4 Guns Bills Fail in Senate; Democrats Trying to Blame Republicans

After a quick read of your little link I read this

The result was expected. A fifth option, set to be introduced and voted upon as early as Tuesday by moderate Republican Sen. Susan Collins, has generated more optimism, but still faces long odds at passage.

So moderate Republicans were open to gun legislation but right wingers shot it down.

And then I read this: Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat who sponsored one of the failed measures expanding background checks, reacted angrily after his provision was defeated.
"I'm mortified by today's vote but I'm not surprised by it," Murphy said Monday evening. "The NRA has a vice-like grip on this place."

I remember this bill last year. Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS.

Outspoken liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren echoed his sentiment after the votes.
".@ChrisMurphyCT said it right: The @SenateGOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS," she tweeted.

So you tell us why Republicans shot this down.
All you've done here is remark that both Republicans AND Democrats both shot down gun control bills. Well, congratulations, you've wasted everybody's time telling us precisely what the OP and the OP's link already said.

Maybe the reason why Republicans shot down a Democrat gun control bill, is because Democrats shot down 2 Republican gun control bills.

The main thrust of all this though, is that it is commonly assumed by liberals (fostered by the liberal, fake news media) that only Democrats support gun control legislation, and that isn't correct.
After 4 attempts to enact gun control legislation, to keep guns away from terrorists, some Democrat Senators (ex. Elizabeth Warren, Chris Murphy) have been blaming Republicans for the failure to get even one bill passed. There are gaping holes with their criticisms, which frankly look like nothing more than pure political bullshit.

1. A new CNN/ORC report shows more support among Republicans (90%) for new anti-terrorist gun control measures than among Democrats (85%).

2. Two of the defeated gun control bills were proposed by Republicans (Grassley and Cornyn), and these were opposed by Democrats.

Despite the pro-gun control efforts by Republicans (responding to the massive new gun control support among Republicans), and even new pro-gun control statements from the NRA, Democrats seem to still be clinging to a political posture that tries to paint Republicans as dangerous gun runners who even are friendly to ISIS.

Chris Murphy(D-CT) had told reporters for The Washington Post: "We've got to make this clear, constant case that Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS."

Outspoken liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren echoed his sentiment after the votes.
" @ChrisMurphyCT said it right: The @SenateGOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS," she tweeted.

Harry Reid also chimed in saying >> "Senate Republicans should be embarrassed -- but they are not, because the NRA is happy." - a clear distortion of the truth, since the NRA has endorsed the position to stop gun sales to poeple on terrorist watch lists and no-fly lists.

Also some Republicans (ex. Kelly Ayotte and Mark Kirk) voted for the Democrat (se. Feinstein) sponsored bill.

It appears to me (IMO) that both sides are having trouble getting their bills passed (which even the NRA supports), simply because each side (Democrats & Republicans) don't want the other side's sponsored bill to pass, because they don't want them to get the credit for the reform, and thereby appear to be the heros of the post-Orlando Massacre condition, that we find ourselves in.

Now, a 5th vote attempting to stop terrorists from getting guns is on the horizon, sponsored by yet another Republican, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. This would be a weaker aiming at people on no-fly lists, and it is said to not have a good chance to pass either.

Maybe they could just pull somebody in, off the street, who is an Independent, to propose the bill.

In any case, Democrats shouldn't be allowed to get away with pinning the blame on Republicans or the NRA, when they (the Democrats) are just as responsible for the bills' defeats. Democrats appear to be just trying to chip away at the national security edge that Republicans have held over them for quite some time.

Senate rejects series of gun measures - CNNPolitics.com

No one should vote for a bill that allows the government to deny a person his rights for being on a "watch list".

Secret government lists of people who have never committed a crime isn't due process
That is stupid......

Gilroy.... rifle and magazine....3 dead.

Russian Polytechnic shooter....... tube fed, 5 shot, pump action shotgun...... 20 killed, 40 injured...

