

Diamond Member
Mar 31, 2009
Her approval is dropping faster than a submarine with a screen door. Since April she has tanked.

AP-GfK Poll: Clinton's standing falls among Democrats

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton's standing is falling among Democrats, and voters view her as less decisive and inspiring than when she launched her presidential campaign just three months ago, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.

The survey offers a series of warning signs for the leading Democratic candidate. Most troubling, perhaps, for her prospects are questions about her compassion for average Americans, a quality that fueled President Barack Obama's two White House victories.

Just 39 percent of all Americans have a favorable view of Clinton, compared to nearly half who say they have a negative opinion of her. That's an eight-point increase in her unfavorable rating from an AP-GfK poll conducted at the end of April.

The drop in Clinton's numbers extends into the Democratic Party. Seven in 10 Democrats gave Clinton positive marks, an 11-point drop from the April survey. Nearly a quarter of Democrats now say they see Clinton in an unfavorable light.

"I used to like her, but I don't trust her," said Donald Walters of Louisville, Kentucky. "Ever since she's announced her candidacy for the presidency I just haven't liked the way she's handled things. She doesn't answer questions directly."

My Way News - AP-GfK Poll Clinton s standing falls among Democrats
Stats has her up by 30% in her 2020 reelection bid against Jeb Bush's cousin Jehoshaphat
If they DNC had any brains they would dump her and run Webb. I am quite sure that the dem power and money brokers would love to find a way to get rid of the clintons.
I think there's credence to the theory that the more she's seen, the less she's liked.


The GOP will still have to run someone who grabs more electoral votes.


Kasich/Rubio. lock up Ohio and Fla, and its a done deal. Jeb cannot win.
If they DNC had any brains they would dump her and run Webb. I am quite sure that the dem power and money brokers would love to find a way to get rid of the clintons.

But they won't - they'll run Bernie or Liz.
lol, lucky for her she's going to get to run against Trump. lol

we can only hope, Trump would destroy her in a debate on any topic, and would beat her in the general. The only republican she could beat is Jeb Bush, and that would be very close because most voters would say "screw it" and stay home.
lol, lucky for her she's going to get to run against Trump. lol

we can only hope, Trump would destroy her in a debate on any topic, and would beat her in the general. The only republican she could beat is Jeb Bush, and that would be very close because most voters would say "screw it" and stay home.

He can't win with 80% disapproval from Hispanics.
The Democrats should be able to win this election easily but the people they have put out are terrible. I think they would have been much better off going Clinton then Obama then trying to go Obama then Clinton.
lol, lucky for her she's going to get to run against Trump. lol

we can only hope, Trump would destroy her in a debate on any topic, and would beat her in the general. The only republican she could beat is Jeb Bush, and that would be very close because most voters would say "screw it" and stay home.

Her favorable rating in that poll beat Trump by 11 points. Of course no RWnut would point that out.
lol, lucky for her she's going to get to run against Trump. lol

we can only hope, Trump would destroy her in a debate on any topic, and would beat her in the general. The only republican she could beat is Jeb Bush, and that would be very close because most voters would say "screw it" and stay home.

He can't win with 80% disapproval from Hispanics.

First of all, legal hispanics will vote for him, illegals cannot vote

second, the hispanic vote does not decide our national elections, the people who stay home on election day decide them.
lol, lucky for her she's going to get to run against Trump. lol

we can only hope, Trump would destroy her in a debate on any topic, and would beat her in the general. The only republican she could beat is Jeb Bush, and that would be very close because most voters would say "screw it" and stay home.

Her favorable rating in that poll beat Trump by 11 points. Of course no RWnut would point that out.

Great, then you should get behind her and send her all of your money. But wait, what will happen in the dem debates when Webb or Bernie ask her some real questions? Face it, you are backing a loser.
lol, lucky for her she's going to get to run against Trump. lol

we can only hope, Trump would destroy her in a debate on any topic, and would beat her in the general. The only republican she could beat is Jeb Bush, and that would be very close because most voters would say "screw it" and stay home.

He can't win with 80% disapproval from Hispanics.

First of all, legal hispanics will vote for him, illegals cannot vote

second, the hispanic vote does not decide our national elections, the people who stay home on election day decide them.

Wrong. You're an idiot.
lol, lucky for her she's going to get to run against Trump. lol

we can only hope, Trump would destroy her in a debate on any topic, and would beat her in the general. The only republican she could beat is Jeb Bush, and that would be very close because most voters would say "screw it" and stay home.

Her favorable rating in that poll beat Trump by 11 points. Of course no RWnut would point that out.

Great, then you should get behind her and send her all of your money. But wait, what will happen in the dem debates when Webb or Bernie ask her some real questions? Face it, you are backing a loser.

I'm not backing her. I'm just pointing out the facts that people like you deny.
Every GOP candidate in that same poll had a net negative favorable rating, except Ben Carson, and he doesn't want to be president, nor will he be nominated.
lol, lucky for her she's going to get to run against Trump. lol

we can only hope, Trump would destroy her in a debate on any topic, and would beat her in the general. The only republican she could beat is Jeb Bush, and that would be very close because most voters would say "screw it" and stay home.

He can't win with 80% disapproval from Hispanics.

First of all, legal hispanics will vote for him, illegals cannot vote

second, the hispanic vote does not decide our national elections, the people who stay home on election day decide them.

You're always good for a chuckle. Until you start typing, then it becomes a full rolling belly laugh.
lol, lucky for her she's going to get to run against Trump. lol

we can only hope, Trump would destroy her in a debate on any topic, and would beat her in the general. The only republican she could beat is Jeb Bush, and that would be very close because most voters would say "screw it" and stay home.

He can't win with 80% disapproval from Hispanics.

First of all, legal hispanics will vote for him, illegals cannot vote

second, the hispanic vote does not decide our national elections, the people who stay home on election day decide them.

Wrong. You're an idiot.

Nope, I am 100% correct and you are the idiot. Are you really so ignorant that you think our national elections swing on the hispanic vote?

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