3Q revised 2.7% growth! RW conspiracy dupes?

Telegraph.co.uk CORRECT: DATA SNAP: U.S. 3rd Quarter GDP Up 2.7%; Stronger Than First Read
NASDAQ - 1 hour ago - 440 related articles »
GDP Preliminary Report ! Consensus: ! 3Q 3Q 2Q ! +2.8% ! Overall GDP Growth +2.7% +2.0% +1.3% ! Actual: ! PCE Price Index +1.6% +1.8% ...
U.S. 3rd Quarter GDP Up 2.7%; Stronger Than First Read
4-traders - 1 hour ago
Estimate Of US Economic Growth In 3Q Raised To 2.7% From 2.0%
Estimate Of US Economic Growth In 3Q Raised To 2.7% From 2.0%
4 hours ago ... The Commerce Department raised by nearly one-third its estimate of how much
the U.S. economy grew in the third quarter.
3RD Quarter Economic Growth: 2.7% - Page 3
30 minutes ago ... The economy beat the 2% initial estimate growing at a rate of 2.7% in the third
quarter compared to 1.3% in the second. There were also good ...
But....Obama is a socialist communist antichrist liberal? And he's gonna raise taxes on the rich, maybe even to 1995 levels? The economy cant improve under those conditions, it just cant! I just cant dammit!!! It doesn't fit the right wing talking point!
The New York Times

Even as the government said that the United States economy grew faster than first estimated in the third quarter, economists warned that the rate of expansion could slow sharply before the end of the year as worries mount about the fiscal impasse in Washington.

The Commerce Department said Thursday that gross domestic product expanded at an annual rate of 2.7 percent in the three months ended Sept. 30, well above the 2 percent estimate it initially made in late October. But the revision was driven by increased inventory accumulation and a jump in federal spending — factors unlikely to be repeated in the current fourth quarter, economists said.

The two biggest growth areas in the third quarter — inventory growth and federal spending — “are likely to be minuses in the fourth quarter,” he said. Mr. Gault expects the annual rate to sink to 1 percent this quarter, hurt by a fiscal stalemate in Washington as well as the after-effects of Hurricane Sandy.

Many thanks to "No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME)- how many times have they ruined the recovery with mindless obstruction? Make EVERYTHING impossibly complicated... How bout cutting taxes on the 98% FERCHRISSAKE? Total a-holes and brainwashed fools...
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Restocking inventory results in revised growth rate...
US economic growth rate revised up to 2.7%
29 November 2012 - A rapid restocking by US businesses added to the summer growth spurt
The US economy grew at an annualised rate of 2.7% in the third quarter of the year, revised data has suggested. The figure is significantly higher than the 2% initial estimate that the Commerce Department released just before the presidential election. Much of the growth was due to companies rebuilding their inventories, and is not expected to be sustained. The first estimate itself had beaten analysts' expectations, and fuelled the suspicions of some Republicans. The growth rate for the second quarter was confirmed at 1.3%.

Housing rebound

The revised data confirmed that a 9.5% jump in spending by the federal government during the quarter - compared with a 0.2% decline the previous quarter - played an important role in the pick-up in growth. What the first estimate had failed to pick up was the scale of restocking by private-sector businesses. This inventory build-up effect - which typically provides a temporary boost to economic activity early on in the recovery from a recession - added 0.77 percentage points to the pick-up in the overall growth rate in the third quarter, the Commerce Department said.

Other factors that boosted growth included the continued rise in consumer spending, stronger exports, and a slight rebound in homebuilding activity from historically low levels. There were also some negative factors in the data, including further cuts in state and local government spending, and a fall in construction of commercial property. Developments in the US housing market are being watched closely by economists, as they are likely to determine the durability of the recovery. Normally, periods of recovery in the US economy are led by residential construction, as building firms quickly get back to work on a backlog of projects as soon as the recession is over.

But this time round, the recession was in large part caused by the bursting of a housing market bubble, that left behind a glut of unsold homes, bankrupted many homebuilding firms, and saw the sharpest and most sustained collapse in homebuilding activity in recorded US history. Further evidence that the housing market may be on the mend was provided by the National Association of Realtors on Thursday. Its index of pending home sales - which tracks sales that have been agreed but not completed, and provides an early indicator of market activity - rose 5.2% to 104.8 in October, its highest level in five years, despite subdued activity in the north east due to the impact of storm Sandy.

Data controversy
Thats beyond Komrade Franco, he has no understanding of economics and why the inventories were being bulked up.

Sure, losers.

2.7% growth. Sorry about your luck, brainwashed "No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME)...

Don't worry, I'm sure you'll screw that up to protect the bloated rich, though 60-70% want them to pay 4% (whoa!) more...
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Yeah right, we get statistical bull shat from quiche eating surrender monkees and gas prices are still sucking the life out of Americans and unemployment is still around 15% for Blacks and women and around 10% for the rest of us.
Thanks for the depression and 3 1/2 years of mindless obstruction. Surrender monkees lol?
If the GDp numbers are being given a boost up by government spending, that is a sign of a floundering economy. Not something to hoot about. It is cooking the books.


Good news everywhere but gov't disfunction most blame on Pub brain disfunction...

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