It isn't the gun you doofus....it is the free time the killer has in the gun free zone, against unarmed people before someone points a gun at him and makes him stop.....
Liberals are programmed to turn a blind eye to the gun-free zone issue, as if it didn't exist. Thus, they walk around only conscious of the idea of controlling guns by background checks, which except for rare case (as in the Parkland shootings), generally, background checks don't stop bad guys, who get guns apart from background-checking gun stores.

Even in the case of Nicolas Cruz (Parkland Massacre), while it's true that Obama's idiotic and dangerous Promise Program allowed Cruz to get his guns in a gun store, (with Cruz's criminal background suppressed and hidden), Cruz could/would likely have gotten his guns anyway, from nefarious sellers.
No one should vote for a bill that allows the government to deny a person his rights for being on a "watch list".

Secret government lists of people who have never committed a crime isn't due process
There's thousands of people who have never committed a crime who ought to be on a watch list, and should never be sold a gun. I'd include anyone calling himself a Muslim, and especially those who are members of Muslim Brotherhood front groups (terrorists in suits)
After 4 attempts to enact gun control legislation, to keep guns away from terrorists, some Democrat Senators (ex. Elizabeth Warren, Chris Murphy) have been blaming Republicans for the failure to get even one bill passed. There are gaping holes with their criticisms, which frankly look like nothing more than pure political bullshit.

1. A new CNN/ORC report shows more support among Republicans (90%) for new anti-terrorist gun control measures than among Democrats (85%).

2. Two of the defeated gun control bills were proposed by Republicans (Grassley and Cornyn), and these were opposed by Democrats.

Despite the pro-gun control efforts by Republicans (responding to the massive new gun control support among Republicans), and even new pro-gun control statements from the NRA, Democrats seem to still be clinging to a political posture that tries to paint Republicans as dangerous gun runners who even are friendly to ISIS.

Chris Murphy(D-CT) had told reporters for The Washington Post: "We've got to make this clear, constant case that Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS."

Outspoken liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren echoed his sentiment after the votes.
" @ChrisMurphyCT said it right: The @SenateGOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS," she tweeted.

Harry Reid also chimed in saying >> "Senate Republicans should be embarrassed -- but they are not, because the NRA is happy." - a clear distortion of the truth, since the NRA has endorsed the position to stop gun sales to poeple on terrorist watch lists and no-fly lists.

Also some Republicans (ex. Kelly Ayotte and Mark Kirk) voted for the Democrat (se. Feinstein) sponsored bill.

It appears to me (IMO) that both sides are having trouble getting their bills passed (which even the NRA supports), simply because each side (Democrats & Republicans) don't want the other side's sponsored bill to pass, because they don't want them to get the credit for the reform, and thereby appear to be the heros of the post-Orlando Massacre condition, that we find ourselves in.

Now, a 5th vote attempting to stop terrorists from getting guns is on the horizon, sponsored by yet another Republican, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. This would be a weaker aiming at people on no-fly lists, and it is said to not have a good chance to pass either.

Maybe they could just pull somebody in, off the street, who is an Independent, to propose the bill.

In any case, Democrats shouldn't be allowed to get away with pinning the blame on Republicans or the NRA, when they (the Democrats) are just as responsible for the bills' defeats. Democrats appear to be just trying to chip away at the national security edge that Republicans have held over them for quite some time.

Senate rejects series of gun measures - CNNPolitics.com

After a quick read of your little link I read this

The result was expected. A fifth option, set to be introduced and voted upon as early as Tuesday by moderate Republican Sen. Susan Collins, has generated more optimism, but still faces long odds at passage.

So moderate Republicans were open to gun legislation but right wingers shot it down.

And then I read this: Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat who sponsored one of the failed measures expanding background checks, reacted angrily after his provision was defeated.
"I'm mortified by today's vote but I'm not surprised by it," Murphy said Monday evening. "The NRA has a vice-like grip on this place."

I remember this bill last year. Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS.

