
lol, I've induced another meltdown. I am the Meltdowninator.

no meltdown, just pointing out some facts. sorry if facts disturb you.

You left the subject and starting ranting about irrelevancies. And threw in the insane Clinton dead people conspiracy theory.

You are claiming that its a lock for hillary, but its not. She is very unpopular, has avoided the media, has refused to answer any real questions, is a very unattractive candidate, is not trusted by 60% of americans.

What I said about the DNC wanting to dump her is true. They know she is a very flawed candidate and is likely to lose her cool and blow up in a debate. She will no make it through the dem primaries. Bernie and Webb and O'Malley will destroy her. Watch.
Hillary is more popular than any current democrat or republican

how is someone that 60% consider dishonest "more popular" ?

there are almost 20 republicans running at the moment, once it gets down to one the whole dynamic will change and hillary's negatives will become very significant.
Hillary still beats every republican one on one

More important. She kills them in swing states
lol, lucky for her she's going to get to run against Trump. lol

we can only hope, Trump would destroy her in a debate on any topic, and would beat her in the general. The only republican she could beat is Jeb Bush, and that would be very close because most voters would say "screw it" and stay home.

He can't win with 80% disapproval from Hispanics.
Fuck hispanics. Real americans will vote for trump.
no meltdown, just pointing out some facts. sorry if facts disturb you.

You left the subject and starting ranting about irrelevancies. And threw in the insane Clinton dead people conspiracy theory.

You are claiming that its a lock for hillary, but its not. She is very unpopular, has avoided the media, has refused to answer any real questions, is a very unattractive candidate, is not trusted by 60% of americans.

What I said about the DNC wanting to dump her is true. They know she is a very flawed candidate and is likely to lose her cool and blow up in a debate. She will no make it through the dem primaries. Bernie and Webb and O'Malley will destroy her. Watch.
Hillary is more popular than any current democrat or republican

how is someone that 60% consider dishonest "more popular" ?

there are almost 20 republicans running at the moment, once it gets down to one the whole dynamic will change and hillary's negatives will become very significant.
Hillary still beats every republican one on one

More important. She kills them in swing states
What she beats 13 contenders? Wait till we have her and one republican. You also have a chance another inexperienced negro might get in the race, to beat her again. Lol
lol, lucky for her she's going to get to run against Trump. lol

we can only hope, Trump would destroy her in a debate on any topic, and would beat her in the general. The only republican she could beat is Jeb Bush, and that would be very close because most voters would say "screw it" and stay home.

He can't win with 80% disapproval from Hispanics.
Fuck hispanics. Real americans will vote for trump.

So Cruz and Rubio are out as potential Trump running mates?
Oh look, a poll on one of twenty Presidential candidates, in the summer of not-even-the-election-year. How vitally acutely astoundingly earthshakingly relevant.

All these topics about Hillary being finished are most amusing.

Wishful thinking by the fearful and the desperate.
Every GOP candidate in that same poll had a net negative favorable rating, except Ben Carson, and he doesn't want to be president, nor will he be nominated.

Wow, then it should be a cakewalk for the hildebeast, why not just have the coronation now and not waste time and money on an election?

The truth is that the dem power and money brokers hate the clintons and are desperately looking for a way to dump her. Funny how people who oppose the clintons seem to end up dead.

lol, I've induced another meltdown. I am the Meltdowninator.

no meltdown, just pointing out some facts. sorry if facts disturb you.

You left the subject and starting ranting about irrelevancies. And threw in the insane Clinton dead people conspiracy theory.

You are claiming that its a lock for hillary, but its not. She is very unpopular, has avoided the media, has refused to answer any real questions, is a very unattractive candidate, is not trusted by 60% of americans.

What I said about the DNC wanting to dump her is true. They know she is a very flawed candidate and is likely to lose her cool and blow up in a debate. She will no make it through the dem primaries. Bernie and Webb and O'Malley will destroy her. Watch.
But you are working under the assumption that the people are the ones that choose the candidates and not the party machine. If that were the case, Ron Paul would have been the RNC nominee, and not Mitt Romney last time out. But it isn't. We have an OLIGARCHY. The political and corporate elites choose the candidates, not the people. Stop being idealistic. The debates are revenue generators for the media companies only.

