4 dead, including McDonald’s manager, in south Georgia murder-suicide

Mine wasn't any better.

Mine was scoped too. I did most of my shooting at a range, I think it was the one on Mockingbird Lane in Dallas. Not sure, but I believe it's no longer an outdoor range because of some zoning BS. Even with the scope, the best I could get out of it was 4" groups at 100 yards, from a sandbag rest. 5.56mm should be able to do at least 1" groups at that distance. From what someone told me, the barrels on those tend to whip when they get warm, causing the groups to spread.
Pure madness... We should really do something about how easy it is to get a gun in this nation since other nations make it much, much harder and they don't have the problems we have.

Other nations......can't stop their criminals from getting guns.....and they are entering a period where their crime rates are going to explode...just as ours did going from the 1950s into the end of the 1960s.......their social welfare states have created broken homes, and their immigration policies have created more violent drug gangs......

You are living in a fantasy world...
Other nations......can't stop their criminals from getting guns.....and they are entering a period where their crime rates are going to explode...just as ours did going from the 1950s into the end of the 1960s.......their social welfare states have created broken homes, and their immigration policies have created more violent drug gangs......

You are living in a fantasy world...
Also look at at their prison populations. You'll see a familiar theme...
How are they not race-related?

From Wikipedia:

While African Americans are highly overrepresented in murders and gun assaults, the disparity in arrests is smaller for the most common form of assault not involving any weapon or serious injury; blacks are arrested for non-aggravated assault at 2.7 times the white rate. Hispanics and non-Hispanic whites are arrested for non-aggravated assault in a similar ratio to their share of the US population. Of the 9,468 murder arrests in the US in 2017, 53.5% were black and 20.8% Hispanic. Of the 822,671 arrests for non-aggravated assault, 31.4% were black and 18.4% Hispanic.[55]

According to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in 2008, black youths, who make up 16% of the youth population, accounted for 52% of juvenile violent crime arrests, including 58.5% of youth arrests for homicide and 67% for robbery. Black youths were overrepresented in all offense categories except DUI, liquor laws, and drunkenness. Racial disparities in arrest have consistently been far less among older population groups.[56]

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey in 2002, robberies with white victims and black offenders were more than 12 times more common than the opposite.[57][58]

In 1978, Michael Hindelang compared data from the National Crime Victimization Survey (then known as the National Crime Survey, or NCS) to data from the Uniform Crime Reports, both from 1974. He found that NCS data generally agreed with UCR data in regards to the percent of perpetrators of rape, robbery, and assault who were black.[59] For instance, Hindelang's analysis found that both the NCS and UCR estimated that 62% of robbery offenders were black in the United States in 1974.[60]: 327  A 2004 National Crime Victimization Survey report which analyzed carjacking over 10 years found that carjacking victims identified 56% of offenders as black, 21% as white, and 16% as indigenous American or Asian.[61][62][63]

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
Do you know what race essential even means?
I am totally flabbergasted. I never knew that sanctuary states were in existence. I thought that stupidity only existed in liberal-infected cities. This is a list of states that need to be removed from our great nation.
California--Colorado--Connecicut-Illinois--Massachusetts--New Jersey--New York--Oregon--Rhode Island--Vermont--Washington--DC. How much better off we would be without this group of socialistic misfits?
I showed you 4 or 5 red states where McDonald freely employed 10 year olds, overtime, no pay. Child slave labor happening in this country. Clean up your own house before you criticize ours.

This country has an illegal employer problem. If they continue to hire them, they'll continue to come. No wall will stop them. And don't play wack a mole with illegal immigrants. It's cruel and doesn't work. Go after illegal employers. Then it will stop. Can't you see?

And Biden is doing it. The Federal government will put an end to it. Or is this a states rights issue?
Other nations......can't stop their criminals from getting guns.....and they are entering a period where their crime rates are going to explode...

You've been predicting that for a decade now, and it still hasn't happened.

It didn't even happen with Trump Plague throwing those countries into turmoil.
You've been predicting that for a decade now, and it still hasn't happened.

It didn't even happen with Trump Plague throwing those countries into turmoil.
He hasn't been here a decade liar.
You've been predicting that for a decade now, and it still hasn't happened.

It didn't even happen with Trump Plague throwing those countries into turmoil.

Moron...it is happening.......I listed the increasing violence across various countries in Europe......and it isn't stopping anytime soon.....and they prefer to use fully automatic military rifles and grenades.....not handguns like our criminals do....
Moron...it is happening.......I listed the increasing violence across various countries in Europe......and it isn't stopping anytime soon.....and they prefer to use fully automatic military rifles and grenades.....not handguns like our criminals do....
It's pointless to debate that scum but thank you for trying.
this is unique to darkies....they have a tendency to murder their entire family and then kill themselves....this is not something others do......its time we admit this
Moron...it is happening.......I listed the increasing violence across various countries in Europe......and it isn't stopping anytime soon.....and they prefer to use fully automatic military rifles and grenades.....not handguns like our criminals do....

Yeah, whatever.

They have one mass shooting every few years.

We have them every couple of days.
Yeah, whatever.

They have one mass shooting every few years.

We have them every couple of days.

No....Britain had one every 10 years.....before they confiscated guns....now? They still have one every 10 years....then throw in the mass public shootings across Europe and they have about as many as we have........just put those tiny countries together to make up the same geography as the U.S. and their mass shootings total ours....
No....Britain had one every 10 years.....before they confiscated guns....now? They still have one every 10 years....then throw in the mass public shootings across Europe and they have about as many as we have........just put those tiny countries together to make up the same geography as the U.S. and their mass shootings total ours....

they have one every ten years... we have one every ten hours.

Seems like they are doing it right and we are doing it wrong.
they have one every ten years... we have one every ten hours.

Seems like they are doing it right and we are doing it wrong.

They had one every 10 years before they banned and confiscated guns, now they still have one every 10 years....access to guns didn't cause them any problems....their new breed of criminals is going to cause them a lot of problems....

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