Outspoken liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren echoed his sentiment after the votes.
".@ChrisMurphyCT said it right: The @SenateGOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS," she tweeted.

So you tell us why Republicans shot this down.
Collins, a moderate. What laugh.

So, why was the bill shot down? How about you go read it and tell Me if there were any poison pills in the bill, then get back to us.

We won't wait.

First Trump was for background checks now he's against them?

Democratic leaders assail Trump's apparent reversal on background checks
After 4 attempts to enact gun control legislation, to keep guns away from terrorists, some Democrat Senators (ex. Elizabeth Warren, Chris Murphy) have been blaming Republicans for the failure to get even one bill passed. There are gaping holes with their criticisms, which frankly look like nothing more than pure political bullshit.

1. A new CNN/ORC report shows more support among Republicans (90%) for new anti-terrorist gun control measures than among Democrats (85%).

2. Two of the defeated gun control bills were proposed by Republicans (Grassley and Cornyn), and these were opposed by Democrats.

Despite the pro-gun control efforts by Republicans (responding to the massive new gun control support among Republicans), and even new pro-gun control statements from the NRA, Democrats seem to still be clinging to a political posture that tries to paint Republicans as dangerous gun runners who even are friendly to ISIS.

Chris Murphy(D-CT) had told reporters for The Washington Post: "We've got to make this clear, constant case that Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS."

Outspoken liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren echoed his sentiment after the votes.
" @ChrisMurphyCT said it right: The @SenateGOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS," she tweeted.

Harry Reid also chimed in saying >> "Senate Republicans should be embarrassed -- but they are not, because the NRA is happy." - a clear distortion of the truth, since the NRA has endorsed the position to stop gun sales to poeple on terrorist watch lists and no-fly lists.

Also some Republicans (ex. Kelly Ayotte and Mark Kirk) voted for the Democrat (se. Feinstein) sponsored bill.

It appears to me (IMO) that both sides are having trouble getting their bills passed (which even the NRA supports), simply because each side (Democrats & Republicans) don't want the other side's sponsored bill to pass, because they don't want them to get the credit for the reform, and thereby appear to be the heros of the post-Orlando Massacre condition, that we find ourselves in.

Now, a 5th vote attempting to stop terrorists from getting guns is on the horizon, sponsored by yet another Republican, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. This would be a weaker aiming at people on no-fly lists, and it is said to not have a good chance to pass either.

Maybe they could just pull somebody in, off the street, who is an Independent, to propose the bill.

In any case, Democrats shouldn't be allowed to get away with pinning the blame on Republicans or the NRA, when they (the Democrats) are just as responsible for the bills' defeats. Democrats appear to be just trying to chip away at the national security edge that Republicans have held over them for quite some time.

Senate rejects series of gun measures - CNNPolitics.com

After a quick read of your little link I read this

The result was expected. A fifth option, set to be introduced and voted upon as early as Tuesday by moderate Republican Sen. Susan Collins, has generated more optimism, but still faces long odds at passage.

So moderate Republicans were open to gun legislation but right wingers shot it down.

And then I read this: Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat who sponsored one of the failed measures expanding background checks, reacted angrily after his provision was defeated.
"I'm mortified by today's vote but I'm not surprised by it," Murphy said Monday evening. "The NRA has a vice-like grip on this place."

I remember this bill last year. Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS.

Outspoken liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren echoed his sentiment after the votes.
".@ChrisMurphyCT said it right: The @SenateGOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS," she tweeted.

So you tell us why Republicans shot this down.
Collins, a moderate. What laugh.

So, why was the bill shot down? How about you go read it and tell Me if there were any poison pills in the bill, then get back to us.

We won't wait.

First Trump was for background checks now he's against them?

Democratic leaders assail Trump's apparent reversal on background checks

Yes...someone explained the issue to him, he sees how stupid the idea is, now he is backing away.....you twit.
I TOLD you why. For the same reason that Democrats shot the Grassley and Cornyn gun control bills down, that would have stopped mentally ill people from buying guns. They didn't want the other party to get the credit. Washington DC malfunctioning.