Yes, it is already a lock for Hillary. They decided that at the last Round Table meeting. None of the elites really give a shit what the people want. It is now the job of the media to MAKE them want Hillary.
This means nothing unless one knows the same for the person she ends up running against.
But no we're told Hillary beats all comers in a match up.
In truth, Hillary has 100%name recognition and now 39% approval. The more voters see of her the less they like her.
The GOP candidates have far less name recognition but far higher approval ratings. The more people see of them, the more they like them.
It's no contest.
Statistheilhitler is snorting dog cum when he predicts a Hillary blowout. History shows it will be no such thing, except a repeat of Reagan over Carter.
All these topics about Hillary being finished are most amusing.

Wishful thinking by the fearful and the desperate.
No one is sayig she is finished. We are saying the writing is on the wall. The more she appears, the less she is liked. That's tough to overcome.
lol, lucky for her she's going to get to run against Trump. lol

we can only hope, Trump would destroy her in a debate on any topic, and would beat her in the general. The only republican she could beat is Jeb Bush, and that would be very close because most voters would say "screw it" and stay home.

He can't win with 80% disapproval from Hispanics.
Fuck hispanics. Real americans will vote for trump.

Trump will never get the nomination. The elites control the process, he isn't a political elite. When is that last time you read the news. They are sending him signals he is too dumb to pick up on.
All these topics about Hillary being finished are most amusing.

Wishful thinking by the fearful and the desperate.

She may not be finished, but I think the Clinton's will have to pay a heavy toll to the ruling circle if they want to have the ring of power again. lol That shit they pulled by giving the Russians access to our Uranium just so they could run this party was a bit low, don't you think?
She'll never get the Independent vote
She already does
She will be the next President of the United States.

If you don't like it, leave.
She couldn't beat the most inexperienced black boy, she won't beat a republican.

You seem to forget....neither could any Republican

Obama has never lost an election
But Hillary couldnt beat Obama, despite her "annointed" status last time.
This means nothing unless one knows the same for the person she ends up running against.
But no we're told Hillary beats all comers in a match up.
In truth, Hillary has 100%name recognition and now 39% approval. The more voters see of her the less they like her.
The GOP candidates have far less name recognition but far higher approval ratings. The more people see of them, the more they like them.
It's no contest.
Statistheilhitler is snorting dog cum when he predicts a Hillary blowout. History shows it will be no such thing, except a repeat of Reagan over Carter.
You obviously didn't look at the poll. Hillary's favorability is higher than every GOPer running. And no, the more people see of them isn't helping their ratings.
She'll never get the Independent vote
She already does
She will be the next President of the United States.

If you don't like it, leave.
She couldn't beat the most inexperienced black boy, she won't beat a republican.

You seem to forget....neither could any Republican

Obama has never lost an election
But Hillary couldnt beat Obama, despite her "annointed" status last time.
Nobody has beaten Obama

He is the most dynamic political candidate of our generation

Obama beat McCain by a 2:1 margin
Hillary would have won by as large a margin
She'll never get the Independent vote
She already does
She will be the next President of the United States.

If you don't like it, leave.
She couldn't beat the most inexperienced black boy, she won't beat a republican.

You seem to forget....neither could any Republican

Obama has never lost an election
But Hillary couldnt beat Obama, despite her "annointed" status last time.
Nobody has beaten Obama

He is the most dynamic political candidate of our generation

Obama beat McCain by a 2:1 margin
Hillary would have won by as large a margin
So you think he'll win re-election this time too?
She'll never get the Independent vote
She already does
She will be the next President of the United States.

If you don't like it, leave.
She couldn't beat the most inexperienced black boy, she won't beat a republican.

You seem to forget....neither could any Republican

Obama has never lost an election
But Hillary couldnt beat Obama, despite her "annointed" status last time.

She "couldn't beat" him? Or it wasn't planned that way?

Bilderberg power masters meet in the US
Bilderberg power masters meet in the US RT News
On June 5 of that year, Barack and Hillary mysteriously “disappeared” for some hours “somewhere in the DC area.” Their agendas blocked out, they clearly sneaked off to “Meet the Bilderbergers.”

The media kept mum about that, save for an Associated Press report on the campaign trail saying that, "reporters traveling with Obama sensed something might be happening between the pair (i.e. Obama and Hillary) when they arrived at Dulles International Airport after an event in Northern Virginia and Obama was not aboard the airplane. Asked at the time about the Illinois Senator's whereabouts, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs smiled and declined to comment." (The AP dispatch “Obama and Clinton meet, discuss uniting Democrats” is, strangely, “no longer available” on their website).

Be that as it may, two days later, Hillary withdrew from the race and Obama became the presidential candidate. Did Bilderberg make Hillary “an offer she couldn’t refuse” to clear the way for Obama to the White House? Did they promise her that she would become his Secretary of State?

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