383-0 House Passes Resolution Christian Genocide Occuring

Christians are not a cultural group, hilarious, Einstein.
Nope. They are a religion. This is a cultural group:


They might even be Christians but I very much doubt you'd have much in common with them or see them in the parking lot of your church on Sunday morning...
Religion is a cultural group in many cases. Even if it Ian religion most certainly is a political group.

Either way, exterminating Christians isn't right. So why get bogged down in the minutia?
The meaning of words, matters. The Christians are a religion, nothing more.


Also Christian.

Nothing in common but for faith...
Christians are a political group and a cultural group. It can be more than just one.
Christians are not a cultural group, hilarious, Einstein.
Nope. They are a religion. This is a cultural group:


They might even be Christians but I very much doubt you'd have much in common with them or see them in the parking lot of your church on Sunday morning...
Religion is a cultural group in many cases. Even if it Ian religion most certainly is a political group.

Either way, exterminating Christians isn't right. So why get bogged down in the minutia?
The meaning of words, matters. The Christians are a religion, nothing more.


Also Christian.

Nothing in common but for faith...
Christians are a political group and a cultural group. It can be more than just one.
They are neither.
Christians are not a cultural group, hilarious, Einstein.
Nope. They are a religion. This is a cultural group:


They might even be Christians but I very much doubt you'd have much in common with them or see them in the parking lot of your church on Sunday morning...
Religion is a cultural group in many cases. Even if it Ian religion most certainly is a political group.

Either way, exterminating Christians isn't right. So why get bogged down in the minutia?
The meaning of words, matters. The Christians are a religion, nothing more.


Also Christian.

Nothing in common but for faith...
Nutter keeps wanting to remold the real world into his fantasy bubble world.

Hitler attempted genocide of Jews.
Islam is attempting genocide of Jews and Christians.
Deal with it.
Oh Boy a Congressional resolution Yeah that'll solve everything !!!

More of the same mental midget masturbatory musings of our idiot pols
Better than Obama justifying the slaughter because of his distorted views of the Crusades.
This puts the ball in Obama's court to either act or go down in history as doing nothing to stop genocide.

Oh Yeah way better

It would be even better than that if they came up with a hash tag

Now THAT'S really doing something
What do you think should be done by Congress since Obama has no problem with Isis continuing its expansion?

Nothing. Because there is nothing they can do so why waste our money and their time on hash tag activism?
So you don't feel Obama should be pushed into acting on genocide?

Says a lot about you.
Christians are not a cultural group, hilarious, Einstein.
Nope. They are a religion. This is a cultural group:


They might even be Christians but I very much doubt you'd have much in common with them or see them in the parking lot of your church on Sunday morning...
Religion is a cultural group in many cases. Even if it Ian religion most certainly is a political group.

Either way, exterminating Christians isn't right. So why get bogged down in the minutia?
The meaning of words, matters. The Christians are a religion, nothing more.


Also Christian.

Nothing in common but for faith...
Nutter keeps wanting to remold the real world into his fantasy bubble world.

Hitler attempted genocide of Jews.
Islam is attempting genocide of Jews and Christians.
Deal with it.
The Jews are, you dumbfuck, a religion, a culture, and a race. The Christians are nothing like a race, a culture, or a political whatever. Learn to use your words, correctly, you goddamn infant.

Simple Definition of genocide
  • : the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group
Full Definition of genocide
  1. : the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
geno·cid·al play \ˌje-nə-ˈsī-dəl\ adjective
Definition of GENOCIDE

Simple Definition of genocide
  • : the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group
Full Definition of genocide
  1. : the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
geno·cid·al play \ˌje-nə-ˈsī-dəl\ adjective
Definition of GENOCIDE
Freak doesn't think Hitler attempted genocide of Jews.
Christians are not a cultural group, hilarious, Einstein.
Nope. They are a religion. This is a cultural group:


They might even be Christians but I very much doubt you'd have much in common with them or see them in the parking lot of your church on Sunday morning...
Religion is a cultural group in many cases. Even if it Ian religion most certainly is a political group.

Either way, exterminating Christians isn't right. So why get bogged down in the minutia?
The meaning of words, matters. The Christians are a religion, nothing more.


Also Christian.

Nothing in common but for faith...
Nutter keeps wanting to remold the real world into his fantasy bubble world.

Hitler attempted genocide of Jews.
Islam is attempting genocide of Jews and Christians.
Deal with it.
The Jews are, you dumbfuck, a religion, a culture, and a race. The Christians are nothing like a race, a culture, or a political whatever. Learn to use your words, correctly, you goddamn infant.
Freak has no understanding of Christianity either.
Christians are not a cultural group, hilarious, Einstein.
Nope. They are a religion. This is a cultural group:


They might even be Christians but I very much doubt you'd have much in common with them or see them in the parking lot of your church on Sunday morning...
Religion is a cultural group in many cases. Even if it Ian religion most certainly is a political group.

Either way, exterminating Christians isn't right. So why get bogged down in the minutia?
The meaning of words, matters. The Christians are a religion, nothing more.


Also Christian.

Nothing in common but for faith...
Christians are a political group and a cultural group. It can be more than just one.
They are neither.
That isn't correct.
Oh Boy a Congressional resolution Yeah that'll solve everything !!!

