4 Guns Bills Fail in Senate; Democrats Trying to Blame Republicans

You people talk out of both sides of your mouth but never ONCE do you show how any of these laws will stop killers from getting guns. The ONLY thing that will work is severe punishment, and stop letting them go free! Like the Philly shooter that was a multiple convicted felon and yet he got guns. No law stopped him, but you people never want to address that. Why is that? No, all you want to do is make the law-abiding less safe and continue releasing violent criminals. As tired as I have become of hearing about defenseless helpless people gunned down, and I'm sure you are too, it should dawn on you puppets sooner or later that making more and more people defenseless is not the answer. Gun-free zones is another stupid idea that only breeds victims.

They'll get guns. Guns that don't hold 20 bullets dummy.
Oh I see. Now your delusion is saying guns that hold less than 20 bullets can't be reloaded.

No one said that. I said in the time it takes you to reload, a few people get away or tackle you.

I have a 1911 Ruger 45 looks exactly like this one


I have 2 magazines that hold a few more rounds than the normal mag. I say those should not be allowed. The time it takes to reload saves lives.

I showed you the AZ shooter was stopped when he was trying to reload. Did you not see that or are you ignoring it?
You said nothing of the sort, liar. You said "They'll get guns. Guns that don't hold 20 bullets dummy."

It does not take but a few seconds to change a magazine out. There have been many demonstrations proving that magazine capacity is irrelevant. But we are still waiting on how this will stop killers? Notice you never say a word about keeping violent criminals locked up. Why is that?

Woman Wrestled Fresh Ammo Clip From Tucson Shooter as He Tried to Reload

Patricia Maisch looks like a grandmother, but she is being hailed as a hero today for helping to stop alleged Tucson shooter Jared Loughner by wrestling away a fresh magazine of bullets as he tried to reload.

Stop being a stupid bitch Mike. Of course me having to unload and reload magazines costs me time. I have shot my gun before. It holds 10. So I go bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. If I had 2 five round magazines I'd go bang bang bang bang bang. The slide would go back. I'd have to push that button to release the magazine, while I'm nervous and people are running at me and away from me. My adrenaline would be through the roof. I reach in my pocket to grab the second magazine. I'm shaking. I have the magazine faced the wrong way. I go to turn it around and just as I go to put it in granny grabs it and stops me from reloading.

It may only take a few seconds but it may also take 10 seconds. How far can you run in 10 seconds? I'll tell you. You can run for cover. That handgun isn't as accurate from the distance you are now from the shooter.

Ah whatever. I guess we will settle this and abortion at the ballot box next year.
I hope so because I'm ready one way or the other for the war you lying bastards are starting.
They'll get guns. Guns that don't hold 20 bullets dummy.
Hey, dummy....
What guns hold 20 rounds?
Stop asking stupid questions dummy
Ah. You know you do no have a meaningful answer.
You also know you cannot demonstrate the necessity and the efficacy for the restrictions you seek.
That is, you know you have nothing.
No matter what Democrats say, Republicans aren't listening. So I guess we will have to let voters decide.
None of this changes the fact you know you cannot demonstrate the necessity and efficacy of the restrictions you seek.
Absent that demonstration, why would any reasoned, thinking person support said restrictions?
Woman Wrestled Fresh Ammo Clip From Tucson Shooter as He Tried to Reload
Pulse, Olando. 300 people, 49 dead, one shooter.
How many people tackled the shooter?
How many people tackled the shooter in Tucson? One lady. A grandmother. When the shooter was reloading. It can make a difference. Will it always? No. But no law is going to be perfect. It's all about limiting the carnage.

How come none of you will answer my question? If I made a gun that could kill an entire football stadium with one pull of the trigger, would you say that gun should be allowed into the hands of anyone/everyone?

So if once a month 1000 people are murdered with this new gun, you wouldn't want to outlaw this wmd?

Sorry, the 2nd amendment says DUH
They'll get guns. Guns that don't hold 20 bullets dummy.
Oh I see. Now your delusion is saying guns that hold less than 20 bullets can't be reloaded.

No one said that. I said in the time it takes you to reload, a few people get away or tackle you.

I have a 1911 Ruger 45 looks exactly like this one


I have 2 magazines that hold a few more rounds than the normal mag. I say those should not be allowed. The time it takes to reload saves lives.

I showed you the AZ shooter was stopped when he was trying to reload. Did you not see that or are you ignoring it?
You said nothing of the sort, liar. You said "They'll get guns. Guns that don't hold 20 bullets dummy."

It does not take but a few seconds to change a magazine out. There have been many demonstrations proving that magazine capacity is irrelevant. But we are still waiting on how this will stop killers? Notice you never say a word about keeping violent criminals locked up. Why is that?

