37% of Voters Fear the Federal Government


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
just looking at how they have dealt with this rancher people should be very frikken afraid...the other numbers says a lot too..We are screwed with this government of today...I don't know how it can get better..

riday, April 18, 2014

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of Likely U.S. Voters now fear the federal government, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Forty-seven percent (47%) do not, but another 17% are not sure.

Perhaps in part that’s because 54% consider the federal government today a threat to individual liberty rather than a protector. Just 22% see the government as a protector of individual rights, and that’s down from 30% last November. Slightly more (24%) are now undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

As recently as December 2012, voters were evenly divided on this question: 45% said the federal government was a protector of individual rights, while 46% described it as a threat to those rights.

Two-out-of-three voters (67%) view the federal government today as a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests. Just 17% disagree, while 15% are undecided.

Only 19% now trust the federal government to do the right thing most or nearly all the time, down from 24% in June of last year. Eighty percent (80%) disagree, with 44% who trust the government to do the right thing only some of the time and 36% who say it rarely or never does the right thing.

Seventy-one percent (71%) of voters believe that if America’s Founding Fathers came back today, they would regard the federal government as too big.
and thanks to Obama and Democrats they just grew this government more with, OScamCareJust three percent (3%) think the nation’s founders would consider the government too small, while 21% say they would view the size of the federal government as about right.

all of it here
37% of Voters Fear the Federal Government - Rasmussen Reports?
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Our founders found a way to make their "King George Syndrome" a lot "better" and they did so fearlessly. By the way ... they had a Tea Party!

Thomas Jefferson:
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty.

I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.
The Greatest Thomas Jefferson quotes
just looking at how have dealt with this rancher people should very frikken afraid...the other numbers says a lot too..We are screwed with this government of today...I don't know how it can get better..

riday, April 18, 2014

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of Likely U.S. Voters now fear the federal government, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Forty-seven percent (47%) do not, but another 17% are not sure.

Perhaps in part that’s because 54% consider the federal government today a threat to individual liberty rather than a protector. Just 22% see the government as a protector of individual rights, and that’s down from 30% last November. Slightly more (24%) are now undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

As recently as December 2012, voters were evenly divided on this question: 45% said the federal government was a protector of individual rights, while 46% described it as a threat to those rights.

Two-out-of-three voters (67%) view the federal government today as a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests. Just 17% disagree, while 15% are undecided.

Only 19% now trust the federal government to do the right thing most or nearly all the time, down from 24% in June of last year. Eighty percent (80%) disagree, with 44% who trust the government to do the right thing only some of the time and 36% who say it rarely or never does the right thing.

Seventy-one percent (71%) of voters believe that if America’s Founding Fathers came back today, they would regard the federal government as too big.
and thanks to Obama and Democrats they just grew this government more with, OScamCareJust three percent (3%) think the nation’s founders would consider the government too small, while 21% say they would view the size of the federal government as about right.

all of it here
37% of Voters Fear the Federal Government - Rasmussen Reports?
A good example of how effective government education has been that the rate of distrust of government is ONLY 37%..

It should be up around 95%.
just looking at how have dealt with this rancher people should very frikken afraid...the other numbers says a lot too..We are screwed with this government of today...I don't know how it can get better..

riday, April 18, 2014

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of Likely U.S. Voters now fear the federal government, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Forty-seven percent (47%) do not, but another 17% are not sure.

Perhaps in part that’s because 54% consider the federal government today a threat to individual liberty rather than a protector. Just 22% see the government as a protector of individual rights, and that’s down from 30% last November. Slightly more (24%) are now undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

As recently as December 2012, voters were evenly divided on this question: 45% said the federal government was a protector of individual rights, while 46% described it as a threat to those rights.

Two-out-of-three voters (67%) view the federal government today as a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests. Just 17% disagree, while 15% are undecided.

Only 19% now trust the federal government to do the right thing most or nearly all the time, down from 24% in June of last year. Eighty percent (80%) disagree, with 44% who trust the government to do the right thing only some of the time and 36% who say it rarely or never does the right thing.

Seventy-one percent (71%) of voters believe that if America’s Founding Fathers came back today, they would regard the federal government as too big.
and thanks to Obama and Democrats they just grew this government more with, OScamCareJust three percent (3%) think the nation’s founders would consider the government too small, while 21% say they would view the size of the federal government as about right.

all of it here
37% of Voters Fear the Federal Government - Rasmussen Reports?
A good example of how effective government education has been that the rate of distrust of government is ONLY 37%..

It should be up around 95%.

I thought it should be higher too...
just looking at how have dealt with this rancher people should very frikken afraid...the other numbers says a lot too..We are screwed with this government of today...I don't know how it can get better..

riday, April 18, 2014

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of Likely U.S. Voters now fear the federal government, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Forty-seven percent (47%) do not, but another 17% are not sure.

Perhaps in part that’s because 54% consider the federal government today a threat to individual liberty rather than a protector. Just 22% see the government as a protector of individual rights, and that’s down from 30% last November. Slightly more (24%) are now undecided. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

As recently as December 2012, voters were evenly divided on this question: 45% said the federal government was a protector of individual rights, while 46% described it as a threat to those rights.

Two-out-of-three voters (67%) view the federal government today as a special interest group that looks out primarily for its own interests. Just 17% disagree, while 15% are undecided.

Only 19% now trust the federal government to do the right thing most or nearly all the time, down from 24% in June of last year. Eighty percent (80%) disagree, with 44% who trust the government to do the right thing only some of the time and 36% who say it rarely or never does the right thing.

and thanks to Obama and Democrats they just grew this government more with, OScamCareJust three percent (3%) think the nation’s founders would consider the government too small, while 21% say they would view the size of the federal government as about right.

all of it here
37% of Voters Fear the Federal Government - Rasmussen Reports?
A good example of how effective government education has been that the rate of distrust of government is ONLY 37%..

It should be up around 95%.

I thought it should be higher too...

That's the power of brainwashing from pre-K up. Why do you think they are pushing pre-K so hard when it has been proven all scholastic advantage is lost by third grade.
I wonder how many Americans get concerned when a police car is following their car?
The problem is the rich bankers of the world want to rule the whole world. So, overtime they have placed globalists in power who have gotten their friends into power and now our government has many of them in high positions in both parties. There was a Fox program a few nights ago about George H.W. Bush and how he considers Bill Clinton to be like a son. The Bushes and Clintons are two sides of the same coin. They are globalists who are ready and willing to trade our sovereignty and constitution in for one world government. George H.W. Bush signed Agenda 21 and Clinton signed an executive order to help bring it about. George W. Bush signed the Patriot act which allows the Feds to treat any one of us like a terrorist and now Barrack Obama is signing away many other freedoms. The federal government truly has become an enemy of the US.
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Bad info there, here is the truth-
Rep. Herger is wrong about Agenda 21

The problem is the rich bankers of the world want to rule the whole world. So, overtime they have placed globalists in power who have gotten their friends into power and now our government has many of them in high positions in both parties. There was a Fox program a few nights ago about George H.W. Bush and how he considers Bill Clinton to be like a son. The Bushes and Clintons are two sides of the same coin. They are globalists who are ready and willing to trade our sovereignty and constitution in for one world government. George H.W. Bush signed Agenda 21 and Clinton signed an executive order to help bring it about. George W. Bush signed the Patriot act which allows the Feds to treat any one of us like a terrorist and now Barrack Obama is signing away many other freedoms. The federal government truly has become an enemy of the US.

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