380 Sheriffs from 40 states tell Congress that Trump's wall must be built to save lives

Trump's Border Wall Must Be Built, 380 Sheriffs Tell Congress

Hundreds of sheriffs from 40 states have called on Congress to fund President Donald Trump's initiative to build a border wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

“Without border security and immigration reform, more Americans will continue to be victims of crime. Now is the time to act,” a letter signed by 380 sheriffs said.

"Further delay and inaction on immigration reform will cost more innocent lives, more financial hardships, and an even greater decline in the public trust that is essential to the preservation of our Republic," the letter added...

..Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson of Briston County, Massachusetts was the driving force behind the letter; he encouraged Congress to make moves against border and sanctuary policies.

"These sanctuary policies directly undermine and limit cooperation and collaboration between local, state and federal law enforcement, making it harder for America’s sheriffs to protect our citizens and legal residents," he added.

The move was backed by the National Sheriff's Association, with the group's Executive and CEO Jonathan Thompson issued a statement: “Congress’ inaction undermines sheriffs’ ability to protect our citizens. Sheriffs across this country have signed this letter because Congress cannot continue to weaken our efforts to make our communities as safe as possible."

The Trump administration has previously tried to demand that Congress put money toward border wall plans. Mexico has refused to fund its development, despite Trump repeatedly stating throughout his 2016 presidential election campaign and presidency that he would make the country pay for the wall.

The president also recently proposed the idea of funding construction of the border wall through the U.S. military budget...

...Trump pitched the idea in a private meeting last week with House Speaker Paul Ryan while reviewing the omnibus spending bill Trump signed into law last week, which includes $1.6 billion for border security, including the development of the wall.

Build the wall using Military funds and deport all traitors who oppose it in Congress to Afghanistan.
It's not hard to find 380 dipshits in any group
How do we know that the people who signed this letter aren't members of "Oath Keepers" or another of these shit "patriot" groups that have sprung up? Members of these groups have been known to have infiltrated the law-enforcement community, so how do we know that this letter and this organization are credible?

Unfortunately, the U.S. does have a history of corrupt cops. For instance, the cops who aided the KKK in the murders of the civil rights workers, the cops in Selma, the cops who couldn't seem to find the Birmingham bombers, the ones caught posing around a confederate battle flag, the Pa. cop seen in a video shooting an automatic weapon in the air while yelling about "them!," Arpaio. And who can forget this lovely police chief in Oregon:

Oregon police chief resigns after two officers file complaints of racism

Unfortunately, the conduct of these officers have damaged, perhaps permanently, the public's trust in the officer's badge, authority, and word.
And that’s a tiny fraction of how many sheriffs are serving in America today.
True. There were 3,081 sheriff's offices as of 2015. (source)

So more than 10%, I'd say that's an impressive number to have support behind a letter. Just getting a response from that % of Sheriffs nation wide would be a major task.

Build the wall or justify why spending $100B+ a YEAR on illegal immigration makes the one time $25B such a poor investment.

Especially since there's no counter-letter from the other sheriffs opposing the wall. Most of the sheriffs who didn't participate probably fall under "silent majority" who support the wall or apolitical sheriffs who don't give a fuck one way or the other. I doubt you'd find even 100 sheriffs who oppose the wall.

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