3rd Grade Teachers Force Students To Write Anti-War Letters


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2005
A letter-writing campaign by third-graders at Allis Elementary School encouraging an end to the war in Iraq was canceled because it violates School Board policy, district officials said Tuesday.

Julie Fitzpatrick, a member of the 10-teacher team that developed the project for the school's 90 third-grade students in five classes, said the assignment was intended to demonstrate citizen action, one of the district's standards in social studies.

"We saw peace as a common good," Fitzpatrick said. "We were just advocating that people keep working toward peace."

But Robin Reynolds, an Army veteran whose 8-year-old grandson is in Fitzpatrick's class, said she regards the assignment as a form of "anti-war protesting" that "is not suitable for elementary students."

"They're supposed to teach the facts and not opinions," she said. "That's brainwashing."

"It was certainly an unfortunate thing to have happen," Superintendent Art Rainwater said. "It's a direct violation of our board policy.

Madison School Board policy prohibits teachers "from exploiting the institutional privileges of their professional positions to promote candidates or parties and activities."

GotZoom said:
A letter-writing campaign by third-graders at Allis Elementary School encouraging an end to the war in Iraq was canceled because it violates School Board policy, district officials said Tuesday.

Julie Fitzpatrick, a member of the 10-teacher team that developed the project for the school's 90 third-grade students in five classes, said the assignment was intended to demonstrate citizen action, one of the district's standards in social studies.

"We saw peace as a common good," Fitzpatrick said. "We were just advocating that people keep working toward peace."

But Robin Reynolds, an Army veteran whose 8-year-old grandson is in Fitzpatrick's class, said she regards the assignment as a form of "anti-war protesting" that "is not suitable for elementary students."

"They're supposed to teach the facts and not opinions," she said. "That's brainwashing."

"It was certainly an unfortunate thing to have happen," Superintendent Art Rainwater said. "It's a direct violation of our board policy.

Madison School Board policy prohibits teachers "from exploiting the institutional privileges of their professional positions to promote candidates or parties and activities."


Unsat. While I have no problem with people expressing their opinions, nor do I have any with a desire for peace, I DO have a problem with a teacher using politically unaware children to express HIS viewpoint, and/or attempt to indocrinate innocent minds with liberal brain disease.

Politics belong in school only in an objective format for discussion in the appropriate forum.
I like the idea of kids getting a little civics lesson ending with a letter to their congressman or senator, but when I was in school, you picked the content. Mine was a call for tolerance of the Boy Scouts and their freedom of association (I've been a political fighter since I learned how to form good sentences).
Hobbit said:
I like the idea of kids getting a little civics lesson ending with a letter to their congressman or senator, but when I was in school, you picked the content. Mine was a call for tolerance of the Boy Scouts and their freedom of association (I've been a political fighter since I learned how to form good sentences).

That would be fine so long as the school/teachers are not interjecting their political beliefs on the students; which, clearly is the case here.
GunnyL said:
That would be fine so long as the school/teachers are not interjecting their political beliefs on the students; which, clearly is the case here.

I was raised and educated in a public school. The afformentioned school is not of that kind. My school FORCED me to recite a Pledge Of Allegiance To The United States Of America, read from a King James interpretation of a Holy Bible and listen to propaganda everyday concerning the WARS of this Nation and the integrity of the Presidents and Commanders-In-Chief that have directed these WARS. I did all this gladly. I had never heard anything different. My parents were uninterested in politics but otherwise solid Americans.

I went to Viet Nam immediately after High School, basic training and advanced technical training. It was in my military training that I learned about positive race relations. It was in my military training that I came to fully realize my civic responsibilities and personal accountability. It was in my military training that I learned how much I depended on or could depend on those around me. It was in my military training when I first realized there are those that will (in their own minds) protect their own asses while jeopardizing all the other asses around them.

I suspect this instruction by the teacher or teachers involved to be merely reflections and encouragement for their students to become proactive in the political process. I wish my parents had had such foresight.

Psychoblues said:
I suspect this instruction by the teacher or teachers involved to be merely reflections and encouragement for their students to become proactive in the political process. I wish my parents had had such foresight.

why were they told what to say? the political process in this country allows for one to choose which side they are on or no side at all....
manu1959 said:
why were they told what to say? the political process in this country allows for one to choose which side they are on or no side at all....

I think you missed the point of my reply.

I was instructed to recite the Pledge Of Allegiance To The United States Of America, read from a Holy Bible as it was interpreted by King James, listen to WAR propaganda and all this in a totally racially segregated classroom environment and all this in a PUBLIC SCHOOL. Pray tell, do you have a problem with this?

I would submit, the children were not told what to say. They were instructed and monitored. Read and research the entire article.

