48% of U.S. say govt should restrict false info even if it means losing freedoms

Do you trust Pew Research?

I dont
Sitting in church studying the back of the man's head in front of them. Mother Jones news. Preach a bloody sermon on Sunday, and then they're going in for an abortion on the advice and consent of celibate homosexual priests.
No one spreads more false information than the NAZIs who want the government deciding what truth is. What could possibly more damaging than totalitarianism? That's what you're proposing, moron. You're the one pushing fake news.

Yes, we know who you are.
I agree. The tRumplings must be stopped at any cost.
I have a better idea.

Make news outlets and "facts" from sources be responsible for providing sources, unedited versions of all their stories online, unedited footage they take clips from available online. If they do lie or mislead then they should be punished and so on.

And leave our freedoms alone.

It seems more and more people think we need to lose freedoms "for our own good". Some people think losing freedoms for covid is ok, we lost some freedoms with the patriot act to stop terrorists, we need to lose freedoms for the sake of others feelings now. Anytime people get mad or get scared they seem to want someone else to fix it and are willing to give up a freedom.

In this countries entire history Everytime we ever lost a right or a freedom it was only due to this one simple fact. The people allowed our government to take it from us.

Everyone is always worried about what our enemies will do to us from outside. But let me tell you, the people who would most easily, most readily and most quickly would hurt us is ourselves and we're already here. This country won't be ruined by outside forces, it will be ruined by our own government and we will let them do it "for our own good".

Wouldn't the government be the first victim? Nobody puts out more false information than they do.

No because the government will be the ones to valiantly and bravely and tirelessly be the ones protecting us from false information in order to protect all the citizens and our great country. (In other words they will protect us from ourselves and everyone else while still saying whatever they want).
Don't worry your little head, kiddo. You're out of your depth.
All we have to do is stop the National Enquirer approach of the media now. Stelter, Reid, and all the rest are sickening and obviously shills. They have damaged us all. And need to be held accountable. And their families and extended families.
An example is the likely fact that the commie virus did not originate in a bat, but in a pig from North America. Once following this trajectory, POSPOTUS’s Maryland comes into view which bat studies there are just as interesting as those of Mojiang mine, Yunnan. The way to democratic socialist fascism is with the control of information, because having not accepted pigs as most ancient ancestor of C-19, everything that follows may make perfectly good sense.
Good example of the kind of insanity that this thread is about
That's because some dirty, underhanded, bastards are abusing our freedoms to push fake news and crazy conspiracy theories.

Yes, we do know who these people are but you don't. The Democrats put out more dirty fake news during the Trump administration than could ever be fully accounted for. It was all propagated by the MSM, social media and on boards like this. I am not saying we should ban it, I am saying let the people sort it out. If we as a nation are too dumb not to see some of this stuff then we get what we deserve. Based on what many post here regarding Russia, Trump supporting white supremacy, etc. I am not confident in the overall intellect of the populous. As evidenced by the last election cycle, only one side's "propaganda" was banned, while the other wasn't. Opinions, spin and actual facts were banned, but only on one side. That should not happen in a free country.
All we have to do is stop the National Enquirer approach of the media now. Stelter, Reid, and all the rest are sickening and obviously shills. They have damaged us all. And need to be held accountable. And their families and extended families.
Lol, the national enquirer is on your team, son.
Yes, we do know who these people are but you don't. The Democrats put out more dirty fake news during the Trump administration than could ever be fully accounted for. It was all propagated by the MSM, social media and on boards like this. I am not saying we should ban it, I am saying let the people sort it out. If we as a nation are too dumb not to see some of this stuff then we get what we deserve. Based on what many post here regarding Russia, Trump supporting white supremacy, etc. I am not confident in the overall intellect of the populous. As evidenced by the last election cycle, only one side's "propaganda" was banned, while the other wasn't. Opinions, spin and actual facts were banned, but only on one side. That should not happen in a free country.
Irony can be fun!
Do you trust Pew Research?

I dont

they are just an extension of the democrat party pushing the lib agenda

they even employ their own in-house trained seals for their “random” polls


To examine Americans’ attitudes toward restricting false information online, Pew Research Center surveyed 11,178 U.S. adults from July 26 to Aug. 8, 2021.

Everyone who completed the survey is a member of the Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP), an online survey panel that is recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses.


How kool is that, huh?

Republicans demand that the government lie to them. They only want to be told things they agree with, whether they're true or not.

I have zero patience for liars, and anyone I catch lying to me is gone from my life, but Republicans not only allow people to lie to them, they actually demand it. They turned FOX News off when it called the election for Joe Biden. It was WRONG to do that. They want to be told Trump won.

That's just how dumb Republicans are. They want the freedom to have everyone lie to them and tell them what they WANT to hear.
Republicans demand that the government lie to them. They only want to be told things they agree with, whether they're true or not.

I have zero patience for liars, and anyone I catch lying to me is gone from my life, but Republicans not only allow people to lie to them, they actually demand it. They turned FOX News off when it called the election for Joe Biden. It was WRONG to do that. They want to be told Trump won.

That's just how dumb Republicans are. They want the freedom to have everyone lie to them and tell them what they WANT to hear.
You post that as if you think your canadian opinion matters

which it does not
1st Amendment 2.0

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, unless there's a pandemic; or abridging the freedom of speech, unless you're denying there's a pandemic, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, except during a pandemic, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
You Karens love to restrict our Liberties, don't you?

Is the freedom to be lied to that important to you? Is it really necessary that you be told what you want to hear over the truth?

Or is it because YOU'RE one of the people misleading Americans and lying to them and you don't want to lose the ability to lie to and mislead Americans?

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