Woman Wrestled Fresh Ammo Clip From Tucson Shooter as He Tried to Reload

Patricia Maisch looks like a grandmother, but she is being hailed as a hero today for helping to stop alleged Tucson shooter Jared Loughner by wrestling away a fresh magazine of bullets as he tried to reload.

Stop being a stupid bitch Mike. Of course me having to unload and reload magazines costs me time. I have shot my gun before. It holds 10. So I go bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. If I had 2 five round magazines I'd go bang bang bang bang bang. The slide would go back. I'd have to push that button to release the magazine, while I'm nervous and people are running at me and away from me. My adrenaline would be through the roof. I reach in my pocket to grab the second magazine. I'm shaking. I have the magazine faced the wrong way. I go to turn it around and just as I go to put it in granny grabs it and stops me from reloading.

It may only take a few seconds but it may also take 10 seconds. How far can you run in 10 seconds? I'll tell you. You can run for cover. That handgun isn't as accurate from the distance you are now from the shooter.

Ah whatever. I guess we will settle this and abortion at the ballot box next year.
I hope so because I'm ready one way or the other for the war you lying bastards are starting.

What war? You just won't be able to go buy one of these guns we put on the list. You can keep the ones you already have. So, you'll have nothing to go nuts over.

Right now you can't buy automatic machine guns at your local store. Lots of regulations in order to order one. How come you aren't up in arms about that? That's how you will be when the AR is on the list.

But again, you can keep yours. You just can't buy new ones.

And don't you tell black people the reason they are getting killed by the cops is they aren't obeying their lawful commands? So when the cops come to get your guns, if you don't obey then you too will get shot and it'll be your fault, just like you tell black people it's their fault when they don't comply.
Pulse, Olando. 300 people, 49 dead, one shooter.
How many people tackled the shooter?
How many people tackled the shooter in Tucson?
You avoided the question.
No one wonders why.
Because you're trying to change the subject to something that doesn't matter.

How come you won't answer my question. Would you be ok with a gun that with one pull of the trigger could kill 1000 people?
What war? You just won't be able to go buy one of these guns we put on the list.
You cannot demonstrate the necessity for, and the efficacy of, "banning" these guns.
As such, no rational, thinking person will support doing so.
They'll get guns. Guns that don't hold 20 bullets dummy.
Oh I see. Now your delusion is saying guns that hold less than 20 bullets can't be reloaded.

No one said that. I said in the time it takes you to reload, a few people get away or tackle you.

I have a 1911 Ruger 45 looks exactly like this one


I have 2 magazines that hold a few more rounds than the normal mag. I say those should not be allowed. The time it takes to reload saves lives.

I showed you the AZ shooter was stopped when he was trying to reload. Did you not see that or are you ignoring it?
You said nothing of the sort, liar. You said "They'll get guns. Guns that don't hold 20 bullets dummy."

It does not take but a few seconds to change a magazine out. There have been many demonstrations proving that magazine capacity is irrelevant. But we are still waiting on how this will stop killers? Notice you never say a word about keeping violent criminals locked up. Why is that?

Woman Wrestled Fresh Ammo Clip From Tucson Shooter as He Tried to Reload

Patricia Maisch looks like a grandmother, but she is being hailed as a hero today for helping to stop alleged Tucson shooter Jared Loughner by wrestling away a fresh magazine of bullets as he tried to reload.

Stop being a stupid bitch Mike. Of course me having to unload and reload magazines costs me time. I have shot my gun before. It holds 10. So I go bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. If I had 2 five round magazines I'd go bang bang bang bang bang. The slide would go back. I'd have to push that button to release the magazine, while I'm nervous and people are running at me and away from me. My adrenaline would be through the roof. I reach in my pocket to grab the second magazine. I'm shaking. I have the magazine faced the wrong way. I go to turn it around and just as I go to put it in granny grabs it and stops me from reloading.

It may only take a few seconds but it may also take 10 seconds. How far can you run in 10 seconds? I'll tell you. You can run for cover. That handgun isn't as accurate from the distance you are now from the shooter.

Ah whatever. I guess we will settle this and abortion at the ballot box next year.
I hope so because I'm ready one way or the other for the war you lying bastards are starting.

You little pussy you'll turn in your guns so fast.
Pulse, Olando. 300 people, 49 dead, one shooter.
How many people tackled the shooter?
How many people tackled the shooter in Tucson?
You avoided the question.
No one wonders why.
Because you're trying to change the subject to something that doesn't matter.?
YOU brought up tackling people while they reload, not me.

Pulse, Olando. 300 people, 49 dead, one shooter.
How many people tackled the shooter?

Go ahead - avoid the question.
No one will wonder why.
Oh I see. Now your delusion is saying guns that hold less than 20 bullets can't be reloaded.

No one said that. I said in the time it takes you to reload, a few people get away or tackle you.