What you don't understand? When they are on vacation they are doing the most help for the country they can do....... it is when they are working that we are in trouble.
What was the ideology in play at Parkland? At Aurora? At Dayton?

We know that it was the Trumpian ideology at work in El Paso, Pittsburgh and Charleston.

No, actually, it wasn't......you are lying, since the El Paso shooter stated he had no connection to Trump, and the anti-semite at Pittsburgh has more in common with ilhan ohmar than Trump....and Charleston....again, wrong, a racist has a home in the democrat party, not with Trump....you asshat.
What you don't understand? When they are on vacation they are doing the most help for the country they can do....... it is when they are working that we are in trouble.
No mans property, liberty or life is secure while Congress is in session.
After 4 attempts to enact gun control legislation, to keep guns away from terrorists, some Democrat Senators (ex. Elizabeth Warren, Chris Murphy) have been blaming Republicans for the failure to get even one bill passed. There are gaping holes with their criticisms, which frankly look like nothing more than pure political bullshit.

1. A new CNN/ORC report shows more support among Republicans (90%) for new anti-terrorist gun control measures than among Democrats (85%).

2. Two of the defeated gun control bills were proposed by Republicans (Grassley and Cornyn), and these were opposed by Democrats.

Despite the pro-gun control efforts by Republicans (responding to the massive new gun control support among Republicans), and even new pro-gun control statements from the NRA, Democrats seem to still be clinging to a political posture that tries to paint Republicans as dangerous gun runners who even are friendly to ISIS.

Chris Murphy(D-CT) had told reporters for The Washington Post: "We've got to make this clear, constant case that Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS."

Outspoken liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren echoed his sentiment after the votes.
" @ChrisMurphyCT said it right: The @SenateGOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS," she tweeted.

Harry Reid also chimed in saying >> "Senate Republicans should be embarrassed -- but they are not, because the NRA is happy." - a clear distortion of the truth, since the NRA has endorsed the position to stop gun sales to poeple on terrorist watch lists and no-fly lists.

Also some Republicans (ex. Kelly Ayotte and Mark Kirk) voted for the Democrat (se. Feinstein) sponsored bill.

It appears to me (IMO) that both sides are having trouble getting their bills passed (which even the NRA supports), simply because each side (Democrats & Republicans) don't want the other side's sponsored bill to pass, because they don't want them to get the credit for the reform, and thereby appear to be the heros of the post-Orlando Massacre condition, that we find ourselves in.

Now, a 5th vote attempting to stop terrorists from getting guns is on the horizon, sponsored by yet another Republican, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. This would be a weaker aiming at people on no-fly lists, and it is said to not have a good chance to pass either.

Maybe they could just pull somebody in, off the street, who is an Independent, to propose the bill.

In any case, Democrats shouldn't be allowed to get away with pinning the blame on Republicans or the NRA, when they (the Democrats) are just as responsible for the bills' defeats. Democrats appear to be just trying to chip away at the national security edge that Republicans have held over them for quite some time.

Senate rejects series of gun measures - CNNPolitics.com

After a quick read of your little link I read this

The result was expected. A fifth option, set to be introduced and voted upon as early as Tuesday by moderate Republican Sen. Susan Collins, has generated more optimism, but still faces long odds at passage.

So moderate Republicans were open to gun legislation but right wingers shot it down.

And then I read this: Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat who sponsored one of the failed measures expanding background checks, reacted angrily after his provision was defeated.
"I'm mortified by today's vote but I'm not surprised by it," Murphy said Monday evening. "The NRA has a vice-like grip on this place."

I remember this bill last year. Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS.

Outspoken liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren echoed his sentiment after the votes.
".@ChrisMurphyCT said it right: The @SenateGOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS," she tweeted.

So you tell us why Republicans shot this down.
Collins, a moderate. What laugh.

