4 Guns Bills Fail in Senate; Democrats Trying to Blame Republicans

Well moving forward we see it’s the republicans and nra’s fault. They stop common sense legislation. We need background checks and gun registrations and better regulations and no 20 round clips.

These things won’t infringe on your rights and will lower the number of incidences
FALSE! DEMOCRATS stopped the Grassley & Cornyn bills because they didn't want Republicans to get credit for gun control.

Well lets see who stops this moving forward

'We'll See': Trump Seems To Cool On Background Checks After Pushing For Them

Just days after expressing interest in passing “meaningful” background check legislation, President Trump appears to have cooled on the idea.

Now he says, "we'll see".

Well then, we will see if we vote for him in 2020

Good.....Maybe someone talked some sense to him........

again...you guys still can't explain what universal background checks do....you know, to stop criminals and mass shooters....you throw out the words, and think, like magic, they actually mean something...

Look.... I can sprinkle pixie dust on a fir tree at midnight the night of a full moon and accomplish as much with that as you can with universal background checks......that is how stupid your idea is...

Though more than 90% of the American public supports background checks for all gun sales, a dangerous and deadly loophole in federal gun laws still exempts unlicensed sellers from having to perform any background check whatsoever before selling a firearm. With this loophole, guns easily find their way into the hands of illegal buyers and gun traffickers, dramatically increasing the likelihood of gun homicides and suicides.

Because of this loophole, domestic abusers, people with violent criminal records, and people prohibited for mental health reasons can easily buy guns from unlicensed sellers with no background check in most states. In fact, an estimated 22% of US gun owners acquired their most recent firearm without a background check1—which translates to millions of Americans acquiring millions of guns, no questions asked, each year.

When background checks are required and properly enforced, they can help keep guns out of dangerous hands.

  • Since the federal background check requirement was adopted in 1994, over 3 million people legally prohibited from possessing a gun have been stopped from purchasing a gun or denied a permit to purchase.2 More than 35% of these denials involved people convicted of felony offenses.3
  • Background check laws also help prevent guns from being diverted to the illegal gun market. States without universal background check laws export crime guns across state lines at a 30% higher rate than states that require background checks on all gun sales.4
owever, in the absence of a comprehensive background check system, criminals and other prohibited persons routinely exploit the massive loopholes in our laws.

  • Around 80% of all firearms acquired for criminal purposes are obtained through transfers from unlicensed sellers,5 and 96% of inmates convicted of gun offenses who were already prohibited from possessing a firearm at the time of the offense obtained their firearm from an unlicensed seller.6
  • Individuals who commit crimes with firearms may intentionally seek to purchase guns from sellers who aren’t required to run background checks. Purchasers from Armslist.com, a major online firearms marketplace, were nearly seven times as likely to have a firearm-prohibiting criminal record than people attempting to buy guns from licensed dealers.7 (This is discussed more fully on our page on online gun sales.)
Recent examples show that loopholes in our background check system can have dangerous and deadly consequences.

  • In 2018, in Appleton, WI, a man who was prohibited from purchasing a gun because he was out on bond for a firearm-related felony domestic violence case purchased a firearm from an unlicensed seller on Armslist.com without a background check. The next day he used the gun to kill his wife.8
  • In 2016, a woman was killed, and their two children shot by an ex-boyfriend, who purchased the gun from an unlicensed seller without a background check. He was prohibited from purchasing a firearm due to a domestic violence restraining order and a pending domestic battery case.9
  • In 2014, a gunman in West Virginia killed four people, including his ex-girlfriend, with a gun he purchased from an online seller without a background check. He was prohibited from purchasing firearms due to multiple felony convictions.10
Background checks are easy, convenient, and impose almost no burden on law-abiding gun purchasers.

  • In at least 90% of cases, firearm background checks processed through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) are resolved immediately. The average processing time for an electronic NICS-check is less than two minutes—107 seconds, to be precise.11
  • Contrary to gun-lobby claims, background checks rarely provide false-positive results. The FBI’s quality control evaluations suggest that background checks are accurate approximately 99.3 to 99.8% of the time.12
For more than a decade, the vast majority of the American public has supported laws requiring background checks on all firearm purchases,13 with polling data consistently showing that more than 90% of both gun owners and non-gun owners support this policy.14 Strong support for background check laws has also been measured among NRA members, with at least 69% supporting comprehensive background checks.15

Universal background checks are a necessary foundation for any policy that aims to keep firearms out of the hands of abusers and other prohibited people. However, other improvements should also be made in the existing background check system. For further information on how federal and state background checks work, see our pages on Background Check Procedures and Reporting Procedures.