So in comes the liberal apoligist again to tell us about how if saw it the other way around, we would totally agree with all liberals, and with another speech that sounds canned. Give it a rest.
Hobbit said:
So in comes the liberal apoligist again to tell us about how if saw it the other way around, we would totally agree with all liberals, and with another speech that sounds canned. Give it a rest.

Well, I guess you nailed it. But, and there is always a "but", I never aplogized for anything and I never asked for reverse thinking. Do you have a point that can be debated or even conversed?

Psychoblues said:
I think you missed the point of my reply.

I was instructed to recite the Pledge Of Allegiance To The United States Of America, read from a Holy Bible as it was interpreted by King James, listen to WAR propaganda and all this in a totally racially segregated classroom environment and all this in a PUBLIC SCHOOL. Pray tell, do you have a problem with this?

I would submit, the children were not told what to say. They were instructed and monitored. Read and research the entire article.


If you served in Vietnam (thank you by the way), your days in school were back in the ...what...50's? Comparing things then to how schools are now is ridiculous.

Racial segregation is over..has been for years. Reading the Bible during class, thanks to the ACLU, is no more.

Asking about these two things are totally out of context in 2005.

However, if you are complaining about reciting The Pledge Of Allegiance then, to me, you are a poor example of a true American.

Yep...that is right. A poor example. Why? The Pledge Of Allegiance is symbolic of our country. I don't give a rat's ass if you have a problem with "under God" - be true to your country and what it stands for. Recite the Pledge proudly - and if you can't love your country strong enough to put aside your petty disagreement with "under God" for the 1 second it says to say it, then don't say that part.

All these people, including you, are so blinded by all the bullshit and forget what is truly important. You live in the greatest country in the world. You wouldn't be where you are now, and have what you have now, if it wasn't for this country.

Have your opinions about the way, about religion, etc. I don't care.

But when it comes down to national pride - be a Proud American.

I have never heard you once say, "You know, I don't agree with a lot of things going on in our country - and I would change them if I could, but you know what, I'm still proud to be an American and I wouldn't change it for the world."

Spend a little more time being proud of where you are from instead of bitching and complaining about how terrible things are.
Psychoblues said:
I was raised and educated in a public school. The afformentioned school is not of that kind. My school FORCED me to recite a Pledge Of Allegiance To The United States Of America, read from a King James interpretation of a Holy Bible and listen to propaganda everyday concerning the WARS of this Nation and the integrity of the Presidents and Commanders-In-Chief that have directed these WARS. I did all this gladly. I had never heard anything different. My parents were uninterested in politics but otherwise solid Americans.

In what year? There was no bible reading in the school that I went to, nor were we 'forced' to say a pledge. The pledge was recited at the beginning of the day, but you were not required to say it.

I suspect this instruction by the teacher or teachers involved to be merely reflections and encouragement for their students to become proactive in the political process. I wish my parents had had such foresight.


Directed and influenced 'reflections' that proscribe what political action you should take should not be 'taught' at that level in school even when it is considered 'encouragement' or if it is even conservative in nature. The only reason to 'teach' children of that age specific and 'moralistic' ideals in a political forum, requiring them to take an action that may be directly opposed to views of the child or their parents is to indocrinate them into a specific and idealistic political view. This is as disgusting as teaching a proscribed religion, it is wrong. Third grade should not be a place where children are presented with a one-sided view of the political process, regardless of whose view that might be.
GotZoom said:
If you served in Vietnam (thank you by the way), your days in school were back in the ...what...50's? Comparing things then to how schools are now is ridiculous.

Racial segregation is over..has been for years. Reading the Bible during class, thanks to the ACLU, is no more.

Asking about these two things are totally out of context in 2005.

However, if you are complaining about reciting The Pledge Of Allegiance then, to me, you are a poor example of a true American.

Yep...that is right. A poor example. Why? The Pledge Of Allegiance is symbolic of our country. I don't give a rat's ass if you have a problem with "under God" - be true to your country and what it stands for. Recite the Pledge proudly - and if you can't love your country strong enough to put aside your petty disagreement with "under God" for the 1 second it says to say it, then don't say that part.

All these people, including you, are so blinded by all the bullshit and forget what is truly important. You live in the greatest country in the world. You wouldn't be where you are now, and have what you have now, if it wasn't for this country.

Have your opinions about the way, about religion, etc. I don't care.

But when it comes down to national pride - be a Proud American.

I have never heard you once say, "You know, I don't agree with a lot of things going on in our country - and I would change them if I could, but you know what, I'm still proud to be an American and I wouldn't change it for the world."

Spend a little more time being proud of where you are from instead of bitching and complaining about how terrible things are.


I dont think anyone on this board could have said that any better....
Psychoblues said:
I was raised and educated in a public school. The afformentioned school is not of that kind. My school FORCED me to recite a Pledge Of Allegiance To The United States Of America, read from a King James interpretation of a Holy Bible and listen to propaganda everyday concerning the WARS of this Nation and the integrity of the Presidents and Commanders-In-Chief that have directed these WARS. I did all this gladly. I had never heard anything different. My parents were uninterested in politics but otherwise solid Americans.

