3D printable Gun, driving Gun control nuts crazy.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
A website "DEFCAD", has a CAD software that with a 3D printer has allowed them to produce a functioning ABS plastic gun. The gun control nuts in America and all over the
world are going crazy. Sen. Chuck Schumer has called for a ban against the software
and the technology.

Why do I say that? As being able to fight a fascist government like Libya, Syria, King George, etc is more important then anything. The day we're completely disarmed will be the day we're at the mercy of our government.
and terrorists will be so glad
You and the gun control people don't realize that the terrorists are all armed with fully automatic AK 47 assault rifles. It is the law abidning American citizens who are unarmed.
3D printers cost a few thousand times the cost of just buying a gun.

But you end up with a nice plastic gun capable of firing six rounds before blowing away the barrel. Well worth the $15,000 you invested in a 3D printer

They haven't come up with 50 round magazines for 3D Printed guns yet either
Boy there's a lot of trust in your government. for what? Because this one approves of gay marriage and abortion. lol.

Exactly my point, here we have a liberal elitest president who approves of homosexual marriage and abortion, but wants to take away the average citizens right to bear arms.
A very dangerous political agenda if you ask me.
3D printers cost a few thousand times the cost of just buying a gun.

But you end up with a nice plastic gun capable of firing six rounds before blowing away the barrel. Well worth the $15,000 you invested in a 3D printer

They haven't come up with 50 round magazines for 3D Printed guns yet either

It's the thought that counts. I'll be glad to do a study on the possible effects of this technology for a mere $50,000.

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