And more...

On America in the Morning: Universal Background Checks and Media Bias on Gun Ownership - Crime Prevention Research Center
Well moving forward we see it’s the republicans and nra’s fault. They stop common sense legislation. We need background checks and gun registrations and better regulations and no 20 round clips.

These things won’t infringe on your rights and will lower the number of incidences
FALSE! DEMOCRATS stopped the Grassley & Cornyn bills because they didn't want Republicans to get credit for gun control.

Well lets see who stops this moving forward

'We'll See': Trump Seems To Cool On Background Checks After Pushing For Them

Just days after expressing interest in passing “meaningful” background check legislation, President Trump appears to have cooled on the idea.

Now he says, "we'll see".

Well then, we will see if we vote for him in 2020

Good.....Maybe someone talked some sense to him........

again...you guys still can't explain what universal background checks do....you know, to stop criminals and mass shooters....you throw out the words, and think, like magic, they actually mean something...

Look.... I can sprinkle pixie dust on a fir tree at midnight the night of a full moon and accomplish as much with that as you can with universal background checks......that is how stupid your idea is...

Though more than 90% of the American public supports background checks for all gun sales, a dangerous and deadly loophole in federal gun laws still exempts unlicensed sellers from having to perform any background check whatsoever before selling a firearm. With this loophole, guns easily find their way into the hands of illegal buyers and gun traffickers, dramatically increasing the likelihood of gun homicides and suicides.

Because of this loophole, domestic abusers, people with violent criminal records, and people prohibited for mental health reasons can easily buy guns from unlicensed sellers with no background check in most states. In fact, an estimated 22% of US gun owners acquired their most recent firearm without a background check1—which translates to millions of Americans acquiring millions of guns, no questions asked, each year.

When background checks are required and properly enforced, they can help keep guns out of dangerous hands.

  • Since the federal background check requirement was adopted in 1994, over 3 million people legally prohibited from possessing a gun have been stopped from purchasing a gun or denied a permit to purchase.2 More than 35% of these denials involved people convicted of felony offenses.3
  • Background check laws also help prevent guns from being diverted to the illegal gun market. States without universal background check laws export crime guns across state lines at a 30% higher rate than states that require background checks on all gun sales.4
owever, in the absence of a comprehensive background check system, criminals and other prohibited persons routinely exploit the massive loopholes in our laws.

  • Around 80% of all firearms acquired for criminal purposes are obtained through transfers from unlicensed sellers,5 and 96% of inmates convicted of gun offenses who were already prohibited from possessing a firearm at the time of the offense obtained their firearm from an unlicensed seller.6
  • Individuals who commit crimes with firearms may intentionally seek to purchase guns from sellers who aren’t required to run background checks. Purchasers from Armslist.com, a major online firearms marketplace, were nearly seven times as likely to have a firearm-prohibiting criminal record than people attempting to buy guns from licensed dealers.7 (This is discussed more fully on our page on online gun sales.)
Recent examples show that loopholes in our background check system can have dangerous and deadly consequences.

  • In 2018, in Appleton, WI, a man who was prohibited from purchasing a gun because he was out on bond for a firearm-related felony domestic violence case purchased a firearm from an unlicensed seller on Armslist.com without a background check. The next day he used the gun to kill his wife.8
  • In 2016, a woman was killed, and their two children shot by an ex-boyfriend, who purchased the gun from an unlicensed seller without a background check. He was prohibited from purchasing a firearm due to a domestic violence restraining order and a pending domestic battery case.9
  • In 2014, a gunman in West Virginia killed four people, including his ex-girlfriend, with a gun he purchased from an online seller without a background check. He was prohibited from purchasing firearms due to multiple felony convictions.10
Background checks are easy, convenient, and impose almost no burden on law-abiding gun purchasers.

