MMGW is bogus. Why I believe so.

Yes, Columbus encountered hurricanes, as did other explorers of the time.

There's archeological evidence in North America of massive droughts and heat spells occurring 10-15,000 years ago, too.

Again, the global warming cult is totally ignorant of this history, which is exactly why they act they way they do.
I know a little something about geology and have studied it as a personal interest sort of thing. For instance I think there are huge areas of TX that were rough cut by glaciers, and that a lake had formed on top of the ice sheet that covered it. When it all melted and everything settled it left behind some remarkable land features. It's incredible what thousands of years worth of water lapping along a shore can do to some of the hardest rock you'll ever see.

The fact That I've been to many shores and saw that the water has been lapping the same +/- 2 meters of rock for the last 20 thousand years leads me to believe the water will still be near that spot in another 200 years no matter what we do.
I know a little something about geology and have studied it as a personal interest sort of thing. For instance I think there are huge areas of TX that were rough cut by glaciers, and that a lake had formed on top of the ice sheet that covered it. When it all melted and everything settled it left behind some remarkable land features. It's incredible what thousands of years worth of water lapping along a shore can do to some of the hardest rock you'll ever see.

The fact That I've been to many shores and saw that the water has been lapping the same +/- 2 meters of rock for the last 20 thousand years leads me to believe the water will still be near that spot in another 200 years no matter what we do.

Good observations. History tells us a lot.

By the way, you'll notice rightwinger took off after I asked him what he's doing to fight "global warming", exactly as I predicted. They always do.

Good observations. History tells us a lot.

By the way, you'll notice rightwinger took off after I asked him what he's doing to fight "global warming", exactly as I predicted. They always do.

He is a clown. I've looked at his ridiculous retorts for a long time. I can't suffer such people. They diminish and marginalize the very political agenda they're supposedly trying to achieve. When you constantly repeat things that are lies to people who are not stupid and can access facts you get no where. That's why elite leftists like Goebbels in the 30's could ensure only the lies were published, and that the public could be made stupid.

It's no longer possible for "journalists" to stand in a burning city and convince the proles the streets are peaceful.
I was growing up when the environmental manbearpig was "The New Ice Age", caused by US manufacturing exclusively of course.
The "New Ice Age" was not blamed on US manufacturing but on sulfate aerosols reinforcing the downward slope of the Milankovitch-driven glacial cycle. Third world economies produced far more aerosols than did US manufacturing.
After that silliness was no longer marketable
The only people ever marketing it were sensationalist magazines and a handful of books.
I recall how ski resorts had innovated by using snow machines to create snow after some seasons would be cut short due too.... WEATHER
I.e. snow machines were invented that could extend ski season and increase profits.
That was 40 years ago, and now the same crowd wants me to believe short snowfall years are manbearpig out to get us.
There is enormously more evidence than short snowfall years and even so, those short years are not the anomalies they once were.



Be that as it may, it is not as simply as global warming means less snow. Global warming increases the amount of water vapor in the air which leads to increase precipitation. Portions of the planet are still intermittently, seasonally or consistently below freezing and so increased precipitation leads to increased snowfall where temperatures still suffice. However, as the planet warms, there will be less and less ice overall.



If the American left insists on force feeding the public such ridiculous and easily debunked frauds,
This is not a fraud from the American left. It is well evidenced and thoroughly studied science from the world's scientists.
they only have themselves to blame when they can not solve problems like poverty.
I was unaware that climate scientists were responsible for curing poverty. I was also unaware that the world could only work on one problem at a time.
Though I am convinced that they would thwart any real endeavors to do so deliberately, too keep their own coffers full of freshly printed (yet increasingly worth less,) dollar bills. At least republicans will give a bum $5 for a bottle rather than use them as political game boards.
You seem to have abandoned any effort at a fact or evidence-based argument here.
He is a clown. I've looked at his ridiculous retorts for a long time. I can't suffer such people. They diminish and marginalize the very political agenda they're supposedly trying to achieve. When you constantly repeat things that are lies to people who are not stupid and can access facts you get no where. That's why elite leftists like Goebbels in the 30's could ensure only the lies were published, and that the public could be made stupid.

It's no longer possible for "journalists" to stand in a burning city and convince the proles the streets are peaceful.
Ridiculous retorts are things that are beyond your understanding. We get that.
I go out and hug a tree every morning

^^^This is what I'm talking about. All the victims of the con, like you, do nothing to fight what you claim is a catastrophic situation.

If you don't even believe your own bullshit, why should anyone else?
^^^This is what I'm talking about. All the victims of the con, like you, do nothing to fight what you claim is a catastrophic situation.

If you don't even believe your own bullshit, why should anyone else?
It looks to me as if Rightwinger is just too clever for the two of you to follow what he's actually saying. Ask your Mother to explain and don't let her slough it off like she did with sex.
The "New Ice Age" was not blamed on US manufacturing but on sulfate aerosols reinforcing the downward slope of the Milankovitch-driven glacial cycle. Third world economies produced far more aerosols than did US manufacturing.

The only people ever marketing it were sensationalist magazines and a handful of books.

I.e. snow machines were invented that could extend ski season and increase profits.

There is enormously more evidence than short snowfall years and even so, those short years are not the anomalies they once were.

View attachment 886873

View attachment 886874

Be that as it may, it is not as simply as global warming means less snow. Global warming increases the amount of water vapor in the air which leads to increase precipitation. Portions of the planet are still intermittently, seasonally or consistently below freezing and so increased precipitation leads to increased snowfall where temperatures still suffice. However, as the planet warms, there will be less and less ice overall.

