4 years and this


I call it as I see it
Feb 27, 2012
No noe can argue this:

41 months of unemployment greater than 8 percent.
23 million Americans struggling to find work.
1 in 6 Americans in poverty.
1 in 4 children on food stamps.
Our national debt has grown by over $5.2 trillion to $16 trillion.
We have had 4 consecutive years of deficits exceeding $1 trillion.
Gas prices have increased an average of $1.65 a gallon, at a time when real wages
are stagnant.
On President Obama's watch, 5.7 million residential mortgages are either 30 days
delinquent or in foreclosure.
President Obama has put us at a disadvantage versus China. In the last year alone, China
has increased its manufacturing base by 18 percent and grown its economy by $2 trillion.

It really is time for a change....
No noe can argue this:

41 months of unemployment greater than 8 percent.
23 million Americans struggling to find work.
1 in 6 Americans in poverty.
1 in 4 children on food stamps.
Our national debt has grown by over $5.2 trillion to $16 trillion.
We have had 4 consecutive years of deficits exceeding $1 trillion.
Gas prices have increased an average of $1.65 a gallon, at a time when real wages
are stagnant.
On President Obama's watch, 5.7 million residential mortgages are either 30 days
delinquent or in foreclosure.
President Obama has put us at a disadvantage versus China. In the last year alone, China
has increased its manufacturing base by 18 percent and grown its economy by $2 trillion.

It really is time for a change....

you forgot there are one hundred million Americans (that's one third) on some form of government WELFARE
[Oh! That's all? The Chicago Jesus be responsible for more than that. Including this little tidbit from zip today. Obama's henchman and partner in crime, Eric the Hiolder came out and called the Sikh Temple shooting a Terrorist Event, but still insists Nadal Hassan's murder of 13 American Soldiers workplace violence. Baby Eric musta taken sick when he was a chile and his momma musta fed him some, probly a lotta, Castor Oil, thinkin it would make him better, and Eric's brains came out with the poo. This administration is an abomination, a travesty, that deliberately comes out and knowingly lies through its teeth, content in the knowledge that their handmaidens in the LeftMedia will jump all over themselves covering for them ]

First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.

First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States .

First President to violate the War Powers Act.

First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico .

First President to defy a Federal Judge’s court order to cease implementing the Health Care Reform

First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.

First President to spend a trillion dollars on ‘shovel-ready’ jobs when there was no such thing as ‘shovel-ready’ jobs.

First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.

First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.

First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S. , including those with criminal convictions.

First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.

First President to terminate America ’s ability to put a man in space-defunded NASA.

First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.

First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.

First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke-out on the reasons for their rate increases.

First President to tell a major manufacturing company (Boeing) in which State they are allowed to locate a factory.

First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).

First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.

First President to fire an inspector general of Ameri-corps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.

First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.

First President to golf 73 separate times in his first two and a half years in office, 90 to date & counting.

First President to hide his medical, educational and travel records.

First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.

First President to not know how to properly pronounce Navy 'corpsman'.

First President to go on multiple global ‘apology tours’-including bowing to foreign rulers.

First President to go on 17 lavish vacations, including date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends; paid for by the taxpayer.

First President to say that America was not a Christian nation.

First President to have 22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) just for his wife.

First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense

The First President To ...
You silly, silly people. Obama "didn't build that"! It's because of:






Remember those... Man caused Disasters?
Well, Obama is one of them.............. to all 57 states.
Oh my gosh!

I finally get it! I must have been absolutely crazy to have voted for Obama the first time. Look at all the damage he has done! You guys have finally convinced me!

Thank you so much!
Oh my gosh!

I finally get it! I must have been absolutely crazy to have voted for Obama the first time. Look at all the damage he has done! You guys have finally convinced me!

Thank you so much!

Hey Lone.. You made a decision.. Good luck with that. I see no reason not to get along because of it. If Obama wins In the end, I just hope we all stay free and not have troops watching the streets.

It is obvious that we will have troops in the streets.....going from house to house taking guns and forcing men to have gay sex. Obama must not win if we are to remain a free people!
No noe can argue this:

41 months of unemployment greater than 8 percent.
23 million Americans struggling to find work.
1 in 6 Americans in poverty.
1 in 4 children on food stamps.
Our national debt has grown by over $5.2 trillion to $16 trillion.
We have had 4 consecutive years of deficits exceeding $1 trillion.
Gas prices have increased an average of $1.65 a gallon, at a time when real wages
are stagnant.
On President Obama's watch, 5.7 million residential mortgages are either 30 days
delinquent or in foreclosure.
President Obama has put us at a disadvantage versus China. In the last year alone, China
has increased its manufacturing base by 18 percent and grown its economy by $2 trillion.

It really is time for a change....

If you want to blame Obama for this you have got to have been sleeping throught he 8 years of Bush. Every bit of this mess was inherited from Bush. Anyone working with a half of brain know it. Village idiots like you beileve it. Plus you base the lies on FOXNEWS and Rush the drug addict. I could disprove each of these lies but it would be a waste of my time. :eusa_boohoo:

Oh, hell, just for the hell of it.