  • In at least 90% of cases, firearm background checks processed through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) are resolved immediately. The average processing time for an electronic NICS-check is less than two minutes—107 seconds, to be precise.11
  • Contrary to gun-lobby claims, background checks rarely provide false-positive results. The FBI’s quality control evaluations suggest that background checks are accurate approximately 99.3 to 99.8% of the time.12
For more than a decade, the vast majority of the American public has supported laws requiring background checks on all firearm purchases,13 with polling data consistently showing that more than 90% of both gun owners and non-gun owners support this policy.14 Strong support for background check laws has also been measured among NRA members, with at least 69% supporting comprehensive background checks.15

Universal background checks are a necessary foundation for any policy that aims to keep firearms out of the hands of abusers and other prohibited people. However, other improvements should also be made in the existing background check system. For further information on how federal and state background checks work, see our pages on Background Check Procedures and Reporting Procedures.

Everything you just posted, above is a lie.....and again...you can't explain how background checks actually stop criminals and mass shooters......you just can't.....

Op-ed in the New York Times: Background Checks Are Not the Answer to Gun Violence - Crime Prevention Research Center

The background check measures before Congress aim to improve enforcement of existing law and increase such reporting by imposing financial penalties on government officials whose agencies fail to provide required information. That’s a good goal, but any proposal should also fix another major problem with the background check system: false positives that stop law-abiding people from getting weapons that they might need to protect themselves and their families.

The background check system confuses the names of law-abiding individuals with those of criminals, resulting in thousands of “false positives” every year. Relying on phonetically similar names along with birth dates just doesn’t allow for much accuracy.

Ronnie Coleman, a Virginia resident, was not allowed to buy a gun in 2012 because another person from his hometown in Texas who had a felony conviction also had a name and birth date “close enough” to his to cause a denial. Mr. Coleman was advised to get a unique transaction number from the background system to prevent this confusion in the future, adding another bureaucratic step to the process.

Between 2006 to 2010, the last period for which more comprehensive annual data on the denial of firearm applications by the background check system are available, there were 377,283 denials. But the federal government prosecuted only 460 of those cases, leading to 209 convictions, mostly on charges of providing false information. There was a similarly small number of state prosecutions resulting from the gun purchase denials.

Why didn’t more of those denials lead to perjury prosecutions? According to my analysis, the reason is simple: a high percentage of cases are dropped because the applicant was wrongly denied clearance to buy a gun.

Many of those people are trying to buy guns to protect themselves. “This incredibly high rate of false positives imposes a real burden on the most vulnerable people,” said Reagan Dunn, the first national coordinator for Project Safe Neighborhoods, a Justice Department program started in 2001 to ensure gun laws are enforced.. . . .
Well moving forward we see it’s the republicans and nra’s fault. They stop common sense legislation. We need background checks and gun registrations and better regulations and no 20 round clips.
You can demonstrate neither the necessity for, nor the efficacy of, these restrictions.

We've explained before but clearly it's going in one ear and out the other.

If your gun can only hold 6 bullets instead of 10, we just saved 4 lives. My hunting rifle can hold 4 bullets at a time. I/you/We don't need WMD's.

I asked this the other day. Would you be ok if I owned a concealed weapon that could take out 1/2 of a packed football stadium? You would be ok with the average citizen walking around with such a destructive weapon? If the answer is yes, then there is no talking to you. You're a gun nut.

Our goal is to lower the number of murder victims. You keep worrying about the government and we will focus on the real current threat which is real and that's mass shooters. More mass shootings in American than days in the year. Something wrong here.

That is stupid......

Gilroy.... rifle and magazine....3 dead.

Russian Polytechnic shooter....... tube fed, 5 shot, pump action shotgun...... 20 killed, 40 injured...

It isn't the gun you doofus....it is the free time the killer has in the gun free zone, against unarmed people before someone points a gun at him and makes him stop.....
We need background checks and gun registrations and better regulations and no 20 round clips.

Ah, registration as common sense? That is what the NAZIs used as the prelude to confiscation. We already have background checks and banning 20 round clips would not have stopped any of the shootings so far. Another gun grabber wanting feel good legislation over substance. No criminal is going to get a background check, no criminal is going to register and no criminal is going to throw away his 20 round clip. All you are advocating is restricting the rights of honest people while letting the criminal element proceed as usual.
We aren't trying to stop future shootings by outlawing 20 round clips. So why did you say such a dumb fucking thing? What is our goal for limiting rounds to 10? Don't come back with that bullshit that you can unload and load a clip just as fast. That's a lie and as a gun user I know it's a lie. So please, tell me why you don't want BETTER background checks?

You are just a right wing tool bag obstructionist. And you are paranoid. Are you going to shoot when the cops come to the door? Are you going to be armed?

