37 minutes into Hannity and I'm alarmed!!!

I haven't watched a talking head in years. Haven't turned on the tv in a week other than a few movies for the kiddos. Can't say I miss it. I'm seriously considering giving up the satellite service at this rate. It's not worth it for the amount of time we actually watch it.

Why on earth would you watch Hannity anyway? Temporary insanity?

because the tv was on and MSNBC was out to lunch? :lol:

Hate to break it to you but both MSNBC and FOX are always out to lunch. :eusa_shhh:

Now I'm hungry.
I watch in 5 minute increments for comedy. Bigred is a typical hannity lover, dropped out of college and wants to tell other people about his good brain to be washed. LOFL
I'm convinced that Progressives spend more time listening to Rush and Beck and watching Hannity than Conservatives.
I'm convinced that Progressives spend more time listening to Rush and Beck and watching Hannity than Conservatives.

and that's where the human mind is exposed as irrational.

they do polls on who watches. they do Nielsen ratings. those shows hawk goods that sell.

the vocal minority of lefties and the vocal minority of cons have the megaphones. their numbers are low, but their influence is greater than one would expect because they march, shout, and vote in lockstep.

37 minutes into Hannity and I'm alarmed!!!


jesus christ!!! I got cable back and am watching FOX. How teh fuck do people watch this shit everyday?

narco states, drug wars, hostages, pirates, gangs, human smuggling, the list goes on.

then saw ads for O'Reilly with absolutely no spin? WTF?


no wonder some of you are so hysterical all of the time.

If you are not afraid you are unamerican.
I haven't watched a talking head in years. Haven't turned on the tv in a week other than a few movies for the kiddos. Can't say I miss it. I'm seriously considering giving up the satellite service at this rate. It's not worth it for the amount of time we actually watch it.

Why on earth would you watch Hannity anyway? Temporary insanity?

because the tv was on and MSNBC was out to lunch? :lol:

Hate to break it to you but both MSNBC and FOX are always out to lunch. :eusa_shhh:

All of the MSM nooz are out to lunch.
See, it helps to actually know what is happening in the world instead of posting with rose colored glasses.

I was going to say that myself. Gee... that big, bad ole Hannity actually pointed out the bad things in the world. Well isn't that too bad that little ole dante can't handle it. I guess he needs obama to come along and pat him on the head and tell him everything is OK and send him on his way. I'd be embarrassed if I just started a thread admitting I couldn't handle the truth. What a fucking moron.
no wonder some of you are so hysterical all of the time.
A significant number of right wingers are effectively brainwashed from listening to Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh and O'Reilly on a regular basis. Repetition is what does it.

A significant number of left wingers are effectively brainwashed from watching MSNBC on a regular basis. Crap in, Crap out.... that's what does it.

I watch Morning Joe, period, on MSNBC. But I'm curious to see what the new 10PM show hosted by Lawrence O'Donnell will be like. He's a consummate Washington insider, having been there done that as an aide to Patrick Moynihan back in the day when Republicans and Democrats actually got along and got things done because of it. He also was a writer for my favorite TV drama of all time, The West Wing. Yes, O'Donnell is a liberal, but he's not known for grandstanding or speaking out for effect.
37 minutes into Hannity and I'm alarmed!!!


jesus christ!!! I got cable back and am watching FOX. How teh fuck do people watch this shit everyday?

narco states, drug wars, hostages, pirates, gangs, human smuggling, the list goes on.

then saw ads for O'Reilly with absolutely no spin? WTF?


no wonder some of you are so hysterical all of the time.

Fox News is like crack: It rots your brain over time and you don't even realize it.:cuckoo:
Insert partisan "Same thing for Liberals" quip as an ad hominem defense from conservitards. This place is so predictable.:eusa_shhh:
no wonder some of you are so hysterical all of the time.
A significant number of right wingers are effectively brainwashed from listening to Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh and O'Reilly on a regular basis. Repetition is what does it.

Talking hate heads are a lot like drug addiction.

Yes, it has a pernicious and insidious effect on the user, but one must first decide to take it into your brain for it to turn it into mush.

And those junkies of talking hate heads will have to find their bottom before they're ready to give up their junk, too

So you're going to have no more luck getting between them and their hate-fix than you'd have trying to talk a heroin addict out of shooting dope.

People get addicted to STRONG emotions, folks. It's like a runners high or smoking a bone, or doing shooters.

It gives them an instant head readjustment that gives then a sense of power over their emotional landscape.

That's why people love hatemongers, soap operas and other kinds of ersatz emotional pornography.

Hell, that's why most of us come to these places, too, isn't it?

Actually, because of the strong division, I come here because it's increasingly difficult to have a face-to-face political conversation among people with differing opinions without it becoming a shouting match. It's a helluva lot easier to put something in writing if you're trying to watch your blood pressure!

