3M making 10,000,000 masks a week. But are selling them to foreign countries rather than U.S. hospitals.

If i was Canada, I would cut off power to the states as Canada supplies electricity to a huge part of the US. Even with reprisals a two day shut off would be catastrophic for the US. Maybe Trump would get the message then.
The EU cut off 3m from sending masks to Canada and the US back in Mar!-
When the EU followed Taiwan’s lead and banned export of all personal protective equipment last week, it sent Canadian hospitals, governments and businesses scrambling to fill the void.

Hospitals in Toronto and Southwestern Ontario had relied on one 3M plant in the UK for masks and the EU ban (which still applies to the UK despite Brexit) shut down that source, according to executives at two southern Ontario hospitals.

“The U.K. plant under the European Union, they will not give North America the masks,” said Premier Doug Ford during his daily press conference Tuesday. “So, we’re doing everything we can to make sure we have a supply on hand.” 3M did not provide a comment by Wednesday afternoon.

This is what I'm referring to - https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/3m-n95-masks-1.5520326
And? Why isn’t Canada doing something about it themselves? They can still import 3m masks from China? Only the ones being produced here must stay here for right now. And the EU is forbidding 3m from exporting any made there as well. So what is the difference?
In the course of our collaboration with the Administration this past weekend, the Administration requested that 3M increase the amount of respirators we currently import from our overseas operations into the U.S. We appreciate the assistance of the Administration to do exactly that. For example, earlier this week, we secured approval from China to export to the U.S. 10 million N95 respirators manufactured by 3M in China.
The Administration also requested that 3M cease exporting respirators that we currently manufacture in the United States to the Canadian and Latin American markets.

... But 3M warns that ceasing those exports could cause blowback.

"Ceasing all export of respirators produced in the United States would likely cause other countries to retaliate and do the same, as some have already done. If that were to occur, the net number of respirators being made available to the United States would actually decrease. That is the opposite of what we and the Administration, on behalf of the American people, both seek."
Authorized Distributors..............Most Factories don't sell the masks directly. ............Most fill orders through a distribution network..............That is what he was told.

Not uncommon............and 3M makes these masks for the entire world..............So Trump will have to use Federal force to stop sales to other countries to stock pile here first.........

7495 cases in Florida right now............How many respirators are needed everyday in Florida............What is the protocol for how many each hospital needs everyday........
up for what is coming.......and so is everyone else..........

My next point.......is how does he know the distributors are selling overseas..........and not here in New York or New Jersey..............

Too many holes here............too many unknowns.
Yes, he just used "federal force." Although I don't always trust Fox's spin, the government wouldn't have invoked that order if they didn't know 3M was selling them overseas.

The real 'federal force" would be the War Powers Act which would make the constitutionalists heads explode.
If i was Canada, I would cut off power to the states as Canada supplies electricity to a huge part of the US. Even with reprisals a two day shut off would be catastrophic for the US. Maybe Trump would get the message then.
The EU cut off 3m from sending masks to Canada and the US back in Mar!-
When the EU followed Taiwan’s lead and banned export of all personal protective equipment last week, it sent Canadian hospitals, governments and businesses scrambling to fill the void.

Hospitals in Toronto and Southwestern Ontario had relied on one 3M plant in the UK for masks and the EU ban (which still applies to the UK despite Brexit) shut down that source, according to executives at two southern Ontario hospitals.

“The U.K. plant under the European Union, they will not give North America the masks,” said Premier Doug Ford during his daily press conference Tuesday. “So, we’re doing everything we can to make sure we have a supply on hand.” 3M did not provide a comment by Wednesday afternoon.
Proof that it's time to make products we need IN THE UNITED STATES.

Investors won't like that. Less $$$$$$
Isn't this what unfettered capitalism means? Don't get me wrong, I am a capitalist. But shouldn't the company be able to sell to whomever offers the most money?
/—-/ Yes, but we’ve never had unfettered capitalism. Some beancounter in 3M made the decision with no concern of the optics. Easily handled by selling 2/3ds to us hospitals and in a “humanitarian “ effort made 1/3rd available to hard hit foreign hospitals for a hefty profit.
This is ridiculous, shame on 3m
Our country was just waiting for the 200.000 masks that were already paid. But they were just stolen by the Trump regime, that is unable to to make enough masks.
/——/ The government doesn’t manufacturer anything except red tape and tax policy. Make your own damn masks.
All the "hostile" countries have them and they giving them away. We in the west steal them from each other. What a disgusting bunch of shits, don´t you think?
I read this morning the 3m plant in Europe has been ordered not to send any masks to N America, even Canada, though the plant is in UK, but considered part of the EU.
Britain is no longer under orders from the EU

But I assume they need the masks in britain
This is the result of the trade wars.

You tariff goods from China so US distributors don’t buy as much. So when there is a run on the stuff that is imported, the quantities in the distributor’s warehouses are not as large as they would be otherwise.

The blob and his supporters should be ashamed. But of course that would require some honesty. They have none.
Isn't this what unfettered capitalism means? Don't get me wrong, I am a capitalist. But shouldn't the company be able to sell to whomever offers the most money?
During WW2 when Chrysler was making thousands of Sherman tanks, if Germany offered Chrysler more money per tank than then the US, should Chrysler be able to sell the tanks to Germany?
I read this morning the 3m plant in Europe has been ordered not to send any masks to N America, even Canada, though the plant is in UK, but considered part of the EU.
Britain is no longer under orders from the EU

But I assume they need the masks in britain
Our workers are screaming for masks and other stuff. So I don't know where these masks are going.
I read this morning the 3m plant in Europe has been ordered not to send any masks to N America, even Canada, though the plant is in UK, but considered part of the EU.
Britain is no longer under orders from the EU

But I assume they need the masks in britain
It’s some weird arrangement, considered under EU jurisdiction, even though located in the UK.

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