Ok fine don't "register" your guns but each time you want to buy one they should run you through the system. You could have a recent protection order or something that tells the gun store not to sell you a gun.

We could do better but not with lousy citizens like you around.

Moron..... Better background checks? Criminals use straw buyers who can pass any background check, you dumb ass, or they steal their guns....bypassing all background checks........and mass shooters can pass any background check, or they too steal their guns...you doofus...

The only reason to demand universal background checks, since you were just shown they will not work....is so you can then come back, and stampede the uninformed again, and demand universal gun registration, which is your real goal......
Gun grabbers don't care about right or wrong.....or the Constitution.....no matter how much they fake that they do.

Their latest ploy......."Oh don't be ridiculous!....no one wants to take away your guns".....BS. That's the ultimate goal even if the individual stating it is clueless.

In order to achieve their "Utopia", as was done in Venezuela, Cuba, China, NK etc etc etc....the population MUST be unable to put up any meaningful resistance.

That has made the USA a particularly difficult nut to crack....but they won't give up....ever.

But they'll settle for one little increment at a time....little by little.
Well moving forward we see it’s the republicans and nra’s fault. They stop common sense legislation. We need background checks and gun registrations and better regulations and no 20 round clips.
You can demonstrate neither the necessity for, nor the efficacy of, these restrictions.

We've explained before but clearly it's going in one ear and out the other.

If your gun can only hold 6 bullets instead of 10, we just saved 4 lives. My hunting rifle can hold 4 bullets at a time. I/you/We don't need WMD's.

I asked this the other day. Would you be ok if I owned a concealed weapon that could take out 1/2 of a packed football stadium? You would be ok with the average citizen walking around with such a destructive weapon? If the answer is yes, then there is no talking to you. You're a gun nut.

Our goal is to lower the number of murder victims. You keep worrying about the government and we will focus on the real current threat which is real and that's mass shooters. More mass shootings in American than days in the year. Something wrong here.

You dumb shit......

Mass public shootings in 2018

Total.... 12

Total dead.... 93.

You are lying your ass off......

Knives...kill over 1.500 people every single year.

Cars kill over 38,000 people every single year.....
Well moving forward we see it’s the republicans and nra’s fault. They stop common sense legislation. We need background checks and gun registrations and better regulations and no 20 round clips.

These things won’t infringe on your rights and will lower the number of incidences
FALSE! DEMOCRATS stopped the Grassley & Cornyn bills because they didn't want Republicans to get credit for gun control.

Well lets see who stops this moving forward

'We'll See': Trump Seems To Cool On Background Checks After Pushing For Them

Just days after expressing interest in passing “meaningful” background check legislation, President Trump appears to have cooled on the idea.

Now he says, "we'll see".

Well then, we will see if we vote for him in 2020

Good.....Maybe someone talked some sense to him........

again...you guys still can't explain what universal background checks do....you know, to stop criminals and mass shooters....you throw out the words, and think, like magic, they actually mean something...

Look.... I can sprinkle pixie dust on a fir tree at midnight the night of a full moon and accomplish as much with that as you can with universal background checks......that is how stupid your idea is...

So why is your orange hero blabbing about this?

He doesn't know the issue, and he doesn't understand that people like you are insane...
Though more than 90% of the American public supports background checks for all gun sales, a dangerous and deadly loophole in federal gun laws still exempts unlicensed sellers from having to perform any background check whatsoever before selling a firearm. With this loophole, guns easily find their way into the hands of illegal buyers and gun traffickers, dramatically increasing the likelihood of gun homicides and suicides.

Because of this loophole, domestic abusers, people with violent criminal records, and people prohibited for mental health reasons can easily buy guns from unlicensed sellers with no background check in most states. In fact, an estimated 22% of US gun owners acquired their most recent firearm without a background check1—which translates to millions of Americans acquiring millions of guns, no questions asked, each year.

When background checks are required and properly enforced, they can help keep guns out of dangerous hands.

  • Since the federal background check requirement was adopted in 1994, over 3 million people legally prohibited from possessing a gun have been stopped from purchasing a gun or denied a permit to purchase.2 More than 35% of these denials involved people convicted of felony offenses.3
  • Background check laws also help prevent guns from being diverted to the illegal gun market. States without universal background check laws export crime guns across state lines at a 30% higher rate than states that require background checks on all gun sales.4
owever, in the absence of a comprehensive background check system, criminals and other prohibited persons routinely exploit the massive loopholes in our laws.

