP is all about the rich. All you hear from them is how they want to do away with worker rights, unions, minimum wage, etc. You never hear them talk about more for the working class.
24. Dems are in power now. when Pubs are in power, they get the big donations.
25. See 24. Neither party will do anything that would seriously harm corporate power.
26. All the president can do is make speeches and sign bills. Congress is too divided to send him much, ergo no change. Not that he would change much even if he could.
27. Fertilizer.
28. Sure. Power corrupts.
29. What? We get taxation with representation.
30. As opposed to Republicans "compassionately" sweeping them under the carpet?
31. That's what the people elected them to do. That's what Republicans do too.
32. Congresscritters already have a pretty sweet benefit package they voted for themselves. Obamacare isn't great, but it beats having nothing. Would have been better to just allow folks to opt in to medicare.
33. Just so.

22- What actor or singer can actually cause harm?

justin beiber.....visually and audio wise....makes your eyes and ears bleed....

Didn't mean harm in that way. If I did, I would have mentioned Celine Dion, She's a WMD.
1. Why is it fine that Americans need to prove to the IRS that they have health insurance, but it’s wrong to ask immigrants if they are in the country legally?

Who said that was wrong.? Most liberals I know support workplace verification and e-verify. A few liberals even think a national ID would be a great idea, but the LiberTardians get upset when you do that.

So dishonest question number one dispensed of. Do the other 32 get any better?
3. Why is it right for people who produce nothing to dictate the fortunes of those who work for a living?

That's a darned good question. Why is it the Paris Hiltons and other rich assholes who control half the wealth and produce very little personally, dictate the fortunes of the rest of us? Why is it that a few rich assholes at AIG and the Blackstone Group could crash the economy, put all of us out of jobs, sink the equity in our houses, and then STILL demand that we taxpayers bail them out?

Oh, wait. I don't think that was what you were going for, was it?
1. Why is it OK with conservatives that US businesses employ illegals for cheap labor?
2. I'm OK with voter ID. I carry ID all the time.
3. How is that even happening?
4. Yep. All able bodied adults should work for a living.
5. Government costs money.
6. Who says all cultures are equal?
7. If spending money = happiness, we must be the happiest mfers in the world.
8. More productive jobs.
9. Define unproductive jobs. People make money. People spend money. The money people spend supports businesses.
10. I dunno. Conservatives like to spend money on the wars on terror and drugs. Not much positive results there either.
11. Nope. Congress supposedly controls spending though.
12. Been a long struggle to get where we are today wrt racial equality.
13. Maybe.
14. Big intrusive waste of money perpetrated by both parties. Would be happy to eliminate it.
15. Why? Because they can. Whether you or I like it is unimportant. More police state crap perpetrated by both parties.
16. Because both parties want it. It is overwhelmingly wanted by the right.
17. Could be any number of reasons. Exploitation could also be a factor.
18. Yeah. It's the Chinas of the world that make money off of piracy of technology.
19. Much of the time it is just replacing one bastard with another. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. But back in WW2, we did a lot of good.
20. Dunno what the tipping point is, but it can't go on forever. Been crazy watching this country go from biggest creditor to biggest debtor.
21. Self determination, of course. When has it been otherwise?
22. Singers and actors actually do something positive that people can enjoy. Many CEO's are also idolized (or envied), and do lots of good. Then there are the corporate raider scumbags that do lots of harm leaving ruined lives and plundered fortunes in their wake. What actor or singer can actually cause harm?
23. Both parties are now pretty much bought and sold by wealthy interests, but the GOP is all about the rich. All you hear from them is how they want to do away with worker rights, unions, minimum wage, etc. You never hear them talk about more for the working class.
24. Dems are in power now. when Pubs are in power, they get the big donations.
25. See 24. Neither party will do anything that would seriously harm corporate power.
26. All the president can do is make speeches and sign bills. Congress is too divided to send him much, ergo no change. Not that he would change much even if he could.
27. Fertilizer.
28. Sure. Power corrupts.
29. What? We get taxation with representation.
30. As opposed to Republicans "compassionately" sweeping them under the carpet?
31. That's what the people elected them to do. That's what Republicans do too.
32. Congresscritters already have a pretty sweet benefit package they voted for themselves. Obamacare isn't great, but it beats having nothing. Would have been better to just allow folks to opt in to medicare.
33. Just so.

22- What actor or singer can actually cause harm?

justin beiber.....visually and audio wise....makes your eyes and ears bleed....

Didn't mean harm in that way. If I did, I would have mentioned Celine Dion, She's a WMD.

she at least has singing talent.....Bieber needs someone to throw a ham sandwich together for him....
Why do rightwing idiots like the OP think that they can speak for every liberal, and assign their versions of what they think liberals believe to every liberal?
. 1. Why is it fine that Americans need to prove to the IRS that they have health insurance, but it’s wrong to ask immigrants if they are in the country legally?