I have a 1911 Ruger 45 looks exactly like this one


I have 2 magazines that hold a few more rounds than the normal mag. I say those should not be allowed. The time it takes to reload saves lives.

I showed you the AZ shooter was stopped when he was trying to reload. Did you not see that or are you ignoring it?
You said nothing of the sort, liar. You said "They'll get guns. Guns that don't hold 20 bullets dummy."

It does not take but a few seconds to change a magazine out. There have been many demonstrations proving that magazine capacity is irrelevant. But we are still waiting on how this will stop killers? Notice you never say a word about keeping violent criminals locked up. Why is that?

Woman Wrestled Fresh Ammo Clip From Tucson Shooter as He Tried to Reload

Patricia Maisch looks like a grandmother, but she is being hailed as a hero today for helping to stop alleged Tucson shooter Jared Loughner by wrestling away a fresh magazine of bullets as he tried to reload.

Stop being a stupid bitch Mike. Of course me having to unload and reload magazines costs me time. I have shot my gun before. It holds 10. So I go bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang. If I had 2 five round magazines I'd go bang bang bang bang bang. The slide would go back. I'd have to push that button to release the magazine, while I'm nervous and people are running at me and away from me. My adrenaline would be through the roof. I reach in my pocket to grab the second magazine. I'm shaking. I have the magazine faced the wrong way. I go to turn it around and just as I go to put it in granny grabs it and stops me from reloading.

It may only take a few seconds but it may also take 10 seconds. How far can you run in 10 seconds? I'll tell you. You can run for cover. That handgun isn't as accurate from the distance you are now from the shooter.

Ah whatever. I guess we will settle this and abortion at the ballot box next year.
I hope so because I'm ready one way or the other for the war you lying bastards are starting.

You little pussy you'll turn in your guns so fast.
You gonna bet your life on that lie?
Not really

When two thirds of all murders are done with a gun, we have a gun problem
When two thirds of all murders are done with a club or a knife, we need to do something about clubs and knives
That the RNC (known as the Republicans Nowadays Cave) had to schedule the vote is a major victory for gun control. Within the first 90 days of Clinton II, you’ll see something passed.
Yes indeed, more disarming of victims.

No one wants to disarm victims. We want to make sure crazies don't get guns. We are too loosy goosy with guns. They need to be more regulated. Relax, you victims can keep your guns. You just can't own a gun with a 20 magazine clip. Why? Because if/when you go nuts, we don't want you taking out everyone on your block.

Too many of you nuts take out everyone on your block. So your right to own a gun is infringing on our right to happiness. Ya dig?
You people talk out of both sides of your mouth but never ONCE do you show how any of these laws will stop killers from getting guns. The ONLY thing that will work is severe punishment, and stop letting them go free! Like the Philly shooter that was a multiple convicted felon and yet he got guns. No law stopped him, but you people never want to address that. Why is that? No, all you want to do is make the law-abiding less safe and continue releasing violent criminals. As tired as I have become of hearing about defenseless helpless people gunned down, and I'm sure you are too, it should dawn on you puppets sooner or later that making more and more people defenseless is not the answer. Gun-free zones is another stupid idea that only breeds victims.

They'll get guns. Guns that don't hold 20 bullets dummy.
Oh I see. Now your delusion is saying guns that hold less than 20 bullets can't be reloaded.
So reload

Why do we need to make it convenient for mass killers?
That the RNC (known as the Republicans Nowadays Cave) had to schedule the vote is a major victory for gun control. Within the first 90 days of Clinton II, you’ll see something passed.
This statement should be a Trump re-election billboard in every town or precinct.

Yes indeed, more disarming of victims.

No one wants to disarm victims. We want to make sure crazies don't get guns. We are too loosy goosy with guns. They need to be more regulated. Relax, you victims can keep your guns. You just can't own a gun with a 20 magazine clip. Why? Because if/when you go nuts, we don't want you taking out everyone on your block.

Too many of you nuts take out everyone on your block. So your right to own a gun is infringing on our right to happiness. Ya dig?
You people talk out of both sides of your mouth but never ONCE do you show how any of these laws will stop killers from getting guns. The ONLY thing that will work is severe punishment, and stop letting them go free! Like the Philly shooter that was a multiple convicted felon and yet he got guns. No law stopped him, but you people never want to address that. Why is that? No, all you want to do is make the law-abiding less safe and continue releasing violent criminals. As tired as I have become of hearing about defenseless helpless people gunned down, and I'm sure you are too, it should dawn on you puppets sooner or later that making more and more people defenseless is not the answer. Gun-free zones is another stupid idea that only breeds victims.

They'll get guns. Guns that don't hold 20 bullets dummy.
Oh I see. Now your delusion is saying guns that hold less than 20 bullets can't be reloaded.
So reload

Why do we need to make it convenient for mass killers?
Why do you want to make it harder for the law-abiding to protect themselves?
Yes indeed, more disarming of victims.