Your points are well taken, however, and true for the most part, although once I log off here, I can do a 180 to the other important things in my life and not dwell on how many times someone here called me an idiot.
37 minutes into Hannity and I'm alarmed!!!


jesus christ!!! I got cable back and am watching FOX. How teh fuck do people watch this shit everyday?

narco states, drug wars, hostages, pirates, gangs, human smuggling, the list goes on.

then saw ads for O'Reilly with absolutely no spin? WTF?


no wonder some of you are so hysterical all of the time.

Fox News is like crack: It rots your brain over time and you don't even realize it.:cuckoo:
Insert partisan "Same thing for Liberals" quip as an ad hominem defense from conservitards. This place is so predictable.:eusa_shhh:

are you this miserable in real life?
I haven't watched a talking head in years. Haven't turned on the tv in a week other than a few movies for the kiddos. Can't say I miss it. I'm seriously considering giving up the satellite service at this rate. It's not worth it for the amount of time we actually watch it.

Why on earth would you watch Hannity anyway? Temporary insanity?

I have a friend in my condo complex who couldn't afford the cost of cable or satellite, so he now just watches his favorite shows on his computer after they've aired. Of course he can also download most documentaries and some movies, once they've gone to DVD.
I haven't watched a talking head in years. Haven't turned on the tv in a week other than a few movies for the kiddos. Can't say I miss it. I'm seriously considering giving up the satellite service at this rate. It's not worth it for the amount of time we actually watch it.

Why on earth would you watch Hannity anyway? Temporary insanity?

because the tv was on and MSNBC was out to lunch? :lol:

Hate to break it to you but both MSNBC and FOX are always out to lunch. :eusa_shhh:

CNN is still the best as far as variety and experts, and also is the most fair and balanced. I can't understand why it remains #3, unless people are just determined to be left or right and have this need NOT to EVER hear anything that might sway them.
See, it helps to actually know what is happening in the world instead of posting with rose colored glasses.

I was going to say that myself. Gee... that big, bad ole Hannity actually pointed out the bad things in the world. Well isn't that too bad that little ole dante can't handle it. I guess he needs obama to come along and pat him on the head and tell him everything is OK and send him on his way. I'd be embarrassed if I just started a thread admitting I couldn't handle the truth. What a fucking moron.

I think the point was that it's tantamount to only reading tabloids for your news.
37 minutes into Hannity and I'm alarmed!!!


jesus christ!!! I got cable back and am watching FOX. How teh fuck do people watch this shit everyday?

narco states, drug wars, hostages, pirates, gangs, human smuggling, the list goes on.

then saw ads for O'Reilly with absolutely no spin? WTF?


no wonder some of you are so hysterical all of the time.

I give you credit I can only last until his first commercial break, if that. He is as bad as watching Rachel Maddow go the other way like a psycho.
I haven't watched a talking head in years. Haven't turned on the tv in a week other than a few movies for the kiddos. Can't say I miss it. I'm seriously considering giving up the satellite service at this rate. It's not worth it for the amount of time we actually watch it.

Why on earth would you watch Hannity anyway? Temporary insanity?

I have a friend in my condo complex who couldn't afford the cost of cable or satellite, so he now just watches his favorite shows on his computer after they've aired. Of course he can also download most documentaries and some movies, once they've gone to DVD.

Not a bad way to go. We couldn't get broadband where I am until just recently, though. Ever try to stream a TV show on dial up? :eek:
37 minutes into Hannity and I'm alarmed!!!


jesus christ!!! I got cable back and am watching FOX. How teh fuck do people watch this shit everyday?

narco states, drug wars, hostages, pirates, gangs, human smuggling, the list goes on.

then saw ads for O'Reilly with absolutely no spin? WTF?


no wonder some of you are so hysterical all of the time.

Fox News is like crack: It rots your brain over time and you don't even realize it.:cuckoo:
Insert partisan "Same thing for Liberals" quip as an ad hominem defense from conservitards. This place is so predictable.:eusa_shhh:

are you this miserable in real life?
I put on a show so that you can relate.:eusa_shhh:
To those who claim that those who watch hanity limbugh Beck are brainwashed. Thanks at least we have a brain to be washed. You on the other hand have less than a brain more like a block of concrete. That’s why you will always be a block head.

oh good lord, does this imbecile read what he writes? :lol:

I'm going to guess that you don't. But only you can answer that.
To those who claim that those who watch hanity limbugh Beck are brainwashed. Thanks at least we have a brain to be washed. You on the other hand have less than a brain more like a block of concrete. That’s why you will always be a block head.

oh good lord, does this imbecile read what he writes? :lol:

I'm going to guess that you don't. But only you can answer that.



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