3rd party voters - Who are you going to vote for this cycle?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2009
This is not for the partisans or the people here that typically vote for one of the two parties. We know who you are voting for and why already. What I am interested in is those of you that rarely if ever vote for one of the major parties and instead vote for a third party. I am usually one of those people, it is rare that I vote for a major party, particularly for the top of the ticket.

I imagine many of the reasons that I vote third party are the same for most of us, mainly that the major parties do not actually represent anything I believe in. Trump presents us with a different problem this time because the republicans have fallen fully behind him. What he represents; massive government power solely consolidated within the executive branch and the utter disconnection with reality in general is a massive problem that cannot be ignored. It is no longer a question in my mind of the 'lesser' of two evils but rather a question if we let an actual authoritarian take the top job.

I had committed to voting Biden this term when Trump flatly refused to let go of the lie that the election was stolen and the right, essentially all of them, simply replaced critical thought with whatever Trump said that day. The right has gone from a party that stood for law and order to one that rejects outright the rule of law in virtually all matters. They went from the party of small government, low taxes to a government that wants to expand the executive branch under one man to have the power to do anything and spend as much as humanly possible at every turn for no reason whatsoever. They went from the party that upheld values, tradition and institutions to one that rejects all institutions in favor of the cult of personality. I have never believed the moronic assertion that this time, this election is an existential threat that is the most important election ever. A sentiment said every time in every election. This time it is fundamentally different, I think it may actually be true in 2024.

That we have a candidate the right openly embraces that has been proven, if you examine the evidence, to have tried to literally steal an election is beyond even the wildest nightmares I thought possible here in the US at this time. That his supporters willfully ignore the reality and claim it was the democrats that stole an election shows an ignorance in the electorate that massively challenges the fundamental belief democracy has any value in the first place.

For these reasons, I need to vote for the democrat presidential candidate. Not to keep Trump from the office, he is a symptom. I have to vote for them to send a hard message to the right that this type of canidate is simply not acceptable. The lies and attacks on all institutions as a matter of course are not acceptable.

That was, unfortunately, until the point that the SCOTUS literally ruled the president is immune to all law. This is one of the worst decisions that has been levied in the court possible since its inception. Yes, this is on par with Dred Scott with implications that are extremely far reaching. With impeachment being the sole remedy and a republican legislature that will look away from anything he does making that remedy IMPOSSIBLE we are left with a president that is tough to distinguish from a king. Something the right is desperately calling for even if they are blissfully unaware of that reality. Seeing the entire republican house and senate fall in line with lies they know are false and back outright illegal actions, openly support a COTUS making the president a king means this is more than a Trump or Trump supporter problem, it is a problem with a cancerous electorate.

For these reasons, I most likely have to vote a straight democrat ticket, as disgusting as that is, who have a platform that I disagree with almost in it's entirety because the republicans need to know and need to be forced to excise this self inflicted cancer or the party itself must be burned to the fucking ground in its entirety, spreading the ashes of it to the four corners of the earth.

I don't see a way around this. The recent COTUS decision really cannot be undone.

We have to remember, The Nazi Party was voted into power. Hamas was voted into power. Putin initially gained power legally and with the vote. It is not uncommon for authoritarian regimes to be voted into power before they become actual authoritarians.

In the last thread where this came up you seemed to feel at least somewhat the same and willing to vote for the left but specifically mentioned Harris as unacceptable. I admit I have not looked hard at Harris because the VP is entirely irrelevant, they mean less than nothing beyond messaging IMHO. Her senate voting record is atrocious however but even that, in all its leftist glory does not overcome the rights factual attacks on power itself. What makes you think she is on par with the opposition?
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Bitching about Trump being an "authoritarian" and comparing him the Nazis, Hamas, and Putin, while your beloved party just cancelled out 14 million of your primary election votes and installed someone who didn't get one single vote in the primaries?

The irony here is delicious. Enjoy your shit sandwich, bro. :laughing0301:

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