Financial Crisis Was Avoidable, Inquiry Finds


Did George W. Bush cause this crisis?
Economist Nouriel Roubini says 5 factors helped turn the nation's economic surplus into a deficit during Bush's presidency.
1. We cut taxes.

2. We spent $2 trillion on two unwinnable wars.

3. We doubled discretionary spending. Some conservatives originally aimed to "starve the beast" by cutting taxes in order to force future cuts in spending. But spending grew so out of control in Bush's term that no beast was starved, Roubini said. In fact, the beast was fed.

4. We added entitlement benefits like the Medicare drug benefit.

5. We entered the largest economic and financial crisis ever, which caused a huge increase in the deficit through the "recession deficit" and the cost of bailing out the banks and financial institutions.

Bush Would “Do it Again” on Auto Bailouts

Bush signs stimulus bill; rebate checks expected in May

Bush Bank Bailout Overpaid by Billions: Study

Paul Krugman: Job Loss Under Bush Much Worse Than Under Obama

Revisiting the cost of the Bush tax cuts

After Democrats and Republicans committed to fiscal discipline during the 1990s, we lost our way in the decade that followed. We increased spending dramatically for two wars and an expensive prescription drug program — but we didn’t pay for any of this new spending. Instead, we made the problem worse with trillions of dollars in unpaid-for tax cuts — tax cuts that went to every millionaire and billionaire in the country.”

— President Obama, April 13, 2011
Tax cuts are estimated to have totaled $2.8 trillion, which we guess would count as “trillions,” as the president put it. Strictly speaking, the two big tax cuts during the Bush years are estimated to total about $1.5 trillion, But many continued into the early years of the Obama presidency, and in December he cut a deal with Republicans to extend them even more, which brings us to $2.8 trillion.

(In case you are wondering, the cost of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars was $1.26 trillion through 2011 and the Medicare prescription drug program totaled $272 billion.)

It got worse under Obama but it was a domino effect of 8 years of an idiot. It would have been way over 8% unemployment if not for Obama's policies and in a depression instead of a recession which is way into recovery. You, like Romney, don't know your ass from a hole in the ground.
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President Obama 332 Governor Romney 209

The electorial vote just seems stuck right there.
President Obama 332 Governor Romney 209

The electorial vote just seems stuck right there.

That's okay.. Hey if he wins he wins as long as we have a fair election.
I believe America will be much different after another fours years of his pen pushing.
I'm truly concerned about the Country. No one has been able to convince me otherwise.
There is no logic in breaking a great nation so it can be fundamentally changed.
Thanks for the depression, the nonstop obstruction, BS fear mongering, and lies. Assume the position, greedy Pubs and silly dupes. LOL Nobody more deserving...
I see this thread is being ignored. Not surprising

Again, it's being ignored for good reasons... no actual factsl, no video... and most important... no link by the op. It belongs in the opinion or conspiracy forums. Time to take out the trash.
No noe can argue this:

41 months of unemployment greater than 8 percent.
23 million Americans struggling to find work.
1 in 6 Americans in poverty.
1 in 4 children on food stamps.
Our national debt has grown by over $5.2 trillion to $16 trillion.
We have had 4 consecutive years of deficits exceeding $1 trillion.
Gas prices have increased an average of $1.65 a gallon, at a time when real wages
are stagnant.
On President Obama's watch, 5.7 million residential mortgages are either 30 days
delinquent or in foreclosure.
President Obama has put us at a disadvantage versus China. In the last year alone, China
has increased its manufacturing base by 18 percent and grown its economy by $2 trillion.

It really is time for a change....

What has Obama Done? Here Are 194 Accomplishments! With Citations!

He Returned The Executive Branch To Fiscal Responsibility After the Bush Debacle

He Improved the Economy, Preventing a Bush Depression

He Fostered Greater Transparency and Better Government, After the Excesses of the Bush Years

Wall Street Reforms and Consumer Protection

He Ushered Through Many Changes That Enhanced Civil Rights and Anti-Discrimination

He Made Major Improvements in Foreign Relations and American Status Around the World

He Took a More Realistic Approach to “Defense”

His Administration Treated Soldiers and Veterans with Respect That Was Missing Previously

He Refocused the Federal Government on Education

He Pushed Through Improvements in National Safety and Security

Science, Technology and Health Care

He Took Steps to Strengthen the Middle Class and Families, and to Fight Poverty

He Took Concrete Steps to Improve Our Environment and Address Our Energy Needs

But That's Not All...

What has Obama Done? Here Are 194 Accomplishments! With Citations! (The PCTC Blog )

Obama has done everthing way beyond expectation except turn water into wine.:
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Oh my gosh!

I finally get it! I must have been absolutely crazy to have voted for Obama the first time. Look at all the damage he has done! You guys have finally convinced me!

Thank you so much!

Hey Lone.. You made a decision.. Good luck with that. I see no reason not to get along because of it. If Obama wins In the end, I just hope we all stay free and not have troops watching the streets.


Earlier you predicted "civil war" if he wins.

Drama Queen.

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