So, why was the bill shot down? How about you go read it and tell Me if there were any poison pills in the bill, then get back to us.

We won't wait.

First Trump was for background checks now he's against them?

Democratic leaders assail Trump's apparent reversal on background checks

It is a stupid idea just like using the No-Fly list seeing criminals do not care about any of that!

Sandy Hook, Santa Fe, Texas and the Philadelphia mass shooting would still happen if you had the laws you want when it come to background check and using the No-Fly list...
Actually, if any party really DID ever support mass shooting, it would be the Democrats by their consistent, stupid approval of the dangerous gun-free zones.

And don't forget their absolute refusal to turn over child rapist and child murderers to ICE. (The slip them out of court back doors and release them before ICE can get there).
No one should vote for a bill that allows the government to deny a person his rights for being on a "watch list".
Secret government lists of people who have never committed a crime isn't due process

It may not be due process.......

But it's what We The People have sat on our good for nuthin asses and passively allowed.

All that is required for evil men to prevail is for so called "good" men to do nothing.
After 4 attempts to enact gun control legislation, to keep guns away from terrorists, some Democrat Senators (ex. Elizabeth Warren, Chris Murphy) have been blaming Republicans for the failure to get even one bill passed. There are gaping holes with their criticisms, which frankly look like nothing more than pure political bullshit.

1. A new CNN/ORC report shows more support among Republicans (90%) for new anti-terrorist gun control measures than among Democrats (85%).

2. Two of the defeated gun control bills were proposed by Republicans (Grassley and Cornyn), and these were opposed by Democrats.

Despite the pro-gun control efforts by Republicans (responding to the massive new gun control support among Republicans), and even new pro-gun control statements from the NRA, Democrats seem to still be clinging to a political posture that tries to paint Republicans as dangerous gun runners who even are friendly to ISIS.

Chris Murphy(D-CT) had told reporters for The Washington Post: "We've got to make this clear, constant case that Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS."

Outspoken liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren echoed his sentiment after the votes.
" @ChrisMurphyCT said it right: The @SenateGOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS," she tweeted.

Harry Reid also chimed in saying >> "Senate Republicans should be embarrassed -- but they are not, because the NRA is happy." - a clear distortion of the truth, since the NRA has endorsed the position to stop gun sales to poeple on terrorist watch lists and no-fly lists.

Also some Republicans (ex. Kelly Ayotte and Mark Kirk) voted for the Democrat (se. Feinstein) sponsored bill.

It appears to me (IMO) that both sides are having trouble getting their bills passed (which even the NRA supports), simply because each side (Democrats & Republicans) don't want the other side's sponsored bill to pass, because they don't want them to get the credit for the reform, and thereby appear to be the heros of the post-Orlando Massacre condition, that we find ourselves in.

Now, a 5th vote attempting to stop terrorists from getting guns is on the horizon, sponsored by yet another Republican, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. This would be a weaker aiming at people on no-fly lists, and it is said to not have a good chance to pass either.

Maybe they could just pull somebody in, off the street, who is an Independent, to propose the bill.

In any case, Democrats shouldn't be allowed to get away with pinning the blame on Republicans or the NRA, when they (the Democrats) are just as responsible for the bills' defeats. Democrats appear to be just trying to chip away at the national security edge that Republicans have held over them for quite some time.

Senate rejects series of gun measures - CNNPolitics.com

After a quick read of your little link I read this

The result was expected. A fifth option, set to be introduced and voted upon as early as Tuesday by moderate Republican Sen. Susan Collins, has generated more optimism, but still faces long odds at passage.

So moderate Republicans were open to gun legislation but right wingers shot it down.

And then I read this: Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat who sponsored one of the failed measures expanding background checks, reacted angrily after his provision was defeated.
"I'm mortified by today's vote but I'm not surprised by it," Murphy said Monday evening. "The NRA has a vice-like grip on this place."

I remember this bill last year. Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS.