No one wants to disarm victims. We want to make sure crazies don't get guns. We are too loosy goosy with guns. They need to be more regulated. Relax, you victims can keep your guns. You just can't own a gun with a 20 magazine clip. Why? Because if/when you go nuts, we don't want you taking out everyone on your block.

Too many of you nuts take out everyone on your block. So your right to own a gun is infringing on our right to happiness. Ya dig?
You people talk out of both sides of your mouth but never ONCE do you show how any of these laws will stop killers from getting guns. The ONLY thing that will work is severe punishment, and stop letting them go free! Like the Philly shooter that was a multiple convicted felon and yet he got guns. No law stopped him, but you people never want to address that. Why is that? No, all you want to do is make the law-abiding less safe and continue releasing violent criminals. As tired as I have become of hearing about defenseless helpless people gunned down, and I'm sure you are too, it should dawn on you puppets sooner or later that making more and more people defenseless is not the answer. Gun-free zones is another stupid idea that only breeds victims.

They'll get guns. Guns that don't hold 20 bullets dummy.
Oh I see. Now your delusion is saying guns that hold less than 20 bullets can't be reloaded.
So reload

Why do we need to make it convenient for mass killers?
But we do need to make it convenient for people who are defending their lives at home, in the dark, against multiple invaders, to not be FORCED to fumble around in the dark and try to find another magazine or try to reload the spent one, which could be fatal.

See the difference?

Someone who is prepared to reload multiple times (a mass shooter) is not troubled by the action, but someone who is caught by surprise could have a serious problem.

So, no. Magazine restrictions are NOT reasonable.


Why do you want to make it harder for the law-abiding to protect themselves?
He knows he is inferior to those with the mental, emotional and physical capacity to protect themselves; he wants the state to strip said people of their capacities to do so, in an effort to make them as worthless as he is.
Yes indeed, more disarming of victims.

No one wants to disarm victims. We want to make sure crazies don't get guns. We are too loosy goosy with guns. They need to be more regulated. Relax, you victims can keep your guns. You just can't own a gun with a 20 magazine clip. Why? Because if/when you go nuts, we don't want you taking out everyone on your block.

Too many of you nuts take out everyone on your block. So your right to own a gun is infringing on our right to happiness. Ya dig?
You people talk out of both sides of your mouth but never ONCE do you show how any of these laws will stop killers from getting guns. The ONLY thing that will work is severe punishment, and stop letting them go free! Like the Philly shooter that was a multiple convicted felon and yet he got guns. No law stopped him, but you people never want to address that. Why is that? No, all you want to do is make the law-abiding less safe and continue releasing violent criminals. As tired as I have become of hearing about defenseless helpless people gunned down, and I'm sure you are too, it should dawn on you puppets sooner or later that making more and more people defenseless is not the answer. Gun-free zones is another stupid idea that only breeds victims.

They'll get guns. Guns that don't hold 20 bullets dummy.
Oh I see. Now your delusion is saying guns that hold less than 20 bullets can't be reloaded.

No one said that. I said in the time it takes you to reload, a few people get away or tackle you.

I have a 1911 Ruger 45 looks exactly like this one


I have 2 magazines that hold a few more rounds than the normal mag. I say those should not be allowed. The time it takes to reload saves lives.

I showed you the AZ shooter was stopped when he was trying to reload. Did you not see that or are you ignoring it?
You're relying on unarmed people to attack a shooter while he reloads? That is a HUGE gamble, given the trade-off (a person defending their home against multiple armed intruders and being forced to reload in the dark).

You have never fired a gun, have you?

See this video:
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Pulse, Olando. 300 people, 49 dead, one shooter.
How many people tackled the shooter?
How many people tackled the shooter in Tucson?
You avoided the question.
No one wonders why.
Because you're trying to change the subject to something that doesn't matter.?
YOU brought up tackling people while they reload, not me.

Pulse, Olando. 300 people, 49 dead, one shooter.
How many people tackled the shooter?

Go ahead - avoid the question.
No one will wonder why.

We already know the answer. So what? So if one shooter isn't tackled while reloading that proves what?

The fact is, one was tackled while trying to reload. So a shooter having to reload did save lives in AZ.

Again, we aren't even trying to eliminate all future shootings. Just limit the carnage.

That's why you won't answer me when I ask if you think it's ok to own a gun that can kill 1000 people with one pull of the trigger. YOU know there is a point where guns go too far.

And you seem to be ok with machine guns being classified and highly regulated. You guys bent over and took that when they classified them as

Class III NFA Weapons / Title II Firearms
  • 1) Machineguns,
  • 2) Short Barreled Rifles (SBRs),
  • 3) Short Barreled Shotguns (SBSs),
  • 4) Suppressors,
  • 5) Any Other Weapon (AOWs) and.
  • 6) Destructive Devices.
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