4 More Years Chant in Sanford, Florida Right Now

He's listing all the promises he kept.

Stopping poisonous drugs from coming here​
So many...​

Now he's saying he will keep us out of useless wars

Reduce price of drugs

Restore patriotism in our schools, love country. Restore motto, "In God we trust."

Wow, I can't keep up! Hope you will catch a rerun this happy event.

Trump is talking about the American people winning

and Biden is talking about what he will give you
I can verify first hand that tens of thousands of people were there. Didnt arrive until 7pm....parked in the cell phone lot and gave up walking when I heard Trump’s voice over the PA and it sounded like it was miles away. Then I tried to drive closer and there were just thousands of people. Couldnt get anywher close.
Amazing, ColonelAngus!:huddle:
He's listing all the promises he kept.

Stopping poisonous drugs from coming here​
So many...​

Now he's saying he will keep us out of useless wars

Reduce price of drugs

Restore patriotism in our schools, love country. Restore motto, "In God we trust."

Wow, I can't keep up! Hope you will catch a rerun this happy event.

Trump is talking about the American people winning

and Biden is talking about what he will give you
Well, God giveth but Sleepy Joe taketh away using 3rd world countries, and a threat to take all the taxpayer money given as foreign aid to needy country if they don't accept his self-enriching extortion terms, and the grapevine has it that Joe's used his elected positions to plunder taxpayers' gifts for 47 years. His family wealth was built on this corrupt practice for these many years. He and the deep state pols are in it for the nefarious fleecing of America's helpless taxpayers. :(
At Newsmax on Satellite TV, Trump is mesmerizing hundreds of people in Sanford, Florida. He's thanking Walk Away supporters and former Democrat Policepersons for attending Oh, noe it's USA, USA!

Just hundreds? The blob has lost his touch....
I watched it. Trump rocked the house !
It's Party Time because Trump is EXPLODING China Trade Deficit, The Size of Government, US Government Spending & Deficits. Don't worry, Trump has many big beautiful words & Venezuela is doing great after their party!

That also doesn't reflect the tariff taxes that we're all paying.
At Newsmax on Satellite TV, Trump is mesmerizing hundreds of people in Sanford, Florida. He's thanking Walk Away supporters and former Democrat Policepersons for attending Oh, noe it's USA, USA!

Just hundreds? The blob has lost histouch....
According to Colonel who went there, it was in the thousands. Beck to vespers for asking the good Lord to carry humanity safely through this time of Covid infections and Deep State pickpocketing the Treasury for personal wealth. :sleep:
I watched it. Trump rocked the house !
It's Party Time because Trump is EXPLODING China Trade Deficit, The Size of Government, US Government Spending & Deficits. Don't worry, Trump has many big beautiful words & Venezuela is doing great after their party!
What did you expect for the first several years, cupcakes and apple pie ?
China is also manipulating their currency, and is not going to give up their dominance anytime soon. The level of trust and intelligence coming from wall street is the best determining factor, and if you think that Trump hasnt had a plan for several years, then you are sadly mistaken.
He's listing all the promises he kept.

Stopping poisonous drugs from coming here​
So many...​

Now he's saying he will keep us out of useless wars

Reduce price of drugs

Restore patriotism in our schools, love country. Restore motto, "In God we trust."

Wow, I can't keep up! Hope you will catch a rerun this happy event.

Trump is talking about the American people winning

He is the anti war president which is why I have no respect for those I THOUGHT were conservative and flirted wit the socialist Tulsi.
I watched it. Trump rocked the house !
It's Party Time because Trump is EXPLODING China Trade Deficit, The Size of Government, US Government Spending & Deficits. Don't worry, Trump has many big beautiful words & Venezuela is doing great after their party!
What did you expect for the first several years, cupcakes and apple pie ?
China is also manipulating their currency, and is not going to give up their dominance anytime soon. The level of trust and intelligence coming from wall street is the best determining factor, and if you think that Trump hasnt had a plan for several years, then you are sadly mistaken.

It's very telling when Trumps first action was a huge tax cut for the rich elite who sold US out to China to start with. Trumps explosion of US deficits subsidize Wallstreet causing their profits to explode. Meanwhile Trump's Job creation slowed from Obama's second term & Trump's GDP was lower than Obama's.

So in a final desperate act Trump slaps tariffs on China & builds a few mile of border wall at 30 times the price.

Why were the China Tariffs not First on Trump's agenda???
Obama slashed government & lowered deficit spending every year!!!
Why did Trump increase Deficits while we were in an Economic Boom???
Now we are so beyond screwed at a time we need deficit spending!!!
Hillary would have created more Jobs & run a surplus until the pandemic!!!
To think that a fentanyl eater (if not China as the source, certainly via Chinese chemists because there are no good ones in Mexico) like Floyd could have fueled the destruction of American infrastructure, destruction done by selfish individuals full of themselves. Trump's drug message is timely, as the largest fentanyl bust in U.S. border Patrol history has just occurred. MAGA 2020!
They had to park Airforce #1 right behind the stage so Trump didn't have to walk far. Those 10 drugs & supplements (many of which working class citizens can't get) they gave Trump, reversed his spiral, got him off supplemental oxygen & back on the trail.

At least his brains don't reside in a pillbox.

Fucking Biden can't remember what the hell he is running for.

And yet he still kicked the blob's ass.

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