More of the same mental midget masturbatory musings of our idiot pols
Better than Obama justifying the slaughter because of his distorted views of the Crusades.
This puts the ball in Obama's court to either act or go down in history as doing nothing to stop genocide.
So Republicans who won't let him pick a SC Justice in his last year are OK with him starting a war against ISIS in his last year?
“When ISIS systematically targets Christians, Yezidis, and other ethnic and religious minorities for extermination, this is not only a grave injustice—it is a threat to civilization itself,” Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, R-Neb., said in a statement. “We must call the violence by its proper name: genocide.” JS

An interesting tactic, if the US recognizes genocide then we have a so-called "moral" obligation to be involved, regardless of if Obama wars or not, it will pave the way for the next president to declare an actual war on ISIS, rather than just the police operations via the UN we're doing now. If such a call was made then our boys would have their hands untied and we can end it. Of course, what happens /after/ we take out ISIS is another bag of shit entirely...
Oh Boy a Congressional resolution Yeah that'll solve everything !!!

More of the same mental midget masturbatory musings of our idiot pols
Better than Obama justifying the slaughter because of his distorted views of the Crusades.
This puts the ball in Obama's court to either act or go down in history as doing nothing to stop genocide.

Oh Yeah way better

It would be even better than that if they came up with a hash tag

Now THAT'S really doing something
What do you think should be done by Congress since Obama has no problem with Isis continuing its expansion?

Nothing. Because there is nothing they can do so why waste our money and their time on hash tag activism?
So you don't feel Obama should be pushed into acting on genocide?

Says a lot about you.

Not our problem
Better than Obama justifying the slaughter because of his distorted views of the Crusades.
This puts the ball in Obama's court to either act or go down in history as doing nothing to stop genocide.

Oh Yeah way better

It would be even better than that if they came up with a hash tag

Now THAT'S really doing something
What do you think should be done by Congress since Obama has no problem with Isis continuing its expansion?

Nothing. Because there is nothing they can do so why waste our money and their time on hash tag activism?
So you don't feel Obama should be pushed into acting on genocide?

Says a lot about you.

Not our problem
Better than Obama justifying the slaughter because of his distorted views of the Crusades.
This puts the ball in Obama's court to either act or go down in history as doing nothing to stop genocide.

Oh Yeah way better

It would be even better than that if they came up with a hash tag

Now THAT'S really doing something
What do you think should be done by Congress since Obama has no problem with Isis continuing its expansion?

Nothing. Because there is nothing they can do so why waste our money and their time on hash tag activism?
So you don't feel Obama should be pushed into acting on genocide?

Says a lot about you.

Not our problem
Not our problem.
Heard as the klan roped up blacks.
Heard as Jews were loaded into freight trains.
Heard as slaves were whipped in public.
Heard as Americans were put into Concentration Camps.

I'm glad I don't know you.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

- Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, martyred by the NAZIs.
Oh Yeah way better

It would be even better than that if they came up with a hash tag

Now THAT'S really doing something
What do you think should be done by Congress since Obama has no problem with Isis continuing its expansion?

Nothing. Because there is nothing they can do so why waste our money and their time on hash tag activism?
So you don't feel Obama should be pushed into acting on genocide?

Says a lot about you.

Not our problem
Oh Yeah way better

It would be even better than that if they came up with a hash tag

Now THAT'S really doing something
What do you think should be done by Congress since Obama has no problem with Isis continuing its expansion?

Nothing. Because there is nothing they can do so why waste our money and their time on hash tag activism?
So you don't feel Obama should be pushed into acting on genocide?

Says a lot about you.

Not our problem
Not our problem.
Heard as the klan roped up blacks.
Heard as Jews were loaded into freight trains.
Heard as slaves were whipped in public.
Heard as Americans were put into Concentration Camps.

I'm glad I don't know you.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

- Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, martyred by the NAZIs.

FYI we didn't get into WWII to stop a genocide

Slavery was not genocide

Japanese internment camps while reprehensible were not genocide

At least keep your comparisons valid

But hey feel free to buy a gun and go stop the genocide no one is stopping you
Oh Boy a Congressional resolution Yeah that'll solve everything !!!

More of the same mental midget masturbatory musings of our idiot pols
Better than Obama justifying the slaughter because of his distorted views of the Crusades.
This puts the ball in Obama's court to either act or go down in history as doing nothing to stop genocide.
So Republicans who won't let him pick a SC Justice in his last year are OK with him starting a war against ISIS in his last year?
Oh Boy a Congressional resolution Yeah that'll solve everything !!!

More of the same mental midget masturbatory musings of our idiot pols
Better than Obama justifying the slaughter because of his distorted views of the Crusades.
This puts the ball in Obama's court to either act or go down in history as doing nothing to stop genocide.
So Republicans who won't let him pick a SC Justice in his last year are OK with him starting a war against ISIS in his last year?
Why not? The Nobel Peace Prize winner has already started wars with Libya, Syria and Yemen by attacking their sovereign governments that were not threatening America.
What do you think should be done by Congress since Obama has no problem with Isis continuing its expansion?

Nothing. Because there is nothing they can do so why waste our money and their time on hash tag activism?
So you don't feel Obama should be pushed into acting on genocide?

Says a lot about you.

Not our problem
What do you think should be done by Congress since Obama has no problem with Isis continuing its expansion?

Nothing. Because there is nothing they can do so why waste our money and their time on hash tag activism?
So you don't feel Obama should be pushed into acting on genocide?

Says a lot about you.

Not our problem
Not our problem.
Heard as the klan roped up blacks.
Heard as Jews were loaded into freight trains.
Heard as slaves were whipped in public.
Heard as Americans were put into Concentration Camps.

I'm glad I don't know you.

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

- Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer, martyred by the NAZIs.

FYI we didn't get into WWII to stop a genocide

Slavery was not genocide

Japanese internment camps while reprehensible were not genocide

At least keep your comparisons valid

But hey feel free to buy a gun and go stop the genocide no one is stopping you
Figures you'd attempt to justify genocide, slavery and the round up of Americans because of their race.

Like I said, glad I don't know you.

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