I went to Viet Nam immediately after High School, basic training and advanced technical training. It was in my military training that I learned about positive race relations. It was in my military training that I came to fully realize my civic responsibilities and personal accountability. It was in my military training that I learned how much I depended on or could depend on those around me. It was in my military training when I first realized there are those that will (in their own minds) protect their own asses while jeopardizing all the other asses around them.

I suspect this instruction by the teacher or teachers involved to be merely reflections and encouragement for their students to become proactive in the political process. I wish my parents had had such foresight.


And here we go again ... "I'm a war hero and sacrified all ..." STFU you self-agrandizing fraud.
All he said was something about "bitching and complaining about how bad it is." That's from his post, not mine.

I don't bitch and complain. I offer issues to debate and listen to some very good suggestions for resolution consideration and a lot of bitching and complaining from those that don't understand the issues, much less the possible resolutions. You into all the bitching and complaining yourself?


P.S. I'm out there everyday promoting my brand of politics and it ain't self aggrandizing as another poster here would intimate. I quote my credentials as the subject or potential audience might find useful. I don't continue incessantly to wear my stripes on my sleeve as the aforementioned poster does in his every post.

nukeman said:

I dont think anyone on this board could have said that any better....
Psychoblues said:
All he said was something about "bitching and complaining about how bad it is." That's from his post, not mine.

I don't bitch and complain. I offer issues to debate and listen to some very good suggestions for resolution consideration and a lot of bitching and complaining from those that don't understand the issues, much less the possible resolutions. You into all the bitching and complaining yourself?


P.S. I'm out there everyday promoting my brand of politics and it ain't self aggrandizing as another poster here would intimate. I quote my credentials as the subject or potential audience might find useful. I don't continue incessantly to wear my stripes on my sleeve as the aforementioned poster does in his every post.

No, you bitch and complain and talk as if you're standing on a podium above the rest of us. You also lack any debate skills, as you ignore all intelligent arguments and if you don't have any rediculous rhetoric to throw at it, you start in on all this "I'm a veteran, so I'm automatically right" bullcrap. Anybody who claims to be a patriotic American, yet complains about having to recite the Pledge of Allegiance is just a poser only who claims patriotism as a desperate to add credibility to his statements.
First off, I DON'T JUST BITCH AND COMPLAIN as you intimate. And, I am on no podium here, I am just another poster here, so save your speeches for the administrators and moderators. You've bitten a bad apple here, Hobbit, but let me go a little further.

I never ignore "intelligent arguments". When they are backed up with personal innuendo and name calling, I simply dismiss them. As I am hesitant to do, YOU are the one bringing up my "vet" status in this conversation. I won't go any further than that at this point. But, I will say that I believe anyone that hasn't dodged the bullet of an enemy is not qualified to place me or my children in the direction of another. I'll go further to say that I didn't "complain" about my otherwise "forced" recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. In fact, I was and still am proud to do so. I simply said that I was,,,,,,never mind. I think I said it clearly enough for an idiot to understand. Credibility? When the President of the United States relinguishes his own to the now known lies of his administration, I don't think I have anything to worry about in this forum. I do better than that, my friend.


Hobbit said:
No, you bitch and complain and talk as if you're standing on a podium above the rest of us. You also lack any debate skills, as you ignore all intelligent arguments and if you don't have any rediculous rhetoric to throw at it, you start in on all this "I'm a veteran, so I'm automatically right" bullcrap. Anybody who claims to be a patriotic American, yet complains about having to recite the Pledge of Allegiance is just a poser only who claims patriotism as a desperate to add credibility to his statements.
You, Hobbit, are a fraud. Address the questions or forever let it rest.


Psychoblues said:
First off, I DON'T JUST BITCH AND COMPLAIN as you intimate. And, I am on no podium here, I am just another poster here, so save your speeches for the administrators and moderators. You've bitten a bad apple here, Hobbit, but let me go a little further.

I never ignore "intelligent arguments". When they are backed up with personal innuendo and name calling, I simply dismiss them. As I am hesitant to do, YOU are the one bringing up my "vet" status in this conversation. I won't go any further than that at this point. But, I will say that I believe anyone that hasn't dodged the bullet of an enemy is not qualified to place me or my children in the direction of another. I'll go further to say that I didn't "complain" about my otherwise "forced" recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance. In fact, I was and still am proud to do so. I simply said that I was,,,,,,never mind. I think I said it clearly enough for an idiot to understand. Credibility? When the President of the United States relinguishes his own to the now known lies of his administration, I don't think I have anything to worry about in this forum. I do better than that, my friend.


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