I have no problem with asking immigrants if they are here legally. I do have problems with asking people for papers based on how they look. Ask everyone or no one
Why do conservatives insist that immigrants have papers,

but that they should not be made to show them when they buy an assault rifle?
Why do rightwing idiots like the OP think that they can speak for every liberal, and assign their versions of what they think liberals believe to every liberal?

probably for the same reasons that leftwing idiots think that they can speak for every conservative, and assign their versions of what they think conservatives believe to every conservative......like Dean and Dudley do.....
1. You RACIST!!

2. You RACIST!!

3. You RACIST!!

4. You RACIST!!

5. You RACIST!!


We get it, Dave. The liberals keep spanking you and making you cry, you can't respond, so you deflect by wailing about racism.

Some conservatives act like that, but not all. Only the whiniest of the bunch play their well-worn race-cards at every opportunity. To the Dave-types, every single thing is always about race.
Why do rightwing idiots like the OP think that they can speak for every liberal, and assign their versions of what they think liberals believe to every liberal?
Why do some liberals think they can do the same thing with conservatives?
1. You RACIST!!

2. You RACIST!!

3. You RACIST!!

4. You RACIST!!

5. You RACIST!!


We get it, Dave. The liberals keep spanking you and making you cry, you can't respond, so you deflect by wailing about racism.

Some conservatives act like that, but not all. Only the whiniest of the bunch play their well-worn race-cards at every opportunity. To the Dave-types, every single thing is always about race.
I'm curious:

Why do you lie all the time? Do you know you're lying, or do you really believe the crap you write?
1. You RACIST!!

2. You RACIST!!

3. You RACIST!!

4. You RACIST!!

5. You RACIST!!


We get it, Dave. The liberals keep spanking you and making you cry, you can't respond, so you deflect by wailing about racism.

Some conservatives act like that, but not all. Only the whiniest of the bunch play their well-worn race-cards at every opportunity. To the Dave-types, every single thing is always about race.

You have it wrong.
It's the left who call tea party racist and other hateful names and it's in response to their constant attacks on the right. there are some racists in all walks of life.
The majority of the left always has labels and categories and name calling, rather than including all and the American people.
More partisan drivel in the op that moves us forward not at all. There's a dimes thickness difference in the end result with both these parties. Amnesty began with Reagan and carried on through Bush 2. Reagan greatly expanded the government, and after it took 200 years for the US to accumulate 1trillion dollars of debt, in eight short years, Reagan tripled it. There is no difference, and this is not football with us rooting for a team. This is our republic at stake. Are we Americans first and ass and elephant second, or not?
3. Why is it right for people who produce nothing to dictate the fortunes of those who work for a living?

That's a darned good question. Why is it the Paris Hiltons and other rich assholes who control half the wealth and produce very little personally, dictate the fortunes of the rest of us?

THey don't, asshole. Paris Hilton can't force you to do a single damn thing. However, some welfare queen raising a liter of illegitimate puppies can vote to have the government extract money from your paycheck by force.

Why is it that a few rich assholes at AIG and the Blackstone Group could crash the economy, put all of us out of jobs, sink the equity in our houses, and then STILL demand that we taxpayers bail them out?

Oh, wait. I don't think that was what you were going for, was it?

The politicians who forced banks to give mortgages to people who couldn't pay them crashed the economy. The politicians also bailed out the banks. The banks couldn't force anyone to bail them out. Only politicians can do that.
Allow me to provide the official progressives answers:

1. You RACIST!!

2. You RACIST!!

3. You RACIST!!

4. You RACIST!!

5. You RACIST!!


progressives are from both the left and the right

the following Republican Senators voted to fund Obamacare on 9-27-13

Alexander (R-TN)
Ayotte (R-NH)
Barrasso (R-WY)
Blunt (R-MO)
Boozman (R-AR)
Burr (R-NC)
Chiesa (R-NJ)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Coats (R-IN)
Coburn (R-OK)
Cochran (R-MS)
Collins (R-ME)
Corker (R-TN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Graham (R-SC)
Hoeven (R-ND)
Isakson (R-GA)
Johnson (R-WI)
Johanns (R-NE)
Kirk (R-IL)
McCain (R-AZ)
McConnell (R-KY)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Thune (R-SD)
Wicker (R-MS)

Their heads are all going on the chopping block. It's only a matter of when.
1. Why is it fine that Americans need to prove to the IRS that they have health insurance, but it’s wrong to ask immigrants if they are in the country legally?

Who said that was wrong.? Most liberals I know support workplace verification and e-verify. A few liberals even think a national ID would be a great idea, but the LiberTardians get upset when you do that.

Notice that liberals support all the usual police state measures like national ID, but they adamantly oppose requiring ID to vote, and they opposed the AZ law allowing local police to enforce immigration law.

So dishonest question number one dispensed of. Do the other 32 get any better?

You have "disposed" of jack squat.
Why do conservatives insist that immigrants have papers,

but that they should not be made to show them when they buy an assault rifle?

By all means, make aliens show their papers to buy an assault rifle. Citizens have to show theirs, so why not aliens?

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