40 below in upstate NY..global warming anyone


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
Warmies have both sides of the argument covered. If we have record hot weather they blame global warming. If we have record cold weather they blame ...you know. Where is all the cold weather coming from if the leftie mantra (they are telling our kids) that polar bears are floating around on ice cubes is true? It ain't true of course. None of it is true. Global warming is an excuse to extort money from the US and force Americans to conform to the rules lefties have established for the brave new world.
I liked global warming better when we called it "polar shift" and nobody got rich off of it.
Europe is now above avg, Northern Canada, Northeastern Russia. Northeastern Russia is now above the norm by more then the eastern US. A slightly warmer world can still produce very very cold weather as the extremes increase.
Must remember to tell the other people that are from all those other places that they can come here to visit, just remember to go home. Remember Governor McCall.
LOL. And Portland, Oregon is 51 degrees right now.

exactly dumbass...........variable temperatures. Been happening for millions of years and will millions of years from now.

Just depends on where you look = the secret of the global warming scam!!!:D:D:D:mm::mm:

To the FAITHERS..........the minus 50 in Maine isnt even happening tonight!!:boobies::boobies::boobies:
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Leave it to lefties to take something and make it fubar'd. They cant help themselves. Shouting from the hilltops that extreme cold is due to warming.:2up:

Theres been a big swing in the public perception of "global warming" when the k00ks started to blame the freezing cold on global warming. The k00k lefties were getting away with a healthy amount of absurd, but then took it to the level of gross absurdity...........just like they did with spending in the past two years and now they are near extinct poltically. They cant help themselves.............and finally, independents and non-political people are taking notice.

Of course, most of the global warming FAITHERS who perpetuate the BS know they are doing it and have an egenda................and then get the support they need from the special interests eager for a windfall. But then you get the hopelessly duped science psycho assholes like the ones you find on this forum who really believe that when you see minus 50 degree's on the mainland US, its due to global warming. Im fascinated by it..........being in the field of behavioral psychology, its beyond compelling. My clinical opinion is that what we have in these people is what is known as a thought processing disorder...........and if you want to know, its highly similar to the thought processing of the k00k who shot all those people in Arizona. Far more benign.........but highly similar all the same. There is zero doubt in my mind that this is a thinking anomoly. Remember the people in Africa who followed that guy Jim Jones and all sipped some kool-aid and smoked themselves.........all those people were genetically pre-disposed ( mental illness has a genetic code) to being led like that. Just like...............guess who????
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