Outspoken liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren echoed his sentiment after the votes.
".@ChrisMurphyCT said it right: The @SenateGOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS," she tweeted.

So you tell us why Republicans shot this down.
Collins, a moderate. What laugh.

So, why was the bill shot down? How about you go read it and tell Me if there were any poison pills in the bill, then get back to us.

We won't wait.

First Trump was for background checks now he's against them?

Democratic leaders assail Trump's apparent reversal on background checks

It is a stupid idea just like using the No-Fly list seeing criminals do not care about any of that!

Sandy Hook, Santa Fe, Texas and the Philadelphia mass shooting would still happen if you had the laws you want when it come to background check and using the No-Fly list...
I just took and passed the hunter safety class. I was grandfathered in and didn’t need to take it but technically I shouldn’t have been given a hunting license but you know Walmart. Now I’m legal. If you are born after 1959 you hav to take this course. It was a pretty long online test and then you go 8-4pm Saturday and take the class.

In the future every new gun owner should have to take the class. There were 8 dnr guys teaching the class. A nut should have to get by them. They would red flag any yahoos.

You guys are all idiots.
After 4 attempts to enact gun control legislation, to keep guns away from terrorists, some Democrat Senators (ex. Elizabeth Warren, Chris Murphy) have been blaming Republicans for the failure to get even one bill passed. There are gaping holes with their criticisms, which frankly look like nothing more than pure political bullshit.

1. A new CNN/ORC report shows more support among Republicans (90%) for new anti-terrorist gun control measures than among Democrats (85%).

2. Two of the defeated gun control bills were proposed by Republicans (Grassley and Cornyn), and these were opposed by Democrats.

Despite the pro-gun control efforts by Republicans (responding to the massive new gun control support among Republicans), and even new pro-gun control statements from the NRA, Democrats seem to still be clinging to a political posture that tries to paint Republicans as dangerous gun runners who even are friendly to ISIS.

Chris Murphy(D-CT) had told reporters for The Washington Post: "We've got to make this clear, constant case that Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS."

Outspoken liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren echoed his sentiment after the votes.
" @ChrisMurphyCT said it right: The @SenateGOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS," she tweeted.

Harry Reid also chimed in saying >> "Senate Republicans should be embarrassed -- but they are not, because the NRA is happy." - a clear distortion of the truth, since the NRA has endorsed the position to stop gun sales to poeple on terrorist watch lists and no-fly lists.

Also some Republicans (ex. Kelly Ayotte and Mark Kirk) voted for the Democrat (se. Feinstein) sponsored bill.

It appears to me (IMO) that both sides are having trouble getting their bills passed (which even the NRA supports), simply because each side (Democrats & Republicans) don't want the other side's sponsored bill to pass, because they don't want them to get the credit for the reform, and thereby appear to be the heros of the post-Orlando Massacre condition, that we find ourselves in.

Now, a 5th vote attempting to stop terrorists from getting guns is on the horizon, sponsored by yet another Republican, Sen. Susan Collins of Maine. This would be a weaker aiming at people on no-fly lists, and it is said to not have a good chance to pass either.

Maybe they could just pull somebody in, off the street, who is an Independent, to propose the bill.

In any case, Democrats shouldn't be allowed to get away with pinning the blame on Republicans or the NRA, when they (the Democrats) are just as responsible for the bills' defeats. Democrats appear to be just trying to chip away at the national security edge that Republicans have held over them for quite some time.

Senate rejects series of gun measures - CNNPolitics.com

After a quick read of your little link I read this

The result was expected. A fifth option, set to be introduced and voted upon as early as Tuesday by moderate Republican Sen. Susan Collins, has generated more optimism, but still faces long odds at passage.

So moderate Republicans were open to gun legislation but right wingers shot it down.

And then I read this: Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat who sponsored one of the failed measures expanding background checks, reacted angrily after his provision was defeated.
"I'm mortified by today's vote but I'm not surprised by it," Murphy said Monday evening. "The NRA has a vice-like grip on this place."

