$4,000 From Ukraine To Assassinate Tucker Carlson

And of course, the water carriers in the media are still claiming Trump is the real threat, not our own intelligence agencies that have been caught in lie after lie for decades.

The DemoKKKrats are scared Trump will do everything they've been doing for the last eight years.
Tucker aside.......It stands to reason that the CIA would have assets in Ukraine and any other more or less friendly country that shares a border with a potential adversary.

In fact isn't that sorta what we pay them to do?

Why it should come as a surprise that they sometimes work at cross-purposes is beyond me. :dunno:
Assets? Yes. Spies? Yes. Intelligence gathering? Yes. The concern comes in when they are training troops.
Tucker aside.......It stands to reason that the CIA would have assets in Ukraine and any other more or less friendly country that shares a border with a potential adversary.

In fact isn't that sorta what we pay them to do?

Why it should come as a surprise that they sometimes work at cross-purposes is beyond me. :dunno:

Yep and the bio weapons labs are A-OK too.

No, we do not pay the CIA to engage in war tactics in foreign countries, facilitate coups overseas - and if you haven't noticed; they're not even very good at it.

More often than not we just piss people off.

We still have the CIA to thank for the mess over in Iran, spanning all the way back to the 1950s when they ousted the Shah.
Assets? Yes. Spies? Yes. Intelligence gathering? Yes. The concern comes in when they are training troops.
They have always trained troops for kinetic engagements.

Who do you think trained the leadership of French resistance units in WW-2 and parachuted them into France....The OSS, which post-war became the CIA under Director Dulles.

I'm not seeing the big deal here. :dunno:
They have always trained troops for kinetic engagements.

Who do you think trained the leadership of French resistance units in WW-2 and parachuted them into France....The OSS, which post-war became the CIA under Director Dulles.

I'm not seeing the big deal here. :dunno:

So now the podunk eastern european backwater where American politicians launder their money is the FRENCH RESISTANCE!


That's a good one.

You ask the average American, I guaran-fucking-tee you they would say pull the CIA out of Ukraine, stop sending our tax dollars over there - and spend it on ourselves.

For a change.

And the whole point is, as usual, we were lied to by a media complicit with the DC war machine that are more interested in providing cover for crooked politicians than they are actually figuring anything out.

As always, a day late and a dollar short.

And "Well it's always been this way" only makes it all the more a compelling argument that we've been headed in the wrong direction for a very long time now.
Yep and the bio weapons labs are A-OK too.

No, we do not pay the CIA to engage in war tactics in foreign countries, facilitate coups overseas - and if you haven't noticed; they're not even very good at it.

More often than not we just piss people off.

We still have the CIA to thank for the mess over in Iran, spanning all the way back to the 1950s when they ousted the Shah.
The Shah was ousted in 1979.

No, we do not pay the CIA to engage in war tactics in foreign countries, facilitate coups overseas - and if you haven't noticed; they're not even very good at it. What do we pay them for? This is what they do and have always done.
We still have the CIA to thank for the mess over in Iran, spanning all the way back to the 1950s when they ousted the Shah.
They didn't oust the shah, the installed the shah after they deposed the democratically elected President.
So now the podunk eastern european backwater where American politicians launder their money is the FRENCH RESISTANCE!


That's a good one.

You ask the average American, I guaran-fucking-tee you they would say pull the CIA out of Ukraine, stop sending our tax dollars over there - and spend it on ourselves.

For a change.

And the whole point is, as usual, we were lied to by a media complicit with the DC war machine that are more interested in providing cover for crooked politicians than they are actually figuring anything out.

As always, a day late and a dollar short.

And "Well it's always been this way" only makes it all the more a compelling argument that we've been headed in the wrong direction for a very long time now.
So I take it that you think that we should not have trained intelligence assets in countries bordering major adversaries?

If so you are very short-sighted.

Do they go too far, possibly, but it's a "wart" I'm willing to put up with in the overall scheme of things.
So I take it that you think that we should not have trained intelligence assets in countries bordering major adversaries?

If so you are very short-sighted.

The only reason we have "intelligence assets" in Ukraine is because we toppled their duly elected government about a decade ago.

What's short-sighted is watching our country be dragged into a totally needless conflagration between two different nations that have an ancient and intimate dynamic between them; and subsidizing a hopeless conflict with no happy ending that's only kicking a hornet's nest in eastern europe.


You still looking for those WMD's they sold ya back in '03?

Yeah, I bet you are.
So I take it that you think that we should not have trained intelligence assets in countries bordering major adversaries?

If so you are very short-sighted.

Do they go too far, possibly, but it's a "wart" I'm willing to put up with in the overall scheme of things.
The CIA has been far more deleterious to fostering better relations in the world for the U.S. than any benefit it possibly could have provided. Deposing democractcally elected governments in South America, arming rebels in Central America has helped create the border crisis today, to the torture of prisoners in the Middle East, to deposing the President of South Vietnam and installing a lackey, to helping strengthen Islamic terrorism in Afghanistan and, by default, the world, to causing a very angry, hostile and belligerant Iran today.

They really have done very little good in the world, and an incredible amount of bad. I know you know all this, but it is worth repeating.
The CIA has been far more deleterious to fostering better relations in the world for the U.S. than any benefit it possibly could have provided. Deposing democractcally elected governments in South America, arming rebels in Central America has helped create the border crisis today, to the torture of prisoners in the Middle East, to deposing the President of South Vietnam and installing a lackey, to helping strengthen Islamic terrorism in Afghanistan and, by default, the world, to causing a very angry, hostile and belligerant Iran today.

They really have done very little good in the world, and an incredible amount of bad.

And yet you support their bought and paid for empty shill of a President.

You are one highly confused person.
And yet you support their bought and paid for empty shill of a President.

You are one highly confused person.
No, really, it is just that you are a very stupid individual.

No offense intended, I had to say that to make my point, there was no way around it.
Putin is a former KGB official and Russia plays the propaganda game better than the CIA ever thought.

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