  • Around 80% of all firearms acquired for criminal purposes are obtained through transfers from unlicensed sellers,5 and 96% of inmates convicted of gun offenses who were already prohibited from possessing a firearm at the time of the offense obtained their firearm from an unlicensed seller.6
  • Individuals who commit crimes with firearms may intentionally seek to purchase guns from sellers who aren’t required to run background checks. Purchasers from Armslist.com, a major online firearms marketplace, were nearly seven times as likely to have a firearm-prohibiting criminal record than people attempting to buy guns from licensed dealers.7 (This is discussed more fully on our page on online gun sales.)
Recent examples show that loopholes in our background check system can have dangerous and deadly consequences.

  • In 2018, in Appleton, WI, a man who was prohibited from purchasing a gun because he was out on bond for a firearm-related felony domestic violence case purchased a firearm from an unlicensed seller on Armslist.com without a background check. The next day he used the gun to kill his wife.8
  • In 2016, a woman was killed, and their two children shot by an ex-boyfriend, who purchased the gun from an unlicensed seller without a background check. He was prohibited from purchasing a firearm due to a domestic violence restraining order and a pending domestic battery case.9
  • In 2014, a gunman in West Virginia killed four people, including his ex-girlfriend, with a gun he purchased from an online seller without a background check. He was prohibited from purchasing firearms due to multiple felony convictions.10
Background checks are easy, convenient, and impose almost no burden on law-abiding gun purchasers.

  • In at least 90% of cases, firearm background checks processed through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) are resolved immediately. The average processing time for an electronic NICS-check is less than two minutes—107 seconds, to be precise.11
  • Contrary to gun-lobby claims, background checks rarely provide false-positive results. The FBI’s quality control evaluations suggest that background checks are accurate approximately 99.3 to 99.8% of the time.12
For more than a decade, the vast majority of the American public has supported laws requiring background checks on all firearm purchases,13 with polling data consistently showing that more than 90% of both gun owners and non-gun owners support this policy.14 Strong support for background check laws has also been measured among NRA members, with at least 69% supporting comprehensive background checks.15

Universal background checks are a necessary foundation for any policy that aims to keep firearms out of the hands of abusers and other prohibited people. However, other improvements should also be made in the existing background check system. For further information on how federal and state background checks work, see our pages on Background Check Procedures and Reporting Procedures.
Biggest problem with mass shootings has been keeping firearms out of the hands of licensed NON-abusers (aka "gun-free zones)

Also, in the Parkland shooting massacre, background checks were not available to the seller of the guns used (by Nicolas Cruz), because of Obama's "Promise Program", which deliberately hid student criminality. This was about as OPPOSITE to the principle of background checks as anything could ever be.

So why don't liberals complain about the Promise Program ?

Ingraham: 'PROMISE Program' Hailed By Obama Admin Led to Florida Schools Ignoring Violent Students

So the NRA is to blame for the biggest problem, which is "gun-free zones". After all, their conventions are "gun-free zones".

And that is a lie....you know it is a lie, and you post it....you are an asshat ....
I TOLD you why. For the same reason that Democrats shot the Grassley and Cornyn gun control bills down, that would have stopped mentally ill people from buying guns. They didn't want the other party to get the credit. Washington DC malfunctioning.
From 2016. You are so desperate to protect your party's support of mass shooting that you have to go back 3 years.
The only people who support mass shootings are those who believe gun free zones are a good idea.
After all, its hard to push for more gun control if there aren't fresh bodies to stand on.
Dems want more shootings so they can disarm Americans and rule over us with an iron fist.

That is why they make gun free zones that they know damned good and well are massacre magnets, nothing less.
Here we are almost two decades from the 9-11 act that defined terrorism and democrats claim that there aren't enough laws to prevent terrorists from obtaining weapons? What the hell did democrats do during the 8 long, long Obama years?
That the RNC (known as the Republicans Nowadays Cave) had to schedule the vote is a major victory for gun control. Within the first 90 days of Clinton II, you’ll see something passed.

So how'd that work out for ya?
From 2016. You are so desperate to protect your party's support of mass shooting that you have to go back 3 years.
"party's support of mass shooting" ? wow. If there ever was any doubt of your complete INSANITY, that has been disspelled now. Get help, quick.

Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean REALLY.


Actually, if any party really DID ever support mass shooting, it would be the Democrats by their consistent, stupid approval of the dangerous gun-free zones.

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