4 Y.O. Child Denied Access To School Because They Don't Like His Hair

The school is called "Barbers Hill Kindergarten Center." Is it any surprise they might not cotton to kids having long hair? LOL

From the article:
"The school policy states that boys must have a haircut above the eyes, ears and neck and that a parent or guardian must provide a letter citing "religious or cultural exception."
Why is this even a news story? Are the boys parents illiterate, thus unable to write a letter indicating the cultural or religious reason their child has long hair.

To Whom It May Concern:

We are writing to inform you that our cultural traditions stipulate that young boys not cut their hair.

Thank you for your understanding of cultural diversity.

Jessica Oates.​

Problem solved.

As for the school, well, I've long said that schools should stay out of hair and fashion related matters. So long as students show up clean and clothed, what they look like with their hair dos and hair don'ts and fashion faux pas really isn't the school's business.
The school is called "Barbers Hill Kindergarten Center." Is it any surprise they might not cotton to kids having long hair? LOL

Thats a cute girl. However, parents might consider more feminine attire.
No wonder soo many kids today are growing up totally confused and claiming to be some kind of non-binary freakazoid. ..... :cuckoo:
Good for the school. ..... :thup:

A boy should look like a boy. .... :cool:

Maybe they should check their shorts for pee pees and hoo hoos. Boys must have the former and girls the latter. If we are going to discriminate, let's get serious!
Children all across this great country are being refused access to public schools they pay for with their taxes for the most trivial of reasons.

Mom Is Devastated After 4-Year-Old Was Kicked Out of School for Having Long Hair

A 4 year-old is attending Pre-K..

Exactly! What difference could it make the length of a child's hair? In this age of non-discrimination and diversity, how odd that they would allow a girl long hair but not a boy. Just what is the problem here really. The "school" cares not one watt the psychological harm they might do this child. No, their asinine, fascist "rules" matter more to them than the children they serve.
As for the school, well, I've long said that schools should stay out of hair and fashion related matters. So long as students show up clean and clothed, what they look like with their hair dos and hair don'ts and fashion faux pas really isn't the school's business.

Exactly. The school's job is to educate the child, not socially engineer them. One kid was held back 40 days? Would they hold the kid back forever? Have to move to a different state? Kid's educations and futures are being played with over totally trivial matters. Who are these sanctimonious asses that think their rules must be so absolute? They could have hair length merely as a "suggested guideline!" What does this say for the kind of country we are becoming? Frankly, I don't know why parents don't organize and boycott these schools are charge the school boards with charges------ but, Oh, I forgot---- the school board has ABSOLUTE AUTHORITY. They sit high up looking down on the lowly taxpayer who is under THEIR THUMB.
What the fuck kind of name is Jabez?

What kind of name is







Jalen or


These are some of the most popular black names for boys.
Children all across this great country are being refused access to public schools they pay for with their taxes for the most trivial of reasons.

Mom Is Devastated After 4-Year-Old Was Kicked Out of School for Having Long Hair

A 4 year-old is attending Pre-K. That is not "school".

They can take it up with the school board that made the rules.

Also, this story is a month old.

4K is more like mom doesn't want to have to tend to her kid.
What the fuck kind of name is Jabez?

it can be found in an American short story---"The Devil and
Daniel Webster" Jabez is a principal character----a FAUST
like guy who sells his soul to the Devil and Daniel Webster
gets him out of the contract. You did not attend high school?

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