383-0 House Passes Resolution Christian Genocide Occuring

What about Shia Muslims? Most of ISIS's victims are Shia's. In Iraq, all the bombings in Baghdad are committed against Shia Muslims. Anyway this resolution won't solve anything. What we need to do is warn Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey from supporting the radical ISIS/AQ militants in Syria as means of leverage against Assad. The US should also cut all programs supporting the 'rebels', entirely.
It forces Obama to either act or go down in history as ignoring genocide.

Fuck Obama and stop being so childish. If this is just done to bash Obama who's already finished soon and not to achieve peace in that region, then there's no point in it. I don't think you understand the politics of the region. Nobody is interested in total defeat of ISIS. Because ISIS keeps Syrians and Iraqi's locked in a power struggle. It gives excuse for Iranians and US forces to be deployed in Iraq. It give's excuse for foreign militaries to deploy military bases in eastern Syria, which is a means to pressure Assad into leaving the government by threatening to partition Syria. Essentially, our allies and we are enabling ISIS to remain for this exact reason.

Obama can't stop the US or Israel from supporting radical groups in Syria or taking decisive action against ISIS. Because this whole quagmire in Syria in the first place was done to weaken Iran's 'resistance' axis in the region. It was initiated by Israel and Saudi Arabia. And we know in this country we're not allowed to question Israel. If ISIS loses, then Syrians will get their whole country back. Which Israel and Saudi Arabia won't tolerate, since they don't want Assad to regain control. And they might start a big war over it which nobody wants.

It's one thing to be conservative, it's another to be a neocon. You guys need to do some independent/critical thinking to understand the situation over there and the game being played. There's no humanitarian angle in this at all. And I'm a Trump supporter.
Last time I checked, the Christians weren't a race...
So only ethnic races are subject to genocide?

Every post you make you keep displaying your stupidity.

Simple Definition of genocide
  • : the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group

Full Definition of genocide
  1. : the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
geno·cid·al play \ˌje-nə-ˈsī-dəl\ adjective
Definition of GENOCIDE

Words have meanings............................................
Last time I checked, the Christians weren't a race...
So only ethnic races are subject to genocide?

Every post you make you keep displaying your stupidity.

Simple Definition of genocide
  • : the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group

Full Definition of genocide
  1. : the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
geno·cid·al play \ˌje-nə-ˈsī-dəl\ adjective
Definition of GENOCIDE

Words have meanings............................................
Like I said, with every post you keep displaying your stupidity.

Christians are not a cultural group, hilarious, Einstein.
Christians are not a cultural group, hilarious, Einstein.
Nope. They are a religion. This is a cultural group:


They might even be Christians but I very much doubt you'd have much in common with them or see them in the parking lot of your church on Sunday morning...
Christians are not a cultural group, hilarious, Einstein.
Nope. They are a religion. This is a cultural group:


They might even be Christians but I very much doubt you'd have much in common with them or see them in the parking lot of your church on Sunday morning...
Take your retarded version of reality up with every Democrat Conresscritter.
Christians are not a cultural group, hilarious, Einstein.
Nope. They are a religion. This is a cultural group:


They might even be Christians but I very much doubt you'd have much in common with them or see them in the parking lot of your church on Sunday morning...
Take your retarded version of reality up with every Democrat Conresscritter.
I realize you don't understand that words have meanings, so we'll just leave it at that.
Christians are not a cultural group, hilarious, Einstein.
Nope. They are a religion. This is a cultural group:


They might even be Christians but I very much doubt you'd have much in common with them or see them in the parking lot of your church on Sunday morning...
Take your retarded version of reality up with every Democrat Conresscritter.
I realize you don't understand that words have meanings, so we'll just leave it at that.
Like I said, every Democrat in the House agrees with me and thinks you're a moron.
Christians are not a cultural group, hilarious, Einstein.
Nope. They are a religion. This is a cultural group:


They might even be Christians but I very much doubt you'd have much in common with them or see them in the parking lot of your church on Sunday morning...
Take your retarded version of reality up with every Democrat Conresscritter.
I realize you don't understand that words have meanings, so we'll just leave it at that.
Like I said, every Democrat in the House agrees with me and thinks you're a moron.
Why would you think the House has any fucking clue? They don't pay attention to words either.
Christians are not a cultural group, hilarious, Einstein.
Nope. They are a religion. This is a cultural group:


They might even be Christians but I very much doubt you'd have much in common with them or see them in the parking lot of your church on Sunday morning...
Take your retarded version of reality up with every Democrat Conresscritter.
I realize you don't understand that words have meanings, so we'll just leave it at that.
Like I said, every Democrat in the House agrees with me and thinks you're a moron.
Why would you think the House has any fucking clue? They don't pay attention to words either.
Not my fault you have a twisted version of reality and live in a bubble world.
Nope. They are a religion. This is a cultural group:


They might even be Christians but I very much doubt you'd have much in common with them or see them in the parking lot of your church on Sunday morning...
Take your retarded version of reality up with every Democrat Conresscritter.
I realize you don't understand that words have meanings, so we'll just leave it at that.
Like I said, every Democrat in the House agrees with me and thinks you're a moron.
Why would you think the House has any fucking clue? They don't pay attention to words either.
Not my fault you have a twisted version of reality and live in a bubble world.
Sweetcheeks, the one in a bubble is the one who when presented with a definition declares a faith of two billion people a "culture" trying to stretch the meaning of a word that doesn't apply.

I deal with the real world. In the real world words have meaning, not just what you want them to mean.
Oh Boy a Congressional resolution Yeah that'll solve everything !!!

More of the same mental midget masturbatory musings of our idiot pols
Better than Obama justifying the slaughter because of his distorted views of the Crusades.
This puts the ball in Obama's court to either act or go down in history as doing nothing to stop genocide.

Oh Yeah way better

It would be even better than that if they came up with a hash tag

Now THAT'S really doing something
Oh Boy a Congressional resolution Yeah that'll solve everything !!!

More of the same mental midget masturbatory musings of our idiot pols
Better than Obama justifying the slaughter because of his distorted views of the Crusades.
This puts the ball in Obama's court to either act or go down in history as doing nothing to stop genocide.

Oh Yeah way better

It would be even better than that if they came up with a hash tag

Now THAT'S really doing something
What do you think should be done by Congress since Obama has no problem with Isis continuing its expansion?
Oh Boy a Congressional resolution Yeah that'll solve everything !!!

More of the same mental midget masturbatory musings of our idiot pols
Better than Obama justifying the slaughter because of his distorted views of the Crusades.
This puts the ball in Obama's court to either act or go down in history as doing nothing to stop genocide.

Oh Yeah way better

It would be even better than that if they came up with a hash tag

Now THAT'S really doing something
What do you think should be done by Congress since Obama has no problem with Isis continuing its expansion?

Nothing. Because there is nothing they can do so why waste our money and their time on hash tag activism?
Christians are not a cultural group, hilarious, Einstein.
Nope. They are a religion. This is a cultural group:


They might even be Christians but I very much doubt you'd have much in common with them or see them in the parking lot of your church on Sunday morning...
Religion is a cultural group in many cases. Even if it Ian religion most certainly is a political group.

Either way, exterminating Christians isn't right. So why get bogged down in the minutia?
Christians are not a cultural group, hilarious, Einstein.
Nope. They are a religion. This is a cultural group:


They might even be Christians but I very much doubt you'd have much in common with them or see them in the parking lot of your church on Sunday morning...
Religion is a cultural group in many cases. Even if it Ian religion most certainly is a political group.

Either way, exterminating Christians isn't right. So why get bogged down in the minutia?
The meaning of words, matters. The Christians are a religion, nothing more.


Also Christian.

Nothing in common but for faith...
And yet they can't agree on giving the president a resolution to fight them :rolleyes:

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