View attachment 886875

View attachment 886878

This is not a fraud from the American left. It is well evidenced and thoroughly studied science from the world's scientists.

I was unaware that climate scientists were responsible for curing poverty. I was also unaware that the world could only work on one problem at a time.

You seem to have abandoned any effort at a fact or evidence-based argument here.
Here you are. Trying to convince me that what I see isn't real.

Sorry Pal, but I have lived outside the US far too long and have done way more reading, study and discussion with far too much information having been absorbed to believe much of anything an American liberal repeats. If there is ever going to be any progress, cold war tactics of destruction need to be abandoned. The farce needs to be admitted to, lie if you want about the objectives, I know you can't admit that out of self preservation.

If you're truly concerned about the earth, contribute and promote endeavors that have a tangible impact, like cleaning up the oceans. Lots of people are trying, and if all the money and effort blown on this fraud were applied to that, the oceans would be devoid of human trash.
^^^This is what I'm talking about. All the victims of the con, like you, do nothing to fight what you claim is a catastrophic situation.

If you don't even believe your own bullshit, why should anyone else?
Not sure why this simple logic does not take root in some people's minds.
Here you are. Trying to convince me that what I see isn't real.
I don't have the faintest idea what you've seen but I will certainly try to convince you that the ideas your're expressing are clearly and robustly refuted by widespread, fundamental, empirical scientific observations.
Sorry Pal, but I have lived outside the US far too long
What has that done for you?
and have done way more reading, study and discussion
More than who?
with far too much information having been absorbed to believe much of anything an American liberal repeats.
If you're reading has left you believing that half the US population are liars and murderers, your reading has done you no favors but taught you a pack of paranoid lies and delusions.
If there is ever going to be any progress, cold war tactics of destruction need to be abandoned.
Are "cold war tactics of destruction" something your expat education has told you sees wide use against global warming?
The farce needs to be admitted to,
What evidence can you tell us about that indicates anthropogenic global warming is a farce?
lie if you want about the objectives, I know you can't admit that out of self preservation.
The objective is to reduce and eventually eliminate greenhouse gas emissions to stop global warming. "Self preservation"? It sounds as if in your reading you confused thriller fiction with boring facts.
If you're truly concerned about the earth, contribute and promote endeavors that have a tangible impact, like cleaning up the oceans. Lots of people are trying, and if all the money and effort blown on this fraud were applied to that, the oceans would be devoid of human trash.

Why? Certainly it was also liberals that told you the ocean was polluted. And why do AGW deniers and conservatives in general always seem to believe that the human species can only address one problem at a time? If that had been the case, how in god's name did we live this long?
There is significant climate change and man is a major contributor
We can’t do anything about natural causes of climate change but we can change our own behavior

Now convince poor people around the world that they shouldn't burn coal, oil and natural gas. Tell them that they should continue burning wood and dung. Tell them that reducing CO2 is more important than raising the living standards of their children.
It looks to me as if Rightwinger is just too clever for the two of you to follow what he's actually saying. Ask your Mother to explain and don't let her slough it off like she did with sex.

You're not doing anything either, con artist.
There is significant climate change and man is a major contributor
We can’t do anything about natural causes of climate change but we can change our own behavior
Give us your list of top ten things you did to change climate!!! Even 3 of them can tell a story.

I was growing up when the environmental manbearpig was "The New Ice Age", caused by US manufacturing exclusively of course.

After that silliness was no longer marketable I recall how ski resorts had innovated by using snow machines to create snow after some seasons would be cut short due too.... WEATHER

That was 40 years ago, and now the same crowd wants me to believe short snowfall years are manbearpig out to get us.

If the American left insists on force feeding the public such ridiculous and easily debunked frauds, they only have themselves to blame when they can not solve problems like poverty. Though I am convinced that they would thwart any real endeavors to do so deliberately, too keep their own coffers full of freshly printed (yet increasingly worth less,) dollar bills. At least republicans will give a bum $5 for a bottle rather than use them as political game boards.
AGW as a significant problem simply doesn't add up, most especially when the so-called scientists have to cherry pick or manipulate or even falsify data to make a case for it being a significant problem. When the IPCC Summary for Policymakers isn't even written by scientists.

To date not a single one of their models has produced results that they have predicted.

Those pushing the AGW doctrine do not live their own lives as if they believed what they are pushing.

At the same time, it took homo sapiens several hundred thousands of years to increase to 1 billion people (around 1804). It has taken us only a little over 200 years to reach 8+ billion people. And that kind of increase in ANY species, plant or animal, will have an impact on various environments around the world.

But environment is not the same thing as climate. So the ice caps melt. That has happened many times in the paleontological record. The last time it happened at both poles is an estimated 18 to 20,000 years ago, long before humankind was any kind of factor in any environment. The arctic has been ice free numerous times since then. If the ice didn't melt from time to time we would all be up to our hoohaws in ice.

That humans build their cities next to the ocean or on flood plains or on top of earthquake producing faults or in wildfire prone areas or at the foot of volcanoes, etc. just means that they are willing to ignore or be ignorant of or accept the risks that come from inevitable weather, shifting of the Earth's tectonic plates, inevitable climate change. And many millions more people and structures occupying those areas means the damage from naturally occurring Earth events will be much more severe than it once was.

It doesn't mean that climate change is somehow significantly different than what it has always been.
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