I remember this bill last year. Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS.

Outspoken liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren echoed his sentiment after the votes.
".@ChrisMurphyCT said it right: The @SenateGOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS," she tweeted.

So you tell us why Republicans shot this down.
Collins, a moderate. What laugh.

So, why was the bill shot down? How about you go read it and tell Me if there were any poison pills in the bill, then get back to us.

We won't wait.

First Trump was for background checks now he's against them?

Democratic leaders assail Trump's apparent reversal on background checks

It is a stupid idea just like using the No-Fly list seeing criminals do not care about any of that!

Sandy Hook, Santa Fe, Texas and the Philadelphia mass shooting would still happen if you had the laws you want when it come to background check and using the No-Fly list...
I just took and passed the hunter safety class. I was grandfathered in and didn’t need to take it but technically I shouldn’t have been given a hunting license but you know Walmart. Now I’m legal. If you are born after 1959 you hav to take this course. It was a pretty long online test and then you go 8-4pm Saturday and take the class.

In the future every new gun owner should have to take the class. There were 8 dnr guys teaching the class. A nut should have to get by them. They would red flag any yahoos.

You guys are all idiots.

Yes.....and people like you believed Blacks should have to pass a Literacy test in order to vote....we know...you want to use Literacy Tests and Poll Taxes to keep people from owning guns...violating Civil Rights is what you asshat democrats are all about.
After a quick read of your little link I read this

The result was expected. A fifth option, set to be introduced and voted upon as early as Tuesday by moderate Republican Sen. Susan Collins, has generated more optimism, but still faces long odds at passage.

So moderate Republicans were open to gun legislation but right wingers shot it down.

And then I read this: Sen. Chris Murphy, a Connecticut Democrat who sponsored one of the failed measures expanding background checks, reacted angrily after his provision was defeated.
"I'm mortified by today's vote but I'm not surprised by it," Murphy said Monday evening. "The NRA has a vice-like grip on this place."

I remember this bill last year. Republicans have decided to sell weapons to ISIS.

Outspoken liberal Sen. Elizabeth Warren echoed his sentiment after the votes.
".@ChrisMurphyCT said it right: The @SenateGOP have decided to sell weapons to ISIS," she tweeted.

So you tell us why Republicans shot this down.
Collins, a moderate. What laugh.

So, why was the bill shot down? How about you go read it and tell Me if there were any poison pills in the bill, then get back to us.

We won't wait.

First Trump was for background checks now he's against them?

Democratic leaders assail Trump's apparent reversal on background checks

It is a stupid idea just like using the No-Fly list seeing criminals do not care about any of that!

Sandy Hook, Santa Fe, Texas and the Philadelphia mass shooting would still happen if you had the laws you want when it come to background check and using the No-Fly list...
I just took and passed the hunter safety class. I was grandfathered in and didn’t need to take it but technically I shouldn’t have been given a hunting license but you know Walmart. Now I’m legal. If you are born after 1959 you hav to take this course. It was a pretty long online test and then you go 8-4pm Saturday and take the class.

In the future every new gun owner should have to take the class. There were 8 dnr guys teaching the class. A nut should have to get by them. They would red flag any yahoos.

You guys are all idiots.

Yes.....and people like you believed Blacks should have to pass a Literacy test in order to vote....we know...you want to use Literacy Tests and Poll Taxes to keep people from owning guns...violating Civil Rights is what you asshat democrats are all about.
Yet today it’s republicans who are all about voter suppression and

Nic right wing spin.
And don't forget their absolute refusal to turn over child rapist and child murderers to ICE. (The slip them out of court back doors and release them before ICE can get there).
I did forget. Thanks for the reminder. And when they do that, they are in violation of US Code 8, Section 1324, and can get anywhere from 5 years prison time, up to the death penalty, depending on circumstances.

8 U.S. Code § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens
Porter Rockwell needs to know about this

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